scholarly journals Negotiation and Autonomy of the Wives of Former Convicted Terrorists

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 173
Fitria Sari

<p>The discussion on terrorism is currently focused on issues concerning law enforcement efforts, cooperation between defense institutions, analysis of legal policies, and definitions of terrorism. Women (especially wives) are excluded from the process of dialogue and response to terrorism. This study emphasizes the experience and voice of the wives of former convicted terrorists. This article explores the process of upheaval and negotiation from the extremist narratives contained in the logic of thinking as a struggle in the context of self-acceptance and autonomy. This study uses a case study approach with a feminist perspective, and in-depth interviews as a method of data collection. The feminist view of Relational Autonomy and the Politics of Piety was chosen as a theoretical framework for analyzing findings. The results of the study indicate that there is an indoctrination from the husband about the teachings of extremism and that the wife experiences a struggle to internalize the teaching. On the other hand, there are also findings that show wives also negotiate with their husbands in carrying out the teachings of extremism. The conclusion of this study shows that the wife's figure experiences the process of constructivism and relational autonomy in the struggle process and its negotiations so far. In addition, the wife can also be seen as an agent to strengthen the spirit of nationalism through the values of tolerance.</p><p> </p>

Dwi Nur Hidayah

AbstractThe purpose of this research is to analysisthe work of illustrated imagesin representing deviation of self behaviour’s students in SD 3 Karangbener. The benifit of this study is theoretical benefit that is useful for science so that it can contribute ideas or add information for the development of education.This research method is qualitative with a case study approach chosen as a study participant of 3 students. The Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, documentation, observation. Analysis of the validity of the data used in this study is use triangulation  and then analyze the data by reducing data, presenting data and verifying. The results obtained are  image expressions of thoughts, ideas, and self-concepts regarding the cause of the deviation of expression symbols in the visualization of student images. Keywords: Expression, child  image, behavior   deviation  EKSPRESI GAMBAR ANAK DALAM RESPRESENTASI DEVIASI PERILAKU DIRI (Studi kasus siswa kelas 4 di SD 3 Karangbener Bae Kudus) AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk  menganalisis  hasil karya gambar ilustrasi dalam respresentasikan deviasi  perilaku  siswa di SD 3 Karangbener. Adapun manfaat penelitian ini adalah manfaat teoritis yaitu berguna untuk ilmu  pengetahuan sehingga dapat memberi sumbangan pemikiran atau menambah informasi bagi  perkembangan ilmu pendidikan.  Metode  penelitian  ini  adalah kualitatif  dengan  pendekatan  studi kasus yang dipilih sebagai partisipan penelitian  berjumlah 3 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi,  observasi.  Analisis keabsahan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah  menggunakan  triangulasi  kemudian  analisis data  dengan  cara  mereduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi. Hasil penenlitian yang diperoleh yaitu ekspresi gambar dari pemikiran, ide, dan  konsep diri mengenai penyebab deviasi simbol ekspresi dalam visualisasi  gambar siswa.Kata kunci: Ekspresi, gambar anak, deviasi perilaku   

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
Franciscus Adi Prasetyo ◽  
Jajang Gunawijaya

Self-stigma experienced by people who experience schizophrenia has influence on reduced self-esteem, on powerlessness, the weakening of hope, and a motivation towards recovery. The aim of this study is to explain the efforts of people suffering schizophrenia to manage their self-stigma through self-control, using a case study approach. Based on the purposive sampling technique, five people with schizophrenia were selected as the cases to be studied. Data collection techniques utilized in-depth interviews, observation, and documentary studies. The analysis of the study data employed the stages of data reduction, data display, and data verification. Improvement in study quality employed the triangulation of data sources by checking the data to determine its consistency. The results of this study indicate that people with schizophrenia who have the ability to self-control can overcome self-stigma through changes in the manner of viewing themselves, self-training through activities, having endurance, having an honest approach, being able to explain schizophrenia from a positive viewpoint, having initiative, and having a positive attitude and the courage to face challenges.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Muh. Firyal Akbar ◽  
Sri Handyani Suprapto ◽  
Widya Kurniati Mohi

This research is generally aimed at strengthening Muhammadiyah union institution in one of Muhammadiyah's business charity in Gorontalo Province, whereas specifically the purpose of this research is to know objective description about reality that happened at campus of Muhammadiyah University of Gorontalo from organizational culture that developed on campus This, taking into account the organizational culture found in Muhammadiyah in accordance with the PHIWM. This research uses qualitative method with case study approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. Research time started from January to June 2017 From the results show that the employees have not implemented properly. Indicators of hard work still have not shown good results because most employees still do not understand the main duties and functions in work. Discipline indicators are also not well implemented where there are still many employees who enter the campus through the provisions of the time set as well while attending events on campus and when entering the time of prayer still not heed these things. The last indicator is the optimization in the work also has not shown the maximum results because only a few who are able to work effectively in accordance with the work agenda that they set previously.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-262
Fatma Laili Khoirun Nida

The phenomenon of the poor quality of parental care for children with disabilities makes resilience one of the psychological capital that contributes to improving the quality of care. This study describes how through a muhasabah intervention in Blimbingrejo Village, Nalumsari District, Jepara Regency. The purpose of this study was to provide information for parents of children with special needs about muhasabah interventions in developing the resilience abilities of parents when carrying out their care. The urgency of this research is to reduce parenting stress experienced by parents because of the developmental barriers of their children. This research is qualitative with a case study approach through in-depth interviews and observation techniques. The study results explain that the condition of children with special needs is often a stressor for their parents. However, parents can live with complete steadfastness as a form of their resilience. The pattern of resilience formed is supported mainly by thinking about what they are trying to do. There are indications of the meaning of resilience factors in the practice of muhasabah in the form of the ability to regulate emotions, develop optimism and empathy, control impulses and causal analysis, good self-efficacy and take wisdom as an indication of aspects of the reaching out process. The results of this study are helpful information in developing the concept and practice of caring for children with special needs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-55
Yunus Rahawarin ◽  
Engkizar ◽  
Rosniati Hakim ◽  
Widia Wahana Sari ◽  
Nadia Sri Ramdani ◽  

Choosing a career as an Islamic teacher has many challenges as well as fun, not everyone is interested in this profession except those who have strong motivation. This study aims to find out the real motivation of students to select department of Islamic teaching education in public university, even though this department is widely offered by state and private Islamic universities. This study uses qualitative methods with a case study approach (case study design). Sources of data were taken from thirty informants through in-depth interviews selected using a purposive sampling technique, all informants were active students who chose the department of Islamic teaching education at Padang State University in 2017, 2018 and 2019. All interviews were analyzed thematically using the NVivo 10 qualitative analysis software. The results of the analysis showed that there were seven motivations of students to select department of Islamic teaching education. Those seven motivations are: i) self-will, ii) parents' encouragement, iii) choice to become a religious teacher, iv) job opportunities after graduation, v) desire to study at public universities vi) opportunity to spread dakwah, vii) to deepen Islamic knowledge. The results of this study can be used as preliminary data for subsequent researchers to examine this problem in different contexts and issues.

Cynthia C. M. Deaton ◽  
Jacquelynn A. Malloy

Design-based case studies allow researchers to examine instructional innovations that are bounded by perspective, context, and time. Design-based case study is an approach that blends case study research with design-based research in order to more systematically examine the process and products of an intervention. This approach provides a framework for engaging in iterative cycles of data collection and analysis to determine if, how, and why goals of instructional innovations have been met. This chapter provides an overview of the design-based case study approach and responds to common concerns surrounding case study and design-based research and how design-based case studies address these concerns by building on the strengths of both approaches.

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
pp. 08007
Naufal D. Adam ◽  
Desi Adhariani

This study analyses the philosophical reasons behind the implementation of sustainable finance in ABC Bank in Indonesia based on parameters developed by previous research. The parameters consist of the theory of the firm, human nature of economic actors, ownership paradigm, and ethical framework. The case study approach is supported by primary and secondary data through interviews with managers and analysis of the company’s related reports and documents. The results confirm the parameters of sustainable finance implementation in ABC Bank, indicating the advanced movement made by the bank relative to the other counterparts to accommodate the issue of sustainability on the financial system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Siti Bahiroh ◽  
Fitriah M. Suud

This study aims to explore guidance based on religious counseling, namely through internalization of Islamic values in private schools in Yogyakarta. This qualitative research uses a case study approach. Data collection by observation, interview, and documentation. Participants were 7 counseling guidance teachers, Principal, deputy headmaster, 8 teachers. The results showed that students' problems appeared related to discipline, morals, learning and discipline. The cause is more influenced by the use of gadgets and environmental influences. The religiosity-based counseling model that is applied is to invite students to enter the mosque, to make good habits, to set an example, to help students to be comfortable in learning and to share with students when they are relaxed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Ibnu Ubaidillah ◽  
Ali Rif’an

This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques use the method of interview, observation, and documenta-tion. Data analysis is done by condensing data, then presenting data, and conclusions drawn from the data. In checking the validity of the data, researchers use methods, namely extending the time of partici-pation of researchers in the field, increasing persistence of observation, using appropriate reference materials, and reading book tests. The results of the analysis show that the process of applying the Al-Miftah Lil ‘Ulum Method at Madin Wustho Hidayatul Mubtadi’in –Malang City was carried out through several stages, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Among the supporting factors of the learning process and the inhibiting factors to applied it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 202-224
Sutarno ◽  
Afri Mardicko

This article aims to describe how Muhammadiyah netizens (netizenMu), the mellinials in particular, respond to the code of ethics of Muhammadiyah netizens and how they implement the code of ethics. This study used mixed-methods, quantitative and qualitative, with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires distributed to 349 respondents and observations on respondents' online activities on 70 Facebook accounts, and interviews to them as well. The findings have revealed that the majority of netizenMu respond positively to the code of ethics of Muhammadiyah netizens and implemented it well. It can be seen from their response that the majority of respondents have answered ‘very often’ and ‘often’ in almost all the items of questionnaires.

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