scholarly journals Pengaruh Brand Image Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Domino’s Pizza Lippo Karawaci Utara

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-79
Ramon Hurdawaty ◽  
Ulfah Madaniyah

The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a significant influence on the brand image on purchasing decisions on Pizza Lippo Karawaci Utara from Domino and to determine the effect of these two variables. The research method used in this research is quantitative descriptive with survey techniques. The sampling technique used in this study used a simple random sampling technique with a sample size of 97 respondents. Data analysis using statistical methods with SPSS version 24 for windows with the methods of validity, reliability, normality, coordination coefficient, coefficient of determination, linear regression equations, and hypothesis testing. The results of data analysis showed a regression equation Y = 13,951 + 0.802X, with a value of the consideration coefficient of 0.688 which means that the brand image variable with a purchasing decision has a strong relationship. Hypothesis test results obtained t value greater than t table (9.239> 1.98525) with a significant 0.000. The contribution of brand image influence on purchasing decisions amounted to 47.3% (R square = 0.473), and the remaining 52.7% is needed by other variables besides related variables, such as customer loyalty, service quality, and others. Thus it can be concluded that the brand image is positive and significant towards purchasing decisions. Abstrak Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh brand image terhadap keputusan pembelian pada Domino’s Pizza Lippo Karawaci Utara dan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh kedua variable tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik survey. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 97 responden. Analisis data menggunakan alat bantu statistik dengan program SPSS versi 24 for windows dengan metode analisis uji validitas, reliabilitas, normalitas, koefisien korelasi, koefisien determinasi, persamaan regresi linier, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil analisis data menunjukan persamaan regresi Y=13,951+0,802X, dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,688 yang artinya variable brand image dengan keputusan pembelian mempunyai hubungan yang kuat. Hasil analisis hipotesis (uji t) diperoleh nilai t hitung lebih besar dari t table (9,239 > 1,98525) dengan signifikan 0,000. Kontribusi pengaruh brand image terhadap keputusan pembelian adalah sebesar 47,3 % (R square=0,473), dan sisanya 52,7% dipengaruhi oleh variable lain diluar variable yang diuji, seperti loyalitas pelanggan, kualitas pelayanan, dan lain-lain. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa brand image memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Kata Kunci : Citra Merek, Keputusan Pembelian, Kuantitatif

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-174
Rita Ningsih ◽  
Arfatin Nurrahmah

The purpose of this research is to know the influence between self efficacy and adversity quotient on entrepreneurial interests of students, the effect of self efficacy on student entrepreneurial interests, and the effect of adversity quotient on student entrepreneurial interests. The method used is survey. Samples were obtained using simple random sampling technique as many as 105 students took entrepreneurship courses at one of the PTS in Jakarta. Data analysis is done using the help of the SPSS-16 program. Test requirements the analysis used is the test of normality, linearity test and multicolinearity test. The hypothesis test using a correlational test is followed by a double regression test. Based on the results of the research, the results that: 1) there are influence of self efficacy and adversity quotient jointly towards entrepreneurial interest. Self efficacy and adversity quotient contributions to entrepreneurial interest of 45.7% of the remaining 54.3% are donated by variables other than self efficacy and adversity quotient; 2) there is self efficacy influence on entrepreneurial interest, and 3) there is adversity quotient influence on entrepreneurial interest

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 302
Devi Indrawati

ABSTRACT This research aimed to analyze and discuss the effect of brand image and hedonistic life style toward the buying decision of “Zoya” veil study on hijabers community in Surabaya. Population targeted in this research was hijabers community in Surabaya who bought at least “zoya” veil more than a time in a week that minimum 19 years old. Samples were 212 respondents by sampling technique, while the sampling method used Probability Sampling. The sampling conducted by Simple Random Sampling, this is technique of sample selection from the population conducted randomly with no regard to strata in that population. Data collection techniques were using questionnaire, literary studies, interviews and data analysis technique using Multiple Linear Regression.The result shows that brands image and hedonistic lifestyle affected on the buying decision.   ABSTRAKSIPenelitian ini bertujuan utuk menganalisis dan membahas pengaruh citra merek dan gaya hidup hedonis terhadap keputusan pembelian jilbab “Zoya” studi pada komunitas hijabers di Surabaya. Target populasi dalam penelitian ini komunitas hijabers di Surabaya minimal membeli jilbab “Zoya” lebih dari satu kali dalam seminggu yang berusia minimal 19 tahun. Sampel berjumlah 212 responden dengan teknik pemgambilan sampel Sedangkan metode penentuan sampel yang digunakan probability sampling Adapaun penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan simple random sampling, yaitu teknik pengambilan anggota sampel dari populasi dilakukan secara acak tanpa memperhatikan strata yang ada dalam populasi itu. Tekhnik pengumpulan data angket, studi kepustakaan, wawancara dan teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa Citra merek dan gaya hidup hedonis berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Iwan Kurniawan Subagja ◽  
Azis Hakim

<em>This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and brand image on customer satisfaction. The research was conducted at Hotel Grand Candi Semarang. The sampling technique used simple random sampling and data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that service quality and brand image had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction at Hotel Grand Candi Semarang.</em>

Lailatul Muqoyyaroh .

<em>This research has purpose to know giving reward at PDAM Magetan, to know employee job satisfaction at PDAM Magetan, and to know influence of reward to employee job satisfaction at PDAM Magetan. Sampling technique in this research using simple random sampling technique taken 66 employees at PDAM Magetan. Data were taken by questionnaire, observation and documentation. The analysis was processed by SPSS version 16.0 using simple linear regression with test test and test hypothesis test. The results showed that the result of Simple Linear Regression Test is Y = 13.054 + 0.496, it means that if the variable of customer satisfaction is constant or constant, then the amount of job satisfaction of employee is 13,054. The result of Coefficient of Determination (R ^ 2) is known 0,879 indicates that 87% variable of employee job satisfaction influenced by reward, while the rest 13% influenced by other variable. Furthermore, the result of t test obtained t_hitung value is 21,549 while t_tabel equal to 1,668. This means that the value of t _count &gt; t_tabel (21,549 &gt; 1,668) so it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, it means there is influence between Reward on Job Satisfaction Employees At PDAM Magetan.</em>

2020 ◽  

The research is proposed to test the influence of Leadership and Motivation Work on Public Service Quality. The population in this study was the Kantor Kementerian Agama Sungai Penuh who had received the last 1 year service at the Kantor Kementerian Agama Sungai Penuh, amounting to 260 people. Furthermore, by using the Slovin formula, a sample size of 158 people was chosen with a sampling technique based on Simple Random Sampling. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Data analysis techniques used are path analysis and hypothesis testing using t test with data analysis using SPSS version 20. The results of the study based on showing that partially the Leadership and motivation work have a positive and significant effect on Public Service Quality. The results also show that motivation work variables act as intervening variables between Leadership and Public Service Quality.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Iskandar

In the era of globalization, the competition in the business world becomes very tight. Companies vying to be able to continue to compete and survive in the business world. Each consumer must have had the expectation that the products they buy are able to provide satisfaction for them to be making purchasing decisions. Consumer purchasing decisions of companies to seeds virtual brand still low due to the brand image and quality of seeds that are still unsatisfactory.This study aims to determine the responses of respondents regarding brand image, product quality, purchasing decisions and how big an impact on the brand image itself against purchase decisions on the PT. Prabu Argo Mandiri Bandung and how much influence the quality of products on the purchase decision.The method by which the samples is Simple Random Sampling consists of 80 respondents. The method of analysis in this research using descriptive analysis and verification which is composed of multiple linear regression analysis. Product moment correlation analysis, and the coefficient of determination used to measure the level of influence of brand image and product quality on purchasing decisions.The results based on descriptive analysis of brand image variable is in good enough category, variable quality of the product is in the unfavorable category, and the purchase decision variable is in the unfavorable category. The results based on correlation test showed that the brand image is partially significant effect on purchasing decisions by 68% and the product quality is partially significant effect on purchasing decisions by 13%. Hypothesis test results suggested that the increased purchasing decisions partially and simultaneously influence through brand image and product quality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Nuridin Nurudin ◽  
Yuli Anggraini S

<em>One of the main determinants that influence the success rate of a company is employee performance. Efforts to improve employee performance, including by pay attention to work satisfaction and competence. This research was aimed to determine the effect of work satisfaction and competence to employees performance of AirNav Indonesia company. The population in this research were employess of AirNav Indonesia company at financial department were amounted to 387 people. The sample in this study were amounted to 80 employees using Slovin formula with random sampling technique. The method of data technique which used in the research was using multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination and hypothesis test. Before being analyzed the instrument test was carried out. The results of this research can be known that work satisfaction and competence have a positive and significant influence to employees performance of AirNav Indonesia company.</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Indah Astika Sari ◽  
Hamiyati Hamiyati ◽  
Rasha Rasha

This research aims to knowing the influence of peer group function of purchasing decisions (information search) cosmetic products in teenagers. This research was conducted at the 140 Junior High School in Jakarta. This research method using survey method.  Population inthis reseach is student grade nine, with the total sample is 70 respondents. Data was taken by using simple random sampling. The hypothesis test data used is product moment correlation coeffcient with  result     rxyhitung  >  rxytabel,  atau 0,704 > 0,235. Result of t-test with significance level  0.05 obtained 8,17 > 1,995 or thitung > ttabel  means that is correlation beetween peer group function of purchasing decisions (information search) cosmetic products. Result of regression obtained Fhitung 66,78, and Ftabel 3,985 so that Fhitung < Ftabel means that there is a significant influence between peer group function of purchasing decisions (information search) cosmetic products in teenagers. Contribution peer group function of purchasing decisions (information search) cosmetic products in teenagers as big as 49,56%, and the remaining 50,44% is determined by other factors which is not examined. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungsi peer group terhadap pengambilan keputusan pembelian (pencarian informasi) produk kosmetik  pada remaja. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama 140 Jakarta. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswi kelas IX, dengan jumlah sampel 70 responden. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Uji hipotesis data yang digunakan adalah korelasi koefisien product moment dengan hasil disimpulkan rxyhitung > rxytabel , atau 0,704 > 0,235. Hasil uji t dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05 diperoleh 8,17 > 1,995 atau thitung > ttabel yang berarti terdapat korelasi antara fungsi peer group terhadap pengambilan keputusan pembelian (pencarian informasi) produk kosmetik. Perhitungan uji signifikansi regresi diperoleh hasil perhitungan Fhitung 66,78 dan Ftabel 3,98 sehingga Fhitung < Ftabel artinya terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara fungsi peer group terhadap pengambilan keputusan pembelian (pencarian informasi) produk kosmetik. Konstribusi fungsi peer group terhadap pengambilan keputusan pembelian (pencarian informasi) sebesar 49,56%, sedangkan sisanya yaitu 50,44% ditentukan dengan faktor lain yang tidak diteliti.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Pendi Hasyim ◽  
Nuridin Nuridin

<em>This study aims to determine the Effect of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance of PT. Kao Indonesia. The population in this study amounted to 300 employees. By using the Slovin formula a sample of 75 employees was obtained. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. This study uses a quantitative approach, data for this study were obtained through a questionnaire that was filled out by respondents who had been determined. The data analysis method used is a simple and multiple linear regression analysis method. The research results partially show that leadership has a significant effect on employee performance. Organizational culture has a significant effect on employee performance. While simultaneously leadership variables and organizational culture have a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Kao Indonesia.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 3214
Risa Nadya Septiani ◽  
Eni Wuryani

Raising financial literation and inclusion of financial can developing small micro entrepreneurship (UMKM) because the agent of UMKM can undesrtand the basic concept of financial product, planning and good management financial, also protecting then from deception and unhealthy work from financial market. This research purposes to know the affection of financial literation and financial inclusion toward developing UMKM work in Sidoarjo area. This research is used ex-post facto with the quantitative approaching. The collected data of the research based on the interview and quetioner distribution with sampling technique which is simple random sampling. Technique of data analysis in this research is analysis of linier double regression with helping program SPSS computer. The result of this research can conclude that financial literation and financial inclusive prove that be an affected factor of developing work UMKM in Sidoarjo. Keywords : Financial Literation, Financial Inclusion, Developing work of UMKM

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