scholarly journals Aprender ciências na educação pré-escolar: o caso da flutuação e afundamento de objetos em água

Paulo Varela ◽  
Maria João Mota ◽  
Cléria Maria Wendling

Resumo: Este artigo analisa o processo de exploração de uma atividade sobre a flutuação de objetos em água, promovido com crianças da educação pré-escolar. A atividade integrou-se numa intervenção pedagógica que teve como objetivo promover uma abordagem prática e investigativa das ciências. A análise incide no diário de campo do educador-investigador. Os resultados revelam que as explicações iniciais das crianças sobre a flutuação incluem uma única característica física dos objetos. O peso tende a dominar, através do esquema “pesado afunda” e “leve flutua”. A combinação dos dados do diário com os resultados da avaliação das aprendizagens mostra que as crianças reconhecem a existência de objetos pesados que flutuam e leves que afundam e algumas são capazes de relacionar o peso do objeto com a força da água – impulsão, em situação de flutuação. São ainda identificadas estratégias promotoras dessas aprendizagens, destacando-se o papel de suporte e orientação do educador.Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem por Investigação; Flutuação e Afundamento; Educação Pré-escolar. Learning sciences in preschool education: the case of floating and sinking of objects in waterAbstract: This article analyses the process of exploring an activity on the floating of objects on water, promoted with children. The activity was part of a pedagogical intervention that aimed to promote a practical and investigative approach to science learning. The analysis focuses on the educator-researcher field diary. The results show that the children's initial explanations of floating include only one physical characteristic of the objects. The weight tends to dominate, through the “heavy sinks” and “light floats” scheme. The combination of data from the diary with the results of the learning assessment shows that children recognize the existence of heavy objects that float and light ones that sink and some are able to relate the object's weight with the water's upthrust force in a floating situation. Strategies that promote these learnings are also identified, with highlight to the educator's support and guidance role.Keywords: Inquiry-based Science Learning; Floating and Sinking; Preschool Education. 

Berenice Morales González ◽  
Rubén Edel Navarro ◽  
Genaro Aguirre Aguilar

The purpose of the chapter is to disseminate a comparative study developed in an institution dedicated to teacher training in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. The study led the follow-up of two teachers responsible for a course of bachelor's degree in Preschool Education called Learning Environments during a semester. Three interviews were applied to two participating teachers. Through inductive analysis, MaxQDA software was chosen to identify categories of analysis. The work is analyzed from the TPACK model, as a systemic and integral proposal to investigate teacher training practices as a complex and necessary phenomenon to continue studying.

2009 ◽  
Ala Samarapungavan ◽  
Panayota Mantzicopoulos ◽  
Helen Patrick ◽  
Brian French

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Indri Nurwahidah

Mata pelajaran IPA membutuhkan lebih banyak visualisasi dibanding dengan mata pelajaran yang lain, padahal hal tersebut tidak dapat dilakukan oleh siswa dengan visual impairment. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah penggunaan asesmen pembelajaran IPA bagi siswa SLB dengan visual impairment sudah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan peraturan maupun kurikulum yang sedang berlaku di sekolah tersebut. Penelitian ini melibatkan empat sekolah luar biasa (SLB) A yang berada di Jawa Tengah, yaitu SLB Negeri Semarang, SLB A Dria Adi Semarang, SLB Negeri Boyolali, dan MILB Budi Asih Semarang. Metode pengumpulan data di empat SLB A Jawa Tengah diperoleh dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan asesmen di SLB A Jawa Tengah belum maksimal, sarana dan prasarana penunjang untuk menyususn asesmen yang sesuai dengan standar untuk siswa dengan visual impairment masih sangat terbatas. Empat SLB di Jawa Tengah tempat dilakukannya penelitian, hanya satu sekolah diantaranya yang memiliki mesin ketik dan printer braille yang dapat berfungsi dengan baik. USE OF SCIENCE LEARNING ASSESSMENT FOR STUDENTS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT AT SLB CENTRAL JAVA Abstract Science subjects require more visualization than any other subject, whereas it cannot be done by students with visual impairment. This research is conducted to find out whether the use of science learning assessment for students with visual impairment has been run well in accordance with the rules and curriculum that are in effect in the school. This research involves four extraordinary schools (SLB) A located in Central Java. Methods of data collection in four SLB A Central Java are interview, observation, and documentation. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the use of assessment in SLB A Central Java has not been maximal yet supporting facilities and infrastructures to arrange the assessment according to the standard for students with visual impairment is still very limited. Four SLBs in Central Java where research is conducted, only one school has a typewriter and braille printer that can function properly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 228
Inge Nur Indah Sri Rejeki Ratna Ningsih

The Science Learning of Kepanjen II Elementary School, Kecamatan Jombang, in the fourth grade on the effect of force on the shape and direction of motion of objects, experienced problems in the form of difficulty understanding the material by students. The results of the learning evaluation show that only 55% of the 30 students scored above the predetermined KKM of 75.0. Based on the problems that occur, the researchers plan to improve learning in 2 cycles. At the planning stage, it is carried out by analyzing KI and KD, making indicators, learning objectives, and continuing with compiling a lesson plan implementation and developing learning assessment instruments. Finally, in the planning stage, it is to create learning media, the Augmented reality application. At the implementation stage of learning has increased both teacher activities and student activities. Overall, the increase in teacher activity increased from 70% to 80%. Meanwhile, student activity increased from 72% to 90%. Learning outcomes before using Augmented Reality card media classical completeness of 55%. The results of student learning in the first cycle of classical completeness of 63% and the second cycle has increased to 84%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-56
Trina J. Kilty ◽  
Andrea C. Burrows

The purpose of this systematic study review was to describe how researchers integrated mobile devices into outdoor science learning, assessment of those activities, and alignment of purpose, integration, and assessment. From initial 980 search results, the authors selected 45 articles based on the eligibility criteria of: (a) empirical study; (b) learning activity with science content; (c) outdoor setting; (d) mobile device integration; and (e) assessement. Researchers designed outdoor science learning activities integrated with mobile devices for the purposes of science knowledge gain, affective domain gain, and scientific inquiry. Researchers aligned components of scientific inquiry including hypothesis formation, observation, data collection and interpretation, and communication and collaboration. Conclusions describe benefits to integrating mobile devices with outdoor science learning activities by supporting scientific inquiry skill development. Alignment of purpose and assessment provides evidence of student learning important in meeting accountability standards.

Nataša Cvijanović ◽  
Danica Mojić

The research presented in this paper focuses on establishing the relationship betweeninstitutional pedagogical interventions in early years of life, such as the programmebefore going to school, and early learning of children.This relationship is observed through established outcomes that definedevelopmental changes of a child in all aspects of his development: physical,emotional and cognitive, and development of speech, communication and creativity.The task of the research was to determine the correlation between attending thepreschool curriculum and the growth of certain developmental aspects in childrenas an indicator of early learning, while observing preschool education and educationas a fundamental process for developing lifelong learning competence.Evaluation of the aspects of child development is carried out with the use of theScale for determining developmental aspects of children, with the teachers whoperformed the evaluation of children starting the first grade also recording the dataon attending preschool institutions.1,439 children were monitored in 18 schools, which represents about 14% of thetotal population of children who attend the first grade in the Republic of Srpska,one of the entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.The results of checking the relationship between involving children into thecurriculum before going to school and the developmental aspects of children showthat children who were involved in the curriculum have more expressed aspects ofdevelopment, which also reflects onto more developed abilities for lifelong learning.Key words: aspects of child development; lifelong learning; preschool curriculum.-Istraživanje predstavljeno u ovom radu fokusira se na uspostavljanje odnosaizmeđu institucionalnih pedagoških intervencija u ranim godinama života, poputpredškolskoga programa i ranoga učenja djece.Ovaj odnos promatran je kroz uspostavljene ishode koji definiraju promjene djetetau svim aspektima razvoja: fizičkom, socioemocionalnom i kognitivnom aspektu terazvoju govora, komunikacije i kreativnosti.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati vezu između uključenosti u predškolski kurikul ipoboljšanja određenih razvojnih aspekata djece kao indikatora ranoga učenja,prilikom promatranja predškolskoga obrazovanja i obrazovanja kao temeljnogaprocesa za razvoj kompetencije cjeloživotnoga učenja.Evaluacija aspekata dječjega razvoja provedena je upotrebom Skale za utvrđivanjerazvojnih aspekata djece, a provodili su je učitelji koji su procjenjivali djecu napočetku prvog razreda, također bilježeći podatke o pohađanju predškolskihinstitucija.U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 1439 djece iz 18 škola, što predstavlja oko 14 %ukupne populacije djece koja pohađaju prvi razred u Republici Srpskoj, jednomod entiteta u Bosni i Hercegovini.Rezultati istraživanja odnosa uključivanja djece u predškolski kurikul i njihovihrazvojnih aspekata pokazuju da djeca koja su pohađala vrtić imaju izraženijerazvojne aspekte, što se također odražava na razvijenije sposobnosti cjeloživotnogaučenja.Ključne riječi: aspekti dječjega razvoja; cjeloživotno učenje; predškolski kurikul.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-63
María C. Acuña-Rodríguez

Este artículo es un ensayo teórico-reflexivo orientado por la pregunta ¿por qué se debe cambiar la forma de evaluar al estudiantado universitario en el siglo XXI? Pretende ser un marco teórico introductorio en el tema, para quienes estén iniciando estudios o un acercamiento al fenómeno educativo, en el ámbito de la educación superior. Se propone que en el acto educativo existe una triada indisoluble formada por la mediación pedagógica, las estrategias de aprendizaje estudiantil y la evaluación de los aprendizajes. Para ello, el texto se compone de cinco títulos: el propósito de la educación superior, la función docente, la evaluación de los aprendizajes, el modelo Enseñanza para la Comprensión, y el rol docente en los procesos evaluativos.Palabras claves: educación superior, docencia universitaria, evaluación de aprendizajesAbstractThis paper is a theoretical-reflexive essay guided by the question: why is it necessary to change the way of assessing university students in the XXI century? It pretends to be an introductory theoretical framework for those who are beginning to study or to approach the educational phenomenon regarding Higher Education. It is proposed that in the educational act exists an unbreakable triad formed by teaching (the pedagogical intervention), learning (students’ learning strategies), and assessing (learning’s assessment). Therefore, five aspects are addressed: the purpose of Higher Education, the teaching role, the learning assessment, the Teaching for Understanding model, and the teaching role in the evaluative processes.Keywords: higher education, university teaching, learning’s assessment

2019 ◽  
pp. 72-84
Hamdy Abdelaziz

Online learning technology and design has maximized and optimized the potential chances of personalized, customized, and adaptive learning. This theoretical paper is proposing a new dynamic pedagogical intervention model for effective personalized learning design. The author is trying to share a personal and practical answer to the following two questions: (a) What are the disruptive learning principles of the third renaissance learning paradigm that impact pedagogical engineering and intervention for personalized learning design? (b) What is the suggested model for effective online pedagogical intervention to promote personalized learning design? This perspective was guided by ten emergent disruptive learning principles of the third renaissance learning paradigm that impact online pedagogical engineering, management and intervention for personalized learning design. Effective online pedagogical intervention has four major dimensions that are grounded/interacted and focused on four metaphoric lenses: (a) types of learners (4Cs): Casual, Committed, Concentrated and Continuing; (b) pedagogical levels (4Ps): Intelligent, Agile, Distributed and Situated Pedagogy; (c) intervention levels (4Es): Enriching, Enhancing, Engaging and Empowering; and (d) online assessment frames (4As): Assessment of learning, Assessment for learning, Assessment as learning, and Assessment in learning.

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