
Одним из путей увеличения объема производства говядины является использование откормочного контингента выбракованных коров молочного направления продуктивности. Была изучена мясная продуктивность выбракованных коров красной степной и бурой швицкой пород при откорме и сочетании нагула с откормом. Установлено, что при сочетании нагула и откорма как красные степные, так и бурые швицкие превзошли по живой массе своих сверстниц с откорма на 8 (Р<0,01) и 13,3 кг (Р<0,001), соответственно. Независимо от породной принадлежности наибольшими среднесуточными приростами живой массы отличались коровы из групп откорма, которые превзошли животных из групп нагула с откормом в среднем на 134—168 г (Р<0,001). Результаты контрольного убоя свидетельствуют о более высоком выходе туш от выбракованных коров, находившихся на нагуле и откорме, их значения превалировали над сверстницами из групп стационарного откорма в среднем на 12,6—19,6 кг (Р<0,05). Наряду с этим меньшее отложение жира в группах нагула и откорма обусловило больший убойный выход на 1,4—2,5% (Р<0,05). Выход мякотной части был наибольшим от выбракованных коров, находившихся на нагуле и заключительном откорме, превосходство которых над особями стационарного откорма составило 16,6—23,1 кг (Р<0,05—0,01). Уровень коэффициента мясности у этих животных превалировал над значениями животных из групп откорма в среднем на 0,71—1,03 ед. (Р<0,01). One of the ways to increase the volume of beef produced is to use the feeding contingent of rejected cows of the milk direction of productivity. The aim of the research was to establish the meat productivity of culled cows of the red steppe and brown Schwyz breeds with different types of fattening — in particular when feeding and combining feeding and fattening. Object of research: cows of brown Schwyz and red steppe breeds. Options for fattening were actually fattening, lasting 61 days, and feeding in combination with fattening in the ratio of 61:30 days. It was found that when feeding and feeding were combined, both the steppe red and brown Schwyz surpassed their peers in live weight by 8 (Р>0,01) and 13,3 kg (Р>0,001), respectively. At the same time, regardless of breed, the highest average daily gains in live weight differed in cows from fattening groups, which surpassed animals from feeding groups with fattening by an average of 134—168 g (Р>0,001). The results of the control slaughter indicate a higher carcass yield from culled cows that were on feeding and fattening, their values ​​prevailed over peers from stationary feeding groups by an average of 12,6—19,6 kg (Р>0,05). Along with this, less fat deposition in the feeding and fattening groups led to a greater slaughter yield — by 1,4—2,5% (Р>0,05). The yield of the most valuable — the meat part — was the largest from the culls that were on feeding and final fattening, the superiority of which over individuals of stationary fattening was 16,6—23,1 kg (Р>0,05—0,01). The level of meat ratio in these animals prevailed over the values ​​of animals from fattening groups by an average of 0,71—1,03 units (Р>0,01).


В работе приведены исследования по скрещиванию комбинированных пород крупного рогатого скота с мясными с целью создания репродуктивных мясных стад на базе использования помесных телок первого поколения. Во все возрастные периоды коровы симментальской, герефордской пород и их помеси с генотипом симменталы герефорды имели определенные различия по живой массе. Помеси превосходили по данному показателю в возрасте 3, 4 и 5 лет сверстниц симментальской породы на 6,78 3,98 и 3,61 и герефордской, соответственно, на 2,64 2,52 и 1,60. Они обладали хорошими воспроизводительными качествами. Так, в возрасте 205 дней дочери помесных коров по живой массе превосходили потомков чистопородных симментальских и герефордских коров, соответственно, на 21,78 и 3,64 кг. У помесных бычков выход туши был выше, чем у чистопородных симментальских и герефордских сверстников на 3,20 и 2,03, убойная масса на 73,40 и 38,37 кг, а убойный выход на 3,44 и 2,14, соответственно. В результате проведенной оценки показателей, характеризующих мясную продуктивность чистопородного и помесного потомства, можно сделать вывод о характере сочетаемости симментальской и герефордской пород и о том, что помеси, при сравнении их с исходными родительскими формами, имели во всех случаях лучшие показатели, характеризующие мясную продуктивность.The paper presents the research on the crossing of combined breeds with meat in order to create reproductive beef herds based on the use of firstgeneration mixed heifers. In all age periods of the Simmental and Hereford cows and their mixture with the genotype simmentals x the Hereford had certain differences in live weight. Hybrids aged exceeded in this indicator at the age of 3, 4 and 5 years of age peers of the Simmental breed by 6.78 3.98 and 3.61 and Hereford, respectively, by 2.64 2.52 and 1.60. Hybrids had good reproductive qualities. Thus, at the age of 205 days, the daughters of crossbred cows exceeded the descendants of purebred Simmental and Hereford cows by 21.78 and 3.64 kg, respectively. Crossbred bulls had higher carcass yield than purebred Simmental and Hereford peers by 3.2 and 2.03, slaughter weight by 73.40 kg and 38.37 kg, slaughter yield by 3.44 and 2.14, respectively. The result of the evaluation of indicators characterizing the meat productivity of purebred and crossbred offspring, it can be concluded that the nature of the compatibility of the Simmental and Hereford breed and that the hybrids, when compared with their original parent forms, had in all cases the best indicators characterizing the meat productivity of animals.В работе приведены исследования по скрещиванию комбинированных пород крупного рогатого скота с мясными с целью создания репродуктивных мясных стад на базе использования помесных телок первого поколения. Во все возрастные периоды коровы симментальской, герефордской пород и их помеси с генотипом симменталы герефорды имели определенные различия по живой массе. Помеси превосходили по данному показателю в возрасте 3, 4 и 5 лет сверстниц симментальской породы на 6,78 3,98 и 3,61 и герефордской, соответственно, на 2,64 2,52 и 1,60. Они обладали хорошими воспроизводительными качествами. Так, в возрасте 205 дней дочери помесных коров по живой массе превосходили потомков чистопородных симментальских и герефордских коров, соответственно, на 21,78 и 3,64 кг. У помесных бычков выход туши был выше, чем у чистопородных симментальских и герефордских сверстников на 3,20 и 2,03, убойная масса на 73,40 и 38,37 кг, а убойный выход на 3,44 и 2,14, соответственно. В результате проведенной оценки показателей, характеризующих мясную продуктивность чистопородного и помесного потомства, можно сделать вывод о характере сочетаемости симментальской и герефордской пород и о том, что помеси, при сравнении их с исходными родительскими формами, имели во всех случаях лучшие показатели, характеризующие мясную продуктивность.


The purpose of this work was to establish the features of growth, appearance, and feed costs as related to the increase in live weight in Aberdeen-Angus calves obtained from bulls of different body types. To conduct the experiment in the company LLC “Hammer” of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, 14 calf bulls were selected in each group from the offspring of 4 large calf bulls and 3 small calf bulls of the Aberdeen-Angus breed. The fathers of the first group of young calf bulls had a higher level of live weight as compared to the fathers of the second group of calf bulls (by 80 kg). Their differed from their counterparts as being high-legged, less broad-bodied and having different massive characteristics. The mothers of the calf bulls of the first group also had a higher live weight (by 49 kg) as compared to the mothers of the calf bulls of the second group. The differences in constitution between them were nsignificant. The results of research on intensive rearing of different types from weaning to 18 months of age showed that calves originating from large-type bulls surpassed their counterparts obtained from the bulls of a small type of meat productivity. This distinction is primarily expressed in a greater growth rate and better feed gain in live weight. At the age of 18, calа bulls from large-type parents reached a mass of 442 kg, and those obtained from the small-type ones – 413 kg. These differences are statistically significant (P > 0.99) for the period from weaning to one and a half years of age. Calа bulls originating from large-type bulls spent 8.1 ECU per 1 kg of gain, and those originating from small-type bulls – 8.4 ECU.


Проблема и цель. Целью данной работы явилось установление особенностей продуктивности молодняка абердин-ангусской породы крупного высокорослого и мелкого компактного типа телосложения. Методология. Для проведения опыта в ООО «Хаммер» Карачаево-Черкесской Республики из потомства четырех быков крупного и трех быков мелкого типа абердин-ангусской породы было отобрано в каждую двух групп по 14 голов бычков. Отцы бычков первой группы имели более высокий уровень живой массы по сравнению с отцами бычков второй группы (на 80 кг) и отличались от них некоторой высоконогостью, меньшей широкотелостью и массивностью. Результаты. Выращивание молодняка разных типов от отъёма до 18-месячного возраста показало, что бычки крупного типа превосходили бычков мелкого типа по мясной продуктивности, что выразилось в большей скорости роста и лучшей оплате корма приростом живой массы. В 18-месячном возрасте бычки крупного типа достигли массы 442 кг, а мелкого – 413 кг. (Р > 0,99). За период от отъёма до полуторалетнего возраста бычки крупного типа затратили на 1 кг прироста 8,1 ЭКЕ., а бычки мелкого типа – 8,4 ЭКЕ. У бычков первой группы была более высокая предубойная масса (на 31,4 кг, Р>0,99) и тяжелые туши по сравнению с бычками второй группы (на 28,3 кг, Р>0,99). Бычки первой группы, будучи более высоконогими, при убое дали туши с большим содержанием костей (на 4,08кг). В их тушах на 1 кг костей приходилось 4,52 кг мякоти, в то время как в тушах второй группы – 5,03 кг. В целом, при обвалке полутуш первой группы было получено мякоти больше на 9,9 кг (Р>0,99). Заключение. Наиболее желательным является крупный высокорослый тип животных, обладающих интенсивным ростом, хорошей оплатой корма и высокой мясной продуктивностью. Problem and purpose. The purpose of this work was to establish the characteristics of the productivity of young Aberdeen-Angus breed of large tall and small short body type. Methodology. For the experiment in Hammer LLC of the Karachayevo-Cherkessian Republic from the offspring of four large bulls and three small bulls of the Aberdeen-Angus breed, 14 bulls were selected in each of two groups. The fathers of the bulls of the first group had a higher level of live weight compared to the fathers of the bulls of the second group (by 80 kg) and differed from them in some high leg height, narrower body and less mass. Results. Growing young animals of different types from weaning to 18 months of age showed that large-type bulls were superior to small-type ones in terms of meat productivity, which resulted in a higher growth rate and better payment for forage with an increase in live weight. At the age of 18 months, large-type bulls reached a mass of 442 kg, and small-type ones had 413 kg (P>0.99). Over the period from weaning to one and a half years of age, large-type bulls spent 8.1 ECU per 1 kg of gain, and small-type ones spent 8.4 ECU. The bulls of the first group had a higher pre-slaughter weight (by 31.4 kg, P>0.99) and heavy carcasses compared to the bulls of the second group (by 28.3 kg, P>0.99). The bulls of the first group, being higher-legged, produced carcasses with a high bone content (by 4.08 kg) during slaughter. There were 4.52 kg of pulp per 1 kg of bones in their carcasses, while the carcasses of the second group had 5.03 kg. In general, when boning semicarcasses of the first group, there was obtained 9.9 kg more pulp (P>0.99). Conclusion. The most desirable is a large, tall type of animals with intensive growth, good feed pay and high meat productivity.

2020 ◽  
pp. 61-63
Aleksey Vyacheslavovich Molchanov ◽  
Karina Alekseevna Egorova

The article presents data on the characteristics of growth and development, as well as on the formation of meat productivity of rams of the Edilbay breed of different types of birth. The studies were carried out in the SPA “Kamyshinskoye” of the Kamyshin district of the Volgograd region on the Edilbay rams of single and double birth types. During the experiment, the indicators of live weight, basic measurements of the physique were determined, and the physique indices of the experimental rams at the age of 4 and 7 months were calculated, after which control slaughter was carried out.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 234-235
Alexandra Lapshina ◽  
Vladimir Kolpakov ◽  
Kinispay Dzhulamanov ◽  
Nikolay Gerasimov ◽  
Marina Dubovskova

Abstract The LEP is a highly polymorphicgene and it is associated with genetic differences in various productivetraits in cattle. The aim of research was to study the combined effect of C73T and C528T polymorphisms in leptin gene on meat productivity and carcass grade in Aberdeen-Angus cows and heifers. Heifers (n = 49) were slaughtered at the age of 20 months and cows (n = 30) after the first calving (3 years). There were seven haplotypes C73T (GenBank AF120500) × C528T (GenBank AB070368) identified in cows with different frequency. The maximum frequency was established in combined genotypes CT/CT (0.37), TT/CC (0.27) and CT/CC (0.13). The most massive carcasses (337.5 kg) were obtained from cows-carriers of the CT/CC haplotype, which exceeded their peers by 14.8–24.7 kg (4.59–7.90%; P &gt;0.05). However, cows carrying the CT/CC genotype had a minimum carcass yield of 49.8%. There were eight haplotypes identified in heifers. The highest frequency was in combinations CT/CT (0.26), TT/CC (0.20), CC/TT (0.20), CC/CT (0.12), TT/CT (0.10). Heifers carrying the TT/CT genotype were characterized by the highest live weight (568.9 kg) and carcass weight (331.2 kg), exceeding the indicators of peers by 8.9–43.5 kg (1.59–8.28%; P &lt; 0.05, P &gt; 0.05) and 10.9–22.2 kg (3.40–7.18%; P &lt; 0.05, P &gt; 0.05), respectively. The maximum carcass yield was recorded in carriers of the CT/CC haplotype (60.7%). The best carcasses grade were observedin heifers with a combination of CC/TT and CT/CT genotypes. The highest categories (Prime and TopChoice) were assigned to 70.0 and 69.2% of carcasses, respectively. The superiority of haplotype CT/CT in the quality of meat raw materials was confirmed in cows. Thus, the combination of C73T and C528T polymorphisms in the leptin gene is associated with intra-breed variability in live weight, carcass weight and yield, and carcass grade in Aberdeen-Angus cattle. This research was performed with financial support from the project 0526-2021-0001 of RAS.

M. Grigoryev ◽  
N. Chernogradskaya

Animals imported to Yakutia from other regions fall into feeding and housing conditions that differ from their usual agro-climatic conditions, which causes the problem of their adaptation. Yakutia is one of the areas where the feed of its own production has a lack of basic minerals, which affects the health and productivity of animals, which has an additional negative influence on the adaptation process of imported cattle. In order to replenish macro- and microelements in the body, it is necessary to introduce various local mineral feed additives, premixes, and use mineral salts into the ration. Under the conditions of Central Yakutia the influence of local mineral feed additives (zeolite of the Khonguruu Deposit in the Suntar district and sapropels of local lakes) containing macro- and microelements that increase the meat productivity of steers has been studied. As a result of the research the influence of local mineral feed additives on meat productivity and physiological condition of Hereford steers has been established. Influence of zeolite and sapropel in a complex with mineral salts on digestibility of nutrients of the ration and use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus by experimental animals has been defined. The influence of feed additives on the quality of meat products has been studied. The results have shown that the use of local mineral feed additives in the composition of ration of steers during the fattening period at a dose of 0,7 g zeolite per 1 kg of live weight of the animal and 200 g of sapropel in combination with 10 g of mineral salts contributed to the gain in live weight, carcass weight, carcass yield, yield of edible parts, and economic efficiency of fattening. For the entire period of the experiment the gain in live weight in groups was: in control group 2222,9 kg, in the 1st experimental group 2396,2 kg, in the 2nd experimental group 2471,1 kg. The total economic effect for the 1st experimental group for the period of experiment amounted to 44,3 thousand Rubles, for the 2nd experimental group 78,0 thousand Rubles or per 1 head/day 14,06 and 24,76 Rubles, respectively.


Изучены рост и развитие бычков — помесей красной степной с казахской белоголовой породой в равнинной провинции Дагестана. Установлено, что помесный молодняк, по сравнению с чистопородным скотом красной степной породы, имеет более высокую живую массу при рождении на 1,8 кг, или 7,3%. При отъеме в 8-месячном возрасте помеси имели живую массу 210 кг против 187,6 кг у красного степного молодняка, что на 22,4 кг, или 11,9% выше. В 12-, 15- и 18-месячном возрасте живая масса помесных бычков равнялась 291,8 кг, 359,7 и 436,6 кг, соответственно, или на 28 кг, 36 и 45,8 кг больше по сравнению с красным степным скотом. Среднесуточные приросты помесных бычков за период выращивания и откорма составили 760 г, что выше на 12,1% по сравнению с чистопородным красным степным молодняком. После заключительного откорма и убоя помесные бычки дали тяжеловесные туши с хорошим поливом. По массе парной туши они превосходили чистопородных аналогов на 31,3 кг, или 15,6% с преимуществом выхода туши на 2,4%. Убойный выход у бычков опытной группы составил 58,7%, контрольной — 55,8%. От помесных бычков были получены тяжеловесные шкуры массой 27,1 кг, от чистопородных — 21,6 кг, преимущество по этому показателю имели помесные животные 5,5 кг, или 25,4%. Для увеличения производства говядины в равнинной провинции Дагестана рекомендуем скрещивание коров красной степной породы с быками казахской белоголовой породы. The growth and development of bulls of red steppe crossbreeds with the Kazakh white-headed breed in the flat province of Dagestan were studied. It was found that young crossbreed animals in comparison with purebred red steppe cattle have a higher live weight at birth by 1,8 kg or 7,3%. When weaning at 8 months of age, cross-bred bulls had a live weight of 210 kg against 187,6 kg in red steppe young, which is 22,4 kg, or 11,9% higher. At 12, 15 and 18 months of age, the live weight of crossbred bulls was 291,8 kg, 359,7 and 436,6 kg, respectively, or 28 kg, 36 and 45,8 kg more than the red steppe cattle. The average daily growth of cross-bred bulls during the growing and fattening period was 760 g compared to 678 g, that is, they were 12,1% higher compared to purebred red steppe young. After the final fattening and slaughter, the cross-bred bulls gave heavy carcasses with good watering. By weight of the paired carcass, they were superior to purebred counterparts by 31,3 kg or 15,6% with an advantage of 2,4% carcass yield. The slaughter yield of bulls in the experimental group was 58,7%, 55,8% in the control group, respectively, with an advantage in favor of crossbreeds of 2,9%. Heavy skins weighing 27,1 kg were obtained from crossbreed bulls, 21,6 kg from purebred ones, and crossbreed animals of 5,5 kg or 25,4% had an advantage in this indicator. Studies have shown that in order to increase beef production in the lowland province of Dagestan, it is necessary to use crossbreeding of the breeding stock of the red steppe breed with bulls of the Kazakh white-headed breed.


В симментальской породе предусматривается разведение скота, сбалансировано сочетающего молочную и мясную продуктивность. Однако в практике совершенствования племенных стад в подборах быков доминируют улучшатели удоя, что во многом предопределяет результаты селекции и продуктивный тип животных. Объектом нашего исследования стало стадо чистопородного симментальского скота в условиях стойловой системы беспривязного и привязного содержания коров. Для изучения эффективности использования быков-производителей разного племенного достоинства сформировали 2 опытные группы: I состояла из бычков, полученных от отцов с племенной ценностью (ПЦ) по удою 100 кг и более, а во II с ПЦ от 0 до 100 кг молока. Симментальские бычки, отобранные для контрольного убоя, достигали весовых кондиций 500 кг и более в 17,5 мес при среднесуточном приросте 911 г. При использовании на маточном поголовье быков-производителей с улучшающим эффектом по удою 100 кг и более, их сыновья (I группа), на фоне более высоких суточных приростов (на 30 г) и раннем возрасте достижения живой массы 500 кг (на 18 дней) имели массу и выход туши на 21,4 кг и 2,7 ниже, чем у бычков II группы. При формировании молочно-мясного типа быки-производители с умеренной племенной ценностью по удою обеспечивали получение потомства, сочетающего молочную и мясную продуктивность в экономически значимых пропорциях.The Simmental breed provides for the breeding of cattle that combines milk and meat productivity in a balanced proportion. However, in the practice of improving breeding herds, the selection of bulls is dominated by milk yield improvers, which largely determines the results of selection and the productive type of animals. The object of our research was a breeding herd of purebred Simmental cattle in variety feeding and housing practices. To study the effectiveness of using bulls-producers of different breeding values, 2 experimental groups were formed: I consisted of bulls received from fathers with a breeding value (BV) of milk yield 100 kg or more, and II with a BV from 0 to 100 kg of milk. Simmental bulls selected for control slaughter reached weight standards of 500 kg or more in 17.5 months with an average daily increase of 911 g. When used on breeding of bulls with an improving effect on the yield of 100 kg or more, their sons (group I), against the background of higher daily gains (30 g) and an early age of reaching a live weight of 500 kg (18 days), had a mass and carcass yield of 21.4 kg and 2.7 lower than that of group II bulls. When forming a dairy-meat type, producing bulls with a moderate breeding value for milk yield provided for the production of offspring that combined dairy and meat productivity in economically significant proportions.

V. N. Pristupa ◽  
D. S. Torosyan

The purpose of the work was to study and identify the main factors aff ecting the quantity and quality of beef produced and sold in the Southern Federal district. A comparative assessment of the growth, development, formation of meat productivity and quality of beef of young animals of beef, dual and dairy breeds with stall-pasture technology and intensive rearing in the industrial complex. Experimental studies have been carried out in farms in the Rostov region. The object of research was cows with calves of Kalmyk, Hereford, Aberdeen-Angus, Russian komolaya, Kazakh White-headed breeds, as well as young animals of the same breeds, in addition, Black-and-White and Swiss breeds. Removable live weight in Hereford steers at 18 months of age was 658,0 kg, and Aberdeen-Angus – 655,2 kg. Domestic steers of Kalmyk were 41–44 kg lower in live weight than their herdmates of two imported breeds. However, with intensive rearing at 18 months of age, steers of Kalmyk breed had a removable live weight of more than 613,7 kg and a carcass weight of 326 kg. The yield of hot carcass was 55,4 %, and the slaughter yield was 58,89 %, which was only 1–2 % lower than the world’s leading beef breeds. It has been found when analyzing the results of boning the half-carcasses of experimental steers that the biggest weight of half-carcasses and the content of muscle and fat tissue in them in absolute terms were in Hereford steers. Steers of Kalmyk breed took the third place in terms of weight of large-sized semi–fi nished products and signifi cantly lost to Aberdeen-Angus herdmates by 7,3 kg or 6,5 %, and Hereford steers by 9,2 kg or 8,3 %. The results obtained prove the expediency of using stallpasture technology in the dry-steppe zone of the Southern Federal district when rearing young animals for beef up to 350–400 kg live weight at 15 months of age and its subsequent intensive rearing under industrial technology, in order to obtain the live weight of more than 570 kg and produce cost-eff ective beef.

A. Balnikov ◽  
I. Gridyushko ◽  
Yu. Kazutova ◽  
M. Mikhailova ◽  
E. Romanishko

Purpose: evaluation of pigs Yorkshire rocks and Landraz on PRKAG3, MC4R and MyOD1 markers.Materials and methods. The paper presents the analysis of the results of genetic testing, and determines the frequency of alleles and genotypes of Yorkshire and Landrace breeds at the State Enterprise ZhodinoAgroPlemElita" of the Minsk region of the Republic of Belarus by the genes-markers of productive traits: PRKAG3, MC4R and MYOD1. Zootechnical and molecular genetic methods were used in the research (PCR/PDRF). Snapshot analysis was developed for the genotyping of pigs to detect polymorphic markers of meat-feeding productivity of pigs on the Genas PRKAG3, MyOD1, MC4R. At the first stage, there was an assessment of tribal young (173 heads) on its own productivity in terms of indicators: the age of achieving the living mass of 100 kg, the average daily increase (d) from birth to the live weight of 100 kg, the length of the body (cm), the lifetime meat quality of the thickness of the scrape (mm), height of the longest back muscles (mm), the content of meat in the body (%). At the second stage of the research, the controlling fastenings of 200 goals of pigs and evaluation of feedst and meat qualities in the following indicators were carried out: the age of achieving a living mass of 100 kg (days), the average daily increase (d), feed consumption per 1 kg of growth (to. Units). Also determined: the length of the carcass (cm), the slaughter output (%), the thickness of the spick over 6-7 breast vertebrae (mm), the area of "muscular eye" (cm2), the mass of the rear third of the half carcass (kg), the flow of meat in the carcus (%). Then, genetic studies were compared with productivity indicators.Results. As a result of the research, it was found that in the tested animals, the frequency of the preferred allele I-PRKAG3 made 0.171-0.288, A-MC4R – 0.243-0.315, and C-MYOD1 – 0.064-0.477, respectively. The developed comprehensive system for assessing the breeding value of Yorkshire and Landrace pigs based on the marker genes PRKAG3, MC4R, and MYOD1 allowed us to identify the preferred alleles and determine correlation with productivity traits that provided increase in the average population values: for self-productivity - by 2-4%, for fattening traits - by 2.7-12.5%, for meat traits - by 2.8-34.4 %.Conclusion. The use of integrated system in pig breeding will speed up the selection work to increase the indicators of fattening and meat productivity of the created breeding herds of Yorkshire and Landrace pigs.

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