scholarly journals Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Chronological Dental Mineralization Table of Permanent Teeth among Brazilians in the city of Belo Horizonte

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e4711124531
Bárbara Taíny Barbosa Niquini ◽  
Aline de Freitas Fernandes ◽  
Fernanda Capurucho Horta Bouchardet ◽  
Flávio Ricardo Manzi

The knowledge of an individual age, especially children and young people, is  important in civil and criminal cases, such as adoption and when is important determining criminal imputability. To estimate this age, when there are no suitable documents to prove it, body development factors are used, especially those that show the stages of mineralization of the teeth. To this estimation, numerous tables have been developed in the most diverse regions. The aim of this study was to analyze the accuracy of the Chronological Table of Mineralization of Permanent Teeth among Brazilians in a region different from that in which the method was developed, namely, Vale do Paraíba (SP - Brazil). For this purpose, 442 panoramic radiographs of individuals aged 5 years to 20 years and 4 months, taken in the central region of the city of Belo Horizonte (MG), were used. After applying the table, with the determination of the stages of each tooth present in the radiograph and an average between them, using the data developed by the authors, the total average percentage of correct answers was 63.5%, showing a low number, especially in the age range of 14 to 17 years. When the estimate was analyzed for sexual dimorphism, no significant differences were found. Through this study, one can perceive a need for standardization and detailing in the methodology, besides its updating and complementation with data that encompass dental development in the different regions of the country.

2019 ◽  
pp. 63-70
V.F. Makieyev ◽  
O.O. Isakova

Purpose:  to evaluate the chronological and dental age of children in Lviv and the Lviv region aged 10-13 years with the help of the modified formula Cameriere.  Methods. Оrthopantomograms  46 children (26 boys and 20 girls) aged 10-13 years from Lviv and Lviv region have been used for this study. A questionnaire was developed for the submission of individual patient data and a standardized format for making their indicators derived from orthopantomograms (OPG). The examination of the area of the lower seven teeth on the left was done using the Cameriere method and the age of the child was evaluated, which was further compared with the chronological age.  Results.The obtained results of the study showed a high accuracy and reliability of the estimation of dental age in children up to 10-13 years with the help of the Cameriere formula modified by us. The research is based on the detection of physiological changes (the rate of formation of the roots) in the permanent teeth of children using the X-ray method.  Evaluating the results obtained by two methods, among girls and boys of the selected age group, a statistically significant strong correlation between the chronological age and the age calculated by the Cameriere method was revealed. Cameriere research has been carried out in many countries around the world and, in particular, in European countries, by implementing the general formula. Children in the period of occlusive bite remain the most critical in terms of age and, therefore, the determination of the correct time for dental interventions. In this age group, the development of permanent teeth passes through different stages and depends on many factors of the environment, genetic, geographical and food factors. The process of teething also affects many local factors, such as space and space for a permanent tooth in the dental artery and the loss of temporary precursors. Even with a large number of factors affecting the eruption and formation of permanent teeth in children, this method showed high accuracy and independence. In order to assess the Cameriere method among the children under study and its further practical application, a comparison was made between the age obtained using this methodology and the chronological age of the children under study in different age groups, both among boys and girls. Analyzing the obtained data, it was found that the mean of chronological age among the studied boys aged 10-11 (n = 14) was 11.02 ± 0.59 years, and the Cameriere method was 10.63 ± 1.03 years.  Student's assessment did not reveal a significant difference between the data (p = 0.22) for the age group of 10-11 years.  Further analysis among the studied boys revealed that in the age group 12-13 years the average chronological age was 12.94 ± 0.49 years, and the age was determined by the Cameriere method 12.59 ± 0.63 years, and no significant difference was established between them  (p = 0.14). The results of the studies have shown the suitability of the Cameriere formula modified during the process, based on the assessment of open tops and the number of teeth with completed root formation as a marker for the physiological development of the child and one that can be used to determine the child's age.Since studies had a limited age range on a particular sample of dental patients, further studies should evaluate the utility of this method in a larger sample of children in the extended age range of the given region of Ukraine and, if possible, adjust the formula we modified for the stability of the averaged indicators in different samples by age and sex. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Raka Maulana ◽  
Yulianti Pratama ◽  
Lina Apriyanti

<p>Some areas in the city of Bandung is an area that dilitasi by the flow of the river, to prevent the introduction of garbage into the river basin is necessary to note the waste management systems in residential areas along the river. Cidurian river has a length of 24.86 Km along the river flow. Consists of the city of Bandung and Bandung regency. Administrative regions Cidurian River past eight (8) districts, from the region in the District Kiaracondong precisely Village Babakan Babakan Sari and Surabaya populous and the most densely populated. Thus, there should be community-based waste management in the form of a reduction in resources to prevent potential entry of waste into the river basin. Planning waste reduction will be divided into two, namely the reduction of inorganic waste with waste bank then the reduction of organic waste with absorption holes biopori, and bio reactor mini determination of the reduction is determined by the results of the analysis of the sampling covers the composition and garbage, then the result of the measurement characteristics test and analysis results questionnaire.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 763
Asniarny Asniarny

This research is motivated by poor teacher performance. For this reason the aim of this research is to improve teacher performance by carrying out academic supervision. This study uses a school action research design that has stages of planning, implementation, observation, reflection. This research was conducted at the target schools in Dumai city from March 4 to April 27. The subjects of this study were grade IV elementary school teachers totaling 11 people. Data analysis instruments use observation sheets that are analyzed and described according to the criteria set. The results showed that the teacher's performance in the first cycle had an average percentage of 65% with sufficient criteria, classically the number of teachers who achieved the indicator of success was 3 people (27%). After repairs with academic supervision, the performance of teachers in the second cycle increased with a percentage of 81% with sufficient criteria. Classically the number of teachers who achieved good performance was 9 people (81%). The conclusion of this study is the implementation of academic supervision can improve the performance of elementary school teachers in the city of Dumai.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 184-193
Ольга Віговська

У статті теоретично обґрунтовано феномен конструктивного самозбереження особистості як ознаки самоактуалізації, розкриття власного потенціалу і побудови перспективи розвитку особистості та емпірично виявлено ознаки психологічної детермінації домінуючого інстинкту у конструктивній самореалізації жінок з різним соціальним статусом. Зазначено, що проблема самозбереження асоціюється з особливостями прояву інстинкту самозбереження людини, але потреби вищого порядку зумовлюють соціальну природу її поведінки, яка локалізована у найвищій точці самореалізації. Теоретично обгрунтовано, що самореалізація визначає тенденцію раціональної організації життя людини та проявляється у її почутті задоволеністю життям. З’ясовано, що психологічну основу конструктивного самозбереження становлять індивідуально-типологічні характеристики людини, які відображають психофізіологічні та психосоціальні резерви самореалізації особистості. Розроблена програма емпіричного дослідження, а також комплекс використаних методів математичної обробки результатів дослідження дає змогу конкретизувати психологічний зміст детермінації домінуючого інстинкту у конструктивній самореалізації жінок вікового діапазону 35-45 років та з різним соціальним статусом. У жінок, які виховують проблемну (хвору) дитину, домінує інстинкт "егофільного типу", що виражається у їх надмірному егоцентризмі і супроводжується низькими показниками самоактуалізації, на відміну від досліджуваних жінок, які виховують здорових дітей і у яких на фоні вираженої тенденції до самоактуалізації домінує базовий інстинкт "дослідницького типу" та "лібертофільного типу". This article theoretically proves constructive phenomenon of self identity as signs of self-disclosure own potential and prospects of development of individual construction. In addition, it empirically showes signs of psychological determination of the dominant instinct in a constructive self-determination of women with different social statuses. It was noted that the issue of self-preservation is associated with the peculiarities of manifestation of self-preservation instinct of man, but it needs higher-order cause social nature of the behavior that is localized at the highest point of self-realization. It theorized that self-realization determines the trend of rational organization of human life and manifests itself in its sense of life satisfaction. It was found that the psychological basis of constructive self-preservation of the individual make individually-typological characteristics of a person that reflect physiological and psychosocial reserves of self-realization. The developed program of empirical research, as well as the methods used complex mathematical processing of results of research allows to specify the content of the psychological determination of the dominant instinct of constructive self-realization а women age range of 35-45 years and with different social status. Women who bring up the problem child dominates the instinct of self-preservation, which is reflected in their excessive self-centeredness, and is accompanied by low levels of self-actualization, as opposed to the study of women who are raising healthy children and that against the backdrop of a pronounced tendency to self-actualization, dominated by basic instinct "research type" and "independent type."

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-24
A. S. Povzun ◽  
V. I. Mazurov

The purpose of the work was to study the nosological structure of rheumatologic patients hospitalized  in emergency hospitals. The analysis of the obtained distribution and its comparison with the structure  of patients at the Scientific Research Institute of emergency care named after I. I. Djanelidze and the City  Rheumatology Center were done. Determination of the current structure of hospitalization of rheumatologic  patients can serve as a basis of its forecasting for the subsequent periods.

R. T. Kamilova ◽  
J. A. Kamilov

Relevance. Characteristics of eruption of secondary teeth is of diagnostic and prognostic interest, is the basis for implementation of targeted therapeutic and preventive measures among children. No research has ever been carried out in Uzbekistan to study an age and gender regional features of secondary teeth eruption. The aim is to determine the timing and symmetry of secondary teeth eruption in children of the city of Tashkent of the Republic of Uzbekistan and comparative assessment with the children of different cities of Russia.Materials and methods. 3,834 children between 3 and 17 years were conducted dental examination. A comparative analysis was made of the initial, intermediate and final periods of eruption of secondary teeth for children of Uzbekistan (Tashkent city) and Russia (Saratov, Izhevsk and Sergach).Results. In Tashkent children of both gender, in most cases, lower teeth were erupted before than their antagonists. In girls, teeth were erupted earlier than their male counterparts. At the initial stage of eruption, asymmetry was more pronounced in boys than in girls, while in the middle and final stages it was more pronounced in the opposite direction. Observed asymmetry of antimere’s teeth were indicated left-handed permanent dentition in boys and right-handed in girls. Children of Tashkent city were observed permanent dentition in one group of teeth 1-16 months earlier, and in others – 1-24 months later than their peers in Russian cities. Revealed differences were more pronounced among boys than among girls. Children in Tashkent differed more from their peers in Sergach and less from those in Izhevsk. Conclusions. Regional peculiarities of permanent dentition in children of Tashkent city and revealed expressed differences with indicators of Russian children are the basis for development of separate age and  gender normative assessment permanent dentition tables for children of Uzbekistan. 

Широкое распространение безнадзорных животных на территории городов несет за собой потенциальную угрозу распространения зооантропонозных заболеваний, одним из которых является демодекоз. Невозможно разработать мероприятия, направленные на борьбу с заболеванием и его профилактику, без анализа данных особенностей возникновения и распространения инвазии среди всей популяции восприимчивых животных. Поэтому целью нашей работы явилось изучение распространения демодекоза среди безнадзорных собак и кошек в городе Тюмени. В задачи исследования входило изучение распространения демодекоза и его клинического проявления среди бездомных собак и кошек в условиях города Тюмени и определение сезонной динамики заболевания. Работу выполняли в 2016-2018 гг. на базе кафедры анатомии и физиологии ФГБОУ ВО ГАУ Северного Зауралья, в лаборатории акарологии ВНИИВЭА – филиала ТюмНЦ СО РАН, а также в производственных условиях на базе пункта временного содержания безнадзорных домашних животных МКУ «ЛесПаркХоз». Демодекозная инвазия распространена среди бездомных кошек и собак. Наиболее часто демодекоз встречается у собак, экстенсивность инвазии от 0,65 до 0,72%. Заболевание демодекозом у бездомных собак регистрировали на протяжении всего года, но 54,6% больных собак поступали в апреле и мае. Большинство больных демодекозом – это молодые собаки в возрасте от 1,5 месяцев до 2-х лет – 75,76%, животные старше двух лет гораздо реже страдали от демодекоза – 24,24%. Генерализацию демодекоза регистрировали у 21 собаки (63,64%), а локализованные очаги – у 12 собак (36,36%). Наиболее распространенной формой проявления демодекоза у бездомных собак является пустулезная, или пиодемодекоз. Данная форма заболевания была отмечена у 16 собак (48,49%), чешуйчатая форма отмечалась у 10 собак (30,30%), а смешанная – у 7 собак (21,21%). The widespread use of stray animals in urban areas carries with it the potential threat of the spread of zooanthroponotic diseases, one of which is demodicosis. It is impossible to develop measures aimed at combating the disease and its prevention without analyzing the data on the characteristics of the occurrence and spread of invasion among the entire population of susceptible animals. Therefore, the purpose of our work was to study the distribution of demodicosis among street dogs and cats in the city of Tyumen. The objectives of the study included the study of the spread of demodicosis and its clinical manifestation among stray dogs and cats in the conditions of the city of Tyumen and the determination of the seasonal dynamics of the disease. Demodectic invasion is common among stray cats and dogs. Most often, demodicosis occurs in dogs, with extensive invasion from 0.65 to 0.72%. Demodecosis in stray dogs was recorded throughout the year, but 54.6% of sick dogs were reported in April and May. The majority of patients with demodicosis are young dogs between the ages of 1.5 months and 2 years old - 75.76%, animals older than two years suffer less from demodicosis, only 24.24%. Generalization of demodicosis was recorded in 21 dogs (63.64%), and localized foci in 12 dogs (36.36%). The most common form of demodicosis in stray dogs is pustular or pyodemodecosis. This form of the disease was observed in 16 dogs (48.49%), scaly form, was observed in 10 dogs (30.30%), and mixed in 7 dogs (21.21%).

2018 ◽  
Vol 934 (4) ◽  
pp. 46-52
A.S. Bruskova ◽  
T.I. Levitskaya ◽  
D.M. Haydukova

Flooding is a dangerous phenomenon, causing emergency situations and causing material damage, capable of damaging health, and even death of people. To reduce the risk and economic damage from flooding, it is necessary to forecast flooding areas. An effective method of forecasting emergency situations due to flooding is the method of remote sensing of the Earth with integration into geoinformation systems. With the help of satellite imagery, a model of flooding was determined based on the example of Tavda, the Sverdlovsk Region. Space images are loaded into the geoinformation system and on their basis a series of thematic layers is created, which contains information about the zones of possible flooding at given water level marks. The determination of the area of flooding is based on the calculation of the availability of maximum water levels at hydrological stations. According to the calculated security data, for each hydrological post, flood zones are constructed by interpolation between pre-calculated flood zones of standard security. The results of the work can be used by the Main Directorate of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (8) ◽  
Maria Tereza Fonseca Dias ◽  
Juliano Dos Santos Calixto ◽  
Carolina Spyer Vieira Assad ◽  
Amanda Reis Da Silva ◽  
Henrique Gomides Zatti

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