Analisis Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Dana Serta Dampak Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan (Studi Kasus Rumah Sakit Stroke Nasional Bukittinggi)

Yulistia Yulistia

The purpose of this study: 1) to find out the level of effectiveness and efficiency of working capital 2) To find out financial performance 3) To determine the relationship of working capital effectiveness with financial performance. 4) To find out the relationship between working capital efficiency and financial performance. This study uses the RS Bukittinggi National Stroke as object research, with a population of financial statements observed from 2012 - 2018 and the sample used is the Total Sampling technique. The analytical method used in this study uses the analysis of Ratio, Reward Ratio for Fixed Assets and Correlation Analysis. The results showed : 1. that working capital management at Bukittinggi National Stroke Hospital had not been carried out effectively and efficiently. This can be seen that there has been a decline in financial performance in the past six years. 2. In addition there is a positive and strong relationship between the effectiveness of working capital with financial performance with a correlation interval value of 0.7114 and there is a positive and very strong relationship between working capital efficiency with financial performance with a correlation interval value of 0.871. The working capital at Bukittinggi National Stroke Hospital is used more to make payments for activities with less liquidity

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-28
Nadya Savira Chaerani ◽  
Dedeh Fardiah

Abstract. In February 2019 KPID West Java issued a circular containing restrictions on the hours of broadcast of some English-language songs that were vulgar in content, both in the form of songs or video clips. There are 17 English songs contained in circular attachments issued by KPID West of Java. Dozens of songs can only be aired starting at 22:00 WIB until 03.00 WIB. The broadcast limitation starts from public complaints and KPID supervision of the broadcast content. A number of online media rollicking to preach this event, one of which is online media which is a news site that is widely accessed by various groups. This study uses a quantitative method with a correlational approach that aims to find out the relationship of truth, relevance, balance and neutrality between the coverage of 17 western songs by KPID West of Java towards the interests of listeners of western songs on Radio as aspects of cognitive, evaluative and the interests of listeners of western songs on the radio The students of Faculty of Communication Sciences Unisba as the dependent variable, this study uses the objectivity theory of Westerstahl. From this study using the stratified random sampling technique, it was concluded that there was a significant and very strong relationship between Factuality, Impartiality and Western Song Listeners' Interests on Radio at the Faculty of Communication Sciences Unisba. Abstrak. Pada bulan Februari 2019 KPID Jawa Barat mengeluarkan surat edaran yang berisi tentang pembatasan jam penyiaran beberapa lagu berbahasa Inggris yang berkonten vulgar, baik dalam bentuk lagu atau pun video klip. Terdapat 17 lagu berbahasa Inggris yang terdapat dalam lampiran surat edaran yang dikeluarkan KPID Jawa Barat. Belasan lagu itu hanya boleh tayang mulai pukul 22.00 WIB hingga 03.00 WIB. Pembatasan penyiaran berawal dari aduan masyarakat dan pengawasan KPID terhadap isi siaran. Sejumlah media online beramai-ramai memberitakan peristiwa ini salah satunya media online yang merupakan situs berita yang banyak diakses oleh berbagai kalangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional yang bertujuan mengetahui adanya hubungan kebenaran, relevansi, keberimbangan dan netralitas antara pemberitaan pembatasan 17 lagu barat oleh KPID Jawa Barat terhadap minat pendengar lagu barat di Radio sebagai aspek dalam kognitif, evaluatif dengan minat pendengar lagu barat di radio pada Mahasiswa Fikom Unisba sebagai variabel terikat, penelitian ini menggunakan teori Objektivitas dari Westerstahl. Dari penelitian ini yang menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel stratified random sampling ini ditemukan kesimpulan, bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dan sangat kuat antara Faktualitas, Imparsialitas dengan Minat Pendengar Lagu Barat di Radio pada Mahasiswa Fikom Unisba.

Janeth N. Isanzu

This study examines intellectual capital (IC) performance of banks operating in Tanzania,and investigates the relationship of IC on financial performance. It identifies the IC componentsthat may be the drivers of the traditional indicators of bank success. The study uses the ValueAdded of Intellectual Coefficient VAIC™ methodology, to measure the Intellectual Capitalefficiency of the Banks using a four years period data set from 2010 to 2013. The results of asurvey, show that intellectual capital performance of Tanzania is low and it is positively associatedwith bank financial performance indicators. However, when VAIC is split into its components, therelationships between these components and bank financial performance indicators vary. Threevalue efficiency indicators, Human Capital Efficiency (HCE), Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) andStructural Capital Efficiency (SCE) which are the components of VAIC™ ratio, were used in theanalysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
Tahira Batool ◽  
Ghazala Noureen ◽  
Zobia Ayuob

The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship of Learner empowerment and Self-regulation at university level. The researcher conducted a survey by administering the questionnaire to collect a data on a sample of 300 students in which 150 male students and 150 female students in District Lahore were included. Data were analyzed by using inferential and descriptive statistics. Researcher has used two instruments first one learner empowerment and second students’ self- regulation. Learner empowerment composed of three factors and students’ self-regulation also has three factors. Sample was selected by random sampling technique. There were 22 statements of Learner empowerment questionnaire and 23 statements of Self-regulation questionnaire. The Study revealed that students’ level of Self- regulation was high. The study also revealed that most of students were much empowered on overall learner empowerment scale and its three components. The study was also found positive and strong relationship between Learner empowerment and students’ Self-regulation at university level. It can be concluded from the findings of the study that Self-regulation and Learner empowerment are correlated and strengthen to each other.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Deni Juliasari

Financial performance is an important thing that must be achieved by every company because it is reflection of  company's ability to manage and allocate the resources. This performance has a relationship with GCG and DPK. Then this study want to analyze the relationship of GCG and DPK to this performance not only on direct reffect but also on indirect too. This study uses a quantitative approach with path analysis as testing model. The population for  this study ia 41  banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-2015,. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique, then obtained 28 companies that met the criteria, so the total sample was 140 observations (firm-years). The results showed that GCG does not affect company performance but DPK has a positive effect to the performance. Other than that GCG has a positive effect for financial performance with DPK as an intervening variable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
M Zaiyar ◽  
Irfan Rusmar ◽  
Trisna Yuniarti

This study aims to determine the relationship of junior high school students’ spatial and mathematical logical intelligence based on understanding the concepts. Spatial intelligence indicators in this study are reviewed from students’ abilities in using images as a tool for solving problems, connecting data with concepts that have been held, and finding patterns in solving problems. On the other hand, the indicators of students’ mathematical logical intelligence is observed by looking at students' abilities to mention and understand information that is known in a problem, to draw up a plan of completion and to do mathematical calculations correctly. The indicators of understanding concepts are restating a concept, providing examples and non-examples of concepts, and applying concepts or algorithms in problem solving. The research method in this research is the Ex Post Facto correlational type, with using a purposive sampling as the sampling technique. The results of the data analysis obtained a correlation coefficient is around 0.93 with 86% R square. The relationship between the spatial intelligence variables is shown by the understanding of concepts by 86%, the level of the relationship, with the correlation coefficient is 0.93, where mathematical logical intelligence with an understanding of 80%, with the level of the relationship of 0.89, and the relationship of spatial intelligence with a mathematical logical is described by a 77% level of the relationship, with 0.88, as the correlation coefficient. The results showed that there was a very strong relationship between spatial intelligence and logical mathematics in terms of understanding students' concepts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Farid Madjodjo ◽  
Charis Muhammad Saleh ◽  
Fadli Dahlan

This study aims to test the relationship of intergovernmental revenue and clarity of budget targets on the regional government financial performance. This study uses quantitative approach with primary data obtained from the results of distributing questionnaires and then measured by using a five-point Likert scale. The population of this study is the Regional Apparatus Organization which is official in the city of Tidore Islands, with the number of samples that have been determined as many as 45 samples. The sampling technique of this study is purposive sampling and conducts the multiple linear regression analysis as hypothesis testing. This study finds that the intergovernmental revenue and clarity of budget targets in partial have positive and significant effect on the regional government financial performance. The findings of this study imply that agency theory can explain the performance of local government of the City of Tidore Islands.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Wiwin Try Indrayani ◽  
Haeruddin Haeruddin ◽  
Supriharyono Supriharyono

ABSTRAKSungai Kreo merupakan suatu ekosistem yang di dalamnya terdapat beberapa komponen yang saling berinteraksi. Zat hara nitratdan fosfat biasanya terkandung di dalam air dan sedimen. Peranan nitrat dan fosfat yang terkandung dalam sedimen yang ada di sungai adalah sebagai unsur penting bagi pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan mikroorganisme dasar perairan. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni mengetahui konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat pada sedimen, mengetahui jenis tekstur sedimen, mengetahui kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman makrozoobentos dan menganalisis hubungan konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat pada sedimen dengan kelimpahan dan Keanekaragaman makrozoobentos di Sungai Kreo Semarang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksplanatif. Penentuan stasiun sampling menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linier berganda dengan software SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi nitrat berkisar 0,14 mg/l - 0,63 mg/l. Konsentrasi fosfat berkisar 0,01 mg/l - 0,11 mg/l. Jenis sedimen stasiun I: lempung liat berpasir, stasiun II: pasir berlempung dan stasiun III : pasir. Spesies Makrozoobentos yang ditemukan adalah kelas gastropoda (Sulcospira sp, Melanoides sp, Brotia sp Annetome sp, Tarebia sp). Keanekaragaman jenis termasuk dalam keanekaragaman yang rendah (0,23 - 0,25). Hubungan konsentrasi nitrat fosfat terhadap kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman termasuk hubungan kuat (r = 0,675). ABSTRACTKreo River is an ecosystem in which there are several interacting components. Nitrate and phosphate nutrients are usually contained in water and sediments. The role of nitrate phosphate contained in sediments in rivers is an important element for the growth and survival of aquatic microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of nitrate, phosphate sediment and the type of sediment texture in Semarang Kreo River. As well, to investigate the abundance and diversity of macrozoobentos in the Semarang Kreo River, analyzing the relationship of nitrate and phosphate concentrations in sediments with abundance of macrozoobentos in Semarang Kreo River. The study method was used the explanatory method. Sampling was used purposive sampling technique. Data analysised were multiple linear regression test with SPSS 16 software. The results of study showed that the concentration of nitrate was around 0.14 mg/l - 0.63 mg/l. Phosphate concentrations ranged from 0.01 mg/l - 0.11 mg/l. Station I sediment types: sandy clay loam, station II: clay sand and station III: sand. Macrozoobentos genus found were the gastropod class (Sulcospira sp, Melanoides sp, Brotia sp, Annetome sp, Tarebia sp). The diversity of macrozoobentos is included in the low diversity (0,23-0,25). The strong relationship was found between nitrate phosphate concentration and the abundance and diversity (r = 675). 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Siska Oktavia ◽  
Wahyu Adi ◽  
Aditya Pamungkas

This study aims to analyze the value of the density of marine debris, perceptions and participation in Temberan beach and Pasir Padi beach, as well as determine the relationship of perception and participation to the density of marine debris. This research is a type of research that is descriptive with a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative). The study was conducted at Temberan beach in Bangka Regency and Pasir Pasir Beach Pangkal Pinang in October 2019. The sampling technique used was random sampling and purposive sampling. The data collection technique was carried out using observation technique namely sampling and questionnaire. The validity test uses the Pearson Product Moment formula and the reliability test uses the Cronbach’s Alpha formula. The results showed that the density of debris in the Temberan beach was more dominant at 10.92 pieces/meter2, while at Temberan beach 3 pieces/meter2. The results of perception and participation are different, with the Temberan beach occupying more complex waste problems. The relationship of perception and participation in the density of marine debris have a relationship that affects each other.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-204
Asirotul Ma’rifah ◽  
Naning Puji Suryantini Suryantini ◽  
Rina Mardiyana

Autism is still a nightmare for most parents. Parents with autism can be very stressful when dealing with a hyperactive child's behavior, aggressive and passive. Stress experienced by parents of children with autism will affect the ability of parents in the parenting role, especially in relation to coping strategies have in dealing with problems of children. The participation of parents is crucial the success of socializing with children with autism in the general population. This study aims to determine the relationship of coping strategies parents of autistic children and parenting parents. This type of research is an analytic correlation with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all parents of autistic children in SLB Muhammadiyah Mojokerto numbering 15 people. Samples in this study were all parents of autistic children in SLB Muhammadiyah Mojokerto which totaled 15 people by using total sampling technique. Collecting data using questionnaires. Data analized use cross tabulation, presented in a frequency distribution. On cross-tabulation obtained results tend to use maladaptive coping strategies permissive parenting that is 8 (53.3%), there are also respondents who use adaptive coping strategies using authoritarian parenting as much as one person (16.7%), and adaptive coping strategies tend using democratic parenting style as much as 5 people (33.3%). Expected parents still seeking information to broaden their parents on coping strategies of parents of autistic children and parenting parents as well as parents to give special attention for children with autism to the development and advancement of their lives because they have the same rights as any other normal child.

2020 ◽  
endang naryono

This study examines the influence of receivables on liquidity at PT. Graha Tumarima. Sukabumi City for 5 years, with a sampling technique using a purposive sample in the form of financial statement data from 2010 to 2014 using a table of trade receivables and company liquidity. In this study, researchers refer to the theory of Bambang Riyanto (2008: 94) as the connecting theory of the title. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship and influence between receivables and liquidity at PT. Graha Tumarima. The research design uses the method of exposing the facto, the method of data collection aims to test the hypothesis by using correlation analysis, determination, regression and hypothesis testing with t-test. The results of this study show the influence of receivables on liquidity is shown by the value of r = 0.888, meaning that receivables have a very strong relationship to liquidity. The nature of the relationship is positive, meaning that if the value of cooperative credit is higher the liquidity will be higher. Conversely, if the value of receivables decreases, liquidity will decrease. The magnitude of the influence of receivables on liquidity is shown by the value of R Square / Determination Coefficient of 0.789 or 78.9% thus the receivables have an effect of 78.9% on cooperative liquidity. Hypothesis testing uses the t test, that t arithmetic = 3.347 while t table = 3.182 means t arithmetic> t table. Means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. There is an influence between the receivables on liquidity at PT. Graha Tumarima, Sukabumi City

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