scholarly journals History of Iskcon (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) Distribution in Belarus

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Svetlana Karassyova ◽  
Ilya Tarkan

Based on several scientific publications, a limited number of news from the 1980s up until 2021 and a series of in-depth interviews with devotees in 2006–2021, the authors of the paper managed to restore the history of Bengal Vaishnavism distribution in Belarus for the first time. Specific attributes of its introduction to the country were: (1) philosophical requests from the local citizens, not immigration of its original bearers; (2) a long period of spontaneous distribution in the form of personal involvement with Vaishnava ideas and, hence, late institutionalization of the movement. The main stages of Vaishnavism development in Belarus were distinguished: (1) 1980s, the Soviet period: introduction of Vaishnava ideas and practices within individual self-identification of the members of small groups; (2) 1990s, the post-Soviet period: forming organizational structure of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in Belarus; (3) 2000s: spiritual and administrative crises and reformation of the systems of administration and practice creation of the institute of curating the newly converted devotees; (4) 2010s: search for and establishment of the new models of serving, the out-of-temple bhakti practice, in particular; further popularization of the Vaishnava movement and community in Belarus. The main source of information on the history of Vaishnavism distribution in Belarus were in-depth interviews with the members of the community standing at its origin.

M. Koigeldiev ◽  

The 20-30 years of the XX-th century in the history of Kazakhstan are characterized by the formation of such a form of governance of the republic from the center as the institute of emissaries. This form of management remained unchanged until the end of the Soviet period. The system of administrative management has acquired a new character, consolidating the former imperial positions based on the search for sources of raw materials and sales markets. The history of the formation and activity of the Institute of emissaries as a management system in Kazakhstan was not considered as an object of historical analysis. For the first time in the Kazakh historiography in the context of the 20-30s, the author analyzes the origins of the formation of this institute of management. The article highlights the beginning of a new stage in the Kazakh history, which implies a generalization of the activities of the power system and its nature from the point of view of modern realities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 91-110
В.С. ПУКИШ ◽  

В статье рассматривается роман основоположника «революционно-пролетарской словацкой литературы», «словацкого Горького» Петера Йилемницкого (1901–1949) «Компас в нас» (1937). Актуальность данного рассмотрения определяется уже тем, что в романе значительное место уделено советской (русской, киргизской) и кавказ­ской (осетинской, в хронотопе, заступающем советские рамки) теме, – и при этом произведение Йилемницкого до сих пор не было переведено на русский язык и осталось, в общем, вне поля зрения отечественного литературоведения и литературной кри­тики. Отдельные, связанные с осетинской темой, главы романа в переводе на осетин­ский язык, выполненном в свое время Хасаном Малиевым и Сафаром Хаблиевым, пу­бликовались в советское время в североосетинской периодической печати, и, поскольку одним из героев Йилемницкого выступает друг Петера Йилемницкого известный осе­тинский писатель Чермен Беджызаты (1898–1937) и действие первого плана происхо­дит именно в Южной Осетии, которую, в рамках сюжета, посещает повествователь, роман «Компас в нас» несколько раз упоминался в осетинском литературоведении. Одним из авторов данной статьи (В.С. Пукишем) роман Йилемницкого в «осетин­ской» части в последнее время переведен на русский язык с языка оригинала (редакто­ром перевода, необходимого в виду этнокультурной фактуры, выступил И.С. Хугаев); соответственно, здесь, помимо необходимой биографической и библиографической справки, вводятся в литературно-критический оборот обстоятельства творческой истории романа «Компас в нас», его основные идеи и образы, а также его оценки в словацком литературном процессе; впервые на основе оригинального текста тракту­ется архитектоника, образная система, идеология, общие изобразительные приемы и идейно-эмоциональная тенденция текста Петера Йилемницкого. The article examines the novel Kompas v nás (Compass Inside Us) by Peter Jilemnický (1901–1949), the founder of “revolutionary proletarian Slovak literature,” and “the Slovak Gorki.” The topicality of this review can be proved by the fact that the novel devotes much attention to the Soviet (Russian, Kyrgyz) and the Caucasian (Ossetian – in the space-time going beyond the Soviet period) themes – however, by now it has not been translated into Russian and thus it has remained mostly out of the eye of contemporary Russian literary criticism. At the same time, the Ossetia-related chapters of the novel translated into Ossetian by Khasan Maliev and Safar Khabliev, were published in the North Ossetian press, and due to the fact that one of the central characters of the novel is Chermen Bedzhyzaty (1898–1937), a known Ossetian writer and a friend of Peter Jilemnický, and that the foreground of the story takes place in South Ossetia visited by the narrator, Compass Inside Us has more than once been mentioned by Ossetian literary critics. One of the authors of this article (V. Pukish) recently translated the ‘Ossetian’ part of the novel from Slovak into Russian (I. Khugaev edited the translated text as required by the ehtnocultural texture); this is why, the circumstances of creative history of the novel, its main ideas and images, and the assessments given to it by Slovak literary critics are hereby introduced into the scientific discourse in addition to the required biographical and bibliographical references. Based on the original text of the novel, the authors of this article are for the first time discussing the architectonics, imagery, ideology, general representational devices, and ideological and emotional trends of the text by Peter Jilemnický.

2019 ◽  
pp. 141-152
Татьяна Юрьевна Токарева ◽  
Нина Викторовна Холодкова

Из настоящей статьи читатель узнает непростую историю уникального экспоната из собрания Сергиево-Посадского музея-заповедника. Речь идёт об иконе Богоматери «Одигитрии» Смоленской - едва ли не единственной в стране каменной иконе XV в. Признанная в XVIII веке чудотворной, она стала главной святыней специально построенного на территории Троице-Сергиевой лавры храма в её честь. Эта икона получила со временем несколько ценных и изысканных украшений. Об этих предметах и их вкладчиках впервые приводятся подробные сведения в данной статье. Также впервые освещается история иконы и оклада в советский период (в частности, рассказывается о реконструкции утрат на иконе (головы младенца), передаче оклада в Гохран и его возврате). В настоящее время в исторической экспозиции музея впервые за последние 100 лет икона и отреставрированный оклад показаны единым комплексом. This article tells the reader the complicated story of a unique exhibit from the collection of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve. It is about the icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" of Smolensk - perhaps the only stone icon of the XV century in the country. Recognised as miraculous in the XVIII century, it became the main sacred thing of the temple in its honour built on the territory of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. This icon has received several valuable and exquisite decorations over time. These items and their contributors are detailed for the first time in this article. The history of the icon and the case in the Soviet period is also covered for the first time (in particular, the reconstruction of the losses on the icon (the head of the child), the transfer of the case to the Gokhran and its return). Now for the first time in the last 100 years, the icon and the restored case are displayed as a single complex in the museum's historical exposition.

Andrey V. Arkhipov ◽  

The article examines the history of the emergence and development of Russian legislation on criminal liability for fraud. It is noted that for the first time fraud is mentioned in the legal acts of the second half of the 16th century - the Codes of Justice of Tsars Ivan IV and Fyodor Ioannovich. Initially, fraud was most often understood as a deft but petty theft, in which de-ception was used to facilitate its commission. The understanding of fraud as the theft of other people's property, committed by deception, began to be formed only in the second half of the 18th century with the publication on April 3, 1781 by Empress Catherine II of the Decree "On the court and punishments for theft of different kinds and the establishment of working houses in all the gubernias." In the 19th century, the clarifying process of the content of the term "fraud" continued. It was reflected in the first codified criminal laws of the Russian Empire - Code of crimi-nal and corrective penalties of Russia of 1845 and the Charter on Punishments imposed by the justices of the peace of 1864. A significant contribution to the development of the Russian criminal law on liability for fraud was made by a group of legal scholars involved in the de-velopment of the Criminal Code of the Russian Empire, in which the whole Chapter 33 (Arti-cles 591-598) contained the rules on liability for fraud. Although the 1903 Criminal Code was not fully enacted, it had a significant impact on the formation of criminal law on liability for fraud in subsequent regulations. During the Soviet period, the legislation on the responsibility for fraud continued to develop. For the first time, abuse of trust was mentioned as a method of crime, along with deception. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the adoption in 1993 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law 10 of 01.07.1994 made signifi-cant changes to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1960 that served as the basis for the system of crimes against property in modern Russia.

G.Sh. Kaymarazov ◽  
L.G. Kaymarazova

The relevance of the study is determined by the scientific and practical interest in the history of national physical culture and sports, the state policy in this area, including in the national regions of the country in the early Soviet period, as well as the discussions that have unfolded in the world community today about the fate of women's sports. For the first time, the article analyzes the transformations that took place in the 1930s on the basis of reliable factual materials, taking into account modern historiographic generalizations in the structure of women's gender role on the example of participation in the physical culture movement and sports of women of multinational Dagestan, which became more and more noticeable, despite the preservation of the significant influence of Islam and traditional ideas about the place of women in the system of social relations and the family. The research carried out within the framework of socio-cultural, gender history, the history of everyday life on the basis of the principles of historicism and objectivity with the use of comparative-historical, problem-chronological, descriptive methods and taking into account the main provisions of the modernization concept, led to the conclusion that in the 1930s ... the leadership of the republic and the region began to give priority attention to the involvement of mountain girls in the physical culture and military-sports movement, which became one of the components of the program for solving the "women's issue", the implementation of which made it possible to more and more actively attract Dagestani women to participate in the socio-political and cultural life of the republic, edges, countries.

Марина Михайловна Василенко

В статье обосновывается актуальность проведенного исследования в области противодействия коррупции; анализируются правовые нормы, предусматривающие ответственность за деяния, имеющие коррупционную составляющую, в памятниках феодального отечественного права, нормативных актах периодов образования централизованного государства Руси и времен сословно-представительной монархии, эпохи становления и развития абсолютизма в нашем государстве. Особое внимание уделено исследованию такого исторического документа, как Уложение о наказаниях уголовных и исправительных, в котором впервые значительно детализированы нормы, предусматривающие ответственность за должностные преступления. Кроме того, изучены и меры противодействия коррупции, отраженные в уголовном законодательстве советского периода. Применение историко-правового метода позволяет выделить наиболее характерные черты коррупционных проявлений и применяемые за них виды наказаний на различных исторических этапах развития отечественного уголовного законодательства, проанализировать продуктивность применения данного правового инструмента в части борьбы с коррупционными правонарушениями. При этом автором делаются выводы о недостаточной эффективности современного уголовного законодательства в вопросе борьбы с должностными преступлениями и необходимости учета богатого опыта отечественного уголовного законодательства в сфере противодействия такому негативному феномену, как коррупция. На основании метода обобщения автором предлагаются конкретные меры, направленные на совершенствование уголовного законодательства в сфере противодействия коррупции. The article establishes the relevance of the conducted research in the field of combating corruption; analysis of legal norms providing for liability for acts that have a corruption component, in the monuments of feudal domestic law, regulations of the periods of formation of the centralized state of Russia and the era of estate-representative monarchy, epoch of formation and development of absolutism in our state. Special attention is paid to the study of such historical document as the Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishments, which for the first time significantly details the norms providing for responsibility for official crimes. In addition, the anti-corruption measures reflected in the criminal legislation of the Soviet period. The use of the historical-legal method to highlight the most characteristic features of corruption and use them for the types of punishment in different historical stages of development of the domestic criminal law, to analyze the productivity of application of this legal instrument in fighting corruption. At the same time, the author draws conclusions about the insufficient effectiveness of modern criminal legislation in the fight against official crimes, and the need to take into account the rich experience of domestic criminal legislation in the field of countering such a negative phenomenon as corruption. Based on the method of generalization, the author suggests specific measures aimed at improving the criminal legislation in the field of combating corruption.


In 2018-2019, the author took part in the teamwork on the development of a project of restoration of facades of the regional significance heritage monument “VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL” and in the cultural heritage site protection project development. The team has prepared project documentation on the ground of the first-time use of archival materials and other sources. Next, there a state historical and cultural examination of the submitted documentation was carried out, according to the results of which the experts have concluded the compliance of the documents with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects. The building was built in Barnaul, Altai Krai in 1942 and was prepared to accommodate the vocational school No. 4, evacuated from Stalingrad (Volgograd). The building has a variable number of storeys with a basement floor and is located in the city center in a row of stone buildings of the Soviet period on Lenina Prospect, with an indentation from the building line. It is an example of an educational building in the forms of Soviet neoclassicism. Keywords: educational building, technical school, evacuated school, architectural monument, monuments of history and culture, objects of cultural heritage

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (10) ◽  
pp. 141-144
Ekaterina A. Girchenko

The reviewed investigation made by Stanisław Robert Kuczera “The Antique and Ancient History of China. Early Neolithic of the South” (Moscow, St. Peterburg, Nestor-Istoriya, 2020, 596 p.) provides an overview of the main early Neolithic complexes in the south of China. The work has been carried out for several dozens of years and is based on the analysis of more than 2000 different scientific publications. In terms of its depth and thoroughness of presented research, this monograph has no analogues in the Russian language. Based on the systematization and analysis of the scientific articles of Chinese archaeologists it presents an overview of migrations, emergence of ceramics, methods of stone processing, domestication of plants and animals in the Early Neolithic of southern China. Radiocarbon data of the archaeological sites is being widely presented in Russian for the first time. Four chapters provide a comprehensive investigation of different aspects of the Neolithic economy of the region.

Sibirica ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-52 ◽  
Olga Povoroznyuk

The Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM), a railroad in East Siberia and the Russian Far East, became the last large Soviet industrial project. Its construction in the 1970s and 1980s attracted migrants from across the USSR, who formed the bamovtsy, or group of BAM builders. They share a history of working and living along the BAM and constitute the majority population in the region. The article argues that emotionally charged social memory of the BAM construction plays the central role in reproducing and reinforcing the bamovtsy identity in the post-Soviet period. Drawing on in-depth interviews and focus groups, the article examines the dynamics of both individual and collective remembering of the socialist BAM. It forms a vibrant discursive and emotional field, in which memories and identities are reconstructed, relived, and contested. Commemorative ceremonies such as the fortieth anniversary of the BAM serve as forums of public remembering and arenas for the politics of emotions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 654-663
Ekaterina M. Boldyreva ◽  

Research objectives: To study the composition and geography of the Golden Horde collections conserved in the State Historical Museum. It is necessary to demonstrate: how museum collections are used as an essential tool of the modern researcher; how the attitude towards this source of information changes in a chronological perspective; how the absence of any types of sources’ information encourages researchers to discover new directions and develop new archaeological aspects of their study. Additionally, attention should be paid to the question of key events that became starting points for the beginning of archaeological research of the Golden Horde cities. Research materials: The lists of the collections of archaeological department of the State Historical Museum, the main inventory book of the museum, and archaeological items from the the Golden Horde collections of the archaeological department. Results and novelty of the research: The author identified the following methods of replenishing the collections: finds of private individuals of the second half of nineteenth century, items of famous collectors (P.I. Shchukin), archaeological finds of the founders of the museum (P.S. Uvarova), excavations on the instructions of the Imperial Archaeological Commission (D.Ya. Samokvasov, N.I. Veselovsky, V.A. Gorodtsov, A.A. Spitsyn, etc.), transfers from other museums (Rumyantsev Museum, Hermitage), research by museum staff (E.V. Weimarn, V.P. Levasheva, V.L. Egorov, L.L. Savchenkova, N.I. Shishlina, etc.), receipts from the state bodies of the Soviet period (the Simferopol hoard), excavations by archaeologists from friendly research organizations (G.A. Fedorov-Davydov, M.G. Kra­marovsky, etc.). Many items from these collections have taken their place in the exhibition space. The exhibition space itself was built with the database of information and publications of researchers being taken into account. Thus, the finds of the Volga expedition made it possible to display the main aspects of the statehood of the Golden Horde: its architectural traditions, culture, and all types of crafts. Also, the exposition contains items of armament – that is, the main nomadic component of the Golden Horde civilization – as well as two paizas of the heyday of the Golden Horde. Although the exposition cannot reflect all aspects of the Golden Horde civilization, the main (nomadic and sedentary) components are still demonstrated.

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