Fibromyalgia: transformation of views

2021 ◽  
pp. 12-17
E. G. Filatova ◽  
N. A. Melikova

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a mystery of modern rheumatology. Despite the high prevalence of FM according to special epidemiological studies, clinicians make this diagnosis rarely. The modern concept of fibromyalgia was created by Smythe and Moldofsky in the mid-70s. They introduced a new term «fibromyalgia», thereby emphasizing that this condition is more due to pain syndrome than inflammation of connective tissue. A disturbance of sensory information processing in the central nervous system (dysfunction of the pain system with the formation of central sensitization, CS) plays a key role in the pathogenesis of FM. Clinical manifestations of FM include chronic widespread pain associated with a wide range of psychosomatic disorders (sleep disorders, cognitive disorders [fibro fog], anxiety, depression, fatigue, morning stiffness, etc.). The diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia have undergone significant changes. The latest FM diagnostic criteria were developed by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) in 2016. According to the ACR (2016) FM criteria, a diagnosis of FM does not exclude the presence of other clinically important illnesses. Concomitant FM among patients with rheumatic diseases (RD) occurs 2–3 times more often than in the general population. Diagnostics and treatment of FM are extremely difficult for clinicians, it is especially difficult with comorbidity of FM with RD. Therefore, FM requires a multidisciplinary approach within a biopsychosocial model of pain syndrome: the treatment of a patient with RD and FM should combine anti-inflammatory therapy with a complex of methods (medications and nondrug therapy) used for FM therapy. The diagnostics of comorbid FM in patients with RD will allow for personalized and more effective analgesic therapy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Georgiana Deak ◽  
Eduardo Berriatua ◽  
Andrei Daniel Mihalca

Abstract Background Angiostrongylus vasorum (Nematoda, Metastrongyloidea) is a vascular nematode that resides in the pulmonary arteries and the right side of the heart of a wide variety of carnivores, with an indirect life cycle using coprophagic gastropods as intermediate hosts. For domestic dogs, the infection with A. vasorum can be asymptomatic, but more frequently, it is associated with a wide range of clinical manifestations like cardio-respiratory signs, bleedings, neurological signs, and ocular problems which can lead to death when not treated accordingly. Angiostrongylosis was confirmed for the first time in Romania in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in 2017 and two years later a seroepidemiologic study was conducted among domestic dogs. However, to this date, no clinical canine angiostrongylosis cases were published in Romania. The aim of the present paper was to evaluate the knowledge about canine angiostrongylosis among veterinarians in Romania and to update the distribution of this disease using a national wide anonymous questionnaire. Results Overall, 147 unique responses were submitted, from 31 out of 42 counties. Twelve veterinarians (8%) from 8 counties (26%) acknowledged diagnosing a case of angiostrongylosis including 5 from the Bucharest and 1 from each of the remaining seven counties. All affected dogs had respiratory distress, 75% suffered cardiopathy, 16% coagulopathies and 8% neurological signs. Case diagnosis was based mostly on larval detection by coprology (67%) and serological antigen detection test (42%). Conclusions Romanian veterinarians are aware of canine angiostrongylosis and a significant number have clinical experience with the disease. Epidemiological studies are now needed to assess its distribution in the country, and further efforts are required to improve understanding of the disease, its diagnostic and treatment methods among veterinarians.

2015 ◽  
Vol 96 (4) ◽  
pp. 659-665 ◽  
Yu S Mel’nikova ◽  
T P Makarova

Endothelium is the unique «endocrine tree» lining absolutely all cardiovascular system organs of the body. Endothelial cells form a barrier between the blood and tissues, perform a number of important regulatory functions, synthesizing and releasing a wide range of biologically active substances. The strategic location of the endothelium allows it to be sensitive to haemodynamic changes as well as to the signals carried by the blood and signals of underlying tissues. Balanced release of biologically active substances contributes to homeostasis maintenance. The data concerning the multiple mechanisms of endothelium participation in the origin and development of various pathological conditions is accumulated so far. This is not only due to its participation in vascular tone regulation, but also due to the direct influence on atherogenesis, thrombus formation, and protection of the vascular wall integrity. Endothelial dysfunction is considered as a pathological condition of the endothelium based on impaired synthesis of endothelial factors. As a result, endothelium is unable to provide the haemorheological balance of the blood, resulting in disorders of different organs and systems functions. Endothelial dysfunction is a key link in pathogenesis of many diseases and their complications. The role of endothelial dysfunction in the development of chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and others has been proven recently. The review provides data on the functions of vascular endothelium and its dysfunction. Types of endothelial dysfunction are described. Modern concept of endothelial dysfunction as the key link of pathogenesis of many chronic diseases is presented. Endothelial dysfunction precedes the development of clinical manifestations of diseases, so the study of the endothelium condition at early stages of the diseases is promising and could be of great diagnostic and prognostic value.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
Kevin G Buell ◽  
Charles Whittaker ◽  
Cédric B Chesnais ◽  
Paul D Jewell ◽  
Sébastien D S Pion ◽  

Abstract Background Loiasis is mostly considered a relatively benign infection when compared with other filarial and parasitic diseases, with Calabar swellings and eyeworm being the most common signs. Yet, there are numerous reports in the literature of more serious sequelae. Establishing the relationship between infection and disease is a crucial first step toward estimating the burden of loiasis. Methods We conducted a systematic review of case reports containing 329 individuals and detailing clinical manifestations of loiasis with a focus on nonclassical, atypical presentations. Results Results indicate a high proportion (47%) of atypical presentations in the case reports identified, encompassing a wide range of cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, neurological, ophthalmological, and dermatological pathologies. Individuals with high microfilarial densities and residing in an endemic country were at greater risk of suffering from atypical manifestations. Conclusions Our findings have important implications for understanding the clinical spectrum of conditions associated with Loa loa infection, which extends well beyond the classical eyeworm and Calabar swellings. As case reports may overestimate the true rate of atypical manifestations in endemic populations, large-scale, longitudinal clinico-epidemiological studies will be required to refine our estimates and demonstrate causality between loiasis and the breadth of clinical manifestations reported. Even if the rates of atypical presentations were found to be lower, given that residents of loiasis-endemic areas are both numerous and the group most at risk of severe atypical manifestations, our conclusions support the recognition of loiasis as a significant public health burden across Central Africa.

А.Р. Зарипова ◽  
Л.Р. Нургалиева ◽  
А.В. Тюрин ◽  
И.Р. Минниахметов ◽  
Р.И. Хусаинова

Проведено исследование гена интерферон индуцированного трансмембранного белка 5 (IFITM5) у 99 пациентов с несовершенным остеогенезом (НО) из 86 неродственных семей. НО - клинически и генетически гетерогенное наследственное заболевание соединительной ткани, основное клиническое проявление которого - множественные переломы, начиная с неонатального периода жизни, зачастую приводящие к инвалидизации с детского возраста. К основным клиническим признакам НО относятся голубые склеры, потеря слуха, аномалия дентина, повышенная ломкость костей, нарушения роста и осанки с развитием характерных инвалидизирующих деформаций костей и сопутствующих проблем, включающих дыхательные, неврологические, сердечные, почечные нарушения. НО встречается как у мужчин, так и у женщин. До сих пор не определена степень генетической гетерогенности заболевания. На сегодняшний день известно 20 генов, вовлеченных в патогенез НО, и исследователи разных стран продолжают искать новые гены. В последнее десятилетие стало известно, что аутосомно-рецессивные, аутосомно-доминантные и Х-сцепленные мутации в широком спектре генов, кодирующих белки, которые участвуют в синтезе коллагена I типа, его процессинге, секреции и посттрансляционной модификации, а также в белках, которые регулируют дифференцировку и активность костеобразующих клеток, вызывают НО. Мутации в гене IFITM5, также называемом BRIL (bone-restricted IFITM-like protein), участвующем в формировании остеобластов, приводят к развитию НО типа V. До 5% пациентов имеют НО типа V, который характеризуется образованием гиперпластического каллуса после переломов, кальцификацией межкостной мембраны предплечья и сетчатым рисунком ламелирования, наблюдаемого при гистологическом исследовании кости. В 2012 г. гетерозиготная мутация (c.-14C> T) в 5’-нетранслируемой области (UTR) гена IFITM5 была идентифицирована как основная причина НО V типа. В представленной работе проведен анализ гена IFITM5 и идентифицирована мутация c.-14C>T, возникшая de novo, у одного пациента с НО, которому впоследствии был установлен V тип заболевания. Также выявлены три известных полиморфных варианта: rs57285449; c.80G>C (p.Gly27Ala) и rs2293745; c.187-45C>T и rs755971385 c.279G>A (p.Thr93=) и один ранее не описанный вариант: c.128G>A (p.Ser43Asn) AGC>AAC (S/D), которые не являются патогенными. В статье уделяется внимание особенностям клинических проявлений НО V типа и рекомендуется определение мутации c.-14C>T в гене IFITM5 при подозрении на данную форму заболевания. A study was made of interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5 gene (IFITM5) in 99 patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) from 86 unrelated families and a search for pathogenic gene variants involved in the formation of the disease phenotype. OI is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous hereditary disease of the connective tissue, the main clinical manifestation of which is multiple fractures, starting from the natal period of life, often leading to disability from childhood. The main clinical signs of OI include blue sclera, hearing loss, anomaly of dentin, increased fragility of bones, impaired growth and posture, with the development of characteristic disabling bone deformities and associated problems, including respiratory, neurological, cardiac, and renal disorders. OI occurs in both men and women. The degree of genetic heterogeneity of the disease has not yet been determined. To date, 20 genes are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of OI, and researchers from different countries continue to search for new genes. In the last decade, it has become known that autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant and X-linked mutations in a wide range of genes encoding proteins that are involved in the synthesis of type I collagen, its processing, secretion and post-translational modification, as well as in proteins that regulate the differentiation and activity of bone-forming cells cause OI. Mutations in the IFITM5 gene, also called BRIL (bone-restricted IFITM-like protein), involved in the formation of osteoblasts, lead to the development of OI type V. Up to 5% of patients have OI type V, which is characterized by the formation of a hyperplastic callus after fractures, calcification of the interosseous membrane of the forearm, and a mesh lamellar pattern observed during histological examination of the bone. In 2012, a heterozygous mutation (c.-14C> T) in the 5’-untranslated region (UTR) of the IFITM5 gene was identified as the main cause of OI type V. In the present work, the IFITM5 gene was analyzed and the de novo c.-14C> T mutation was identified in one patient with OI who was subsequently diagnosed with type V of the disease. Three known polymorphic variants were also identified: rs57285449; c.80G> C (p.Gly27Ala) and rs2293745; c.187-45C> T and rs755971385 c.279G> A (p.Thr93 =) and one previously undescribed variant: c.128G> A (p.Ser43Asn) AGC> AAC (S / D), which were not pathogenic. The article focuses on the features of the clinical manifestations of OI type V, and it is recommended to determine the c.-14C> T mutation in the IFITM5 gene if this form of the disease is suspected.

M. M. Poroshina ◽  
E. M. Vlasova ◽  
A. Ya. Perevalov

The results of research carried out by theFederalScientificCenterfor Medical and Preventive Technologies of Public Health Risk Management Technologies for the period 2013–2018 showed that diseases associated with the combined effects of vibration and physical overload, employees of hazardous industries develop with experience of 15 years or more. The risk group is women older than 35 years and men older than 40 years. Pathology at the stage of detailed clinical manifestations is characterized by persistent pain syndrome, and, as a consequence, a decrease in the ability to work of workers.The aim of the study was to optimize the system of diagnosis of hand diseases in workers of industrial enterprises engaged in labor activities under the combined effects of vibration and physical overload, for the development of primary prevention programs.The observation group consisted of 32 employees aged 39.3±4.3 years, with an experience of 17.4±4.3 years; the comparison group consisted of 30 employees whose working conditions are not related to the studied factors; the average age was 40.6±3.4 years, experience was 19.1±3.1 years. The examination included analysis of the results of a special assessment of working conditions; assessment of neurological status; functional tests; laboratory studies (assessment of inflammation), hand dynamometry, stimulation electroneuromyography; x-rays of the hands and wrist joints, ultrasound examination of the hands.More than half of the surveyed persons of the observation group and 3/4 of the workers of the comparison group did not make complaints. Indicators of dynamometry of workers in both groups corresponded to physiological norm (p>0.05). Analysis of the results of dynamometer with data from previous years of PMO showed a decrease in strength of muscles of the hand leading hands on 2je,0–16. 7% and from 83.3% of the employees of the monitoring group and in 44.4% of the comparison group (p<0.05), in 50 % of the cases there was a decrease in the percentage of changes in the hand force variation (HFV) in the observation group, and in 38.9% of the cases the indicators remained unchanged. According to ultrasound of the hands, signs of tendinopathy were established in 85% of the employees of the observation group in the absence of persons with similar changes in the comparison group.In order to optimize the diagnosis of diseases of the hand in industrial workers who carry out their work under the combined effects of vibration and physical overload, in the case of a decrease in the rate of carpal dynamometry by 5% or more during the year, it is recommended to conduct ultrasound of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus of the hand, which will allow timely identification of early signs of tendinopathy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (8) ◽  
pp. 1437-1441
Pavel Dyachenko ◽  
Igor Filchakov ◽  
Anatoly Dyachenko ◽  
Victoria Kurhanskaya

Introduction: Viral encephalitis accounts for 40-70% of all cases worldwide, central nervous system infections pose a diagnostic challenge because clinical manifestations are not typically pathognomonic for specific pathogens, and a wide range of agents can be causative. The aim: To assess the diagnostic value of intrathecal synthesis of specific antibodies in patients with inflammatory lesions of the central nervous system. Materials and methods: Within the framework of the study, two groups of 90 people in each were formed from the patients with neuroinfections admitted to our Center. Intrathecal synthesis (ITS) of total (unspecific) IgG in members of one of group (group of compare) was determined. Brain synthesis of specific antibodies (Ab) to some neurotropic pathogens (herpes simplex virus 1/2, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, varicella zoster virus, rubella virus, Borrelies) was studied in the second group of patients (group of interest). There were no statistically significant differences between groups by gender and age. Encephalitis and encephalomyelitis prevailed among patients of both groups Results: ITS of total IgG was established in 30 (33.3 ± 6.1 %) patients of the first group with IgG index more than 0.6 indicating on inflammatory process in CNS and no marked changes of CSF. ITS of specific Ab was determined in 23 of 90 (25.6 ± 4.6 %) patients included into group of interest. In more than half of cases Ab to several infectious agents were detected simultaneously. ITS of various specificity, in particular, to measles and rubella viruses, and VZV, known as MRZ-reaction, is characteristic of some autoimmune lesions of CNS, multiple sclerosis first of all. In fact, further research of 5 patients with MRZ-reaction confirmed their autoimmune failure of CNS. Detection of ITS in the CSF samples didn’t depend on concentration of specific Ab in serum and CSF and wasn’t followed by HEB dysfunctions which were observed with the same frequency in patients with or without ITS (13.0 % and 13.6 % respectively). Conclusion: Specific Ab synthesis to several neurotropic pathogens in the CSF of significant part of examined patients was established. Thus, diagnostic value of ITS of specific immunoglobulins seems to be limited to cases in which autoimmune damage of the CNS is suspected.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 241-247
Atifete Ramosaj-Morina ◽  
Alije Keka-Sylaj ◽  
Arbana Baloku Zejnullahu ◽  
Lidvana Spahiu ◽  
Virgjina Hasbahta ◽  

Background: Celiac disease is an immune-mediated disorder characterized by variable clinical manifestations, specific antibodies, HLA-DQ2/DQ8 haplotypes, and enteropathy. Objectives: The aim of this study was to present the clinical spectrum and patterns of celiac disease in Kosovar Albanian children. Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study was performed with Albanian children aged 0-18 years, treated for celiac disease in the Pediatric Clinic, University Clinical Center of Kosovo from 2005 to 2016. Results: During the study period, 63 children were treated for celiac disease. The mean age at diagnosis was 5.5 years (SD ± 3.31). The mean age at celiac disease onset was 3.3 years (SD ± 2.02), while the mean delay from the first symptoms indicative of celiac disease to diagnosis was 2.2 years (SD ± 2.09). More than 70% of the patients were diagnosed in the first 7 years of life, mainly presented with gastrointestinal symptoms, while primary school children and adolescents mostly showed atypical symptoms (p<0.001). The classical form of celiac disease occurred in 78% of the cases. Sixty (95%) patients carried HLA-DQ2.5, DQ2.2 and/or HLA-DQ8 heterodimers, and only three of them tested negative. Conclusions: Kosovo, as the majority of developing countries, is still facing the classical form of celiac disease as the dominant mode of presentation; as a result, most children with other forms of the celiac disease remain undiagnosed. : Physicians should be aware of the wide range of clinical presentations and utilize low testing thresholds in order to prevent potential long-term problems associated with untreated celiac disease.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-105 ◽  
Hossein A. Rahdar ◽  
Mansoor Kodori ◽  
Mohamad R. Salehi ◽  
Mahsa Doomanlou ◽  
Morteza Karami-Zarandi ◽  

Background: Brucellosis, a major health problem in developing countries, is a multisystem infection with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations. Hematological complications, ranging from an intravascular coagulopathy to mild homeostasis disorders (such as gammopathy), have been reported in brucella infection. These signs and symptoms may lead to misdiagnosis of brucellosis with other hematological diseases. Case: A 65-year-old male whose occupation was shepherding was referred to our hospital as a known case of multiple myeloma with continuous fever, muscle weakness, and night sweating after taking 2 courses of chemotherapy. The laboratory diagnosis of multiple myeloma had been based on the observation of a high percent of plasma cells in the bone marrow aspiration. At follow- up, the result of patient's fever workup, with 2 sets of blood cultures, was positive for Brucella melitensis. Isolated brucella was confirmed as B. melitensis by 16S rRNA sequencing. Brucellosis serologic test was performed by agglutination test and positive results were obtained. The patient was discharged with the cessation of fever and general improvement after the end of the parental treatment phase of brucella bacteremia. Conclusions: Brucella infection may cause a severe disease, mimicking a primary hematological disease, which could complicate the correct diagnosis. In brucellosis cases, due to the wide range of symptoms, in addition to cultivation and serological methods, molecular methods should also be used to prevent inappropriate diagnosis and additional costs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 205031212110225
Mark A Pianka ◽  
Joseph Serino ◽  
Steven F DeFroda ◽  
Blake M Bodendorfer

Greater trochanteric pain syndrome is a common cause of lateral hip pain, encompassing a spectrum of disorders, including trochanteric bursitis, abductor tendon pathology, and external coxa saltans. Greater trochanteric pain syndrome is primarily a clinical diagnosis, and careful clinical examination is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment. A thorough history and physical exam may be used to help differentiate greater trochanteric pain syndrome from other common causes of hip pain, including osteoarthritis, femoroacetabular impingement, and lumbar stenosis. Although not required for diagnosis, plain radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging may be useful to exclude alternative pathologies or guide treatment of greater trochanteric pain syndrome. The majority of patients with greater trochanteric pain syndrome respond well to conservative management, including physical therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroid injections. Operative management is typically indicated in patients with chronic symptoms refractory to conservative therapy. A wide range of surgical options, both open and endoscopic, are available and should be guided by the specific etiology of pain. The purpose of this review is to highlight pertinent clinical and radiographic features used in the diagnosis and management of greater trochanteric pain syndrome. In addition, treatment indications, techniques, and outcomes are described.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (58) ◽  
pp. eabg0833
Bingyu Yan ◽  
Tilo Freiwald ◽  
Daniel Chauss ◽  
Luopin Wang ◽  
Erin West ◽  

Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) present a wide range of acute clinical manifestations affecting the lungs, liver, kidneys and gut. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) 2, the best-characterized entry receptor for the disease-causing virus SARS-CoV-2, is highly expressed in the aforementioned tissues. However, the pathways that underlie the disease are still poorly understood. Here, we unexpectedly found that the complement system was one of the intracellular pathways most highly induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection in lung epithelial cells. Infection of respiratory epithelial cells with SARS-CoV-2 generated activated complement component C3a and could be blocked by a cell-permeable inhibitor of complement factor B (CFBi), indicating the presence of an inducible cell-intrinsic C3 convertase in respiratory epithelial cells. Within cells of the bronchoalveolar lavage of patients, distinct signatures of complement activation in myeloid, lymphoid and epithelial cells tracked with disease severity. Genes induced by SARS-CoV-2 and the drugs that could normalize these genes both implicated the interferon-JAK1/2-STAT1 signaling system and NF-κB as the main drivers of their expression. Ruxolitinib, a JAK1/2 inhibitor, normalized interferon signature genes and all complement gene transcripts induced by SARS-CoV-2 in lung epithelial cell lines, but did not affect NF-κB-regulated genes. Ruxolitinib, alone or in combination with the antiviral remdesivir, inhibited C3a protein produced by infected cells. Together, we postulate that combination therapy with JAK inhibitors and drugs that normalize NF-κB-signaling could potentially have clinical application for severe COVID-19.

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