scholarly journals Cosmological Model with Interconnection between Dark Energy and Matter

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 412
Gennady S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan

It is accepted in the present cosmology model that the scalar field, which is responsible for the inflation stage in the early universe, transforms completely into matter, and the accelerated universe expansion is presently governed by dark energy (DE), whose origin is not connected with the inflationary scalar field. We suppose here that dark matter (DM) has a common origin with a small variable component of dark energy (DEV). We suggest that DE may presently have two components, one of which is the Einstein constant Λ, and another, smaller component DEV (ΛV) comes from the remnants of the scalar field responsible for inflation, which gave birth to the origin of presently existing matter. In this note we consider only the stages of the universe expansion after recombination, z≃1100, when DM was the most abundant component of the matter, therefore we suggest for simplicity that a connection exists between DM and DEV so that the ratio of their densities remains constant over all the stages after recombination, ρDM=αρDEV, with a constant α. One of the problems revealed recently in cosmology is a so-called Hubble tension (HT), which is the difference between values of the present Hubble constant, measured by observation of the universe at redshift z≲1, and by observations of a distant universe with CMB fluctuations originated at z∼1100. In this paper we suggest that this discrepancy may be explained by deviation of the cosmological expansion from a standard Lambda-CDM model of a flat universe, due to the action of an additional variable component DEV. Taking into account the influence of DEV on the universe’s expansion, we find the value of α that could remove the HT problem. In order to maintain the almost constant DEV/DM energy density ratio during the time interval at z<1100, we suggest the existence of a wide mass DM particle distribution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (14) ◽  
pp. 2030014
Elcio Abdalla ◽  
Alessandro Marins

The most important problem in fundamental physics is the description of the contents of the Universe. Today, we know that 95% thereof is totally unknown. Two thirds of that amount is the mysterious Dark Energy described in an interesting and important review [E. J. Copeland, M. Sami and S. Tsujikawa, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 15 (2006) 1753]. We briefly extend here the ideas contained in that review including the more general Dark Sector, that is, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, eventually composing a new physical Sector. Understanding the Dark Sector with precision is paramount for us to be able to understand all the other cosmological parameters comprehensively as modifications of the modeling could lead to potential biases of inferred parameters of the model, such as measurements of the Hubble constant and distance indicators such as the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. We discuss several modern methods of observation that can disentangle the different possible descriptions of the Dark Sector. The possible applications of some theoretical developments are also included in this paper as well as a more thorough evaluation of new observational techniques at lower frequencies and gravitational waves.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (02n03) ◽  
pp. 2040042
V. F. Panov ◽  
O. V. Sandakova ◽  
E. V. Kuvshinova ◽  
D. M. Yanishevsky

An anisotropic cosmological model with expansion and rotation and the Bianchi type IX metric has been constructed within the framework of general relativity theory. The first inflation stage of the Universe filled with a scalar field and an anisotropic fluid is considered. The model describes the Friedman stage of cosmological evolution with subsequent transition to accelerated exponential expansion observed in the present epoch. The model has two rotating fluids: the anisotropic fluid and dust-like fluid. In the approach realized in the model, the anisotropic fluid describes the rotating dark energy.

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (15) ◽  
pp. 1241-1248 ◽  
M. ARIK ◽  

By using a linearized non-vacuum late time solution in Brans–Dicke cosmology, we account for the 75% dark energy contribution but not for approximately 23% dark matter contribution to the present day energy density of the universe.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (S264) ◽  
pp. 410-412
Michal Křížek ◽  
Jan Brandts

AbstractThe expansion speed of the Universe is increasing (Glanz 1998). This acceleration is attributed to dark energy which acts almost uniformly everywhere (including the Solar system) and thus essentially influences the Hubble constant. Its current value on a distance of 1 AU is H0 = 10 m/(yr AU). This is quite a large number and thus, the impact of dark energy should be detectable in the Solar system. We will illustrate it by several examples. Dark energy may partially be caused by gravitational aberration of the Sun, planets and other bodies.

2007 ◽  
Vol 16 (12a) ◽  
pp. 2055-2063 ◽  

The phenomena customarily described with the standard ΛCDM model are broadly reproduced by an extremely simple model in TeVeS, Bekenstein's1 modification of general relativity motivated by galaxy phenomenology. Our model can account for the acceleration of the Universe seen at SNeIa distances without a cosmological constant, and the accelerations seen in rotation curves of nearby spiral galaxies and gravitational lensing of high-redshift elliptical galaxies without cold dark matter. The model is consistent with BBN and the neutrino mass between 0.05 eV to 2 eV. The TeVeS scalar field is shown to play the effective dual roles of dark matter and dark energy, with the amplitudes of the effects controlled by a μ function of the scalar field, called the μ essence here. We also discuss outliers to the theory's predictions on multiimaged galaxy lenses and outliers on the subgalaxy scale.

2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (24) ◽  
pp. 4691-4701 ◽  

In this work, we consider the Universe is being filled with matter composed of a chameleon-type dark energy scalar field. Employing a particular form of potential, we discuss the field's role in the accelerating phase of the Universe for an anisotropic model using the logamediate and intermediate forms of scale factors. The natures of statefinder and slow-roll parameters are discussed diagrammatically.

2005 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
pp. 355-362 ◽  
H. Q. LU

Recent many physicists suggest that the dark energy in the universe might result from the Born–Infeld (B–I) type scalar field of string theory. The universe of B–I type scalar field with potential can undergo a phase of accelerating expansion. The corresponding equation of state parameter lies in the range of -1<ω<-⅓. The equation of state parameter of B–I type scalar field without potential lies in the range of 0≤ω≤1. We find that weak energy condition and strong energy condition are violated for phantom B–I type scalar field. The equation of state parameter lies in the range of ω<-1.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (02) ◽  
pp. 1650025 ◽  
Giovanni Otalora

Although equivalent to general relativity, teleparallel gravity (TG) is conceptually speaking a completely different theory. In this theory, the gravitational field is described by torsion, not by curvature. By working in this context, a new model is proposed in which the four-derivative of a canonical scalar field representing dark energy is nonminimally coupled to the “vector torsion”. This type of coupling is motivated by the fact that a scalar field couples to torsion through its four-derivative, which is consistent with local spacetime kinematics regulated by the de Sitter group [Formula: see text]. It is found that the current state of accelerated expansion of the universe corresponds to a late-time attractor that can be (i) a dark energy-dominated de Sitter solution ([Formula: see text]), (ii) a quintessence-type solution with [Formula: see text], or (iii) a phantom-type [Formula: see text] dark energy.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (09) ◽  
pp. 1450075 ◽  
Murli Manohar Verma ◽  
Shankar Dayal Pathak

It is proposed that the recently announced BICEP2 value of tensor-to-scalar ratio r ~ 0.2 can be explained as containing an extra contribution from the recent acceleration of the universe. In fact this contribution, being robust, recent and of much longer duration (by a large order of magnitude) may dominate the contribution from the inflationary origin. In a possible scenario, matter (dark or baryonic) and radiation etc. can emerge from a single Higgs-like tachyonic scalar field in the universe through a physical mechanism not yet fully known to us. The components interact among themselves to achieve the thermodynamical equilibrium in the evolution of the universe. The field potential for the present acceleration of the universe would give a boost to the amplitude of the tensor fluctuations of gravity waves generated by the early inflation and the net effects may be higher than the earlier Planck bounds. In the process, the dark energy, as a cosmological constant decays into creation of dark matter. The diagnostics for the three-component, spatially homogeneous tachyonic scalar field are discussed in detail. The components of the field with perturbed equation of state (EoS) are taken to interact mutually and the conservation of energy for individual components gets violated. We study mainly the Om(x) diagnostics with the observed set of H(z) values at various redshifts, and the dimensionless statefinders for these interacting components. This analysis provides a strong case for the interacting dark energy in our model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 28
J. G. Lartigue

The Hubble-Lemaitre equation v=H∙r &nbsp;(cm∙s-1) represented a linear function of the radial Space expansion velocity, if H would be a constant. Sometimes it has been assumed as H = 1/t, which sends back to the classical v = r/t. However, the later discovered acceleration required the additional condition for H to be, also, a function of time; or, opposed, the existence of a not yet defined dark energy. In a previous paper [1] it had been proposed a provisional expression for a constant Universe expansion acceleration as function of distance: &Gamma;= H2( cm∙s-2). Now, the substitution of r as a function of time, takes to five new equations of H, the Hubble velocity vH , the Hubble acceleration &Gamma;H and the positive Hubble potential VH of the Space. So the proposed Hubble functions for the Space: H, rH , vH, &Gamma;H and VH result higher than those in a gravitational field. All of these Hubble functions act in the total Space expansion though, into the Physical Universe, &Gamma;H is not perceived as it does, continuously, the opposed gravitational acceleration g. Otherwise, a revision is made of the Einstein equation for the c value as function of the gravitational potential &phi;. Additional proposals are made about the horizons definitions and parameters &Omega;, Ʌ and ɣ.

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