scholarly journals Groundwater Resources from Eastern Romania under Human and Climatic Pressure

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 10341
Ionuț Minea ◽  
Marina Iosub ◽  
Daniel Boicu

Groundwater resources from a region may be subject to complex human and climatic pressure. The present study tries to analyze the human and climatic pressure on the groundwater resources from the eastern part of Romania, between 1983 and 2017, for seven groundwater bodies. Two parameters, the groundwater exploitation index (GWEI) and the Standardized Groundwater Index (SGI) for identifying hydrogeological droughts, were used to assess human and climatic pressure. The high values of GWEI show a significant increase in human pressure on water resources in recent decades, in lower and more populated areas, from the south and north part of de region, amid increasing investment in agriculture. In the case of climate pressure, the SGI values show significant values for the years 1983, 2000, 2007, and 2012. However, the overlap of hydrogeological droughts with an increase in human pressure can have a significant impact on the groundwater resources from this region, with negative effects in the mid and long term, under the growing effects of the regional climate changes.

Luca Alberti ◽  
Ivana La Licata ◽  
Louis Bouchet

Nauru is a small limestone island in the Pacific region where, as in many small islands in the world, the population heavilyrely upon groundwater as primary freshwater resource, in conjunction with rainwater and desalinated water.The Nauru project started in 2010 and led by Politecnico di Milano (, consisted on the hydrogeological characterization of the northern part of the island and the implementation of 3 numerical models for: (1) understanding the mechanisms governing groundwater flow and accumulation, (2) assess the adequate sustainable fresh groundwater exploitation in order to prevent saltwater upconing occurrences in the area more suitable for groundwater extraction and (3) to simulate future scenarios based on climate changes and population growth.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 1357
Mazeda Islam ◽  
Marc Van Van Camp ◽  
Delwar Hossain ◽  
Md. Mizanur Rahman Sarker ◽  
Shahina Khatun ◽  

Dhaka city has emerged as the fastest-growing megacity, having more than 20 million inhabitants, with a growth rate of 3.62%. Unplanned and rapid urbanization, coupled with exponential population growth, has significantly altered the groundwater dynamics in Dhaka city. This study concentrates on the evolution of long-term piezometric heads of the Upper Dupi Tila aquifer (UDA) and the Middle Dupi Tila aquifer (MDA) based on long-term hydrographs, piezometric maps and synthetic graphical overviews of piezometric trends. Due to over-exploitation, the piezometric level (PL) has declined deeper than −85 and −65 m PWD (Public Works Department reference datum) in UDA and MDA, respectively. The highest rate of decline was observed in the south-central to southeastern parts of the city both in UDA (4.0 m/year) and MDA (5.74 m/year). The results clearly show that the rates of decline in PL vary from 2.25 to 5.74 m/year in both aquifers of the city, and urban expansion has greatly affected the shape and extent of the depression cone over the past four decades. The magnitudes of the depression cones in both aquifers seem to pose a considerable threat to groundwater resources, indicating that the current exploitation is not sustainable at all.

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 221-228
P. K. PAL ◽  

An equilibrium experiment has been conducted with CCM3 climate model in which the amount of CO2 in  the model atmosphere is doubled and the differences in resulting climate has been examined. The results show that there is an overall decrease in outgoing longwave radiation indicating the possible increase in cloudiness. The total rainfall may not change significantly but the temporal and spatial distributions over India are likely to change as observed in past long term trends.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1-2) ◽  
Petr Vaníček ◽  
Kateřina Chroustová ◽  
Josefína Bízová ◽  
Adam Říčka

The depletion of groundwater storage caused by the climate changes is frequently discussed issue. Thus, the baseflow evolution from 2006 to 2015 (at two locations from 1994 to 2016) was assessed at 10 watersheds situated in the eastern part of Czech Republic. Six observed watersheds are situated in the crystalline rocks (Strážek Moldanubicum and Orlice-Sněžník Unit) and four in sedimentary rocks (Vienna Basin, Ždánice Unit, Vysoké Mýto Syncline and Ústí Syncline). The evolution of the groundwater storage and baseflow is based on the springs and rivers flow rates evaluation respectively. The groundwater storage evolution from the spring watersheds was determined by the Maillet equation. The automated baseflow separation accomplished by PART (USGS) program was applied for the river watersheds and then expressed by linear regression in MS Excel. The long-term decrease of groundwater storage and baseflow was revealed in all observed watersheds. The rate of this decline is very different in each watershed and ranges from 10 to 85%. The increase of groundwater exploitation or change of vegetation cover or seasonal distribution of groundwater recharge was not confirmed. Relating to the correlation between precipitation and baseflow evolution, the reason for groundwater depletion resides in the decreasing amount of precipitation.

2011 ◽  
Vol 57 (203) ◽  
pp. 567-578 ◽  
Gerard H. Roe

AbstractGlaciers respond to long-term climate changes and also to the year-to-year fluctuations inherent in a constant climate. Differentiating between these factors is critical for the correct interpretation of past glacier fluctuations and for the correct attribution of current changes. Previous work has established that century-scale, kilometre-scale fluctuations can occur in a constant climate. This study asks two further questions of practical significance: how likely is an excursion of a given magnitude in a given amount of time, and how large a trend in length is statistically significant? A linear model permits analytical answers wherein the dependencies on glacier geometry and climate setting can be clearly understood. The expressions are validated with a flowline glacier model. The likelihood of glacier excursions is well characterized by extreme-value statistics, although probabilities are acutely sensitive to some poorly known glacier properties. Conventional statistical tests can be used for establishing the significance of an observed glacier trend. However, it is important to determine the independent information in the observations which can be effectively estimated from the glacier geometry. Finally, the retreat of glaciers around Mount Baker, Washington State, USA, is consistent with, but not independent proof of, the regional climate warming that is established from the instrumental record.

2014 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-148 ◽  
Éva Lehoczky ◽  
M. Kamuti ◽  
N. Mazsu ◽  
J. Tamás ◽  
D. Sáringer-Kenyeres ◽  

Plant nutrition is one of the most important intensification factors of crop production. The utilization of nutrients, however, may be modified by a number of production factors, including weed presence. Thus, the knowledge of occurring weed species, their abundance, nutrient and water uptake is extremely important to establish an appropriate basis for the evaluation of their risks or negative effects on crops. That is why investigations were carried out in a long-term fertilization experiment on the influence of different nutrient supplies (Ø, PK, NK, NPK) on weed flora in maize field.The weed surveys recorded similar diversity on the experimental area: the species of A. artemisiifolia, S. halepense and D. stramonium were dominant, but C. album and C. hybridum were also common. These species and H. annuus were the most abundant weeds.Based on the totalized and average data of all treatments, density followed the same tendency in the experimental years. It was the highest in the PK treated and untreated plots, and significantly exceeded the values of NK fertilized areas. Presumably the better N availability promoted the development of nitrophilic weeds, while the mortality of other small species increased.Winter wheat and maize forecrops had no visible influence on the diversity and the intensity of weediness. On the contrary, there were consistent differences in the density of certain weed species in accordance to the applied nutrients. A. artemisiifolia was present in the largest number in the untreated control and PK fertilized plots. The density of S. halepense and H. annuus was also significantly higher in the control areas. The number of their individuals was smaller in those plots where N containing fertilizers were used. Contrary to them, the density of D. stramonium, C. album and C. hybridum was the highest in the NPK treatments.

Omar Hashim Thanon

Since peaceful coexistence reflects in its various aspects the concept of harmony between the members of the same society with their different national, religious and sectarian affiliations, as well as their attitudes and ideas, what brings together these are the common bonds such as land, interests and common destiny. But this coexistence is exposing for crises and instability and the theft of rights and other that destroy the communities with their different religious, national, sectarian, ethnic aspects, especially if these led to a crisis of fighting or war, which produces only destruction and mass displacement, ttherefore, the process of bridging the gap between the different parts of society in the post-war phase through a set of requirements that serve as the basis for the promotion of peaceful coexistence within the same country to consolidate civil and community peace in order to create a general framework and a coherent basis to reconstruct the community again.      Hence the premise of the research by asking about the extent of the possibility and ability of the community of religious and ethnic diversity, which has been exposed to these crises, which aimed at this diversity, basically to be able to rise and re-integrate within the same country and thus achieve civil and community peace, and Mosul is an example for that, the negative effects of the war and the accomplices of many criminal acts have given rise to hatred and fear for all, leading to the loss of livelihoods, which in the long term may have devastating social and psychological consequences.        To clarify all of this, the title of the first topic was a review of the concept and origin of peaceful coexistence. While the second topic dealt with the requirements of peaceful coexistence and social integration in Mosul, the last topic has identified the most important challenges facing the processes of coexistence and integration in Mosul. All this in order to paint a better future for the conductor at all levels in the near term at the very least to achieve the values of this peaceful coexistence, especially in the post-war period.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  

By obtaining changes on gene sequences of living things with the applied biotechnological methods; The idea of "Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)", which aims to bring the living creature in question the original gene combinations with the desired characteristics, came to life in the late twentieth century. Despite the high probability that hunger problems may increase with the increasing world population; It is thought that plant breeding with classical farming methods will be insufficient in solving these problems. With various GMO applications developed all over the world, it aims to produce solutions to these problems. With the presence of GMO, it was possible to increase the shelf life of qualitative and quantitative values of the existing foods. In addition, decreases in agricultural use of pesticides used in agricultural struggle and threatening human health with GMO production are noteworthy. However, some concerns about anomalies that may occur in living things fed GMO products remain on the agenda. Because, in the long term, there is no clear and precise information that GMO will not have negative effects on living things; There are many recorded incidents showing their negative effects.

T. D. Lipenetskaia

Under certain conditions of strong or prolonged external exposure, signs of either allostatic load or allostatic load are formed. The question of the different physiological nature of these states is discussed.

Mohd. Shuhaimi Ishak

 Abstract Generally speaking, media is extensively used as the means to disseminate news and information pertaining to business, social, political and religious concerns. A portion of the time and space of media has now become an important device to generate economic and social activities that include advertising, marketing, recreation and entertainment. The Government regards them as an essential form of relaying news and information to its citizens and at the same time utilizes them as a powerful public relations’ mechanism. The effects of media are many and diverse, which can either be short or long term depending on the news and information. The effects of media can be found on various fronts, ranging from the political, economic and social, to even religious spheres. Some of the negative effects arising from the media are cultural and social influences, crimes and violence, sexual obscenities and pornography as well as liberalistic and extreme ideologies. This paper sheds light on these issues and draws principles from Islam to overcome them. Islam as revealed to humanity contains the necessary guidelines to nurture and mould the personality of individuals and shape them into good servants. Key Words: Media, Negative Effects, Means, Islam and Principles. Abstrak Secara umum, media secara meluas digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menyebarkan berita dan maklumat yang berkaitan dengan perniagaan, kemasyarakatan, pertimbangan politik dan agama. Sebahagian dari ruang dan masa media kini telah menjadi peranti penting untuk menghasilkan kegiatan ekonomi dan sosial yang meliputi pengiklanan, pemasaran, rekreasi dan hiburan. Kerajaan menganggap sarana-sarana ini sebagai wadah penting untuk menyampaikan berita dan maklumat kepada warganya dan pada masa yang sama juga menggunakannya sebagai mekanisme perhubungan awam yang berpengaruh. Pengaruh media sangat banyak dan pelbagai, samada berbentuk jangka pendek atau panjang bergantung kepada berita dan maklumat yang brekenaan. Kesan dari media boleh didapati mempengaruhi pelbagai aspek, bermula dari bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial bahkan juga agama. Beberapa kesan negatif yang timbul dari media ialah pengaruhnya terhadap budaya dan sosial, jenayah dan keganasan, kelucahan seksual dan pornografi serta ideologi yang liberal dan ekstrim. Kertas ini menyoroti isu-isu ini dan cuba mengambil prinsip-prinsip dari ajaran Islam untuk mengatasinya. Tujuan Islam itu sendiri diturunkan kepada umat manusia ialah untuk menjadi pedoman yang diperlukan untuk membina dan membentuk keperibadian individu dan menjadikan manusia hamba yang taat kepada Tuhannya. Kata Kunci: Media, Kesan Negatif, Cara-cara, Islam dan Prinsip-prinsip.

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