scholarly journals Design and Research Sowing Devices for Aerial Sowing of Forest Seeds with UAVs

Inventions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 83
Mikhail Lysych ◽  
Leonid Bukhtoyarov ◽  
Denis Druchinin

Modern unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) can be effectively used for aerial sowing of forests. A feature of aerial sowing is the possibility of rapid reforestation at low costs, which is extremely important in the current environmental situation. The purpose of this study is to develop a set of sowing devices intended for use with UAVs. For this, the metering devices and seed distribution devices were analyzed, used on the UAV or having prospects for such use. The existing studies of metering devices, implemented by numerical methods, are analyzed. Further, the synthesis of eight different designs of sowing devices in the 3D CAD was carried out and their comparative assessment was completed in terms of mass and a set of technological parameters. Based on its results, a sowing device was selected that is most suitable for a specific given technology. Discrete Element Method (DEM) was used to simulate the workflow: imitation of loading of the sowing device, study of work in various modes, study of the process of impact interaction of seeds with the soil environment. The complex of developed sowing devices can provide sowing of almost any type of forest seeds within the framework of various technologies and soil climatic conditions.

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Tuan Dinh Phan ◽  
Binh Thien Nguyen ◽  
Dien Khanh Le ◽  
Phuong Hoang Pham

The paper presents an application the research results previously done by group on the influence of technological parameters to the deformation angle and finish surface quality in order to choose technology parameters for the incremental sheet forming (ISF) process to produce products for the purpose of rapid prototyping or single-batch production, including all steps from design and process 3D CAD model, calculate and select the technological parameters, setting up manufacturing and the stage of post-processing. The samples formed successfully showed high applicability of this technology to practical work, the complex products with the real size can be produced in industries: automotive, motorcycle, civil...

Castor oil (Ricinus communus L.) is an important commercial product. The climatic conditions of Ukraine determine the possibility of growing the castor as an annual crop. At the Institute of Oilseeds NAAS studied castor collection. The aim of the work was the selection of the most promising samples of castor oil, combining a large yield potential in a narrow range of vertical distribution for optimal technological parameters of mechanical harvesting with a high content of oil in seeds and ricinolic acid in oil. In the experience of 2015-2016, the manifestation of morphological features of 17 castor bean samples was studied. The height of plants, individual samples among themselves differed more than twice. Long-brush samples of ЕР118, К374, М203, К159 are distinguished on the basis of the length of the brush. The shortest brush was observed in sample K1008. The length of the productive brush in the studied samples is from 10.7 to 32.9 cm. Most castor bean samples under favorable conditions form brushes of the second and higher orders. According to this parameter, samples of Ep118 and selection No. 38 with four inflorescences of the second order are of the greatest interest. The largest brushes of the second order are similar in size to the brushes of the first order were observed in the samples: К1127, К810, К153. The adaptability of harvesting castor beads requires that the brushes of the first and second order coincide in height with each other, since the harvester can take a maximum of 60 cm. For the sum of the productive brushes of the first and second orders, the greatest potential yield will be provided by samples K159 and K1127. Among the studied collection stands out the small seed sample K159 and the large seed samples - PRL41 and K80. The average oil content in the seeds of the collection was from 52 to 61.4%. Sample38 had the highest oil content. The content of ricinolic acid in the collection was from 70.9 to 82.9%. Samples were isolated: К134, К1008, PRL41, К430 with the content of ricinoleic acid more than 80%. The results of the study of all parameters make it possible to isolate valuable technological samples. Sample K1064 with a high technological potential of productivity, with a seed oil content of 57.2%, has a not very high content of ricinoleic acid of 74.3%. Sample K1127 with an oil content of 58.6%, a mass of 1000 seeds of 265 g, a high potential of productive brushes has a wide variation in the arrangement of brushes. Sample K134 with a oil content of 57.1%, ricinoleic acid content of 80.7% has small second-order brushes and can be used as a single-cysts in a thicker seeding.

2011 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Tuan Dinh Phan ◽  
Binh Thien Nguyen ◽  
Dien Khanh Le ◽  
Phuong Hoang Pham

The paper presents an application the research results previously done by group on the influence of technological parameters to the deformation angle and finish surface quality in order to choose technology parameters for the incremental sheet forming (ISF) process to produce products for the purpose of rapid prototyping or single-batch production, including all steps from design and process 3D CAD model, calculate and select the technological parameters, setting up manufacturing and the stage of post-processing. The samples formed successfully showed high applicability of this technology to practical work, the complex products with the real size can be produced in industries: automotive, motorcycle, civil...


Приведена историческая справка по селекции сои в Дальневосточном научно-исследовательском институте сельского хозяйства, начиная с 1938 г. В 2018 г. впервые проведена сравнительная оценка сортов сои хабаровской селекции по биологическим и технологическим параметрам, изучен биохимический состав семян. Представлены сорта различного направления использования – пищевого, кормового, универсального. За годы успешной селекции создана линейка сортов с разным периодом вегетации – от среднескороспелых (Марината, Антон Толпышев) до среднепозднеспелых (Батя, Иван Караманов, Учитель); с высокой устойчивостью к полеганию (0 баллов) и имеющие прикрепление первого боба на высоте от 8,0 см и более. Среди сортов присутствуют как мелкосемянные (МОК, масса 1000 семян 79,5 г), так и крупносемянные (Учитель, масса 1000 семян 253,8 г). Высокое содержание белка отмечено у сортов Хабаровская 117 (42,1 %), Хабаровская 01 (41,3 %), Мария (40,9 %), Хабаровская 4 (40,7 %), ПИМ-95 (40,7 %), МОК (40,7 %), Учитель (40,3 %); среди кормовых сортов – у Черной кормовой (41,2 %) и Л-74-10 (40,7 %). Сорта Иван Караманов и Салтус рекомендуются как масличные. Сорта Локус, МОК, Пим-95, ВАЗ-100 пригодны для получения функциональных продуктов. Предлагаемые современные сорта сои ДВ НИИСХ в условиях муссонного климата обладают высокой продуктивностью, высокотехнологичны в производстве и являются основой для увеличения валового производства сои в Дальневосточном регионе. The historical information on soybean breeding at the Far East Research Institute of Agriculture, from 1938 to the present day, is provided. In 2018, for the first time, a comparative assessment of soybean varieties of the Khabarovsk selection by biological and technological parameters was carried out, the biochemical composition of seeds was studied. Varieties of various directions of use are presented – food, feed, universal. Over the years of successful breeding, a line of varieties with a different growing season has been created – from mid-season (Marinata, Anton Tolpyshev) to mid-late (Batya, Ivan Karamanov, Uchitel); with high resistance to lodging (0 points) and having the attachment of the first bean from 8.0 cm or more. Among the varieties there are both small-seeded (MOK, weight of 1000 seeds 79.5 g), and large-seeded (Uchitel, weight of 1000 seeds 253.8 g). High protein content was observed in the varieties Khabarovskaya 117 (42.1 %), Khabarovskaya 01 (41.3 %), Maria (40.9 %), Khabarovskaya 4 (40.7 %), PIM-95 (40.7 %), MOK (40.7 %), Uchitel (40.3 %); among fodder varieties – Black fodder (41.2 %) and L-74-10 (40.7 %). Varieties Ivan Karamanov and Saltus are recommended as oilseeds. Varieties Locus, MOK, Pim-95, VAZ-100 are suitable for obtaining functional products. The modern soybean varieties offered by the Far East Research Institute of Agriculture in the monsoon climate are highly productive, high-tech in production, and are the basis for increasing gross soybean production in the Far East Region.

2014 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Magdalena Gut ◽  
Przemysław Szecówka ◽  
Andrzej Bichoński

Abstract The purpose of the paper was to determine phenotype and genotype variability of yield components structure (number of grains, grain mass and 1000 grain weigh) as well as of the basic technological traits (sedimentation number, falling number, protein percentage content per grain). The research also considered the issue of pre-harvest sprouting. During each vegetation season rainfall and temperature were recorded. The examined material were the strains of F6 - F7 generation. Coefficients of correlation between the values of particular traits and mean temperatures and rainfall sum during a given season showed that yield component parameters were significantly modified by temperature; whilst warm vegetation seasons proved to be beneficial. Negative correlation between the rainfall sum and the number of grains and grain mass as well as 1000 grain weight suggests that the excess of water may be more detrimental for the yield than its shortage. Coefficients of correlation between the values of basic technological parameters and mean temperature were negative and not very high or low or even – insignificant, as in the case of falling number. High h2 coefficients suggest a good heritability of yield components parameters, and yield per ear seem to be the trait that was transmitted best. Amongst the basic quality indicators, the highest heritability was observed in the case of falling number and the lowest one in the case of sedimentation number. The weakest genetic conditioning was observed in the case of resistance to sprouting, measured as the percentage of sprouting grains in the ear. It seems therefore that genetic variability was, to a large degree, masked by the environmental impact and, in spite of a high degree of genetic conditioning, the effectiveness of selection based on a visual evaluation of the forms rated for further cultivation might be limited.

2021 ◽  
pp. 120-124
Л.П. Трошин ◽  
Р.В. Кравченко ◽  
Н.В. Матузок ◽  
Р.Н. Куфанова

Дан обзор результатов ампелографической оценки перспективных розовоягодных сортов винограда Анюта, Аркадия розовая, Виктор, Памяти хирурга в условиях Анапо-Таманской зоны Краснодарского края. Агротехника соответствовала общепринятой для данной культуры и зоны. Схема посадки - 3,0 х 2,5 м. Кусты формировались по типу высокоштамбового двуплечего горизонтального кордона. Все агробиологические учеты проводились по общепринятым методикам. На кустах формировалась одинаковая нагрузка побегами и гроздями. Анализ метеорологических условий периода вегетации, агробиологических и хозяйственно-технологических показателей изучаемых сортов свидетельствует о том, что почвенно-климатические условия Анапо-Таманской зоны Краснодарского края являются благоприятными для их возделывания в неукрывной культуре. Сорта Виктор и Аркадия розовая были отнесены к группе сортов очень раннего срока созревания, сорт Памяти хирурга - раннего, а сорт Анюта - к группе сортов среднепозднего срока созревания. Суммирование рангов сортов по признакам позволяет классифицировать их по комплексной ценности (в убывающем порядке ряда): Виктор, Анюта, Аркадия розовая и Памяти хирурга. В конце ряда - контрольный сорт Кишмиш лучистый. То есть все сорта народной селекции по комплексу биолого-хозяйственных признаков превосходят контрольный сорт и потому их следует рассмотреть как перспективные для районирования в Южно-Предгорной зоне Краснодарского края. Анализ результатов исследований показал, что для производства свежего столового винограда в условиях Анапо-Таманской зоны Краснодарского края в неукрывной культуре рекомендуется выращивание выделившихся по комплексу биолого-хозяйственных признаков сортов Виктор, Памяти хирурга, Аркадия розовая и Анюта. The article provides the summary of results on ampelographic assessment of promising rose-berry grape varieties ‘Anyuta’, Arcadia Rose’, ‘Victor’, ‘Pamyati Khirurga’ in the Anapo-Taman zone of the Krasnodar Territory. Agricultural techniques corresponded to those generally accepted for the given culture and zone. The planting pattern was 3.0 x 2.5 m. The bushes were trained as high-head two-armed horizontal cordons. All agrobiological surveys were carried out according to generally accepted methods. Identical loading with shoots and bunches was trained on the bushes. The analysis of meteorological conditions of the growing season, agrobiological and economic-technological parameters of the studied varieties indicates that the soil and climatic conditions of the Anapo-Taman zone of the Krasnodar Territory are favorable for their cultivation in open-earth culture. The varieties ‘Victor’ and ‘Arcadia Rose’ were attributed to the group of very early ripening varieties, the variety ‘Pamyati Khirurga’ - early, and ‘Anyuta’ - mid-late ripening varieties. Summing-up of varietal ranges according to the characteristics allows classify them according to their complex value (in range in descending order): ‘Victor’, ‘Anyuta’, ‘Arcadia Rose’ and ‘Pamyati Khirurga’. The control variety ‘Kishmish Luchistyi’ is at the end of this range. It means that all varieties selected by local inhabitants are superior to the control variety in terms of the complex of biological and economic characteristics, and therefore they should be considered as promising for zoning in the South Piedmont zone of the Krasnodar Territory. The analysis of the research results showed that in order to produce fresh table grapes in the Anapo-Taman zone of the Krasnodar Territory in open-earth culture, it is recommended to cultivate the varieties ‘Victor’, ‘Pamyati Khirurga’, ‘Arcadia Rose’ and ‘Anyuta’, distinguished by a complex of biological and economic characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 33-41
L. V. Gnetko ◽  
L. P. Nerovnykh ◽  
M. M. Udychak ◽  
B. B. Siyukhova ◽  
M. M. Kobleva

The article provides data on the investigation of the effect of enzymatic catalysis on the technological parameters of apple juice production. Apples are distinguished by the presence of a heterogeneous high-molecular complex of biopolymers, which complicates their processing: it prevents juice output, hinders its clarification, filterability of wine materials and negatively affects the colloidal stability of wines. Enzymatic catalysis based on the action of microbial preparations, contributes in many respects to the successful solution of the problems of intensifying technological processes of fruit and berry raw materials processing and improving the quality of obtained products. Enzyme preparations of complex action, causing deep hydrolysis of high-molecular components of the peel and pulp of fruits, provide a more complete extraction of the liquid fraction, better clarification and filterability of juices. The foothill zone of Adygea has special soil and climatic conditions that affect the formation of physical and chemical characteristics of raw materials. Considering that apple tree occupies the first place in terms of planting area among fruit crops in the Republic of Adygea, an urgent task is to study the effect of enzymatic catalysis on technological properties of juices obtained during the processing of apples grown in these soil and climatic conditions. Enzyme preparations of complex action, recommended for the processing of fruit juices and wine materials, made in France and Germany, have been selected as objects of the research. The results of the studies on the use of enzyme preparations in the processing of apple juices, taking into account their influence on the juice yield and such technological parameters as the speed and quality of clarification, filterability and dynamics of alcoholic fermentation, have been presented. The effect of enzymatic catalysis on the mass concentrations of polysaccharides, starch, total nitrogen and phenolic substances has been studied. A higher hydrolytic activity of the Extrazyme enzyme preparation has been established, when added to the pulp; it contributes to the deep transformation of high-molecular substances and, as a result, to optimize the technological parameters of juice production

2019 ◽  
pp. 76-95
Aleksey Vasilievich Polyakov ◽  
Vitaly Mikhailovich Usov ◽  
Boris Ivanovich Kryuchkov ◽  
Yu.P. Chernyshev ◽  
A.I. Motienko

The paper considers new approaches to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and associated technologies of emergency warning under extreme conditions of the northern climatic zones for expanding the search and rescue capabilities in case of the forced landing of the descent module (DM). The paper also analyzes the innovative solutions on the human protection against adverse environmental effects and the means for emergency medical care that are delivered to the landing place of the descent module and allow mitigating risks for surviving under unfavorable climatic conditions prior the evacuation operations begin.

А.С. Дорохов ◽  
А.В. Сибирёв ◽  
А.Г. Аксенов

Уборка подземной части лука-севка связана с большими трудностями, так как приходится отделять товарную продукцию от большого количества почвы, превышающей объем луковиц в весовом соотношении. Сложность проектирования и создания сепарирующих рабочих органов машин для уборки корнеплодов и лука заключается в большом разнообразии почвенно-климатических условий, в которых происходит технологический процесс уборки. Кроме того, в единообразных почвенно-климатических условиях в пределах одной учетной делянки наблюдается большое отклонение от средних значений основных физических констант почвы – влажности и твердости. Большим препятствием для успешной работы сепарирующих рабочих органов является наличие в сепарируемой массе почвенных комков. Решение проблемы повышения качества работы машин для уборки лука определяется разработкой функционирующих элементов уборочной машины с определенным уровнем интеллектуальности и быстродействия отзывчивости на варьируемые стохастические показатели факторов внешних воздейтвий. Обоснованы основные технологические параметры исследуемого сепарирующего рабочего органа. Получены формулы, позволяющие определить угол подъема полотна пруткового элеватора в поперечном направлении; величину перемещения штока электроцилиндров; поперечную составляющую смещения вороха, обусловленную набеганием полотна пруткового элеватора на встряхиватель; амплитуды колебаний в поперечном и продольном направлениях полотна пруткового элеватора в зависимости от его ширины и длины; а также алгоритм работы пруткового элеватора с регулируемым углом наклона полотна. Определены площадь поперечного сечения вороха лука-севка на прутковом элеваторе с учетом коэффициента полноты сепарации; длина участка пруткового элеватора, на котором происходит смещение вороха лука-севка в результате изменения угла подъема, обусловленная зависимостью скорости движения вороха лука-севка по поверхности пруткового элеватора с учетом коэффициента трения луковиц. Harvesting the underground part of onion sets is associated with great difficulties, since it is necessary to separate commercial products from a large amount of soil, exceeding the volume of bulbs in a weight ratio. The complexity of designing and creating separating working bodies of machines for harvesting root crops and onions lies in a wide variety of soil and climatic conditions in which the technological process of harvesting takes place. In addition, under uniform soil and climatic conditions, within one accounting plot, a large deviation from the average values ​​of the basic physical constants of the soil — moisture and hardness — is observed. The big obstacle to the successful operation of the separating working bodies is the presence of soil lumps in the separated mass. The solution to the problem of improving the quality indicators of onion harvesting machines is determined by the development of the functioning elements of the harvesting machine with a certain level of intelligence and responsiveness to variable stochastic indicators of external factors. The main technological parameters of the investigated separating working body are substantiated. Formulas are obtained that allow one to determine the elevation angle of the bar elevator blade in the transverse direction, the displacement distance of the electric cylinder rod, the transverse component of the heap displacement due to the run-in of the bar elevator blade on the shaker, the vibration amplitudes in the transverse and longitudinal directions of the bar elevator blade, depending on its width and length, as well as the algorithm of the bar elevator with an adjustable blade angle. The cross-sectional area of the onion set heap on the bar elevator is determined taking into account the separation completeness coefficient, the length of the section of the bar elevator where the onion set heap is displaced as a result of the change in the elevation angle due to the dependence of the speed of the onion set heap over the surface of the bar elevator taking into account the coefficient of friction of the bulbs.

2015 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 336-342 ◽  
José Mansilla Martínez ◽  
José-Arturo de Juan Valero ◽  
Alfonso Domínguez Padilla ◽  
María-Raquel Picornell Buendía

AbstractHigh yields with low costs require that sugar beets be kept free of weeds, during critical periods, using labor or chemical treatments. Since the critical periods for this crop in Castilla - La Mancha (Spain) are unknown, the first goal of this study was to determine the effect of early and late competition on yield. The second goal was to determine the critical periods, while taking into consideration the semiarid climatic conditions of this region. Two irrigation farms located in the province of Albacete are dedicated to sugar beet cultivation. These two farms were chosen to carry out the tests March (140,000-150,000 seeds ∙ ha-1) and harvested in October. Two simultaneous and complementary experiments were carried out in each year and farm. Two scenarios were considered with eight different treatments each. In the first one (With Weeds Until - WWU), plots were infested by weeds up to a certain date. In the second one (Free of Weeds Until - FWU), plots were kept free of weeds up to a certain date. For each test, a randomised experimental blocked field was designed and there were four repetitions, each of them containing eight elemental plots (12 m2). Each plot was weeded by hand or weeds were left to grow till a definite date.The results indicated that a 1% loss of yield was reached in the early competition after 14 days, while a loss of 5% was reached after a period of 41 days after it was infested. The results also indicated that in late competition, if a crop is kept clean for 124 days and it is infested afterwards, a 1% loss is reached. However, the loss increases to 5% if the plot is kept clean for 111 days. For a 1% loss the critical period is 110 days and 70 days for a 5% loss.

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