scholarly journals Implementasi Konsep Nation Branding Anholt dalam Penyelenggaraan Asian Games Jakarta-Palembang 2018

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-141
Muhammad Yamin

The 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games was held aiming to make this moment an Indonesian nation branding effort. Nation branding is considered as an important thing since it could increase nation’s visibility, reputation and product recognition in global market. This paper aims to analyse the implementation of Indonesia’s nation branding in Asian Games 2018. This research uses nation branding hexagon concept from Simon Anholt which consists of six aspects, these are people, tourism, exports, governance, investment and immigration, and culture and heritage. Research method used is descriptive qualitative with literature review as data collection technique. The research found out six aspects of nation brand hexagon has been implemented in various series of events in Asian Games 2018. It brings positive impact to Indonesia’s public image, especially the participating country in Asian Games 2019.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nafiah Nafiah

The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of management of integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school Surabaya. The focus of this study are 1. The lesson plan for integrative thematic class based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school . the research method of this study is descriptive kualitatif, the data collection technique are interview, observation and documentation. The result of this study are 1) the lesson plan of integrative thematic based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school Surabaya conducted by several steps are : a) set thema, b) doing analisys SKL, KI, and basic competence, c) arrage syllabus, d) arrage the lesson plan, 2) doing integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 Khadijah primary school used scientific approch by observing, questioning, reasoning, trying, processing, displaying, verivicaying, and communicating, 3) the assessment of integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school used authentic assessment that include written assessment, project assessment and portfolio assessment.

2019 ◽  

Hidden curriculum is an integral part of the implementation of the education system. The existence of a hidden curriculum is absolutely necessary as a means of transfering positive character values to students. This study aims to determine the shape and implementation of hidden curriculum at Ehipassiko High School as one of the schools characterized by Buddhism. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique of this study uses observation, interviews, and documentation. The result of the study show that the hidden curriculum that appears in actual curriculum practice is reflected in learning activities such as: (a) the initial, core, and final activities of learning, (b) attached to all subjects; (c) student attitudes and comliance, and (d) exemplary teacher. Hidden curriculum in the learning process has a function as a tool and methid to increase the repertoire of students knowledge as well as a melting atmosphere of learning, resenting a respected and interesting teahing educator mode, so as to arouse students interest in learning. This research is expected to be an input for Ehipassiko Hidh School n particular and Buddhist schools in general to improve the quality of good Buddhist education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Nunu Nugraha Purnawan

The lecturer's performance assessment by students in the form of an online Lecturer Performance Assessment Instrument Questionnaire (KIPKD) is in line with the work concepts of Green Computing by utilizing computer hardware and software better, more efficiently and more useful. KIPKD online POLSUB uses Google Forms, because it has an attractive and responsive look, provides a fairly complete choice of stuffing model, free, the results are neatly arranged and can be analyzed easily. This research method uses literature review in the form of books, journals that discuss about topics related to the use of Google Forms as a medium in the manufacture of questionnaires for surveys and data collection, as well as related to the concept of Green Computing. While data collection methods used in field research by way of observation of the system running in the academic POLSUB. The use of KIPKD online illustrates that POLSUB participates in preserving the environment, with no 12 paper/year rims, equivalent to 12 tree trunks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-209
Nurhayati Mardhatilla ◽  
Ramdhan Witarsa ◽  
Nurhaswinda Nurhaswinda

This study aims to determine and described the learning creativity of elementary school students using the number head together learning model. This research method is a literature review research method. The stages of this literature review are data collection, data reduction, data display, discussion, and conclusions. The results showed that from 17 articles published from 2010-2020 about the number head together learning model and learning creativity of elementary school students, there were 2 articles that matched these variables. The number head together learning model can increase the learning creativity of elementary school students. The novelty of this research is the connection between one article and another that discusses the same topic. The impact of the results of this study is the increasing number of literature review studies to reinforce existing theories.

Lusiana Rahmatiani

ABSTRACT Character education is one of the focus of educational goals in Indonesia. The importance of character education because of the declining ethics, morale of learners and the increasing popularity of student delinquency, such as brawl and drug addicts. Implementation of character education is very important to evaluate how the process and results. The research was conducted at SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. The purpose of this study describes the implementation of lisa program, libra, patujar applied in SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Knowing the value of characters generated in the program lisa, libra, patujar applied in SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. The research method used is qualitative method with data collection technique, observation, interview and documentation. Suggestion of research result that is importance of socialization about character education to learners, teachers and society to support the embodiment of school program libra libra patujar. Schools should involve parents and community as partners in the coaching and habituation of student characters. Keywords: Character Education, Character Value, Lisa, Libra Patujar ABSTRAK Pendidikan karakter merupakan salah satu fokus tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia. Pentingnya pendidikan karakter karena semakin menurunnya etika, moral peserta didik dan semakin maraknya kenakalan pelajar, seperti tawuran dan pecandu narkoba. Implementasi pendidikan karakter sangat penting untuk dievaluasi bagaimana proses dan hasilnya. Penelitian dilakukan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan implementasi program lisa, libra, patujar yang diterapkan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Mengetahui nilai karakter yang dihasilkan dalam program lisa, libra, patujar yang diterapkan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Saran hasil penelitian yaitu pentingnya sosialisasi mengenai pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik, guru dan masyarakat untuk menunjang keterwujudan program sekolah lisa libra patujar. Sekolah harus melibatkan orang tua dan masyarakat sebagai partner dalam pembinaan dan pembiasaan karakter siswa. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Karakter, Nilai Karakter, Lisa, Libra Patujar

Syntax Idea ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 2270
Agus Budiono

Covid-19 is a big challenge for Indonesians, it affects various aspects, in addition to economic aspects many aspects are also harmed by Covid 19 aspk other aspects, namely aspectsofEducation. This research aims to find out the results of learning to write in the pandemic period in students of grade 9H SMPN 1 Karanggayam, Kebumen in the 2nd semester of the 2020/2021 school year and to find out the learning results of students in using the WhatsApp Grouping application. The method used in this study is a descriptive quantitative research method, with a sample of students of SMPN 1 Karanggayam. This research data collection technique uses observation techniques, questionnaires and recording techniques. The data collection instrument used in the study was an online learning questionnaire. The results of research in the use of WhatsApp media showed that the results of learning to write a rebuke against the results of grades that are not 100% most students have grades that are less or below KKM

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Ika Maryani ◽  
Fitria Dewi

Abstract:. The problem that often arise in the study is the lack of understanding of the hidden curriculum so the teacher does not know the positive impact of the hidden curriculum activity itself, despite the fact that the hidden curriculum activities are often carried out in the learning process. This study was aimed to describe the hidden curriculum implementation strategy on educational subjects of Al-Islam in SD Muhammadiyah I Yogyakarta Wirobrajan academic year 2017/2018. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative and the  data collection technique used observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the hidden curriculum on the educational subjects of Al-Islam had positive habit to students during the learning process by using expository  and inquiry strategy for the achievement of school goals along with the vision and mission of the school established to form Islamic generation, knowledgeable, noble, and cultured.Keywords: Hidden Curriculum, Al-Islam Education Abstrak: Permasalahan yang sering muncul di dalam pembelajaran adalah kurangnya pemahaman guru mengenai hidden curriculum sehingga guru tidak mengetahui dampak positif dari kegiatan hidden curriculum itu sendiri, meskipun pada kenyataannya kegiatan hidden curriculum sering dilaksanakan tanpa disengaja di dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi pelaksanaan hidden curriculum pada mata pelajaran pendidikan Al-Islam di SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan I Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif melalui teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan hidden curriculum pada mata pelajaran pendidikan Al-Islam sudah baik memberikan pembiasaan yang positif kepada siswa pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung dengan menggunakan srategi ekspositori dan inquiry demi tercapainya tujuan sekolah serta visi misi sekolah yang sudah ditetapkan yaitu terbentuknya  generasi islami, berilmu, berakhlak mulia, dan berbudaya.Kata Kunci: Hidden Curriculum, Pendidikan Al-Islam

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Qurrotul Ainin Sholikhah ◽  
Himatul Aliyah

Abstract. This research was conducted to determine the urgency of Dawud fasting for women from a physio-psychological perspective. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research, by making direct observations or observations. The target of this study is to determine the urgency of Dawud fasting in women from the perspective of physio-psychology and Sufism for students of the Jagad Alimussirry Islamic boarding school. The data collection technique was carried out by means of interview and literature review. Meanwhile, for data analysis, the  researcher used an interactive model from Miles and Huberman and to test the validity of the data,the researcher  used Triangulation technique. The results obtained that the habit of Dawud Sunnah fasting for women could make them accustomed to be able to introspect (muhasabah) their own mistakes, be patient and sincere, motivate oneself to think positively and optimistically, be empathetic towards others and adapt well to the environment. Dawud fasting is very important and suitable for the fair sex. By not leaving Lillahita'ala's intention to worship, it will automatically train a variety of things that can guide a women in facing every problems in their life as well as making a women special not only physically but also psychologically and spiritually.

Lisna Sandora

The people of Tilatang Kamang, Agam Regency, West Sumatra have a tradition, namely the tradition of khatam Qur'an children. This tradition is a celebration / gratitude for the success of children in completing their recitation of the Koran (khatam). Usually this activity is held once a year, to be precise during school holidays. This tradition is a tradition that is ingrained in the life of the Tilatang Kamang community. This Quranic tradition of khatam is also found in several other areas in Minangkabau, but each region has its own uniqueness. In Tilatang Kamang this ceremony is enlivened by barracks around the village, the aim is to inform the crowd that there are several children in this area who have successfully finished reading the Qur'an (finished their studies) and can read the Koran properly and correctly. . The ceremony ended with the announcement of the winners of the khatam participants in the recitation of the Qur'an. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with an ethnographic approach. The data collection technique was done by interview and observation, while the data analysis technique used data reduction, reflection, and conclusion. The results of this study illustrate that the Khatam Qur'an ceremony has become a tradition for the Tilatang Kamang community of the Agam Regency for children who have completed their studies and also as one of the requirements for children to continue their education to a higher level.

Mustafa Mahmoud Yousry

WIDESCREEN TELEVISION IN THE EGYPTIAN LIVING ROOM: THE INFLUENCE OF ADOPTING WIDESCREEN TELEVISION SETS ON EGYPTIAN AUDIENCE'S VIEWING PRACTICE AbstractWidescreen television sets represent today a large share of the home television viewing market in Egypt with more viewers adopting them everyday and discarding their old traditional televisions. This study, therefore, investigates the rising adoption of widescreen televisions in Egypt and its influence on audience's viewing practice, attitude and enjoyment of viewing. The study covers such areas of knowledge as characteristics of widescreen televisions, media consumption, attention and social contexts within the frame of widescreen television viewing. To complement the data gathered through the literature review, the empirical phase of the study employed an interview data collection technique. Interviews with 16 Egyptian viewers who watch widescreen televisions at their homes were held. The findings of both the literature review and the interviews suggested that widescreen televisions could make...

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