Perencanaan Sistem Pengurangan Sampah Permukiman Bantaran Sungai Cidurian Kota Bandung

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Raka Maulana ◽  
Yulianti Pratama ◽  
Lina Apriyanti

<p>Some areas in the city of Bandung is an area that dilitasi by the flow of the river, to prevent the introduction of garbage into the river basin is necessary to note the waste management systems in residential areas along the river. Cidurian river has a length of 24.86 Km along the river flow. Consists of the city of Bandung and Bandung regency. Administrative regions Cidurian River past eight (8) districts, from the region in the District Kiaracondong precisely Village Babakan Babakan Sari and Surabaya populous and the most densely populated. Thus, there should be community-based waste management in the form of a reduction in resources to prevent potential entry of waste into the river basin. Planning waste reduction will be divided into two, namely the reduction of inorganic waste with waste bank then the reduction of organic waste with absorption holes biopori, and bio reactor mini determination of the reduction is determined by the results of the analysis of the sampling covers the composition and garbage, then the result of the measurement characteristics test and analysis results questionnaire.</p>

Hadi Fitriansyah ◽  
Maryono Maryono

Currently, there are still problems occurring in waste management activities in Pangkalpinang City. Solid waste that is scattered in the City of Pangkalpinang is caused by waste that has not been transported and handled. TPA Parit Enam's capacity, which serves solid waste in Pangkalpinang City, will decrease every year due to an overload of incoming waste generation. Currently, the City of Pangkalpinang aggressively implements a waste management policy at the source or the 3R program, including waste bank activities and waste processing at reduce, reuse and recycle (3R) landfills. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of household waste reduction activities on the current use of the Parit Enam landfill in Pangkalpinang City in each of the scenarios that were compiled. The compilation model uses Powersim Studio 2005. The dynamic analysis shows that the activities that follow the waste at the source and respect what happens in TPS 3R Pangkalpinang City can affect TPA Parit Enam's useful life and produce a suitable scenario to be applied in the waste management activities of Pangkalpinang City. Scenario C (Optimistic), the valuable life of Parit Enam Landfillreaches 2023, and scenario C (Optimistic) can reduce the amount of waste transported by 29.65% compared to scenario A (Business as Usual). Besides, the proportion of household waste reduction reached 48% at the end of the simulation year.

2018 ◽  
Vol 154 ◽  
pp. 02007 ◽  
Hijrah Purnama Putra ◽  
Enri Damanhuri ◽  
Emenda Sembiring

The change of waste management paradigm becomes an important thing to do, as a step adaptation to the increasing rate of waste generation every year in Indonesia. 100% management target has been divided into two parts, namely the reduction (30%) and waste handling (70%). Reductions focus on source limitation and 3R program optimization, whereas handling involves collecting and final processing activities. However, the current level of waste reduction is still very low (12%), the government made various efforts to increase it, one of its with the waste bank program. DIY province as a pioneer in the concept of waste bank continues to develop to increase the participation of the community, from 166 locations in 2013, increased to 792 locations in 2017 and 495 of its as the waste bank (62.5%). Average waste bank with 43 customers, able to manage the waste up to 2,078,064 kg/month, with the data can be estimated the amount of waste that can be managed in the city of Yogyakarta, Sleman and Bantul Regency. The city of Yogyakarta has 433 units of the waste bank, capable of managing waste up to 899,801.8 kg/month, Sleman Regency has 34 units of the waste bank (78.966,4 kg/month) and Bantul has 24 units of the waste bank (49.873,5 kg/month). The integration of formal and informal sectors through waste banks can increase the percentage of waste management services. The level of service in Yogyakarta City increased from 85% to 95.5%, Sleman District from 30.71 to 31%, and Bantul Regency from 7.49 to 7.7%

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Arlini Dyah Radityaningrum ◽  
Jenny Caroline ◽  
Dyah Kusuma Restianti

Pengelolaan sampah dengan konsep Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R) merupakan upaya yang efektif dalam mengurangi jumlah sampah yang masuk ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA). Program bank sampah merupakan satu alternatif pengelolaan sampah secara 3R. Bank Junk for Surabaya Clean (BJSC) merupakan satu program pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat di Surabaya dengan konsep 3R. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (i) menganalisa komposisi sampah masuk pada BJSC, (ii). menghitung keseimbangan massa sampah pada BJSC, (iii) menghitung potensi 3R sampah pada BJSC. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei, observasi, wawancara dan sampling tentang mekanisme bank sampah dan komposisi sampah yang masuk. Data dianalisa secara deskriptif kuantitatif dengan tabel dan grafik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total sampah masuk ke BJSC adalah 984,9 kg dengan komposisi sampah kertas 52,1%, sampah plastik 39,6%, sampah logam 5,6% dan sampah kaca 2,7%. Keseimbangan massa sampah pada BJSC adalah sampah masuk 984,4 kg dengan sampah tereduksi 96,5% dan sampah residu yang ke TPA 3,5 %. Potensi 3R sampah di BJSC adalah melalui kegiatan daur ulang (recycle) sampah kertas 26,3% dan sampah plastik 15,9%, sedangkan guna ulang (reuse) sampah kertas 23,7%, sampah plastik 22,2%, sampah logam 5,6% dan sampah kaca 2,7%.                                                                                     Kata kunci: bank sampah, 3R, reduksi sampah, residu sampah Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R) is an effective alternative of waste management to reduce waste residu collected to landfill. Waste bank is one alternative of waste management practicing 3R. Bank Junk for Surabaya Clean (BJSC) is a program of community based waste management with 3R concept in Surabaya. This research aimed to (i) analized waste compositions collected in BJSC, (ii) counted mass balanced of wastes in BJSC, (iii) counted the amount of wastes reduced, reused and recycled in BJSC. The data were collected with survey, observation, interview and sampling to analyze mechanism of BJSC and waste compositions in BJSC. The result showed that the wastes collected in BJSC were around 984,4 kg with 52,1% of paper, 39,6% of plastic, 5,6% of metal and 2,7% of glass. The mass balanced showed 96,5% of waste reduction and 3,5% of waste residu. The potensial of 3R activity conducted in BJSC was for 26,3% of paper recycle, 15,9% of plastic recycle, 23,7% of paper reuse, 22,2% of plastic reuse, 5,6% of metal reuse and 2,7% of glass reuse.  Keywords: bank junk, 3R, waste reduction, waste residu

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Lilik Zuhriyah ◽  
Tri Baskoro Tunggul Satoto ◽  
Hari Kusnanto

Inorganic waste management through Malang Waste Bank (BSM) is expected to reduce the risk of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). However, the number of neighborhood groups (RT) which become BSM participant varies. The problem is whether or not this variation will result in different entomology of mosquito larvae indexes. The purpose of this study is to prove the role of inorganic waste management to the risk of DHF transmission. Longitudinal survey was conducted weekly for 4 months in 2013 in six villages with the highest dengue cases in the city of Malang. Villages were classified into 3 types of membership of Malang Waste Bank (BSM). The result shows that the number of controllable containers is more than disposable container. Kruskal Wallis test mentions that the House Index (HI), Breteau Index (BI), Container Index (CI), and Density Index (DI) of the three villages are significantly different (p <0.05), while MI is not different. MI is related to all of mosquito larvae entomological indexes except with HI. Therefore, it can be concluded that the level of cleanliness of an area (MI) can be an indicator of the high index of mosquito larvae entomological indexes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Gama Pratama

Garbage is a problem that cannot be fully resolved by local governments. The local government is actually aware of this problem, but has not found an appropriate long-term solution. This research on efforts to modernize and innovate community-based waste management in Leuwimundong Village aims to 1. Obtain an overview of community-based organic and inorganic waste bank management in Leuwimunding Village, Leuwimunding District, Majalengka Regency. 2. Inventory problems in community-based waste management in Leuwimunding Village, Leuwimunding District, Majalengka Regency. 3. Provide recommendations for improving waste management through community-based waste banks in Leuwimunding Village, Leuwimunding District, Majalengka Regency This research is a qualitative descriptive, namely research that intends to describe a phenomenon. Collecting data using interview techniques, questionnaires, observation, and documentation. The data validity test used the triangulation method. The data were analyzed descriptively-qualitatively. From the results of this study, that the innovative strategy in managing rural household waste that has been carried out by the Waste Bank can run well in accordance with the objectives set in a program. Even though in carrying out these activities there are supporting and inhibiting factors that affect the implementation process, the Management is able to carry out its activities optimally. The existing supporting factors have supported the implementation of this activity properly and maintained what already exists as best as possible. Meanwhile, the current inhibiting factor which has become an obstacle to the running of an activity can be minimized by the management of the Waste Bank in Leuwimunding Village as well as possible. Minimizing barriers and increasing opportunities are the objectives of the Waste Bank activities so that existing activities can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Then gradually and continuously this program is able to produce the best output that can be emulated by the wider community and other regions, especially in terms of waste management program activities. Abstrak Sampah di menjadi masalah yang belum bisa diatasi sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah  daerah. Pemda sebenarnya menyadari masalah ini, tetapi belum menemukan solusi jangka  panjang yang tepat.  Penelitian perihal upaya modernisasi dan inovasi pengelolaan sampah berbasis  masyarakat di Desa Leuwimundong ini bertujuan untuk 1.Memperoleh gambaran  pengelolaan bank sampah organik dan anorganik berbasis masyarakat yang ada di Desa  Leuwimunding, Kecamatan Leuwimunding, Kabupaten Majalengka. 2. Menginventarisir  problematika pada pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat yang ada di Desa  Leuwimunding, Kecamatan Leuwimunding, Kabupaten Majalengka. 3. Memberikan  rekomendasi untuk menyempurnakan pengelolaan sampah melalui bank sampah berbasis  masyarakat yang ada di Desa Leuwimunding, Kecamatan Leuwimunding, Kabupaten  Majalengka  Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, yakni penelitian yang bermaksud  mendeskripsikan suatu fenomena. Pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik wawancara,  kuesioner, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan datanya memakai metode triangulasi.  Datanya dianalisis secara deskriptif-kualitatif.  Dari hasil penelitian ini, bahwa strategi inovatif dalam mengelola sampah rumah tangga  pedesaan yang telah dilakukan oleh Bank Sampah ini dapat berjalan dengan baik sesuai  dengan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan dalam suatu program tersebut. Walaupun dalam  menjalankan kegiatan tersebut terdapat faktor pendukung dan penghambat yang  mempengaruhi proses pelaksanaannya, Pengurus mampu menjalankan kegiatannya secara  maksimal. Faktor pendukung yang ada telah menunjang terlaksananya kegiatan ini dengan  baik dan mempertahankan apa yang telah ada dengan sebaik mungkin. Sedangkan faktor  penghambat yang ada saat ini yang dimana telah menjadi kendala berjalannya suatu kegiatan  ini mampu diminimalisir oleh pengurus Bank Sampah di Desa Leuwimunding dengan sebaik  mungkin. Dengan memperkecil hambatan dan memperbesar peluang merupakan tujuan dari  kegiatan Bank Sampah ini agar kegiatan yang telah berjalan mampu tercapai secara efektif  dan efisien. Kemudian secara bertahap dan berkesinambungan program ini mampu  mengeluarkan output terbaik yang dapat dicontoh oleh masyarakat luas maupun daerah - daerah lain khususnya dalam hal kegiatan program pengelolaan sampah 

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 253
Firman L. Sahwan

Dengan timbulan sampah sebesar 4.265 m3per hari, serta keterbatasan lahan Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) sampah yang dimiliki, membuat Pemkot Depok melaksanakan program pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakatskala kawasan, melalui pembangunan dan pengelolaan Unit Pengolahan Sampah (UPS). Upaya tersebut dijadikan ujung tombak program pengurangan sampah. Keberhasilan ataupun kendala dalam pengelolaan UPS, akan dikaji dengan menggunakan proses komposting sebagai parameter analisis. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan: Potensi produksi kompos yang dihasilkan UPS cukup tinggi yaitu 27,57 ton per hari. Begitu pula potensi sampah organik yang dapat dikurangi sebesar 213,5 m3per hari, setara dengan 5% timbulan sampah per hari di kota Depok. Namun, dibandingkan dengan potensinya, produksi kompos eksisting sebesar 5,099 ton per hari dan eksisting sampah organik terolah sebanyak 40,85 m3per hari,baru setara dengan 20 % dari potensi yang ada. Untuk itu, produksi kompos eksisting masih terbuka untuk ditingkatkan, melalui upaya optimalisasi potensi UPS. Sampai saat ini belum ada UPS yang sudah mandiri. Partisipasi masyarakat masih terbatas pada upaya untuk membawa dan mengumpulkan sampah, selain menjadi tenaga kerja dan koordinator pengelola di UPS. Kata kunci: Pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat skala kawasan, unit pengelolaan sampah, komposting, partisipasi masyarakat. AbstractWith waste generation of 4,265 m3 per day and limited current landfill field (TPA), Depok City Government has been implemented district scale of community-based waste management program through the development and management of Waste Processing Units (UPS). That efforts become the spearheading of waste reduction program. The successor issues in the management ofUPS, will be examined using composting as a process parameter analysis. The research concludes: Potential production of compost produced by UPS is quite high which is 27.57 tons per day. At the same time,the potential oforganic waste that can be reduced was 213.5 m3 per day, equivalent to 5% of waste generation perdayin the city of Depok. However, compared to its potential, the existing compost production is only 5,099 tonnes perday and existing organic waste processed is 40.85 m3 pe rday, which is equivalent to 20% of the existing potential. Hence, the existing compost productionis still can be improved, through the efforts of optimizing the potential of UPS. Until now, there is no independent UPS. Community participation is still limited only to efforts to bring and collect garbage,aside from being the labor and management coordinatorat UPS. Keywords: community-based waste management district scale, waste management units,composting, community participation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 149
Despa Wildawati

<p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p>Urban or settlement waste is one of the problems that needs serious attention because urban or residential waste from year to year continues to increase along with the population growth rate. The purpose of this study was to find out the analysis of community-based solid waste management in the Hanasty Waste Bank area of Tanah Garam Village, Lubuk Sikarah Subdistrict, Solok City in 2019. This type of research was descriptive analytic with crossectional study design. The research sample was 212 respondents in the hanasty waste bank area. To find out the analysis of community-based waste management in the area of the Solok City hanasty waste bank, an analysis was performed with the chi-quare test with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that after analyzing using the chi-square test, there was a relationship of knowledge (0.014), attitude (0.017) and action (0.039) to community based RT waste management. The government can be used as a reference for making policies on waste management in the city of Solok. And also for the community to increase knowledge and apply experience, also increase awareness in community-based waste management.</p><p><em>Keywords: Waste Management, Community, Waste Bank</em><em></em></p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p>Sampah perkotaan atau pemukiman merupakan salah satu masalah yang perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius karena sampah perkotaan atau pemukiman dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat seiring dengan laju pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui Analisis Pengelolaan Sampah berbasis masyarakat di kawasan Bank Sampah Hanasty Kelurahan Tanah Garam Kecamatan Lubuk Sikarah Kota Solok tahun 2019. Jenis penelitian ini adalah <em>deskriptif analitik</em><em> </em>dengan desain <em>crossectional study</em>. Sampel penelitian adalah 212 responden di kawasan bank sampah hanasty. Untuk mengetahui analisis pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat di kawasan bank sampah hanasty Kota Solok dilakukan analisis dengan uji <em>chis-quare. </em>dengan derajat kepercayaan 95 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan setelah dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan uji <em>chi-square </em>diperoleh ada hubungan pengetahuan (0,014), sikap (0,017) dan tindakan (0,039) terhadap pengelolaan sampah RT berbasis masyarakat.Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengangkutan sampah dari sumber ke TPA belum terpisah antara sampah organik dan an organik. Kepada pemerintah dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk pembuatan kebijakan tentang pengelolaan sampah di Kota Solok serta dapat membentuk Lembaga Pengelola Sampah di tingkat RT dan RW  dan  juga untuk masyarakat dapat menambah pengetahuan serta menerapkan pengalaman, juga meningkatkan kesadaran dalam pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat.</p><p> </p><p><em>Kata kunci</em><em> </em><em>: Pengelolaan Sampah, Masyarakat, Bank Sampah</em><em></em></p>

Bimastyaji Surya Ramadan ◽  
Fita Fauziyah ◽  
Mochamad Arief Budihardjo ◽  
Syafrudin Syafrudin

Community-based  waste  management  is a form  of  waste  management  recommended  by  the government because  it  is  very  effective  in  creating  a  zero-waste  society.  In  Indonesia,  community-based  waste management can be realized through the development of waste banks at the neighbourhoodlevels. In 2019, the City of Semarang has 48 units of active waste banks. Waste that is managed by the wastebank is plastic, paper and metal. However, there is organic waste which is also managed by several wastebanks. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the flow of waste through community-basedwaste management, in this  case of the  waste  bank,  in  the  city  of  Semarang.  The  method  used  is  in-depth  surveys  and  interviews related to the waste bank management system in the city of Semarang. The results showed that the activity of the existing garbagebank was able to reduce waste in the city of Semarang by 0.07% of the total garbage generation  in  the  city  of  Semarang.  This  research  can  be  used  as  a  reference  for  developing  better community-based waste management strategies, especially in Semarang City

2021 ◽  
Antonius Priyo Nugroho Sulami ◽  
Takehiko Murayama ◽  
Shigeo Nishikizawa

Abstract As regulations have developed, the waste management sector in Indonesia has increasingly expected producer involvement in waste reduction activity through the enactment of new regulations. In addition, recent development of the waste management sector now involves community-based approaches such as Waste Banks. This study aims to determine the relationship between extended producer responsibility implementation and the waste bank concept. A questionnaire survey was designed and applied to Waste Bank members of two Waste Banks in Bandung municipality, Indonesia. Several factors were identified that can be considered by producers to promote their contribution in dealing with the packaging waste issue, such as producer consideration and contribution, knowledge level, collection, and awareness of the importance of packaging waste issue. The result also shows that involving feedback from Waste Banks can provide some insights to expand and develop producer contribution in reducing the impact of packaging waste. Producers can improve collection and recyclability of their product packaging while increasing public knowledge on their activity at the post-consumer stage.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (09) ◽  
pp. 21041-21049 ◽  
I Putu Sudana Satria Artha ◽  
Nyoman Utari Vipriyanti ◽  
I Putu Sujana

Garbage can be interpreted as a consequence of the activities of human life. It is undeniable, garbage will always be there as long as life activities continue to run. Every year, it can be ascertained that the volume of waste will always increase along with the increasing pattern of public consumerism. The landfill which is increasingly polluting the environment requires a technique and management to manage waste into something useful and of economic value, Bantas Village, Selemadeg Timur District, Tabanan Regency currently has a Waste Management Site (TPS3R) managed by Non-Governmental Organizations (KSM ) The source of waste comes from Households, Stalls, Restaurant Entrepreneurs, Schools, Offices and Ceremonies which are organic and inorganic waste. The waste management system at Bantas Lestari TPS with 3R system is Reduce (reduction of waste products starts from the source), Reuse (reuse for waste that can be reused) and Recycle (recycling waste) to date it is still running but not optimal. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative with data analysis using SWOT analysis. This study produces a Waste Management Strategy which is the result of research from the management aspect, aspects of human resources and aspects of infrastructure facilities.

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