scholarly journals Model Pembelajaran Ilmu Ush�l Fiqh di Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam (Analisis Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Konvensional dan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah)

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Sapiudin Sapiudin ◽  
Abuddin Nata ◽  
Usman Syihab

<p>Learning System of Islamic Education (PAI) is still considered as low, including that of <em>Ush�l Fiqh</em>. In Departement of Islamic Education, the subject of <em>Ush�l Fiqh</em> must be taken by all students. However, since the learning system used is still <em>expository</em> approach based on <em>teacher centred approaches</em><em> </em>which use speech method in explainning the subject. Consequently, the students do not understand the substance of <em>Ush�l Fiqh</em> well. Therefore, the learning system of <em>Ush�l Fiqh</em><em> </em>can be regarded as ineffective. The focus of this research is to see the efectivity of convensional learning model and a model of learning based on problem. The research is focussed on the purpose, method, subject matter and evaluation of learning <em>Ush�l Fiqh</em> in Departement of Islamic Education with the goal, to find the effective model of learning <em>Ushul fiqh.</em> The result of observation and interview about the use of <em>Ush�l Fiqh</em> learning system held in two departements of Islamic Education (PAI) is that the activity of learning <em>Ush�l Fiqh</em> is far from what is expected. From the aspect of purpose, learning <em>Ush�l Fiqh</em> can only make the student �know�, not �expert�. From that of method, it is only dominated by speech method, and from that of evaluation, it can only measure cognitive ability of the student, but not their affective and psychomotoric. <em>Ush�l Fiqh</em> learning system will be success if the model used challenge student to think constructively and contextually by using <em>participative</em> learning principles in analyzing formulas in the science of <em>Ush�l Fiqh. </em>In addition, the method used is varied and encourages the student to do by him/herself through practice and task method. In term of evaluation system, it is comprehensive, not only to measure cognitive aspect, but also affective and pschycomotoric aspect simultaneously.</p><p>Keywords: Model Pembelajaran, Ushul Fiqh, Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-312
Muhammad IWan Abdi

Islamic education philosophy is an educational philosophy based on Quran and al-Sunnah as a source of Islamic teachings. In addition, Islamic education philosophy also adopts sources from others that are not contrary to Islamic teachings. Thus, the source of guidance for Islamic education philosophy consists of two categories: the source of normative and historical sources. Normative sources are sources derived from the Quran and al-Sunnah (nash); while the historical source is a thought about the philosophy of Islamic education adopted from outside of Islamic teachings. Thus, there are three schools in the philosophy of Islamic education: the liberal, conservative, and critical groups that combine the two earlier groups (sholih li kulli zaman wa makan). This paper will discuss the subject matter of Islamic education philosophy and the sources of the three groups of flow by discussing the elements contained in the teachings of Islam, such as God, man, and nature. The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding that the basic principles contained therein can be applied in Islamic education

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-201
Firman - Mansir ◽  
Tumin Tumin ◽  
Halim Purnomo

This research describes and discusses about the importance of using role-playing method in Aqidah Akhlak at Madrasa. Professional teachers are those who are able to lead students to achieve maximum outcomes. This research aims to realize the learning of Aqidah Akhlak  that is appropriate to the current context. Thus, teachers are required to use brilliant and different methods from the others. Aqidah Akhlak subject requires an effective method because Aqidah Akhlak has different characteristics from other subjects. That is why 21st century PAI (Islamic education) teachers need to be creative by utilizing a variety of learning methods. An effective method for Aqidah Akhlak subjects is role playing. The skills of a PAI teacher are expected to emerge from the role playing method in the Aqidah Akhlak learning process. The strategy and method of role playing are one of the components contained in the learning system. The components are capable of delivering effective and dynamic learning processes. Therefore, from various learning methods used by PAI teachers, role playing one is considered effective to make directed, capable, and effective learning based on learning goals.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Nasrul Hasan

Transformation is any displacement of science, the intellectual activity, from teacher to student and so in the context of the growth and development of education in the early history of Islam. The purpose of this discussion to determine the form peralihanilmu and development of Islamic education in the early history of Islam. This writing method descriptive analysis. Discussion regarding the form of change and transition of science in the early history of Islam. Makkah period, the process of transition of knowledge from the companions of the Prophet to be done with the system dealing directly with the Prophet (musyafahah) .After the system says, memorizing and teaching returned as received from the teacher (talaqqi). Both systems are considered to be very tested and most noble among sistempendidikan that ever existed in the world of education. Medina period, is aimed more at political and social education and citizenship. The subject matter of this education is basic thoughts contained in the Charter of Medina and also the teaching of the Koran remains a priority

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-107
Winarto Winarto ◽  
Ahmad Syahid ◽  
Fatimah Saguni

This study examines the effectiveness of using audio visual as media in improving learning achievement of a Islamic Junior high schools.  The study used qualitative methods with  observation, interview and documentation as techniques for data collection.  The results of this research shows that the use of audio visual media in enhancing the learning achievement of Islamic education at SMP Negeri 1 Palu was effective for several reasons: First, the use of audio-visual media can clarify the material that is taught, effectifying and functioning students’ sensory, both senses of sight and hearing in accordance with the nature of the characteristics of the material and subject matter that is taught. Second, gives stimulation, experiences and observations that is similar to students in the same time with the subject matter. Third, encourages students to be active in learning activity. By using the audio-visual media, we can also say that the PAI teachers have motivated the whole class to be actively included in the teaching learning proces. Fourth, audio-visual media is very effective in improving students’ interest and achievement in learning Islamic education. The supporting factors are the learning system thatt is used, the quality of teachers, the facilities and infrastructures, as well as the role of parents, communities and the agencies related. The factors that inhibit the effectiveness of using audio visual media are as follows: (1). Time allocation of learning, (2). Procurement of electricity.  To overcome these problems we can use genset macine as temporary power, desain the material an media in accodane with time.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Martoni Martoni ◽  
Andrizal Andrizal ◽  
Helbi Akbar

<p><em>The subject of Islamic Education is a subject that focuses on the affective domain or attitude which consists of a vehicle for planting values, morals, and standard norms such as social sense, nationalism, and even a belief system. From the results of interviewing researchers with one of the PAI teachers, it was found that there were several problems in learning Islamic Religious Education including: Students had difficulty understanding Islamic Education subject matter, especially on material, imitating the attitude of Prophet As, Prophet Musa and Prophet Isa. Students also feel bored and bored in learning so that students do not interpret the learning process. The data in this study were obtained from observation, interviews, tests and documentation, with 8 students consisting of 3 men and 5 women. The results of the research on the implementation of the value clarification technique were proven to be able to improve the learning comprehension of fifth grade students in PAI subjects at SD N 003 Lubuk Kebun Logas Tanah Darat District. This can be seen from the results of the Pre-Cycle test of only 25%, Cycle I rose to 41.7%, Cycle II rose to 75% and Cycle III had reached 87.5% in PAI subjects at SD N 003 Lubuk Kebun Logas Tanah District Land.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Value </em>Clarification<em> </em><em>Techniques</em><em>; Learning Understanding.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-159
Ikbal Barlian

Abstract Teaching high school economic subjects in high school is an interesting activity, besides that the learning system is different between learning in high school and faculty. Students in schools are no exception for high school students so they want subject teachers who can provide full assistance, sincerity for all the difficulties experienced by students in understanding the subject matter. The teaching experience in high school in the Lecturer-to-School Assignment (PDS) activity shows that a friendly and caring approach is favored by students, besides that teachers need to know what knowledge forms to teach, whether in the form of concepts, facts, formulas / procedures, because others other forms of knowledge the procedure teaches him. In addition, teachers need to think about how to deliver material quickly, concisely, clearly and understood by all students Abstrak Mengajar mata pelajaran ekonomi SMA di SMA merupakan kegiatan yang menarik, selain itu sistem pembelajarannya pun berbeda antara pembelajaran di SMA dengan di fakultas. Siswa-siswa di sekolah tidak terkecuali siswa SMA begitu menginginkan guru-guru mata pelajaran yang dapat memberikan bantuan secara penuh, ikhlas atas semua kesulitan yang dialami siswa dalam memahami materi pelajaran. Pengalaman mengajar di SMA dalam kegiatan Penugasan Dosen ke Sekolah (PDS), menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan bersahabat dan mengayomi lebih disenangi siswa, selain itu guru perlu mengenal bentuk pngetahuan apa yang akan diajarkannya, apakah berupa konsep, fakta, prinsip, rumus/prosedur, karena lain bentuk pengetahuan lain prosedur mngajarkannya. Selain itu guru perlu memikirkan bagaimana cara menyampaikan materi dengan cepat, ringkas, jelas dan dimengerti oleh semua siswa

Agus Santoso ◽  
Muhammad Nasir

This research is from the concept of strategies discovery learning and ekspository learning to student learning outcomes. Discovery learning is learning-centered to student where the subject matter of Islamic education has been engineered by the teacher. And ekspository learning is learning that focused on the teachers that are the subject matter of Islamic education is taught by the teacher's knowledge. While the learning outcome is the result of student learning as evidenced by the form of report cards. This research is quantitative with associative approach. Informant entire fifth grade elementary school students in the city of Samarinda. The data collected with using questionnaires, observation and documentation. While the analysis used phases check, the process of identification, classification process, mean test, correlation and t-test. The results of this research is there was a significant effect of discovery learning and ekspository learning together on learning outcomes of students in the subjects of Islamic education in public elementary school Samarinda.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-312
Muhammad Iwan Abdi

Islamic education philosophy is an educational philosophy based on Quran and al-Sunnah as a source of Islamic teachings. In addition, Islamic education philosophy also adopts sources from others that are not contrary to Islamic teachings. Thus, the source of guidance for Islamic education philosophy consists of two categories: the source of normative and historical sources. Normative sources are sources derived from the Quran and al-Sunnah (nash); while the historical source is a thought about the philosophy of Islamic education adopted from outside of Islamic teachings. Thus, there are three schools in the philosophy of Islamic education: the liberal, conservative, and critical groups that combine the two earlier groups (sholih li kulli zaman wa makan). This paper will discuss the subject matter of Islamic education philosophy and the sources of the three groups of flow by discussing the elements contained in the teachings of Islam, such as God, man, and nature. The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding that the basic principles contained therein can be applied in Islamic education.

Piki Hilman Maas

The Islamic Education curriculum is one of the important components to create a generation of morality and martyrs. But the Islamic Religious Education curriculum has been considered only to educate cognitive aspects (transfer of knowladge) and has not touched many affective and psychomotor aspects (transfer of value). This is evident from the many students who have not been able to apply knowledge about their religion such as not performing worship well, speaking harshly and disrespectfully, disrespecting parents and teachers and a group of students who are often in shopping centers and crowds. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an Islamic Education curriculum that accommodates cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects, so that education is not only a transfer of knowladge but also a transfer of value. Islamic Education curriculum development in this study contains the understanding of the expansion or improvement of the subject matter of the Islamic Religious Education curriculum and what is experienced by students or all efforts (engineering) programmed by Al Islam Azhar 36 Bandung in helping develop the potential of students through learning experience the potential to achieve the vision, mission, school goals. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Firdaus Sanusi ◽  
Ibdalsyah Ibdalsyah ◽  
Ahmad Tafsir

<p>The Muslims in this era can not be denied is in decreased. Prominent Muslims then trying reviewing the causes of these weaknesses and find solutions to new heights with a variety of Islamic thought and concept. Among them, Imam Albany is a figure who is very famous and influential in offering solutions Muslims slump. He offers the concept of Islamic education are motivated by the foundation tashfiyah and tarbiyah as the solution of the problems of the people. Starting from the above reasons, the authors tried to explore the concept of Islamic education according to Imam Albany to examine the subject matter related to how the concept of tashfiyah and tarbiyah according to Imam Muhammad Al Nashiruddin Albany. And how about a favor, criticized the concept. And what about the influence of Imam Albany concepts in the concept of Islamic education. Tashfiyah as a differentiator in the concept of Islamic education Imam Albany so crucial. Education or tarbiyah without preceded by tashfiyah according to Imam Al Albany does not provide a solution to the people. Lack of Muslims in the eyes of his enemies can not be completed. Tashfiyah is a purification of Islam from other element. Tarbiyah is guidance to generations of Muslims today who are growing on a purified Islam. Concept tashfiyah and tarbiyah was not a new concept and has been championed by previous scholars. Nevertheless, the concepts tashfiyah and tarbiyah Imam Albany still causing the pros and cons. Not a few scholars and leaders at the time supported the concept tashfiyah and tarbiyah Albany. And not a few who oppose both scientifically and in a violent manner. Concept tashfiyah and tarbiyah that conveyed by Imam Albany brings great influence on the concept of education today. Books by him to be the main reference. His thoughts also forwarded by scholars after him. Thus the concept tashfiyah and tarbiyah in this era synonymous with Imam Albany</p><p>Keywords: al-Albany, Tashfiyah, Tarbiyah</p>

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