scholarly journals Upaya Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Sains Melalui Pendekatan Eksplorasi Lingkungan Sekitar di TK Putra I Kota Jambi Kelompok B Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 185
Delima Delima

This study aims to improve the knowledge of Putra I Kota Jambi Kindergarten students in their scientific knowledge through methods or approaches to the exploration of the surrounding environment. The research was conducted by class action with quantitative and qualitative methods. The research subject was a student of Putra I TK Jambi City Group B consisting of 19 children. The data analysis technique used is descriptive percentative and descriptive of student activities. Data validity uses content validity. The results of the study showed that the Exploration of the Surrounding Environment can improve students' scientific abilities as evidenced by the fact that the initial conditions prior to the action, the average percentage of children's scientific ability was 31%. Then after the classroom action research was carried out through Environmental Exploration, the average percentage of children's scientific ability increased to 41%. Next in the second cycle the average percentage of children's scientific abilities increased by 59% and the last in the third cycle the average percentage of children's scientific ability had reached the target in accordance with what was expected by the researchers, amounting to 83%. Suitability for the use of learning methods will determine the achievement of educational goals. All educational goals that want to be achieved should have been arranged in the curriculum as a tool that must be owned by the teacher in carrying out their duties. While how to use the tool will depend on the competence of the teacher. The ability of the teacher to connect the goals of education by achieving it cannot be separated from three important steps. These three important steps include planning, implementation and evaluation. Determination of learning methods occurs in three processes of these important steps. Determination of the method of exploration of the surrounding environment to improve science knowledge is the right way and proven successful in the practice of Classroom Action Research in Putra I TK Jambi City.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Kusrina Kusrina

The problem raised in this research is to improve the ability to write poetry of students with an integrated learning approach in learning Indonesian in class V SDN 1  Sukamenanti Kedaton Bandar Lampung Academic Year 2017 / 2018. This research was conducted because of the reality in the field that the ability to write class poetry V in SDN 1 Sukamenanti is classified as low, it is obtained that data in the basic competence of writing poetry the average value of students is 57.39 The average value obtained by these students in general has not reached the specified KKM, which is 65. Of the 28 students in SD Negeri 1 Sukamenanti Bandar Lampung only 10 or 36% of students achieved mastery. The rest, students can achieve completeness after taking remedial once, twice, or even up to three times. This shows that the ability to write poetry of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 1 Sukamenanti Bandar Lampung is low. For this reason, the most integrated learning approach is used in order to improve the ability to write poetry. To achieve the above research objectives, the authors use the "Classroom Action Research" research method abbreviated as CAR or class action research (CAR). Classroom action research (CAR) is action research carried out by teachers in the classroom. This model uses a spiral system of self-reflection that starts from plans, actions, observations, reflections, and re-planning which is the basis for a problem-solving design. And use an integrated approach in learning. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that an increase in the ability to write poetry of students of SDN 1 Sukamenanti VB class after applying an integrated approach in learning Indonesian this can be seen in the initial conditions of the acquisition of an average value of 57.39 with the highest KM of 3.57%. In the first cycle the average value of 68.68 and the highest KM was 57.14%. In cycle II the average acquisition value is 71.93 and the highest KM is 64.29%, whereas the acquisition value in cycle III is an average of 77.04 and the highest KM in cycle III is 78.57%

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Devi Nur Utami

The objectives of this classroom action research is to describe and explain the process of learning to begin with through picture stories in BA ‘Aisyiyah Sidoharjo. This type of research is collaborative classroom action research. The research model used is Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. The subjects of this class action research were group B students in BA ‘Aisyiyah sidoharjo, amounting to 17 children consisting of 10 boys and 7 girls. The object of this research is the skill of beginning reading in children through pictorial story media The data analysis technique was carried out with qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The results of research on the beginning of reading activities showed an increase, it can be seen from the results of the initial activity before the action showed 5.89%, an increase of 17.63% in Cycle I to 23.52%, and an increase of 65% so that it reached 88 , 23% in Cycle II. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the activity of learning to begin reading with picture stories can improve the skills of beginning reading in children.  Keywords: Early Ready, Picture story, Early Childhood

Azin Taufik

ABSTRACT This study aims to find a model and effective media of learning to the teach materials of the straight-line for students Cambridge program increases activity and learning outcomes in the SMP Al Izzah Batu by applying the model of inquiry learning and team teaching with media blog. This classroom action research conducted through two cycles and in each cycle includes planning, implementation, observation and  reflection. Being to enable the students in this study, researchers used a media blog and work sheets given to students in the group. Subjects in the study of this class action is students  graders 8C Cambridge program Junior High School Al Izzah Batu being the object is a set of learning materials in mathematics are taught in a way to enable students in the group. From research conducted by examining the initial conditions of students as measured by means of a written test and the results of classroom action research with two cycles seen an increase in students' results achieved  be master in the material equation straight line was given. Increased mastery of this material from the first cycle, students can be increased by 2% from the initial conditions were of the conditions in the first cycle after the action on the second cycle increased by 24%. The results of this class action, the researchers recommend the taker executive positions or  teaching  in this case the teachers to teach the material by applying a set of models of inquiry learning and team teaching with media blog. Keywords: Model Inquiry, Team teaching, media blogs, activities, learning outcomes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-29
Yasbiati Yasbiati ◽  
Oyon Haki Pranata ◽  
Fitriani Fauziyah

This study was conducted based on findings related problem with the lack of vocabulary Sundanese early childhood on the group B TK PGRI Cibeureum, this is due to lack of familiarity and use of Sundanese language, as well as the stimulus provided only a librettist. One alternative used in this research is using pictorial word card media. According to some media experts said display card can enhance or enrich the vocabulary of early childhood. This study aims to improve the mastery of vocabulary early childhood Sundanese language using pictorial word card mediain group B at TK PGRI Cibeureum. This study uses a Class Action Research (PTK) and implemented in the B2 group TK PGRI Cibeureum Cibeureum District of Tasikmalaya in the second semester of the academic year in 2017 with the number of students amounted to 10 people. In addition to children, the subjects in this study were researchers, partners and media researcher pictorial word card. Classroom Action Research (CAR), which held 3 cycle by using models Kemmis and Taggart and using data collection techniques of observation and documentation. Results of research conducted showed an increase, this is evidenced by an increase in the ability of teachers in planning lessons, the ability of the teacher in the learning process, the ability of teachers in the use of media and word cards pictorial vocabulary Sundanese early childhood. Recommendations for teachers is illustrated word cards can be used as a medium of learning that children do not feel bored in learning.  Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan temuan masalah yang berkaitan dengan masih kurangnya kosakata bahasa Sunda anak usia dini pada kelompok B di TK PGRI Cibeureum, hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya pembiasaan dan penggunaan bahasa Sunda, serta stimulus yang diberikan hanya berupa nyanyian. Salah satu alternatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan media kartu kata bergambar. Menurut beberapa ahli media kartu kata bergambar dapat meningkatkan atau memperkaya kosakata anak usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa sunda anak usia dini menggunakan media kartu kata bergambarpada kelompok B di TK PGRI Cibeureum. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dan dilaksanakan di kelompok B2 TK PGRI Cibeureum Kecamatan Cibeureum Kota Tasikmalaya pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2017 dengan jumlah peserta didik berjumlah 10 orang. Selain anak, subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti, mitra peneliti dan media kartu kata bergambar. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan sebanyak 3 siklus dengan menggunakan model kemmis dan taggart serta menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan menunjukkan peningkatan, hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam merencanakan pembelajaran, kemampuan guru dalam  proses pembelajaran, kemampuan guru dalam penggunaan media kartu kata bergambar serta penguasaan kosakata bahasa Sunda anak usia dini. Rekomendasi  untuk guru yaitu kartu kata bergambar dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu media dalam pembelajaran agar anak tidak merasa jenuh dalam pembelajaran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-11
Hamidah Fadlilah ◽  
Dedih Surana ◽  
Ira Rengganis

Abstract. This class action research was carried out based on the problems that emerged in group B children in the Salam Manunggal Al-Qur'an Kindergarten, namely the undeveloped ability of children's creativity. Children have not been able to express their ideas in making a painting. Follow-up from these problems, the need for a learning that can stimulate children's creativity. Researchers design learning activities using unconventional painting techniques (close techniques) to enhance the creativity abilities of group B children using classroom action research methods. The purpose of this study include: to find out how the initial conditions of children's creativity ability before the action using unconventional techniques, knowing the process or stages of increasing children's creativity ability using unconventional painting techniques, and knowing the results of using unconventional painting techniques to enhance the creativity of group B children in the Kindergarten of the Qur'an Salam Manunggal. The subjects in this study were group B children of Salam Manunggal Al-Qur'an Kindergarten with a total of 10 children. The end result of children's creativity ability shows a significant increase after the application of unconventional painting techniques. This can be seen from the ability of children's creativity that has improved from the initial condition, in the pre-cycle 80% of children fall into the category of Not Developing (BB) and 20% of children belong to the category of Starting to Develop (MB). At the end of Cycle 1, 70% of children were in the Underdeveloped (BB) category and 30% of children were in the Start Development (MB) category, at the end of Cycle 2, 40% of children were in the Developing According to Expectation (BSH) category, 30% of children were categorized as Starting Developing (MB), and 30% of children are in the Underdeveloped (BB) category, at the end of cycle 3, 40% of children are in the Very Good Development (BSB) category, 30% are in the Developmental Expectancy (BSH) category and 30% of children are in the category of Start Developing (MB). Based on the results of this study, painting activities using unconventional painting techniques can be used as one of the learning methods that can be used to improve children's creativity. Abstrak. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan berdasarkan permasalahan yang muncul pada anak kelompok B di TKQ Salam Manunggal yaitu belum berkembangnya kemampuan kreativitas anak. Anak belum mampu untuk menuangkan ide-idenya dalam membuat sebuah lukisan. Tindak lanjut dari permasalah tersebut, diperlukannya suatu pembelajaran yang dapat menstimulus kemampuan kreativitas anak. Peneliti merancang kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan teknik melukis inkonvensional (teknik tutup) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kreativitas anak kelompok B dengan menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain: untuk mengetahui bagaimana kondisi awal kemampuan kreativitas anak sebelum dilakukkanya tindakan menggunakan teknik inkonvensional, mengetahui proses atau tahapan-tahapan peningkatan kemampuan kreativitas anak menggungakan teknik melukis inkonvensional, dan mengetahui hasil penggunaan teknik melukis inkonvensional untuk meningkatkan kreativitas anak kelompok B di TK-Q Salam Manunggal. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah anak kelompok B TKQ Salam Manunggal yang berjumlah 10 anak. Hasil akhir kemampuan kreativitas anak menunjukan peningkatan yang cukup segnifikan setelah diterapkannya teknik melukis inkonvensional. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari kemampaun kreativitas anak yang sudah meningkat dari kondisi awal, pada pra siklus 80% anak masuk kedalam kategori Belum Berkembang (BB) dan 20% anak masuk kategori Mulai Berkembang (MB). Pada akhir siklus 1, 70% anak masuk kategori Belum Berkembang (BB) dan 30% anak masuk kategori Mulai Berkembang (MB), pada akhir siklus 2, 40% anak masuk kategori Berkembang Sesuai Harapa (BSH), 30% anak masuk kategori Mulai Berkembang (MB), dan 30% anak masuk kategori Belum Berkembang (BB), pada akhir siklus 3, 40% anak masuk kategori Berkembang Sangat Baik (BSB), 30% masuk kategori Berkembang sesuai Harapan (BSH) dan 30% anak masuk kategori Mulai Berkembang (MB). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, kegiatan melukis menggunakan teknik melukis inkonvensional dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu metode pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kreativitas anak. Kata Kunci : Kreativitas, Melukis, Teknik Melukis Inkonvensional.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Mimpira Haryono ◽  
Yuni Harlina

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the Children’s drawing creativity by use Finger painting media in group B paud Gentaralia village Jambat akar Kec. Semidang Alas Maras. Seluma, to know the increase in children’s drawing creativity of finger painting media in PAUD GENTARALIA village Jambat akar kec. Semidang Alas Maras. Seluma. Class action Research ocused on the classroom situation, or commonly known as the Classroom Action research procedure used in cycle-shaped cycles. The main subject in this study is the children paud Gentaralia Desa jambar akar Kec. Semidang Alas Maras. Group B Seluma numbered 15 persons. Data collection techniques using observation methods and documentation. Data analysis is done in a qualitatively qualitative – quantitatively with its use to determine the improvement of processes expressed in a predicate, whereas quantitative data analysis is used to determine the increase in results by using a percentage   Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kreativitas menggambar  anak dengan menggunakan media finger painting kelompok B di PAUD GENTARALIA Desa Jambat Akar Kec. Semidang Alas Maras Kab. Seluma, untuk mengetahui peningkatan kreativitas menggambar anak kelompok B dengan penggunaan  media finger painting di PAUD GENTARALIA Desa Jambat Akar Kec. Semidang Alas Maras Kab. Seluma. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang difokuskan pada situasi kelas, atau lazim dikenal dengan classroom action research prosedur yang digunakan berbentuk siklus (cycle). Subjek utama dalam penelitian ini adalah anak PAUD GENTARALIA Desa Jambat Akar Kec. Semidang Alas Maras Kab. Seluma kelompok B berjumlah 15 Orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif-kuantitatif dengan penekananya digunakan untuk menentukan peningkatan proses yang dinyatakan dalam sebuah predikat, sedangkan analisis data kuantitatif digunakan untuk menentukan peningkatan hasil dengan menggunakan persentase.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-16
Amini Amini ◽  
Muryati Muryati

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan rasa percaya diri anak melalui metode show and tell. Metode show and tell adalah salah satu metode pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru untuk menunjukkan sesuatu kepada audiens dan menjelaskan sesuatu meliputi bentuk, warna ukuran, komposisi, dan guna unsur. Metode penelitian ini ada penelitian tindakan kelas kolaboratif dengan guru pendamping sebagai pengamat. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah pedoman observasi dalam bentuk cheklist, unjuk kerja, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah anak-anak TK kelompok B TK Negeri Pembina Yogyakarta berjumlah 15 anak terdiri dari 10 anak laki- laki dan 5 anak perempuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan rasa percaya diri anak yang signifikan melalui show and tell dengan benda-benda pribadi. Rasa percaya diri anak pra tidakan diperoleh hasil sebesar 58,05%, setelah dilakukan tindakan siklus I hasilnya meningkat 72,46 %, dan tindakan siklus II sebesar 81,34%. Rasa percaya diri anak yang muncul antara lain anak berani menatap dan mersepon orang diajak bicara, anak dapat memulai pembicaraan dengan orang lain, anak berani menyatakan keinginannya, anak berani memimpin di depn kelas, anak terbiasa meminta maaf jika bersalah dan meminta ijin jika meminjam barang teman serta mengucapkan terima kasih pada orang yang membantunya. AbstractThe purpose of this study is to develop children's confidence through the show and tell method. The show and tell method is one of the learning methods used by the teacher to demonstrate and explain certain objects or concepts such as shape, color, composition and use of the elements. This is collaborative classroom action research with a companion teacher as an observer. The research instrument was an observation guideline in the form of a checklist, performance, and documentation. The subjects of the study were 15 kindergarten children of Group B, TK Negeri Pembina Yogyakarta consisting of 10 boys and 5 girls. The results showed a significant increase in children's confidence through show and tell method involving personal objects. The children’s confidence before treatment amounts to 58.05%, after the first cycle the results increased to 72.46%, and the confidence kept growing (81.34%) in the second cycle. Children’s self confidence that grew stronger was shown in children had the courage to look in the eye as people talk to them and participate in the conversation, to start conversations, to express their desires, to lead their friends in classroom setting, to apologize whenever they made mistakes, to ask for permission whenever borrowing someone else’s belongings, and to thank people who helped them.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-55
Rika Partika Sari ◽  
Novi Ade Suryani ◽  
Ranny Fitria Imran

This study aims to improve the ability to read the beginning of students by using the SUBACA Flash Card method for children in group B PAUD AL-ANISA Bentiring, Bengkulu City. This type of research is Classroom Action Research using two cycles, where each cycle is carried out in three meetings. Methods of collecting data in the form of observation and documentation. The results showed that there was an increase in reading the beginning of the child in each cycle with the average percentage of success in Cycle I was 47% and in the second cycle was 82.8%. It can be concluded that the method of playing SUBACA Flash Card is quite effective to be used to improve the ability to read the beginning in the children of group B PAUD AL-ANISA Bentiring, Bengkulu City.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Lilis Suryani

Education and Training is a form of institutional intervention so that employees have competency standards so that they are able to carry out their duties properly and appropriately. This study discusses the improvement of teacher competency in the implementation of scientific publications through Training in the Workplace (DDTK) Classroom Action Research (PTK). DDTK aims to improve the technical competence of civil servants and non-civil servants of the ministry of religion according to their duties and positions and develop insight into employee duties related to new regulations / policies / provisions, new technologies, or new knowledge relevant to their main tasks and functions. The main objective of Classroom Action Research (CAR) is the improvement and improvement of learning services. The population and sample of this study were participants of the Madrasah teacher training in the Workplace (DDTK) in Bangka, Belitung, and East Belitung Regencies in the 2016 and 2017. The study used multiple regression using Adjusted Square. Calculations for this multiple regression using SPSS statistical version 16 software. From the results of the research, it was found that the average of DDTK Bangka District Classroom Action Research (PTK) 2016 and 2017 were 51.41, and the average DDTK Class Action Research substance (PTK) Belitung Regency in 2016 and 2017 amounted to 50.39, with a difference in mean scores of 1.02. The average understanding of madrasah teachers in Bangka Regency 2016 and 2017 PTK writing was 118.20, and the average madrasah teacher understanding in Belitung Regency PTK writing in 2016 and 2017 was 118.88, with a mean difference of 0.68. The regression coefficient of the Education and Training Center (DDTK) variable (X2) has a positive sign (0.074), which means that the Education and Training Center (DDTK) variable has a positive influence on teacher understanding. The hypothesis which states that there is an effect of the Workplace Education Training (DDTK) substance on Classroom Action Research (CAR) on the understanding of madrasah teachers in writing PTK is statistically proven. Keywords: Training at Workplace, Classroom Action Research, Teacher's Understanding

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Mujiem Mujiem

This research is a classroom action research that aims to improve the ability of teachers to apply the problem centered learning model of learning in the Elementary School 187/ X Bangun Karya, Academic Year 2019/2020. The subject of this study was a teacher at 187 / X Bangun Karya Elementary School, Rantau Rasau District, Tanjung Jabung Timur District, Jambi Province. This class action research was carried out in two cycles, each cycle consisting of two meetings. The results of the evaluation are converted into a recapitulation table of the results of cycle I. The conversion results state that the research has not yet reached the target, it needs to be continued with cycle II. The results of observers in the implementation phase of the second cycle showed that all parts of the learning activities were going well, so that there were no more parts of the learning activities that needed to be improved. While the results of the second cycle are converted with the results of the recapitulation table states that the study has reached the target limit of completeness criteria in the first cycle that is equal to 50% and an average of 68.7 in the initial conditions of improvement in the second cycle completeness criteria to be 100% and the average namely 91.7 states that the Focus Group Discission can improve the ability of teachers to apply the Problem Centered Learning learning model in learning in 187 / X Public Elementary School Build Work Year 2019/2020.

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