scholarly journals Comparison of Authority of Village Government Before and After the Implementation of Law Number 6 of 2014 Concerning Village

Raden Hamidi ◽  
Ahmad Yamin ◽  
Nyoman Nurjaya ◽  
Idrus Abdullah ◽  
Gatot Dwi Hendro W.

The village, or what is called by another name, existed before Indonesian independence. Regulations regarding villages are regulated in several laws and regulations. The purpose of this research is to analyze and find a comparison of the authority of village administration before and after the implementation of Law no. 6 of 2014. Research methods, types of normative legal research, with philosophical approaches, statutory approaches, conceptual approaches, and historical approaches, using primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The obtained legal materials are processed and analyzed prescriptive normatively. In conclusion, the comparison of village government authority before the implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014 places the village authority in two roles, namely the authority to manage its own household, and the role as the lowest government under the sub-district head, and the uniformity of villages throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, before the implementation of the Law No.6 of 2014, the authority of the village government remains with the district/city government, so that the authority of the village government is always in a truncated and amputated position.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Dodi Jaya Wardana ◽  
Sukardi Sukardi ◽  
Radian Salman

Village regulations are shown as a basic device for the legitimacy of village government administrators in running the village government, in other words, village regulations are prepared as a reference in implementing government and development in the village. The purpose of this studywas to determine the legal status of village regulations in Indonesian legislation. In addition to knowing democratization in running village government. The research method used is a normative legal research method that examines laws and related literature. The results of the study indicate that that the legal status of village regulations in the statutory system is still recognized and the position of Village Regulations as a village legal product has a very strong juridical footing with the enactment of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. Although Village Regulations no longer appear in the hierarchy of laws and regulations after the birth or enactment of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislations, their existence is strictly regulated and the position of Village Regulations is getting stronger because they have been used as a juridical basis for village regulations. With the issuance of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Adhitya Widya Kartika

<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>A country in carrying out its duties and authorities should have a legal basis which is the legality of its authority. This is reinforced by the state of Indonesia has included a rule of law on the constitution. While the village government is a part of the Indonesian state whose authority is one of which is regulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. The village head is given the authority to form village regulations. Village regulations are expected to have solutions to village needs. Whereas in the formation of village regulations, their formation must be in accordance with the conditions of their formation. An obligation or regulation that is set to be enforceable or has a binding capacity should be regulated in a regulation which is a form of agreement between the government and the community. But there are provisions or regulations whose implementation rules are not to the last level. In fact there are provisions even though they have been enacted but there is no socialization so there are obstacles in their implementation. So it is important to socialize legal norms. Research on the urgency of socialization of legislation related to the formation of village regulations uses empirical legal research methods in which data can be obtained from the field or also referred to as socio legal research related to the formation and implementation of legislation related to village regulations </span></p></div></div></div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 1138
Ni Putu Ayu Bunga Sasmita ◽  
I Wayan Novy Purwanto

Penelitian ini bertujuan untukemahami bagaimanakah pengaturan jual beli online dalam hukum di Indonesia dan bagaimanakah aspek hukum jual beli secara online dalam perjanjian.  Penelitian ini, menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Sedangkan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah menggunakan pendekatan fakta dan statute approach. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengaturan mengenai jual beli secara online diatur dalam ketentuan Pasal 18 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik, yang mana sebagai penerapan pasal 1313 KUHPerdata. Para pihak yang mengadakan perjanjian bisa menerapkan KUHPerdata yang jadi dasar diakui sahnya perjanjian dimana keabsahannya tercantum syarat 1320 KUHPerdata yakni:   kecakapan, kesepakatan, suatu sebab yang halal dan suatu hal tertentu.Sedangkan penerapan asas Konsensualisme dalam perjanjian online yang didasarkan oleh ketentuan dalam Pasal 1313 KUHPerdata yang menegaskan bahwa adanya suatu perjanjian berarti pihak satu dengan pihak lainnya setuju untuk mengikatkan dirinya.   This study aims to understand how the online arrangement in the sale and purchase agreement and how the legal aspects of buying and selling online in the agreement. This research uses normative legal research methods. While the approach used is to use the fact approach and statute approach. The results of this study indicate that the regulation regarding online trading is regulated in the provisions of Article 18 paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, which is the legal basis for applying article 1313 of the Civil Code. The parties who entered into the agreement can apply the KUHPer which is the basis for the validity of the agreement where the validity is stated in the terms of the 1320 KUHPer, namely: skill, agreement, a halal cause and a certain thing. While the application of the principle of consensualism in an online agreement based on the provisions in Article 1313 of the KUHPer which confirms that an agreement means that one party with another party agrees to bind themselves.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-192
Ahmad Yamin ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi

The purpose of this research is to analyze the authority problems of the village government. This is a doctrinal legal research by examining legal materials from libraries or research libraries to obtain secondary legal material from books, articles, research results, and regulations, as well as experts relating to the exercise of villages authority. The solution offered is that the authority of the village government will run well when it is support by the authority of recognition and subsidiarity and the availability of human resources who have expertise and skills and apply good governance to create a village social welfare.

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 08012
Erma Rusdiana ◽  
Eny Suastuti ◽  
Syamsul Fatoni

This research is based on the criminal acts of human trafficking phenomenon through the Indonesian migrant workers delivery initially impersonating the recruitment activities by the scalpers in the village level in number of ways. The evidences show the poor village authorities regarding the issue at hand and relating to its people working abroad. This research aims to analyze Law No 18 of 2017 mandating the village government to actively participate in protecting the Indonesian especially the criminal acts of human trafficking cases. This is doctrinal legal research; employing the law approach in the sense of law in the book applying the statute approach. This research demonstrates the argument of Law No. 18 of 2017 legalization which is to provide the village authorization setting to extend migrant workers protection before, during, and after completion of their work. To implement the Article 42 pertaining to village’s duties and responsibilities, its government can arrange the village regulation about PMI. It is clearly stated in Law No 6 of 2014 about Village. It is subsequently beneficial in a way that the village, as the main key of worker distribution, actively participates in criminal acts of human trafficking anticipation impersonating the Indonesian migrant workers delivery and simultaneously provides the Indonesian migrant workers protection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 551
Endro Tri Susdarwono ◽  
M. Syamsul Rizal

This study aims to provide a description of the understanding and harmonization of the concepts of village minimum service standards according to the Republic of Indonesia's Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 2 of 2017 to the apparatus of the Adinuso Village, Reban District, Batang Regency. This research is based on community service in Adinuso Village, Reban District, Batang Regency from January to February 2020. In this study, the approach used is a combination of qualitative and quantitative. A qualitative approach is used to describe how the process provides understanding and harmonization of the concepts of village minimum service standards according to the Republic of Indonesia's Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 2 of 2017 to the Adinuso Village apparatus, Reban District, Batang Regency, while the quantitative approach used is hypothesis testing of the signs used to analyze service standards village before and after community service is carried out. Meanwhile, in order to ascertain whether or not there is a change in the state of public service standards, before and after treatment (before and after treatment research design) a hypothesis testing method is used for changes using the Mac Nemar change test. The conclusions of this study are (1) that the community service carried out can improve the service standards of the Village Government community, (2) that there has been a change in the standard state of community service in the Adinuso Village Government, Reban District, Batang Regency after community service.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 536
Rasji Rasji ◽  
Gunardi Gunardi

Indonesia has enacted Law Number 12 Year 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation. Village regulation is one of the laws and regulations established by the village and its formation must refer to this law. How is the implementation of Law Number 12 Year 2011 in the practice of forming village regulations in Indramayu Regency? What are the obstacles in implementing Law No.12 of 2011 on the formation of village regulations? This problem has been investigated using empirical research methods. The aim is to determine the implementation of Law No.12 of 2011 on the formation of village regulations. The results of this study indicate that Law Number 12 of 2011 has not been implemented properly in the formation of village regulations. The obstacle is that village government officials do not have knowledge of the formation of village regulations.   Indonesia telah menetapkan Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-undangan. Peraturan desa adalah salah satu peraturan perundang-undangan yang dibentuk oleh desa dan pembentukannya harus mengacu pada undang-undang tersebut. Bagaimana implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 pada praktik pembentukan peraturan desa di Kabupaten Indramayu? Apa yang menjadi kendala dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 pada pembentukan peraturan desa? Permasalahan tersebut telah diteliti dengan menggunakan metode penelitian empiris. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 terhadap pembentukan peraturan desa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan Undang-Undang Nomor 12 tahun 2011 belum diimplementasikan dengan baik pada pembentukan peraturan desa. Kendalanya adalah aparatur pemerintah desa belum memiliki pengetahuan tentang pembentukan peraturan desa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Faradillah Paratama ◽  

A village assistant is a competent person assigned to assist the village in the development and empowerment of village communities. The purpose of this study is to determine the form of implementation of the role of village assistants in supervising the operation of the village government as per the laws and regulations. This study uses a legal research type with an empirical approach, where data is obtained directly from the field through interviews and observations, the data obtained are analyzed qualitatively and then described descriptively. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the role of village assistants has brought changes in the development and empowerment of village communities in Marioriwawo District, especially in equitable development and efforts to increase human resources in the village and are carried out according to the guidelines regulated in the village law along with other implementing regulations.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 275
Ketut Nurcahya Gita ◽  
I Made Udiana

Abstract   The purpose of this writing is to find out about legal certainty and comparison of power of attorney to impose mortgage rights stipulated in the Notary Position Law No.2 of 2014 with the form stipulated by the Head of Land Agency Regulation No.8 of 2012. This research uses normative legal research methods. The results of this study show that the comparison of authentic deeds according to the Law of Notary Position No.2 of 2014 and the Regulation of the Head of the Land Agency No.8 of 2012 regarding the creation of a power of attorney to impose mortgage rights made before a notary there are differences in the head and end of the deed. The form of power of attorney imposes a security right issued by the State Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia which is different and not in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Law of Notary Position No.2 of 2014. Second, the legal certainty of the power of attorney imposes a security right made by a Notary by following format of the Head of the Land Agency Regulation No.8 of 2012, the deed cannot provide legal certainty. The deed will be degraded into a letter under the hand, so that it cannot be used as a basis in making the deed of mortgage imposition, however, the Notary is given the right to add deficiencies to the blank so that it remains an authentic deed.   Abstrak   Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengetahui mengenai kepastian hukum serta perbandingan surat kuasa membebankan hak tanggungan yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris No.2 Tahun 2014 dengan Blanko yang ditentukan Peraturan Kepala Badan Pertanahan No.8 Tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan perbandingan akta autentik menurut Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris No.2 Tahun 2014 dan Peraturan Kepala Badan Pertanahan No.8 Tahun 2012 dalam mengenai pembuatan surat kuasa membebankan hak tanggungan yang dibuat dihadapan Notaris terdapat perbedaan pada kepala dan akhir akta. Blanko surat kuasa membebankan hak tanggungan yang diterbitkan Badan Pertanahan Negara-Republik Indonesia berbeda dan tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan dalam Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris No.2 Tahun 2014. Kedua, kepastian hukum surat kuasa membebankan hak tanggungan yang dibuat oleh Notaris dengan mengikuti format Peraturan Kepala Badan Pertanahan No.8 Tahun 2012 maka akta tersebut tidak dapat memberikan kepastian hukum. Akta tersebut akan terdegradasi menjadi surat dibawahtangan, sehingga tidak bisa dijadikan dasar dalam pembuatan akta pembebanan hak tanggungan, akan tetapi Notaris diberikan hak untuk menambahkan kekurangan pada blangko tersebut agar tetap menjadi akta autentik.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Aman Ma’arij ◽  
Gufran Gufran

Crime is a bad act, derived from the word evil which means very bad, very bad, very bad, while juridically crime is defined as an act that violates the law or is prohibited by law in the first problem research what is the cause of crime in Indonesia? Nowa Village, Woja District, Dompu Regency and how is the role of the nowa village government in overcoming crimes such as gambling, conflict and other crimes. The purpose of this study was to find out how the role of the village government in overcoming crime in the village of Nowa, Woja sub-district, Dompu district and the factors that influence the occurrence of crime in Nowa Village, Woja District, Dompu Regency, this study used empirical research methods using the approach of legislation, sociology and cases. The results showed that the role of the village government in tackling crime in the nowa village was to carry out socialization at the hamlet level and strengthen coordination between agencies, both from the village government and law enforcement officers (police) and the factor that influenced the occurrence of crime in nowa village was the level of youth promiscuity. , Brutal Archery, Rampant Distribution of Alcohol and Drugs, Legal Gambling, and Brawls Between Youth.

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