scholarly journals Results of approbation of the program for the development of active imagination and its building in adolescents

Andrushko Ya.S.

Active imagination is a kind of dialogue that a person conducts with different parts of “ego”. The article has expressed the need to introduce a comprehensive program for the development of active imagination and its constellations in adolescents. Thepurposeofthearticle is to elaborate a model for imagination development, particularly active, in adolescents; to justify the comprehensive program for the develop-ment of adolescents’ imagination at the psychologi-cal level using pedagogical methods and to approbate the comprehensive program in the educational space. Researchmethods: “The achievement motive” (mod-ified by M. Mahomed-Eminova), “Diagnostics of per-sonal creativity” (O. Tunik), “Diagnostics of non-verbal creativity” (a short form of the Torrance Test adapted by A.V oronina), “Diagnostics of linguistic-cognitive creativity” (T. Halkina, L. Aleksieieva). Results.Upon indicators of achievement motivation of adolescents, there is a prevalence of the motive to avoid failures that indicates their low self-esteem, a lack of confidence and organization etc. Most respondents have also shown average and below average levels of the devel-opment of non-verbal and verbal-cognitive creativity. The research has established that personal creativity is at the average development level, which is manifested in curiosity, the ability to imagine and complicity of think-ing. An indicator of risk tolerance is at a low level given respondents’ tender age and adolescent crisis. Under-developed creative component of active imagination leads to the loss of further productivity of an adolescent and his becoming as a whole. Conclusions. Indicators of the ascertaining stage of the study have confirmed the undeveloped active imagination of adolescents and its main constellations that prompts the imple-mentation of the program of psychological influence on the development of imagination. Post-formative actions have proved the availability of positive dynam-ics in the development of active imagination and its main components at a statistically significant level. This is a key proof of the effectiveness of the author’s comprehensive program that approves its introduction in the psychological and pedagogical process of inter-action between adolescents and grown-ups.Keyw ords:imagination, active imagination, constella-tions of active imagination, program for development of active imagination. Активна уява – це свого роду діалог, який проводить особистість з різними частинами власного “Я”. У статті розкрито необхідність впровадження комп-лексної програми розвитку активної уяви та її консталяцій у підлітків. Метадослідження: розробка моделі розвитку уяви, зокрема активної в представників підліткового віку; обґрунтування комплексноїпрограми розвитку уяви підлітків на психологічному рівні з використанням педагогічних методів та апробація комплексної програми в освітньому просторі. Методидослідження:“Мотивація досягнення” (модифікація М. Магомед-Емінова), “Діагностика особистісної креативності” (О. Тунік), “Діагностика невербальної креативності” (короткий варіант тесту Е. Торренса, адаптація А. Вороніна), “Діагностика мовленнєво-мисленнєвої креативності” (Т. Галкіної, Л. Алексєєвої). Результати.За показником мотивації досягнення в підлітків переважає мотивація уникнення невдач, а це засвідчує їх низьку самооцінку, невпевненість, неорганізованість тощо. Також у значної частини респондентів виявлено середній та нижчий за середній рівні розвитку невербальноїта вербально-мислиннєвої креативності. Встановлено, що особистісна креативність перебуває на середньому рівні розвитку, що виражається в допитливості, здатності уявляти та складності мислення. Показник готовності ризикувати також перебуває на низькому рівні, зважаючи на юний вік оптантів та наявність підліткової кризи. А недостатньо розвинена творча складова активної уяви обумовлює зниження подальшої продуктивності молодої людини і її подальшого становлення загалом. Висновки.Показники констатувального етапу дослідження засвідчили недостатній рівень розвитку активноїуяви підлітків та її провідних консталяцій, що слугувало причиною впровадження програми психологічного впливу на розвиток уяви загалом. Як засвідчили постформувальні заходи, наявність позитивної динаміки щодо розвитку активної уяви та їїпровідних компонентів на статистично значущому рівні у представників експериментальної групи. Це є головним доказом ефективності запропонованоїнами комплексної програми і уможливлює її впровадження в психолого-педагогічний процес взаємодіїміж підлітками та дорослими.Ключовіслова:уява, активна уява, підліток, консталяції активної уяви, програма розвитку активної уяви.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026010792110321
Antonella Somma ◽  
Rebecca Sergi ◽  
Chiara Pagliara ◽  
Clelia Di Serio ◽  
Andrea Fossati

To evaluate the effect of demographic variables, delay discounting and dysfunctional personality traits on financial risk tolerance (FRT), 281 community-dwelling adults were administered the Italian translations of the Risk-Tolerance Scale (RTS), Monetary Choice Questionnaire, Probability Discounting Questionnaire, and Personality Inventory for DSM-5-Short Form (PID-5-SF) self-report questionnaires through an online platform. Hierarchical robust regression results showed that the linear combination of demographic variables (gender and active worker status), delay discounting measures and selected PID-5-SF trait scale scores (i.e., Attention Seeking and Risk Taking) explained roughly 39% of the RTS total score. As a whole, our findings underscore the role of demographic characteristics, dysfunctional personality traits and delay discounting in FRT expression. As a result, FRT is likely to represent the linear combination of several factors that should be assessed in order to understand FRT and prevent erroneous choices among lay investors.

Olena Lakhtadyr ◽  
Halyna Ivanenko ◽  
Olga Kozhanova ◽  
Volodymyr Korotya ◽  
Lilia Yevdokimova

Introduction. Developed communicative competence in the coaching profession allows to interact effectively in future professional activities, interpersonal communication and involves the subject’s mastery of strategies of psychological influence and constructive behaviors in interaction. Aim is to analyze different approaches to determining the structural components of communicative competence and to describe the author’s structure of communicative competence of the future coach. Material and methods. Theoretical - analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization. Empirical- observations, questionnaires, psychological and pedagogical experiment. Results. Applying a systematic approach to the analysis of the structure of communicative competence, we identified four main components: cognitive (cognitive), communicative-speech, social-perceptual and interactive. Conclusions. The proposed and described author’s structure of communicative competence of the future coach contains four components: cognitive, communicativespeech, social-perceptual, interactive, which give the opportunity to reveal the essence and features of the future coach

Balyk Anna Sergeevna ◽  
Bulakh Ksenia Vladimirovna ◽  
Olga Petrovna Tsybulenko

Addressing the problem of the formation of stu-dents' personal maturity during the period of study at a university in order to identify dynamic changes in its individual components is relevant for psychol-ogy both in theoretical and applied terms. One of the most significant aspects of higher education is the formation of a mature personality, which is ca-pable of making competent, independent, decisions that meet the requirements of subjects of labor rela-tions in professional activity. The process of form-ing the personal maturity of students, updating their internal resources, ensuring their professional de-velopment during the period of study at university will be more successful within the framework of organized support. From this perspective, the article presents an attempt to study the characteristics of the development of personal maturity of students in the process of studying at university, taking into account the issue of the elements of such maturity.. Based on the research and traditions in psychology, which were subjected to theoretical analysis, the main emphasis in our study was placed on those main components of personal maturity that are di-rectly related to such personal constructs as the self-concept, self-awareness, value-semantic sphere. In the context of the studies considered, those that determine its full-fledged functioning were identified as the main components of personal maturity: the value component (self-respect, self-acceptance), the personal component (attitude to one’s “I”, life val-ues and attitudes), achievement motivation (activity) indicators of the ability to psychological closeness (empathy). The analysis of the features of the devel-opment of these components of personal maturity became the goal of the experimental work. The data of a formative experiment are presented, as a result of which it is proved that in the course of systemic psychological and pedagogical support of students, it is possible to change the main components of personal maturity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 10001
Alla Belousova ◽  
Galina Kozhukhar ◽  
Olga Efremova

The article discusses the features of creativity and personal traits of employees of design organizations. Project activities are understood as project implementation activities in which the main components are the project team and the project. The following methods were used: Mednik’s test “Diagnostics of verbal creativity” (adapted by A. N. Voronin), a questionnaire for determining the types of thinking and the level of creativity according to the method of J. Bruner, and a 16-factor questionnaire by R. Cattell. The study involved 125 employees of project consulting organizations. The results describe the relationship between different personal factors and verbal creativity in employees with different types of thinking. The reliability of the data is confirmed by the use of a set of methods of mathematical statistics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-96
Yonca Toker ◽  
Mehmet Gültaş

The 127-item Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Interest Complexity Inventory and 15-item General STEM Interests Scale, each of which were previously developed to assess interests toward increasingly complex tasks, were shortened to 37-item and 12-item measures. Item response theory analyses employed on the data of 930 students in STEM majors indicated items with higher discrimination parameters and equivalent functioning across genders. The short form (SF) supported a four-factor structure of interests toward interacting with numerical data, symbolic data, spatial data, and STEM-related ideas. Concurrent criterion–related validation was supported with relevant vocational fit criteria. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that STEM interest complexity added incremental variance over achievement motivation and test anxiety in predicting fit. Measurement invariance was demonstrated across samples from Turkey and the United States. The STEM Interest Complexity Inventory SF is a valid measure of vocational interests for research at the college level. Validities with high school and working samples are yet to be demonstrated.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Athilakshmi. R ◽  
Cynthia Deb ◽  
Maharishi ◽  
Ganesh Kumar ◽  
Maya Ratnasabapathy

The primary objective of this investigation was to find out if there existed any relationship between the personality traits of people classified on the basis of their colour preferences and their respective achievement motivation. The study sample consisted of 110 college students (57 males and 53 females) randomly selected from diverse backgrounds within the age group of 18-22 years. The research instruments used were “True Colours Personality Test” by Don Lowry to measure the difference in personality traits and the 14 item short form of Ray Achievement Motivation Scale by J. J. Ray to measure the level of Achievement Motivation. The subjects filled both the questionnaires which were then evaluated and analysed by using SPSS. It was found that subjects classified in the Green category with cool, calm, collective and logical outlook have significantly positive correlate with levels of Achievement Motivation and the Orange and Blue colour category possessing characteristics like enthusiasm, spirituality, effective communication skills, imaginative, peace loving and flexibility had a impact but not in a significant level on their Achievement Motivation, whereas those classified in Gold have a negative Pearson’s Correlation coefficient indicating that the two parameters considered are inversely related. This could be attributed It is to the traits like lack of order, Dependable, Sensible and Anxious. The results and conclusions drawn from this investigation suggest that it can be applicable for a wider spectrum of the population.

H. Engelhardt ◽  
R. Guckenberger ◽  
W. Baumeister

Bacterial photosynthetic membranes contain, apart from lipids and electron transport components, reaction centre (RC) and light harvesting (LH) polypeptides as the main components. The RC-LH complexes in Rhodopseudomonas viridis membranes are known since quite seme time to form a hexagonal lattice structure in vivo; hence this membrane attracted the particular attention of electron microscopists. Contrary to previous claims in the literature we found, however, that 2-D periodically organized photosynthetic membranes are not a unique feature of Rhodopseudomonas viridis. At least five bacterial species, all bacteriophyll b - containing, possess membranes with the RC-LH complexes regularly arrayed. All these membranes appear to have a similar lattice structure and fine-morphology. The lattice spacings of the Ectothiorhodospira haloohloris, Ectothiorhodospira abdelmalekii and Rhodopseudomonas viridis membranes are close to 13 nm, those of Thiocapsa pfennigii and Rhodopseudomonas sulfoviridis are slightly smaller (∼12.5 nm).

C. Wolpers ◽  
R. Blaschke

Scanning microscopy was used to study the surface of human gallstones and the surface of fractures. The specimens were obtained by operation, washed with water, dried at room temperature and shadowcasted with carbon and aluminum. Most of the specimens belong to patients from a series of X-ray follow-up study, examined during the last twenty years. So it was possible to evaluate approximately the age of these gallstones and to get information on the intensity of growing and solving.Cholesterol, a group of bile pigment substances and different salts of calcium, are the main components of human gallstones. By X-ray diffraction technique, infra-red spectroscopy and by chemical analysis it was demonstrated that all three components can be found in any gallstone. In the presence of water cholesterol crystallizes in pane-like plates of the triclinic crystal system.

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