Metodologi Pengeluaran Fatwa di Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Johor

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-88
Mohd Faez Mohd Shah ◽  
Norhidayah Pauzi

In the discipline of Islamic law research, strong proofing and clear Istinbat method are key pillars in the construction of Islamic law based on the application of the science of usul al-fiqh and maqasid al-shari'ah. However, what happens at the state of Johor’s fatwa institution is the opposite. The fatwa research methods applied by the Fatwa Committee of Johor in resolving current fatwa issues is not based on the right and true discipline of Islamic law research. In fact, current inputs related to fatwa issues are not explicitly stated in the method of determining the law either in the form of reality or scientifically verified. Therefore, this paper will discuss the fatwa procedures undertaken by the Fatwa Committee of Johor based on the methods applied in resolving current issues. The research methodology adopted is library and interview methods. This study shows that fatwa management and production in the state of Johor is placed under the jurisdiction of the Mufti of Johor’s Department. The methods adopted by the Fatwa Committee of Johor covers two methods, namely: internal research methods including literature review through the application of original source and proofs based on syarak. Second: field research method that includes an external review or going to the location of study such as conducting observation, questionnaires and interviews including referrals to specialists of different fields. Maslahah and mafsdah consideration are also implemented by the Fatwa Committee in every fatwa decision based on the standard that meets the interests of maqasid al-shari'ah. Keywords: Metode, fatwa, istinbat, usul al-fiqh, maqasid al-shari’ah ABSTRAK Dalam disiplin penyelidikan hukum Islam, kekuatan pendalilan dan kaedah istinbat yang jelas merupakan tunggak utama dalam pembinaan hukum Islam berasaskan kepada aplikasi ilmu usul al-fiqh dan maqasid al-shari’ah. Namun begitu, apa yang berlaku di institusi fatwa negeri Johor adalah sebaliknya. Kaedah penyelidikan fatwa yang diaplikasi oleh Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Johor dalam menyelesaikan isu fatwa semasa tidak berasaskan kepada disiplin penyelidikan hukum Islam yang tepat dan sebenar. Malahan input-input semasa yang berkaitan dengan isu fatwa juga tidak dinyatakan secara jelas dalam kaedah penentuan hukum sama ada dalam bentuk realiti yang berlaku atau pembuktian secara saintifik. Justeru, kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan prosedur fatwa Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Johor berdasarkan metode-metode yang diaplikasi dalam menyelesaikan isu-isu yang bersifat semasa. Metodologi kajian yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah melalui metode perpustakaan dan metode lapangan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pengurusan dan pengeluaran fatwa di negeri Johor hanya terletak di bawah bidang kuasa Jabatan Mufti Johor. Metode fatwa yang diamalkan oleh Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Johor merangkumi dua metode iaitu pertama, kaedah penyelidikan dalaman yang merangkumi kajian kepustakaan menerusi pengaplikasian dari sumber asas dan dalil-dalil syarak. Kedua, kaedah penyelidikan lapangan yang meliputi kajian luaran atau turun ke lokasi kajian seperti observasi, soal selidik dan temubual dan rujukan kepada pakar dalam bidang yang berlainan. Pertimbangan maslahah dan mafsdah juga dimplementasikan oleh Jawatankuasa Fatwa dalam setiap keputusan fatwanya berasaskan standard yang menepati kepentingan maqasid al-shari’ah. Kata kunci: Metode, fatwa, istinbat, usul al-fiqh, maqasid al-shari’ah

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 185

The theme of the article is: zakat management. The purpose of the article is: to examine the potential of zakat to overcome poverty. The research method used in this research is qualitative research methods. Zakat is a property that must be issued by a Muslim to give to those who have the right to receive it in accordance with Islamic law. The analysis shows that zakat can reduce the number of poor families from 84% to 74%. This shows the extraordinary potential of zakat which can prosper the people. Therefore the people need to be made aware of the importance of fulfilling the obligation of zakat. This awareness can be through socialization and education to the public related to the law, the wisdom of zakat, the assets of the zakat object as well as the procedures for calculation, and the relation between zakat and taxes. This is the duty of the government and the community to continue to campaign for zakat.

Nining Herlina ◽  
Zainal Asikin ◽  
Lalu Husni

Marriage is a rule to authorize the relationship of two different gender to become husband and wife. Sociologically, there are marriage that was done by religious law but was not recorded by the state even until it produced children. Law Number 1 from Year 1974 on Marriage confirms that marriage is valid if conducted according to the religion and registered as regulated on binding law.This study aims to examine the law protection of civilization rights on childrens’ birth from the unregistered marriage. Research methods is normative research with statute, conceptual, and case approaches. Conclusion, recording is one of the important aspects in marriage, if marriage is not recorded, even though it is legal based on the religious law, but in the state provision, marriage does not have the legal force. Furthermore,  it is not recognized by the state because it does not have the right to manage all interests related to the state. Law protection on childrens’ birth from the unregistered marriages can be taken by isbat nikah to legalize the marriage of their parents.Key Words:  Legal Protection, Children, Unrecorded, Marriage, Alimentation, Inheritance, Islamic Law

Mazahibuna ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Adriana Mustafa ◽  
Arwini Bahram

Islamic law holds that the concept of kafaah comes from various aspects, namely religion, descent, property, and face. Among these four things, Sharia prioritizes religion as the main yardstick in determining the concept of kaffah. On the other hand, customary law views that the marriage of sayye descendants in a society still maintains their familiarity, system and belief in the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. rules that have become absolute and nothing can be seen. However, the marriage system becomes a problem because it can exclude women, and their rights as women. The purpose of this study was to examine and trace the ins and outs of the Sayye marriage system so that gender relations were born among the Sayye community. The research method used is field research and is qualitative and comparative. Sources of data used in this study come from primary and secondary data. The result of this research is that the form of Sayyid's marriage gender relation has the right to determine in his life

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-69
Aishath Muneeza ◽  
Zakariya Mustapha

Limitations of action designate extent of time after an event, as set by statutes of limitations, within which legal action can be initiated by a party to a transaction. No event is actionable outside the designated time as same is rendered statute-barred. This study aims to provide an insight into application and significance of Limitations Act 1950 and Limitation Ordinance 1952 to Islamic banking matters in Malaysia as well as Shariah viewpoint on the issue of limitation of action. In conducting the study, a qualitative research methodology is employed where reported Islamic banking cases from 1983 to 2018 in Malaysia were reviewed and analysed to ascertain the application of those statutes of limitations to Islamic banking. Likewise, relevant provisions of the statutes as invoked in the cases were examined to determine possible legislative conflicts between the provisions and the rule of Islamic law in governing the right and limitation of action in Islamic banking cases under the law. The reviewed cases show the extent to which statutes of limitations were invoked in Malaysian courts in determining validity of Islamic banking matters. The limitation provisions so referred to are largely sections 6(1)(a) and 21(1) Limitations Act 1953 and section 19 Limitation Ordinance 1953, which do not conflict with Shariah viewpoint on the matter. This study will prove invaluable to financial institutions and their customers alike in promoting knowledge and creating awareness over actionable event in the course of their transactions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Nunu Nugraha Purnawan

The lecturer's performance assessment by students in the form of an online Lecturer Performance Assessment Instrument Questionnaire (KIPKD) is in line with the work concepts of Green Computing by utilizing computer hardware and software better, more efficiently and more useful. KIPKD online POLSUB uses Google Forms, because it has an attractive and responsive look, provides a fairly complete choice of stuffing model, free, the results are neatly arranged and can be analyzed easily. This research method uses literature review in the form of books, journals that discuss about topics related to the use of Google Forms as a medium in the manufacture of questionnaires for surveys and data collection, as well as related to the concept of Green Computing. While data collection methods used in field research by way of observation of the system running in the academic POLSUB. The use of KIPKD online illustrates that POLSUB participates in preserving the environment, with no 12 paper/year rims, equivalent to 12 tree trunks.

2021 ◽  
pp. 205-211
N.V. Kravchuk ◽  

The review is focused on the issue of participation of the state in establishment of paternity and securing of the right in Muslim countries. Measures, adopted in this area, as noted, do not eliminate discrimination between children born in marriages and children born out of wedlock, but make their situation worse by allowing differential regulation of the same issue with regard to different groups of people.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Yudiana Yudiana ◽  

Abstract The object of research is PO. Pisang Suseno Bandar Lampung Chips located at Jalan Ikan kakap No. 78 Teluk Betung. PO. The problem studied was to find out the influence of financial and marketing factors on business feasibility of PO. Suseno Banana Chips in Bandar Lampung because of the business feasibility of PO. Suseno Banana Chips in Bandar Lampung business feasibility PO. Suseno Banana Chips in Bandar Lampung are declining. The research method used in this study is library research carried out by reading and studying books, scientific works and other library support related to this research and field research conducted by examining directly on PO. Suseno chips in Bandar Lampung through interview methods and questionnaires related to financial and marketing factors to the business feasibility of Suseno Keripik in Bandar Lampung. The results showed that the influence of financial and marketing factors on business feasibility of PO. Suseno Chips in Bandar Lampung, Based on calculations and research results from several financial feasibility criteria, it can be seen that the Net Present Value (NPV) is 226,745,626 and the Profitability Index (PI) is 1.87, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 40.47% and Payback period (PP) for 2 years 23 days. This business should be developed in the direction of a larger processing industry given the products of PO chips. Suseno is a product that is quite popular with the community and this business can be used as an example by various parties who want to pursue similar businesses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Rahayu Irhami ◽  
M. Irfan Syaifuddin ◽  
Inggit Ayuning Pandini ◽  
Shuhita Endah Palupi

AbstractThis study describes the review of Islamic law related to the sale and purchase of workdays conducted by factory workers Oil palm Fabrique in Simpang Nibung Rawas Village, South Sumatra Province. This paper is field research by interviewing 13 factory workers to get an overview of buying and selling working days. This study also uses a literature review from Islamic legal sources and MUI fatwas to explain the appropriateness of buying and selling working days with Islamic legal principles. In practice, buying and selling working days is not following the provisions of the MUI DSN Fatwa because the ujrah imposed on the seller is determined by one party, the buyer, and the amount of the ujrah is expressed in terms of percentage rather than in nominal form. Besides, there is a mechanism that causes the transaction to contain gharar elements such as the sale of working days that are not yet owned, and the presence of gharar elements creates a new element, namely usury. Sales of working days that are not yet owned by workers cause at the end of the agreement the seller is required to pay the principal receivables accompanied by profits determined by the buyer that can be equated with borrowing money with interest. This research suggests that factory workers borrow funds from Islamic financial institutions that are more in line with Islamic legal guidance This research suggests factory workers not to continue the practice of buying and selling weekdays because there are elements of gharar and usury in it and to consider Islamic financial institutions and zakat institutions as a solution for lending funds.AbstrakPenelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai kajian Hukum Islam terkait jual  beli hari kerja yang dilakukan oleh buruh pabrik CV. Sawit yang ada di DesaSimpang Nibung Rawas, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan mewancarai 13 buruh pabrik untuk mendapatkan gambaran praktik jual beli hari kerja. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan literature review dari sumber-sumber hukum Islam dan fatwa MUI dalam menjelaskan kesesuaian praktik jual beli hari kerja dengan prinsip hukum Islam. Dalam praktiknya jual beli hari kerja tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan Fatwa DSN MUI karena ujrah yang dikenakan kepada penjual ditentukan oleh satu pihak yaitu pembeli dan besarnya keuntungan dinyatakan dengan bentuk prosentase dan bukan dalam bentuk nominal. Selain itu, terdapat alur mekanisme yang menyebabkan bahwa transaksi tersebut mengandung unsur gharar seperti penjualan hari kerja yang belum dimiliki, serta adanya unsur gharar tersebut menimbulkan unsur baru yaitu riba. Penjualan hari kerja yang belum dimiliki oleh buruh menyebabkan saat akhir perjanjian penjual diharuskan membayar pokok piutang disertai keuntungan yang di tentukan oleh pembeli yang dapat disamakan dengan peminjaman uang dengan bunga. Penelitian ini menyarankan para buruh pabrik untuk tidak melanjutkan praktik jual beli hari kerja karena terdapat unsur gharar dan riba yang diharamkan dalam Islam serta mempertimbangkan lembaga keuangan syariah dan lembaga zakat sebagai solusi peminjaman dana. 

Heri Herdiawanto ◽  
Valina Singka Subekti

This study examines Hamka's political thinking about Islam and the State in the Basic State debate that took place in the Constituent Assembly 1956-1959. Hamka belongs to the basic group of defenders of the Islamic state with Mohammad Natsir in the Masyumi faction, fighting for Islamic law before other factions namely the Nationalists, Communists, Socialists, Catholics-Protestants and members of the Constituent Assembly who are not fractured. Specifically examines the issue of why Islam is fought for as a state basis by Hamka. and how Hamka thought about the relationship between Islam and the state. The research method used is a type of library research with literature studies or documents consisting of primary and secondary data and reinforced by interviews. The theory used in this study is the theory of religious relations (Islam) and the state. This study found the first, according to Hamka, the Islamic struggle as the basis of the state was as a continuation of the historical ideals of the Indonesian national movement. The second was found that the constituent debate was the repetition of Islamic and nationalist ideological debates in the formulation of the Jakarta Charter. Third, this study also found Hamka's view that the One and Only God Almighty means Tauhid or the concept of the Essence of Allah SWT. The implication of this research theory is to strengthen Islamic thinking legally formally, that is thinking that requires Islam formally plays a major role in state life. The conclusion is that Indonesian society is a heterogeneous society in terms of religion. This means that constitutionally the state recognizes the diversity of religions embraced by the Indonesian people and guarantees the freedom of every individual to embrace religion and realize the teachings he believes in all aspects of life. Hamka in the Constituent Assembly stated that the struggle to establish a state based on Islam rather than a secular state for Islamic groups was a continuation of the ideals of historical will.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 138
Fakhrurrazi M.Yunus ◽  
Zahratul Aini

Abstrak: Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan adanya Pasal yang mengatur tentang perkawinan beda agama, dalam Pasal 35 huruf (a) yang menyatakan bahwa perkawinan yang ditetapkan oleh pengadilan. Namun dalam Undang-Undang tersebut tidak diatur secara jelas, sehingga memberi peluang timbulnya dampak negatif. Namun yang diakui di Indonesia jika pasangan suami istri yang berbeda agama harus memeluk agama yang sama di salah satu pasangan dengan maksud mereka harus pindah agama baik memeluk agama istri maupun suami. Dengan adanya berbagai kemudharatan yang timbul, maka hal itu tidak sesuai dengan hukum Islam. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin mengetahui dampak perkawinan beda agama yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang administrasi  kependudukan dan tinjuan hukum Islam terhadap perkawinan beda agama dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 tahun 2006. Dalam penelitian ini, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Kualitatif. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, dampak dari perkawinan beda agama yaitu dampak terhadap rumah tangga yang tidak harmonis menimbulkan kegelisahan, dan sulitnya berkomunikasi. Dampak terhadap anak yang membuat hubungan antara keluarga yaitu anak dan orang tua menjadi kacau dan tidak utuh karena mengetahui kedua orang tuanya berbeda keyakinan. Dampak terhadap harta warisan yang mengakibatkan anak yang lahir dari perkawinan beda agama tidak mempunyai hak untuk mendapatkan harta warisan apabila tidak seagama dengan pewaris yang dalam hal ini pewaris beragama Islam. Adapun tinjauan hukum Islam menyatakan bahwa perkawinan beda agama itu tidak sah, karena menurut fatwa MUI Nomor:4/MUNASVII/MUI/8/2005 menetapkan bahwa nikah beda agama hukumnya haram yang diperkuat dengan firmannya dalam surat al-mumtahanah ayat 10 dan al-baqarah ayat 221.Abstract: in Law No. 23 of 2006 on the administration of the population of the article governing the marriage of different religions, in article 35 letter (a) stating that the marriage is established by the court. But the law is not regulated, so it allows causing negative impacts. But it is recognized in Indonesia if different couples of religion must embrace the same religion in one partner with the intention they have to move religion both embrace the religion of the wife and husband. With the various blessings that arise, it is not under Islamic law. Therefore, the author wants to know the impact of the marriage of different religions organized in law Number 23 the year 2006 about the administration of population and the Islamic law to the marriage of different religions in the law Number 23 the year 2006. In this study, the research method used was qualitative. Based on the results of the study, the impact of the marriage of different religions is the impact on the unharmonious households raises anxiety, and difficulty communicating. The impact on the child who makes the relationship between the family is the child and the parent becomes chaotic and not intact because knowing both parents are different beliefs. The impact on the inheritance that resulted in children born from the marriage of different religions does not have the right to obtain inheritance if not as religious as the heir, in this case, Muslim heirs. The review of Islamic law states that the marriage of different religions is not valid, because according to fatwa MUI number: 4/MUNASVII/MUI/8/2005 stipulates that the marriage of different religious religion is haram strengthened by his word in Sura al-Mumtahanah verse 10 and al-Baqarah verses 221.

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