scholarly journals Job Description of Community Police Officers of the National Police of Ukraine

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-96
V. I. Barko ◽  
V. V. Barko

The authors have studied the problems of theoretical principles and methodical tools of carrying out professional research at the National Police of Ukraine, in particular, the issue of developing a job description of community police officers. It has been demonstrated that job descriptions represent a complete description of the specifics of a particular profession, they reveal the content of professional work, as well as the requirements that a profession brings to a person; this is a document that provides a comprehensive, systematic and comprehensive description of the objective characteristics of the profession and the totality of its requirements to individual and psychological features of a man. An important part of the job description is a psychic profile containing a complete description of the actual psychological characteristics and professionally important personal qualities of specialists. Theoretical bases and structure of the experimental process of professional research have been provided; the possibilities of using some of its methods and means for the development of a modern professional profile of community police officers have been revealed. It has been emphasized that scientifically substantiated professional research of professional police activity will create favorable conditions for increasing the efficiency of professional selection of personnel and appointment of police officers, will promote more efficient use of personnel potential of police units, enable improvement of training, retraining and professional development of police officers, rationalization of working conditions, reduction of morbidity, etc. Based on a broad pilot study involving police officers from 25 regions of the state, the authors have established a list of the main professional qualities of community police officer, have defined qualitative and quantitative psychological and psycho-physiological indicators recommended for professional activity, the authors have also established psychological and psycho-physiological contraindications to the professional activity of community police officers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 76 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
O. I. Bezpalova

The author has emphasized on the importance of strengthening the institutional capacity of local self-government agencies to address their challenges, including in the field of public safety, in particular by strengthening local security infrastructure. It has been stated that the urgent issue of the present time is to update the tools of interaction between the local population and the police to achieve a common goal – to ensure public order and safety at the regional level focused on the needs of citizens. It has been emphasized that it is currently important to use the positive foreign experience of organizing the work of the police agencies and units. On the basis of studying this experience it is advisable to implement pilot projects aimed at creating a safe environment for citizens, which should implement effective local security infrastructure. To this end, the project “Community Police Officer” was launched in 2019 as part of the reform of the National Police in Ukraine. Particular attention has been paid to the fact that the main purpose of the project “Community Police Officer” is to ensure close cooperation between police officers and amalgamated community, where police activities are primarily focused on the needs of the community. It has been argued that a characteristic feature of the project “Community Police Officer” is the focus on the introduction of a qualitatively and meaningfully new format of policing, where the needs of the community, local population should be in priority, which should be studied and ensured by keeping constant contacts between police officers and local population. The main innovations of this project have been analyzed. The powers of the community police officer and the district police officer have been differentiated. The key stages of the project “Community Police Officer” have been outlined. Specific features of training community police officers have been characterized, since it directly affects the effectiveness of their duties and the state of public order and safety within a particular amalgamated community. The peculiarities of evaluating the effectiveness of the community police officer’s work have been revealed. The author has emphasized on the importance of developing Regulations on the organization of community police officers’ work and developing an effective mechanism for elaborating the training programs for community police officers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 7-15
Dmytro Shvets ◽  
Vadym Barko ◽  
Yuliia Boiko-Buzyl ◽  

The article highlights the results of the study of psychological features of interpersonal interaction of district officers of the National Police of Ukraine. A district police officer, like every police officer, in the process of professional activity performs important law enforcement functions to ensure security, respect for rights and freedoms, on the basis of partnership and police care, so close contact with citizens and colleagues, so his communicative potential depends on the success of official tasks. The ability to communicate with people, establish psychological contact, overcome barriers to communication, listen, listen and hear, answer questions, influence, provide and obtain the necessary information, etc., determine not only the quality of work of a police officer in general, but also efficiency activities of the National Police of Ukraine in general. The presented study of interpersonal communication of police officers is based on the use of two recognized psychodiagnostic methods, namely the interrogation questionnaire for interpersonal interaction T. Leary and the abbreviated version of the questionnaire of the Big Five in the adaptation of O. John, L. Naumann, S. Soto. In general, the selected questionnaires allowed to determine the professional features of communication of district police officers in the vectors of extroversion and introversion, friendliness and aggression, dominance and dependence. The profile of a district police officer has been found to combine wall and hyposthenic characteristics, allowing them to combine stern, masculine traits and patterns of behavior in interpersonal relationships with milder, emotionally benevolent manifestations. Personal characteristics such as honesty, extroversion, moderate flexibility, openness to new experiences, low levels of neuroticism indicate that district police officers tend to have a mixed type of response in the process of interpersonal interaction. It has been proven that the use of questionnaires provides an objective and comprehensive description of the style of interpersonal behavior of police officers, which will improve the quality of professional selection of police officers, increase the efficiency of teamwork and increase public confidence in the police.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4(106)) ◽  
pp. 152-157
А. С. Cмик

The relevance of the article is that the social security of employees of the National Police of Ukraine is not only a system of special, legally defined legal guarantees, but a set of mechanisms for their practical implementation. Medical care, as an important part of state support for the professional activity of police officers, is activated through various institutional levers, but, most importantly, the latter is the prerogative of the activities of specially authorized entities. The article, based on the analysis of the current legislation, presents the whole array of participants in legal relations arising in the field of medical care for employees of the National Police of Ukraine. The specifics of their functions, powers and tasks are analyzed. The subjects of medical care of policemen are classified with their division into three groups: central subjects; coordinating or intermediate subjects of medical care; target entities. The affiliation of health care facilities to the third classification group is substantiated. It was found that the subjects of medical care for police officers are a set of public authorities and their officials who are entrusted with special rights, responsibilities, tasks and functions in the field of organization, provision and implementation of medical care for police officers. It is determined that the central subjects of medical care for police officers - the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine - are the main active bodies, which are the highest representatives of state power in our country. In the field of medical care for police officers, these entities: first, are responsible for the formation of legislation in the field of the National Police, as well as social guarantees for its employees; secondly, form a health policy that sets standards for health care for the population, including the police; thirdly, determine the priority ways of development of the health care and medical care sector; fourth, monitor the implementation of national policies in the field of health and medical care.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Зоряна Ковальчук

У статті теоретично обґрунтовано та емпірично доведено вплив особистісних властивостей на формування професійної деформації працівників ризиконебезпечних професій, зокрема слідчих та опе­рупов­новажених підрозділів національної поліції України. Зазначено, що професійно важливі якості у фахівця розвиваються під час тривалої професійної діяльності, а разом з тим працівник набуває й інших якостей, які деформують особистість. Отже, у процесі професійного становлення відбувається і розвиток різно­манітних професійних деструкцій. З метою виявлення деформаційних процесів працівників правоохоронних ор­ганів різних підрозділів та визначення шляхів їх профілактики авторка провела емпіричне дослідження, ви­­користавши низку психодіагностичних методик, зокрема, «Визначення психічного вигорання» О. О. Ру­ка­виш­­нікова, «Визначення інтегральних форм комунікативної агресивності» В. В. Бойка, «Вивчення ін­те­граль­них акцентуацій особистості» К. Леонгарда, модифікація С. Шмішека, «Особистісний опитувальник» Г. Айзен­ка, опитувальник «Професійне вигорання» (К. Маслач, С. Джексон, адаптовано Н. Є. Водоп’яно­вою). Кореляційний аналіз показав, що у слідчих виявлено професійне «вигорання», пов’язане з психо­емо­ційним виснаженням, особистісним віддаленням, професійною мотивацією, спонтанністю агресії, екст­ра­версією-інтроверсією, редукцією персональних досягнень. В оперуповноважених професійне «вигорання» пов’язане з деперсоналізацією, екстраверсією-інтроверсією, невмінням переключати агресію на діяльність або неживі об’єкти, особистісним віддаленням, ритуалізацією агресії, аутоагресією та емоційним висна­жен­ням. Перспектива досліджень полягає у розробці рекомендацій щодо кадрового відбору на вищевказані професії з урахуванням особистісних властивостей претендентів на посади та профілактиці й вико­рис­танні корекційних методів з метою зниження рівня професійного «вигорання» серед працівників полі­цейських підрозділів та інших ризиконебезпечних професій In the article the author substantiates theoretically and proves empirically the influence of personal qualities on the formation of professional deformation of employees of risky professions, particularly investigators and detectives of the National Police of Ukraine. It is ndicated that professionally important qualities of a specialist are developed during a long professional activity, and  at the same time the employee acquires some other qualities that deform the person. Thus, the development of various professional destructions takes place during professional formation. In order to detect the deformation processes of law enforcement officers of different units and determine the ways of their prevention the author conducted an empirical study using a number of psychodiagnostic techniques, such as: "Definition of mental burnout" (O. Rukavishnikov), "Definition of integral forms of communicative aggressiveness" (V. Boyko), "Study of the integral accentuations of a personality" (K. Leonhard, modification of S. Shmyshek), "Personality questionnaire" (G. Eysenk), Questionnaire "Professional burnout" (K. Maslach, S. Jackson, adapted by N. Vodopyanovа). Correlation analysis showed that there was a professional "burnout" in the investigators associated with psychoemotional exhaustion, personal distance, professional motivation, spontaneity of aggression, extraversion-introversion, reduction of personal achievements. Detectives’ professional burnout is associated with depersonalization, extraversion-introversion, inability to switch aggression over activity or inanimate objects, personal distance, ritualization of aggression, auto-aggression and emotional exhaustion. The author expects the prospect of research in developing recommendations on personnel selection for the above-mentioned professions, taking into consideration the personal qualities of applicants for positions and the prevention and use of corrective methods aiming to reduce the level of professional burnout among police officers and other risky professions.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4(106)) ◽  
pp. 192-199
М. О. Щербина

In the article, the author examines the administrative and legal status of a community police officer. It is emphasized that the radical change of legal relations has led to the transformation of the legal status of their participants, in particular, the administrative and legal status of the National Police. It is determined that the main subjects in the field of providing police services for public safety and order should include a community police officer. It is claimed that the administrative and legal status individualizes the position of any unit of the National Police, in this case community police officers, as it determines not only their rights and responsibilities, but also tasks and functions, organizational structure, competence. It is noted that rights are the interests of a certain subject of administrative and legal relations, which consist in the use and free disposal of social goods and values, as well as allow the enjoyment of fundamental freedoms within the limits established by law. Accordingly, a duty is a set of obligations of one subject of administrative law in relation to others, which is a certain organic necessity that reconciles personal and public interests. Rights and responsibilities as complex elements of administrative and legal status distinguish its integral component, without any of the elements of which it cannot exist. It has been proven that a community police officer is a police officer who is focused on solving the security problems of his or her local community. It is proposed to define the administrative and legal status of a community police officer as a set of administrative and legal norms that establish tasks and functions, organizational structure, powers, forms of responsibility and competence. The characteristics of the administrative and legal status of a community police officer include: his position in the hierarchy of the National Police, the issue of subordination; purpose, tasks and functions; directions, forms, methods of activity.

2020 ◽  
pp. 235-249
Zoryana KISIL ◽  
Roman-Volodymyr KISIL

The article states that despite the variety of permanent attempts to investigate the phenomenon of professional deformation of police officers, and despite the considerable amount of scientific research devoted to the study of various manifestations of this phenomenon, there is no commonly accepted opinion among scientists about the determinants of its occurrence, therefore there are differences in the concept of this phenomenon itself. It is defined that professional deformation signs begin to appear in the personality, and then they are displayed in the professional activity and communication with the closest people through the behavior. The theoretical and practical analysis of manifestations of professional deformation of a person is carried out, legal and psychological, methodological and pragmatic approaches to studying the terminology concepts that describe the essential content of personal determinants of the development of professional deformation of a personality are synthesized and grounded. It is indicated that professional deformation is a completely different socio-psychological phenomenon — namely, the emergence of certain individual psychological changes that arise from professional activity and affect the quality of its fulfilment. The research of professional deformation of a personality is a sufficiently urgent problem, solution of which is of considerable interest, both in theoretical and applied senses. Professionalization of an individual in the period of performing the job duties is related to both the development of professionally important qualities, and the development of skills that adversely affect its activity. It is established that this phenomenon is a complex social, legal and psychological problem, for a thorough study of which it is necessary to use a systematic approach, which along with the general legal methods equally applies social and psychological and sociological methods of research. It is stated and confirmed that the officers of the National Police of Ukraine in their daily professional activities usually are influenced with various negative phenomena such as unlawful behavior, communication with typical representatives of the criminal subculture of society, dealing with law offences of various types, usual confusion determined by misconceptions and mistakes in daily routines, negative social perception of their social role and their professional activities or tasks. It was underlined that in the professional-moral sphere the professional deformation of the police officers is manifested by the lowering of the level of an adequate indication of the social, psychological and moral content of their professional tasks, the formation of a negative perception of future professional growth, the devaluation of the importance of their profession in the officer’s consciousness, the growth of egocentrism and selfishness, which in turn leads to the formal fulfilment of professional tasks as well as to the use of their professional capabilities to satisfy their personal goals; in the intellectual sphere professional deformation manifests itself in the absence of independent decision-making and furthermore, — the lack of desire for further professional education and development; stereotypical predisposition to brutal action; lack of skills in production of non-standard decisions in extreme and risky situations; unreasonably high selfishness; development of a hypertrophied self-perception of their professional abilities; in the emotional sphere professional deformation manifests itself in the «general roughening of the individual», in the restriction and misery of the emotional and psychological sphere as well as in the reduction of self-control of person’s psycho-emotional state, that leads to the increase of the level of excitability and irritability, and sometimes determines conflicts that sometimes lead to depressive states. It has been stated that the prevention of professional deformation of the officers of the National Police of Ukraine should be based on the systematic consideration of the personal, microsystem, macrosystem determinants that cause this phenomenon. In the realms where the professional deformation of National Police officers is obviously a widespread phenomenon, considerable actions towards its prevention should be made according to the certain strategy that will include a number of measures to improve the following aspects: the profession-psychological training of the personality of a policeman in the terms of teaching the policemen of basic techniques and methods of psychological support for personal security in risky and extreme situations; development of the skills of psychological preparation, that are aimed to stop illegal actions; facilitation skills. Keywords: officers of the National Police of Ukraine, professional deformation, determinants of professional deformation, mimicry strategies, special conditions of activity, extreme situations, stress factors.

Iryna Lopatynska ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of high effectiveness of active forms, methods and technologies of training police officers during educational process. The system of training police officers combines psychological, theoretical and practical aspects It is noted the important tool for the professional activity of law enforcement officers of Ukraine is the study of advanced professional experience of law enforcement agencies in Europe. As the employee of the National Police is focused on effective solving the tasks facing him, but constant psychological support and awareness of the possibility of professional development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-71
M. V. Kalashnyk

The author has accomplished the analysis of the essence of organizational and legal principles of community police officers’ activity (hereinafter – CPO), their interaction with other divisions of the National Police of Ukraine, state authorities, local self-government agencies and communities. The author has analyzed a set of tasks, functions and powers of CPO and the current state of regulatory legal provision of community police officers activity: has outlined the algorithm of actions of community police officers within the combination of functions of district police officers and patrol police officers. The author has outlined the perspectives for more effective involvement of local residents into formation of local and state security policy through new mechanisms of cooperation with local communities and civil society institutions developed by the practice of police officers of territorial communities; the author has provided a number of propositions for the development of regulatory legal documents that would regulate the activities of community police officers. The author has studied the essence of interaction of police officers and members of the community, its legal principles and forms of realization, problems of regulation of the activity of the newly created law enforcement institution. A new format of work of a district police officer, based on the principles of combining the efforts of local self-government agencies and law enforcement agencies, has been characterized. The author has defined a number of gaps in the legislative and regulatory provision of community police officers’ activities, including the establishment of effective coordination between community police officers and local communities and the elimination of existing or possible competitive interest that may arise in the process of their joint activities. The determinant of lag of performing professional activity by community police officers from the standards of similar services of the European Union countries has been defined.  

2020 ◽  
pp. 473-483
Н. О. Білевич

The urgency of the topic is that the processes of European integration in Ukraine involve increasing the competitiveness of police officers, which necessitates the definition of conditions for their professional self-realization. One of the most important indicators of professional self-realization is success in professional activities. It is difficult to define this concept, especially in relation to the professional activity of a female police officer. Her success is evaluated from different angles: society as a whole, the team with which there is interaction during the performance of professional duties, the leadership of the organization, the family. The success of professional achievements is assessed by the woman herself, first of all, it concerns the possibility of revealing her potential and its maximum realization in the professional sphere. The article is devoted to the definition of areas of psychological support for the professional activities of women police officers, aimed at promoting their successful self-realization. Various indicators of professional success are analyzed. The factors that cause the gradual accumulation of changes in the structure of professional activity and personal characteristics, which negatively affect productivity and interaction with other participants in the work process, are identified. The model of psychological support of professional activity of women police officers in the set of the following blocks is substantiated: diagnostic; psychological and pedagogical; socio-psychological; psychocorrectional. To realize their potential and succeed in any field of professional activity, women police officers must be able to gain social approval and professional status in accordance with their efforts, material security, gain a sense of self-importance and self-esteem, and maintain the commitment of their loved ones and family members. while remaining himself, without distorting his “I” and without destroying his personality. This necessitates psychological support of women’s professional activity in the National Police of Ukraine, which is aimed at solving individual and personal problems and supporting the personality of the specialist at all stages of professional self-determination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-121
V. P. Ostapovych ◽  
O. V. Davydova

The article is focused on the consideration of the motivation of police officers of the National Police of Ukraine as determinants of professional efficiency. The authors have analyzed the domestic and international experience of studying the professional motivation of police officers and the possibilities of its practical use in the system of psychological provision of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine. The levels and components of motivation, directions of its improvement have been studied. The authors have accomplished review of research on the motives for choosing a service in the police as a profession, as well as the factors of further motivation of the employees. The relationship between individual motivation, learning productivity, work and police officers’ satisfaction with the work has been traced. The role of self-motivation and self-organization in increasing the efficiency of professional activity has been determined. Motivating factors have been provided – achievement, recognition, responsibility, promotion and growth, etc., means to support motivation, as well as demotivators – stress due to internal factors, poor health and physical well-being, a negative example of employees who lost interest in the service, etc. The importance of organizational justice and personal example of the head, his awareness and attention to the factors of individual motivation and productivity of the employee for the optimization of the police activity has been substantiated. The perspective of developing diagnostic tools and development of motivation of police personnel in the field of work with psycho-technologies of diagnostic, therapeutic, normative and influential orientation has been outlined.  

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