2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 432
Ismiati Ismiati

This study aims to analyze the types of implicature and flouting maxims and the reasons for doing the flouting in Taliwang Dialect. It applied the descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data was collected by recording natural conversations among the natives of Taliwang Dialect. It was found two types of implicature, namely, Generalized Conversational Implicature (GCI) and Particularized Conversational Implicatures (PCI). In GCI, the speaker and interlocutor could easily understand the conveyed utterances because they mostly used general statements which are commonly spoken in the Taliwang dialect. In PCI, both speaker and the interlocutor needed a particular knowledge to understand each other because of the flouting maxim. Some speakers or hearers in PCI often break the maxim in a conversation due to some reasons such as accepting untrue or lie information, receiving more information than the needed information, getting irrelevant information and having unclear or ambiguous information.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 11
NFN Hestiyana

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implikatur percakapan yang digunakan oleh penjual dan pembeli dalam transaksi jual beli di Pasar Hewan Wage Tulakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data  dalam penelitian ini adalah  bahasa  lisan yang  dituturkan oleh penjual dan pembeli yang sedang melakukan transaksi jual beli di Pasar Hewan Wage Tulakan. Dalam penyediaan data digunakan metode simak, baik simak libat cakap atau simak bebas libat cakap dan  teknik catat. Pada tahap analisis data, tuturan antara penjual dan pembeli diklasifikasikan berdasarkan penggunaan implikatur percakapan. Setelah dilakukan penelitian secara mendalam, pada saat transaksi jual beli berlangsung antara penjual dan pembeli sering menggunakan implikatur percakapan. Bentuk implikatur percakapan yang digunakan, yaitu: implikatur percakapan dalam kalimat perintah, implikatur percakapan dalam kalimat berita, dan implikatur percakapan dalam kalimat tanya.Kata kunci: Pragmatik, implikatur percakapan, kalimat perintah, kalimat berita, kalimat tanya Abstract: This study aimed to describe conversational implicatures used by the seller and the buyer in the sale and purchase transactions in the Market Wage Animal Tulakan. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. Sources of data in this study is the spoken language spoken by sellers and buyers who are buying or selling in the Market Wage Animal Tulakan. In the method of providing data used refer to, either proficient or refer see involved capably and techniques involved free record. At this stage of data analysis, speech between the seller and the buyer are classified based on the use of conversational implicature. After in-depth research, at the time of sale and purchase transactions take place between sellers and buyers often use conversational implicature. Forms of conversational implicatures used: conversational implicatures order to form a sentence, the sentence shaped conversational implicature news, and conversational implicatures shaped interrogative sentence.Key words: Pragmatics, conversational implicature, imperative sentences, sentence news, interrogative sentence

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-80
Haifa Nassar ◽  
Abdusalam Al-Ghrafy

English, as a communication tool, is playing an extremely significant role in cross-cultural communication. While it is true that language users can mean exactly what they mean in their utterances, it is also true that they can have their utterances mean much more than what they say.  Speakers of English choose to speak indirectly, and that using conversational implicatures is a way to be indirect. This research paper examined the perception of English conversational implicatures among Yemeni EFL university learners. It followed an empirical analytical-descriptive method consisting of a test and an interview. The study subjects were 62 Yemeni EFL university learners. A multiple-choice discourse completion test and an interview were used for collecting the study data. The test contains six types of conversational implicature: Stating, Tautology, Rhetorical Question, Understatement, Indirect Refusal and Indirect Request. All the implicatures included in the test were adapted from the study related literature, whereas most of the test scenarios containing these implicatures were ready-made ones that the researcher came across throughout her reading. The results revealed that these implicatures were found easy by Yemeni EFL university learners to understand.

Widyaparwa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Larissa Amadea Pudyastuti ◽  
Zamzani Zamzani

This study aims to describe (1) the type of conversational implicature, (2) the function of conversational implicature,  and (3) the reasons of using conversational implicatures, in  Indonesian Learning. The data source of the research are Indonesian teachers’ utterances and the data are conversational implicatures in process of learning Indonesian and equipped with context. Data obtained by recording and observation techniques. The method used in this study is a quailtative descriptive method. The results of the study show (1) the types of conversational implicatures used by teachers are generalized conversation implicatures and particularized conversation implicatures. The use of generali-zed and particularized conversational implicatures describes natural and humanistic communication between teachers and students in a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere. (2) Conversational implicature functions is assertive, expressive, directive, and commissive. (3) The reason of  using conversational implicatures is to makes utterance soft so the hearer not be offended and to give indirectness command.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan jenis implikatur percakapan, (2) mendeskripsikan fungsi tuturan berimplikatur percakapan, dan (3) mendeskripsikan alasan penggunaan implikatur per-cakapan khususnya pada pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah tuturan guru bahasa Indonesia, sedangkan data dalam penelitian ini berupa implikatur percakapan dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dan dilengkapi dengan konteks. Data diperoleh dengan teknik rekam dan observasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil pe-neli­tian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) jenis implikatur percakapan yang digunakan oleh guru adalah im­plikatur percakapan umum dan implikatur percakapan khusus. Penggunaan implikatur percakapan umum dan khusus menggambarkan komunikasi yang natural dan humanis antara guru dengan siswa dalam suasana yang hidup dan dinamis. (2) Fungsi tuturan berimplikatur percakapan berupa fungsi asertif, fungsi ekspresif, fungsi direktif, dan fungsi komisif. (3) Alasan digunakannya implikatur perca-kapan ialah untuk memperhalus ucapan agar siswa tidak tersinggung dan untuk memberikan perintah tidak langsung

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-350
Saiful Akmal ◽  
Desy Ulfa Yana

This study was designed to discover the types of conversational implicature and the non-observance maxim of cooperative principles expressed by the characters in the Kingdom of Heaven movie script by William Monahan. The theory of Grice was applied to analyze the conversational implicature, and the qualitative approach is used to explain the conversational implicatures. After analyzing the movie, we discovered particularized implicatures as the most frequent conversational implicatures in the movie script with 14 occurrences, followed by six occurrences of generalized implicatures. The finding also revealed that the frequent use of flouting maxim of quantity occurred more frequent with 14 out of the total 20 excerpts, with violating maxim found only three times in the movie script. From this study, both findings suggested the reason behind the frequent use of flouting maxim compare to violating maxim in conversational implicature is because the speaker assumes that they will be in a safe position, and then expect the hearer to understand their points, as the speaker did not intentionally manipulate or mislead the hearer. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-53
Siti Syarah Kamilah Arifin ◽  
Yadi Mardiansyah ◽  
Ajang Jamjam

Abstract: The process of communication, not only happening in real life, but in the literary work of which one of them in the form of a novel also have conversations between characters who are one with another. Such a process of communication takes place in Aulad Haratina's novel episode of Rifa'at by Najib Mahfudz. In the novel, there are a number of speeches that violate the principle of cooperation. The violation indicates a conversational implicature. The purpose of this research is to know the form of violation of cooperative principle contained in the novel Aulad Haratina episode of Rifa'at by Najib Mahfudz and to know the implicatur which happened due to violation of the principle of cooperation. The method used in this research is analytical descriptive method. The technique used in data collection is the technique of referring, and the method used to analyze the data using the method of extralingual padan, that is connecting the problem of language with things that are outside the language. The approach used in this research is pragmatic approach. Using these methods and techniques, the results of the research revealed that in Aulad Haratina's novel episode Rifa'at there is a violation of the principle of cooperation that includes violations of the maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, the maxim of relevance, and the maxim of the way or execution. These violations create conversational implicatures that include: Interrupted, Calming, Informing, Feeling Disappointed, Affirming, Reassuring, Respecting, Rejecting, Evading, Asking for Compassion, Feeling Good, Reminding, Humiliating, Defending, Pleading, Irritating, Asking for Advice, Praising, Taunting, Blaming, Not Caring, Anger, Complaining, Threatening.ملخص البحث: لا يقع التواصل في الحياة الحقيقة فحسب، بل في الإنتاج الأدبي كذلك، منها القصة. وهو يقع التواصل في المحادثة بين طبيعة الرواية. وقع هذا التواصل في قصة أولاد حرتنا حلقة رفاعة لنجيب محفوظ. وجد الكلام المخالف للمبدأ التعاوني. كان انتهاك يدل على وجود تضمين الكلام.أغراض هذا البحث هى معرفة انتهاك قواعد المبدأ التعاوني في قصة أولاد حرتنا حلقة رفاعة لنجيب محفوظ و معرفة التضمين الذي يظهر بسبب انتهاك قواعد المبدأ التعاوني في قصة أولاد حرتنا حلقة رفاعة لنجيب محفوظ.المنهج المستخدم في هذا البحث هو المنهج الوصفي التحليلي. و الطريقة المستخدمة في جمع البيانات هى منهج الملاحظة و التسجيل (Simak Catat) و في تحليل البيانات، مستخدمة منهج مباراة اللغات إضافية هى من خلال ربط مشاكل اللغة مع الأشياء التي خارج اللغة. و المدخل المستخدم في هذا البحث هو الدراسة التداولية. باستخدام المنهج و الطريقة السابقة، وجدت نتيجة البحث كما يلي، هو ان في قصة أولاد حرتنا حلقة رفاعة وجد انتهاك  قواعد المبدأ التعاوني مثل انتهاك في قاعدة الكم و النوع و الملائمة و الطريقة. و ظهر تضمين الكلام من ذلك الانتهاك، مثل المشوش و التهديئ و الاخبار و خيبة الأمل و التصريح و التصديق و الاحترام و الرفض و الابتعاد و طلب الرحمة و التذكير والاعتقاد و الاحتقار و دفاع النفس و الطلب و الغضب والاقتراح و المدح و التغريب و التغليط و الإهمال و الغضب و  التأوه و التهديد.Abstrak: Proses komunikasi, tidak hanya terjadi dalam kehidupan nyata, tetapi dalam karya sastra yang salah satunya berbentuk novel juga melakukan percakapan antar tokoh yang satu dengan yang lain. Proses komunikasi seperti itu terjadi dalam novel Aulad Haratina episode Rifa’at karya Najib Mahfudz. Dalam novel tersebut, terdapat sejumlah tuturan yang melanggar prinsip kerja sama. Pelanggaran tersebut menunjukkan adanya implikatur percakapan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama yang terdapat dalam novel Aulad Haratina episode Rifa’at karya Najib Mahfudz dan mengetahui implikatur yang terjadi akibat pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitik. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data ialah teknik simak catat, dan metode yang dilakukan untuk menganalisis data menggunakan metode padan ekstralingual, yaitu menghubungkan masalah bahasa dengan hal yang berada di luar bahasa. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah pendekatan pragmatik. Dengan menggunakan metode dan teknik tersebut, hasil penelitian yang terungkap adalah bahwa dalam novel Aulad Haratina episode Rifa’at terdapat pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama yang meliputi pelanggaran terhadap maksim kuantitas, maksim kualita, maksim relevansi, dan maksim cara atau pelaksanaan. Pelanggaran-pelanggaran tersebut memunculkan implikatur percakapan yang meliputi: Terganggu, Menenangkan, Memberitahukan, Merasa Kecewa, Menegaskan, Meyakinkan, Menghormati, Menolak, Menghindar, Meminta Belas Kasih, Merasa Senang, Mengingatkan, Menghina, Membela Diri, Memohon, Kesal, Meminta Saran, Memuji, Mengejek, Menyalahkan, Tidak Peduli, Marah, Mengeluh, Mengancam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-32
Apriyanti Kartika Agustin ◽  
Irfan Sanusi ◽  
Herman Herman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan fungsi manajemen pada Masjid Al-Anshari dalam meningkatkan Jama’ah Shalat Shubuh dan Shalat Jum’at. Secara lebih rinci tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk pengetahui proses perencanaan, proses pengorganisasian, proses penggerakan dan proses pengendalian di Masjid Al-Anshari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dipandang tepat untuk digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Adapun metode pengumpulan data yakni dengan cara observasi, wawancara, rekaman audio dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Masjid Al-Anshari di dalam meningkatkan jama’ah Shalat Shubuh dan Shalat Jum’at memiliki proses perencanaan berupa penyusunan unsur tujuan, unsur kebijakan, unsur kemajuan, dan unsur program. Proses pengorganisasian yang dilakukan dengan pembagian kerja melalui struktur organisasi, departementalisasi dengan deksripsi kerjanya, distribusi otoritas, dan koordinasi yang dilakukan setiap Briefing di Coffee Break. Proses penggerakan dilakukan melalui proses motivasi, proses kepemimpinan dan proses komunikasi. Proses pengendalian dilakukan dengan memperbaiki penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang ada.   This study aims to determine the application of management functions in the Al-Ansari Mosque in improving Jama'ah Shubuh Prayer and Friday Prayers. In more detail, the purpose of this research is to find out the planning process, the organizing process, the mobilization process and the control process at Al-Ansari Mosque.  This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, considered appropriate for use in this study. The data collection method is by observation, interview, audio recording and documentation study.  The results of this study indicate that the Al-Ansari Mosque in improving the congregation of the Shubuh Prayers and Friday Prayers has a planning process in the form of compilation of objectives, policy elements, progress elements, and program elements. The organizing process is carried out with the division of labor through the organizational structure, departmentalization with its work description, distribution of authority, and coordination that is carried out every Briefing at Coffee Break. The mobilization process is carried out through a motivational process, a leadership process and a communication process. The control process is carried out by correcting the existing deviations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Mulkan Syah Riza

This study aims to explain how the distribution of productive zakat in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra and how the effectiveness of productive zakat distribution in improving the welfare of mustahik in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive method, which is a problem that guides researchers to explore and photograph situations that will be thoroughly investigated, broadly and deeply. Data collection techniques with field research, while the tools used are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study inform that in distributing productive zakat funds, Rumah Zakat is in accordance with Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat. The distribution of productive zakat carried out by the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra through the Senyum Mandiri Program to mustahik in Medan Helvetia Subdistrict has been effective, because it can improve the welfare of mustahik, this is evidenced by the income of eight of thirteen mustahik people in total, five people whose income is fixed and four out of eight people whose income has increased has reached the level of muzaki.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Imam Mas Arum ◽  
Riyadi Santosa ◽  
Nfn Sumarlam

AbstractThe politeness in language in ‘the Mata Najwa’ talk show on TransTV is interested to study due to contradictory opinions expressed by guests who ended up in disrespectful speeches and debates. In line with the background, this study was aimed at describing the violation of the Leech’s politeness principle in language in the Mata Najwa talk show on TransTV. To reveal the violation, a descriptive method and a qualitative approach are used. The research subjects in this study were the speeches of the politicians in the Mata Najwa talk show on TransTV. The data used in this study are words, phrases and sentences that violate the maxims of politeness in accordance with Leech. The data were collected by means of documentation, listening and note-taking techniques. The data were initially analyzed by selecting the data which are assumed to violate Leech’s principles of politeness. Then the data were classified based on the violations of politeness maxims. The results showed that the violations of politeness in language found in the program of Mata Najwa talk show on TransTV included the six maxims of politeness in language; namely the maxims of tact, generosity, approbation, modesty, agreement, and sympathy.  AbstrakKesantunan berbahasa dalam acara talk show Mata Najwa di TransTV menarik untuk diteliti karena pada acara tersebut pihak yang diwawancarai atau diskusi sering kali mengutarakan pendapat yang berbeda dan berujung pada tuturan dan perdebatan yang tidak santun. Sejalan dengan latar belakang tersebut, tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini ialah menghasilkan deskripsi tentang pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan berbahasa  Leech dalam acara talk show Mata Najwa di TransTV. Untuk mendeskripsikan tentang pelanggaran kesantunan tersebut digunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini ialah tuturan politisi di acara talk show Mata Najwa di TransTV. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang melanggar maksim-maksim kesantunan Leech. Teknik yang digunakan dalam proses pengumpulan data ada tiga teknik, yaitu (1) teknik dokumentasi, (2) teknik simak, (3) dan teknik catat. Kegiatan analisis data dimulai dengan penyeleksian data yang diduga sebagai bentuk tuturan melanggar prinsip kesantunan Leech. Kemudian data diklasifikasikan berdasarkan pelanggaran maksim-maksim kesantunan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan berbahasa yang terdapat dalam acara di acara talk show Mata Najwa di TransTV mencakup keenam maksim kesantunan berbahasa; yaitu maksim kearifan, maksim kedermawanan, maksim pujian, maksim kerendahan hati, maksim kesepakatan, dan maksim kesimpatian.

Henny Maria Ulfa

Hospitals must conduct a medical record activities according to Permenkes NO.269 / MENKES / PER / III / 2008 about Medical Record, to achieve the purpose of medical record processing required 5 management elements are: man, money, material, machine, and method. The medical record processing that has been implemented at the Hospital TNI AU LANUD Roesmin Nurjadin that is coding, coding only done for BPJS patients whose conducted by the officer with education background of D3 nursing, it be impacted to the storage part is wrong save and cannot found patient medical record file because are not returned. The purpose of this research is to know the element of management in the processing of medical records at the Hospital TNI AU LANUD Roesmin Nurjadin. This research is done by Qualitative descriptive method, Qualitative approach, instrument of data collection of interview guidance, observation guidance, check list register, and stationery, number of informant 6 people with inductive way data analysis. The result of this research found that Mans elements only amounts to 2 people so that officers work concurrently and have never attended training, material element and machines elements of medical record processing not yet use SIMRS and tracer, while processing method elements follow existing habits and follow the policy of hospital that is POP organization. Keywords: Management elements, medical record processing

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Ery Agus Kurnianto

The focus of the problem in this study is the values of local wisdom within two oral traditions of Warag-Warah and Ringgok-Ringgok of Komering Tribe, South Sumatra. This study aimed to identify and to describe elements of local wisdom within those oral traditions. In addition, this study was established as a real effort to explore, to inventorize, and to document the oral traditions of Komering society. A descriptive method was applied in this study. The data were analyzed by applying qualitative approach on ethnographic elements to demonstrate and explain the value of local wisdom within those oral traditions. The theory applied in this study were oral literature and local wisdom. The conclusion from the analysis proved that there was a concept of social relations among individuals, among individuals and society, among social groups, and among individuals and their God. The value of local wisdom that had been identified were: 1) belief in God, 2) deliberation, 3) responsibility and 4) helping each other. The actualization of the value of local wisdom within the oral traditions of Warag-Warah and Ringgok-Ringgok was in form of behaving in ways that help each other, solving problems by means of deliberation and responsibility. Keywords: Oral tradition, warah-warah, ringgok-ringgok, local wisdom values.

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