scholarly journals Investigation of the Pregnant Women Desire to Choose the Type of Anesthesia during Cesarean Section in Imam Khomeini Hospital, Sari, Iran, in 2017

Background: Type of anesthesia during elective cesarean is very important and is chosen according to the decision of the specialist as well as the mother’s desire. This study aimed to determine the rate and associated factors of choosing general or regional (spinal and epidural) anesthesia among pregnant women who underwent elective cesarean in hospitals of Northern Iran in 2017. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study included the pregnant women referred to the hospitals in Sari with indications for both kinds of anesthesia. The reasons for choosing the type of anesthesia were asked and collected in a researcher-made checklist. The collected data were described and analyzed using SPSS software (version 24) through the Chi-square or Fisher's exact tests and Logistic regression. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Out of 384 pregnant women who participated in the study, 60% and 40% of the cases chose general and regional anesthesia, respectively. Fear of spinal cord damage (64.3%) and fear of observing and hearing in the operation room (53.3%) were the most reasons for the rejection of the regional methods of anesthesia. However, the fear of not waking up (54.3%) and being interested in seeing the baby during childbirth (40.7%) were the main reasons for choosing spinal anesthesia. Most of the women who had experienced regional anesthesia selected this procedure in the current operation (53%), while general anesthesia was chosen by women without previous history of regional anesthesia (62%). Conclusion: Although most of the pregnant women selected general anesthesia, the reasons for rejecting the spinal method were mainly non-scientific and could be managed with maternal education.

Leny Leny

ABSTRACT Prenatal care is health care by health personnel to care the pregnant according to standards. Worlrd Health Organization (WHO) estimates more than 500.000 women die during pregnancy or childbirth. Maternal mortality in Indonesia is 307 per 100,000 live births. The quantity of pregnant women’s visit in Kabupaten Banyuasin in 2009 of 89.1%. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between education and occupation with prenatal care at Puskesmas Mariana  Kecamatan Banyuasin I Kabupaten Banyuasin in 2011. This study uses analytic approach survey by Cross Sectional methods, the population are 1.946 pregnant women and the samples as many as 332 people. The results of univariate analysis study of pregnant women who are higher education as much as 45.2%, and  low maternal education as much as 54.8%. In pregnant women who work of 43.4%, and pregnant women who do not work for 56.6%. From the results of bivariate analysis and Chi-Square statistical tests found a significant association between education of pregnant women with prenatal care with P Value = 0.000, and there was a significant association between occupation of pregnant women with prenatal care with P Value = 0.000. Can be concluded that there is a relationship between education and occupation of pregnant women with prenatal care. Expected to health workers to provide counseling on the importance of prenatal care in pregnant women and expected future studies may explore again the factors associated with prenatal care with the different variables.   ABSTRAK Pemeriksaan kehamilan adalah pelayanan kesehatan oleh tenaga kesehatan untuk memeriksakan ibu hamil sesuai standar. World Health Organization (WHO) memperkirakan lebih dari 500.000 ibu pertahunnya meninggal saat hamil atau bersalin. AKI di Indonesia 307 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Jumlah kunjungan ibu hamil di Kabupaten Banyuasin tahun 2009 sebesar 89,1%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pendidikan dan pekerjaan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan di Puskesmas Mariana Kecamatan Banyuasin I Kabupaten Banyuasin tahun  2011. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, populasi ibu hamil dengan jumlah 1.946 orang dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 332 orang. Hasil penelitian Analisa Univariat adalah ibu hamil yang pendidikan tinggi sebanyak 45,2%, dan pendidikan rendah ibu hamil sebanyak 54,8%. Pada variabel pekerjaan ibu hamil yang bekerja sebesar 43,4%, dan ibu hamil yang tidak bekerja sebesar 56,6%. Dari hasil analisa bivariat dan uji statistik Chi-Square  didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara pendidikan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan  P Value = 0,000, dan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pekerjaan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan P Value = 0,000. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pendidikan dan pekerjaan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan. Diharapkan kepada petugas kesehatan agar dapat memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya pemeriksaan pada ibu hamil dan diharapkan penelitian yang akan datang dapat menggali lagi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan variabel yang berbeda.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 310-315
Juniar Eka Budiyani ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Ledy Octaviani Iqmy

ABSTRACT  Background Pre eclampsia is hypertension that occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy accompanied by proteinuria. Based on Mangunang Kotaagung's Regional General Hospital, Mangunang Kota Agung itself obtained data from 1 January 2017 to 30 April 2019, there were 84 cases of preeclampsia from 677 cases who entered the Midwifery Hospital in Batin Mangunang, Agung City.  The Purpose of the study was the relationship between the risk factors of pregnant women and the incidence of preeclampsia and eclampsia in the Batin Mangunang Hospital in the Great City of Tanggamus Regency in 2019.  MethodsThis type of research is quantitative analytical research with a cross sectional approach. This population is all pregnant women who experienced preeclampsia as many as 54 cases for cases and 54 samples for control because this study uses a comparison of cases 1: 1. the sampling technique used is total sampling. Data collection using observation sheet and data analysis used is univariate and bivariate using the chi-square test.  The results showed that the frequency distribution of non-risk age was 66 people (61.1%), non-risky parity as many as 60 people (55.6%), respondents with a history of non-risky diseases as many as 81 people (75.0%), risky education (SD, SMP) as many as 54 people (50.0%), risk antenatal care as many as 55 people (50.9%), the incidence of preeclampsia cases as many as 54 people (50%), while respondents with preeclampsia control as many as 54 people (50%),  CoclusionThere is a relationship between risk factors for pregnant women based on age pvalue = 0.001, parity pvalue = 0.012 and antenatal service pvalue = 0.007 with the incidence of pre eclampsia, there is no relationship between risk factors for pregnant women based on maternal education p value = 0.847 and history of chronic disease 182, with the incidence of pre-eclampsia. Suggestion Can be used as knowledge, information, and references in subsequent studies related to factors related to the incidence of preeclampsia in labor by adding different variables and adding the number of samples with primary data.  Keywords: risk factors for preeclamptic events  ABSTRAK   Latar Belakang Pre eklampsia adalah hipertensi yang timbul setelah 20 minggu kehamilan disertai dengan proteinuria. Data Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Batin Mangunang Kota Agung Periode 1 Januari 2017 sampai dengan 30 April 2019 terdapat  84 pasien dengan kasus preeklampsia dari 677 kasus yang masuk ke Ruang Kebidanan RSUD Batin Mangunang Kota Agung.  Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui  hubungan Antara Faktor Resiko Ibu Hamil dengan kejadian preeklamsi dan eklamsia Di RSUD Batin Mangunang  Kota Agung Kabupaten Tanggamus Tahun 2019.  Metode Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi ini adalah semua ibu hamil yang mengalami preeklampsi sebanyak 54 kasus untuk kasus dan 54 sampel untuk kontrol karena penelitian ini menggunakan perbandingan kasus 1:1.teknik sampling yang digunakan total sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan lembar observasi dan analisa data yang digunakan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa Distribusi frekuensi usia tidak berisiko sebanyak 66 orang (61,1%), paritas yang tidak berisiko sebanyak 60 orang (55.6%), responden dengan riwayat penyakit yang tidak berisiko sebanyak 81 orang (75,0%), pendidikan berisisiko (SD, SMP) sebanyak 54 orang (50.0%), pelayanan antenatal berisiko sebanyak 55 orang (50,9%), kejadian preeklampsia kasus sebanyak 54 orang (50%), sedangkan responden dengan preeklampsia kontrol sebanyak 54 orang (50%),  Kesimpulan Ada hubungan antara Faktor resiko ibu hamil berdasarkan umur pvalue = 0,001, paritas pvalue = 0,012 dan pelayanan antenatal pvalue= 0,007 dengan Kejadian pre eklamsia, tidak ada hubungan antara Faktor resiko ibu hamil berdasarkan pendidikan ibu pvalue = 0,847 dan riwayat Penyakit kronik pada ibu  pvalue = 182, dengan Kejadian pre eklamsia.  Saran Dapat dijadikan sebagai pengetahuan, informasi, dan referensi dalam penelitian selanjutnya terkait faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia pada persalinan dengan menambahkan varibel yang berbeda dan menambahkan jumlah sampel dengan data primer.  Kata Kunci : Faktor Risiko kejadian preeklampsi  

Wahyu Ida Muliana Wahyu Ida Muliana

ABSTRACT Hyperemesis Gravidarum marked excessive nausea and vomiting in pregnant women at a young age. WHO estimates that 536,000 women died from direct complications of pregnancy and childbirth. One complication of pregnancy is Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Hyperemesis Gravidarum in the world has been estimated to occur in 1-2% of pregnant. According to data from the Medical Record of Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang Hospital, the incidence of Hyperemesis Gravidarum in 2011 there were 72 people of 661 pregnant women. The purpose of this reseach was to determine the relationship between maternal age and parity with Hyperemesis Gravidarum in Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang Hospital 2011. The Design of this reseach used Cross Sectional by analytic approach survey. The population of this reseach are all of mother who gestational ≤ 16 weeks (four months) in the Installation of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang Hospital in January to December of 2011 with the sample of 661 people which taken by systematic random sampling and the reseach was conducted from 17 April to 24 April 2012.  Each variable that was observed in tests using Chi-Square test with a (0.05).  The results of this study showed that 5.9% of mothers with hyperemesis gravidarum, 21.8% of mothers with high risk age, and 30.0% primigravida. Chi-Square test showed no significant relationship between age (p value = 0.000) and parity (p value = 0.000) with the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum. Expected to the Hospital to be implemented properly instructed how to provide counseling to pregnant women about pregnancy and childbirth, as well as provide confidence that the nausea and vomiting is a symptom of physiology in pregnancy.   ABSTRAK Hiperemesis Gravidarum ditandai mual dan muntah yang berlebihan terjadi pada ibu hamil di usia muda. WHO memperkirakan 536.000 perempuan meninggal dunia akibat langsung dari komplikasi kehamilan dan persalinan. Salah satu komplikasi kehamilan adalah Hiperemesis Gravidarum. Insiden Hiperemesis Gravidarum di dunia telah diperkirakan terjadi pada 1-2% wanita hamil. Menurut data dari Medical Record Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang, angka kejadian Hiperemesis Gravidarum pada tahun 2011 terdapat 72 orang dari 661 ibu hamil. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur dan paritas ibu dengan kejadian Hiperemesis Gravidarum pada ibu di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang tahun 2011. Desain Penelitian ini menggunakan survei analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah dengan umur kehamilan ≤ 16 minggu (4 bulan) yang pernah dirawat inap di Instalasi Kebidanan dan Penyakit Kandungan Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang pada bulan Januari-Desember tahun 2011 dengan jumlah sample 661 orang yang diambil secara systematic Random Sampling (secara acak sistematis) dan penelitian ini dilakukan dari tanggal 17 April sampai dengan 24 April 2012. Masing-masing variabel yang diteliti di uji dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Square dengan a (0,05). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 5,9% ibu mengalami hiperemesis gravidarum, 21,8% ibu dengan umur resiko tinggi, dan 30,0% ibu primigravida. Uji Chi-Square menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur (p value = 0,000) dan paritas (p value = 0,000) dengan kejadian hiperemesis gravidarum. Diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi pihak Rumah Sakit agar dilaksanakan penyuluhan dengan cara memberikan konseling terhadap ibu hamil tentang kehamilan dan persalinan, serta memberikan keyakinan bahwa mual muntah merupakan gejala fisiologi pada kehamilan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 320
Farhati Farhati ◽  
Riska Resmana ◽  
Dian Nurhadianti

<p>Low consumption of vegetables and fruit causes an increased risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The results showed that the majority of pregnant women (52.9%) rarely consume vegetables and fruit in sufficient quantities as recommended. Therefore, it is necessary to provide education about the importance of vegetables and fruits consumption, one of which is through the Information Motivation Behavioral Skill (IMB) approach. This study aims to determine the effect of health education with the Information Motivation Behavior Skill (IMB) approach to increasing knowledge and consumption patterns of vegetables and fruits in pregnant women. This research is a quasi-experimental study with pre-post test design with control groups conducted in pregnant women in the city of Bandung with 60 samples using the observation sheet and questionnaire instruments. Data analysis used the chi-square test. The result of this study indicates that there are significant differences in knowledge and patterns of consumption of vegetables and fruit in pregnant women between the control and treatment groups with a p-value&lt;0.05. Information Motivation Behavior Skill (IMB) Health Education Model approach has a role in increasing the knowledge and consumption patterns of vegetables and fruits in pregnant women.</p>

Kavita Kunhipurayil ◽  
Manissha Srivastav

Background: Child health and growth deteriorate as a result of inadequate quantities and frequencies of complementary feeding.Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in urban field practice area of a tertiary medical college hospital among 280 children by systematic random sampling method. Children belonging to 12-23 months were included while sick child, children whose mother/guardian did not give consent were excluded.Results: The proportion of children who met the minimum dietary diversity (MDD) and minimum meal frequency (MMF) were 52.8 % (95% CI) and 52% (95% CI), respectively. Out of 280 children, 90 i.e. (32.1 %) children had achieved the recommended Minimum acceptable diet (MAD). Maternal education (Chi square value=11.2; CI 95%); socioeconomic status (Chi square value=57.4; CI 95%) were positively associated with dietary diversity. Higher percentage of male children (44.8 %) achieved minimum acceptable diet as compared to female children (20.5%); (chi square value=18.8, CI 95%). The percentage of children receiving MDD and MMF was more among children of higher socioeconomic class (p value 0.0001) and from nuclear family (p value=0.45). The birth order of the child was inversely related to the attainment of MAD. (p value=0.0001).Conclusions: Results of the study strongly suggest that poor dietary diversity and meal frequency is associated with numerous factors and their interplay is a multitude of combinations rather than a single cause.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (T2) ◽  
pp. 115-118
Nofita Setiorini Futri Purwanto ◽  
Masni Masni ◽  
M. Nadjib Bustan

BACKGROUND: Chronic energy deficiency (CED) is a condition of malnutrition of pregnant women which have an advanced impact in the form of health problems and complications in the mother and baby. For this reason, it is necessary to work toward prevention by knowing the socioeconomic influence on CED. AIM: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of socioeconomics on the incidence of CED in pregnant women. METHODS: This research is observational analytic with case–control research design. A sample of 99 pregnant women was taken from the working area of the Sudiang Raya Health Center. This sample consisted of 33 case groups of mothers with CED and 66 control groups of pregnant women who did not suffer from CED who had met the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. Data were analyzed using analysis Chi-square and multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: The results showed that maternal occupation (p = 0.018; odds ratio [OR] = 6.091; confidence interval [CI] 95% 1.367–27.133) was significant for CED, whereas that education (p = 0.213; OR = 0.593; CI 95% 0.260–1.351) and income (p = 0.576; OR = 0.733; 95% CI 0.247–2.179) are not significant to CED. Based on multivariate analysis we found that the most influential factor was occupation (adjusted OR = 11.734, CI 95% 1.253–109.91). CONCLUSION: Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that work affects the CED in pregnant women, while maternal education and income have no effect on CED in pregnant women. Occupation is the most influential factor on the CED, women who do not work have a risk of 11.734 times experiencing CED compared to women who work.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Uliyatul Laili

Analysis of factors Affecting The Participant Pregnant Women Gymnactics in BPS Nina Surabaya. Pregnant women should get treatment during pregnancy. Treatment during pregnancy or antenatal care can be done via examination of pregnancy, pregnancy exercise, nutrition and other compliance requirements. Pregnancy exercise is an exercise undertaken to prepare and train the muscles so that it can be used to function optimally in a normal delivery.This study uses an analytical method with cross sectional design prospective. Sampling using total sampling technique. The independent variable is education, parity and maternal knowledge, while the dependent variable is exclusive breastfeeding. Data were analyzed using chi square test.The results showed a correlation between age and support of husband / family with the participation of pregnant women during pregnancy exercise with a p-value of <0.05, whereas for education and parity are not related to the participation of pregnant women against pregnancy exercise with a value of p>0.05.The conclusions of this study are the factors that influence the participation of pregnant women during pregnancy exercise is aged and the support of husband / family.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (A) ◽  
pp. 1019-1023
Salma Salma ◽  
Veni Hadju ◽  
Jamaluddin Jompa ◽  
Stang Stang ◽  
Sundari Sundari ◽  

BACKGROUND: The prevalence of anemic pregnant women is still reasonably high, especially in low-middleincome countries. AIM: This study was aimed to assess the effect of giving red seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) biscuits on changes in hemoglobin (Hb) levels and body weight of pregnant women in the first trimester. METHODS: The study used a quasi-experiment pretest-posttest study design. The study was conducted from April to June 2021 involving pregnant women in the first trimester who living in the working area of the Wapunto Community Health Center, Muna Regency, Indonesia. A total of 45 pregnant women were selected purposively and assigned to three different groups. The first group was given two pieces of red seaweed biscuits per day. The second group was given two pieces of red seaweed biscuits plus Fe tablets (60 mg/day), and the last group was given Fe tablet only (60 mg/day). Chi-square, paired sample t-test, Wilcoxon, and Kruskal–Wallis tests were performed using SPSS. RESULTS: The intervention group of red seaweed biscuits plus Fe tablets had the highest increase in Hb levels after 8 weeks of intervention, followed by the red seaweed biscuit group and the control group (0.97, 0.78, and 0.60 g/dL, respectively, p-value < 0.05). The red seaweed biscuit intervention group had the highest changes for body weight compared to the red seaweed biscuit plus Fe tablet group and the control group (1.07, 0.43, and 0.04 kg, respectively). CONCLUSION: The provision of red seaweed biscuits could increase maternal Hb level and weight during the first trimester of their pregnancy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-105
Dewi Sartika Siagian ◽  
Sara Herlina

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding and mother's education on infant development. This research is a quantitative observational analytic with cross sectional design. The results of univariate analysis show that most babies get exclusive breastfeeding as many as 46 people (55.4%), low education as many as 56 people (67.5%) and most of the normal development of 47 people ( 56.6%). The results of bivariate analysis of exclusive breastfeeding for infant development by chi square test obtained P value <0,000. Conclusions, there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding on infant development and bivariate analysis of maternal education on infant development. There is a relationship between mother's education and infant development. Keywords: Exclusive ASI, Mother's Education, Infant Development

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Dian Irawati ◽  
Agustin Dwi Syalfina

Objectives: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is closely related to maternal care. MMR in Indonesia based on the 2015 IDHS is 359 per 100,000 live births. By increasing the utilization of MCH handbooks, MMR would be decline. Therefore, this research investigated the relationship between of the utilization of MCH handbooks and attitudes pregnant women regarding pregnancy and childbirth complications.Materials and Methods: We conducted a cross sectional research with 54 pregnant women during March - June 2018 at the Sooko Health Center, Mojokerto. The independent variable was the utilization of MCH handbooks and the dependent variable was the attitude of pregnan women regarding pregnancy and childbirth complications. Data analysis included descriptive and bivariate analysis.Results: The results showed that 79.6% of respondents used the MCH handbook well. The results of the chi square analysis test showed a p value of 0.027 (<0.05).Conclusion: MCH handbook utilization effected the attitude of pregnant women regarding the complication of pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women who read and utilize MCH handbook would be have better alertness about the risk of complication so they would make the right decision for their pregnancy.

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