scholarly journals Penggunaan Baju ANT-VGAR untuk Rasa Nyaman Pasien pada Pemeriksaan Eleltrokardiogram (EKG)

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Yunani Yunani ◽  
Tegar Wisnu Prasetyo ◽  
Amrih Widiati ◽  
Widiyaningsih Widiyaningsih

Elektrokardiogram (EKG) merupakan suatu sinyal yang terbentuk sebagai hasil dari aktivitas listrik jantung, sinyal ekg mempunyai bentuk spesifik sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk menentukan kondisi kesehatan jantung. Pemeriksaan EKG pasien diharuskan membuka baju, di mana hal ini mengakibatkan pasien kurang nyaman. Hasil wawancara terhadap pasien yang akan dilakukan EKG, semua responden mengalami rasa malu atau kurang nyaman ketika pemasangan EKG terutama pasien perempuan karena daerah dada dibuka. Salah satu tindakan untuk meningkatkan rasa nyaman dengan menggunakan baju ANT-VGAR yang digunakan untuk menutupi area dada pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh baju ANT-VGAR terhadap rasa nyaman pasien pada pemeriksaan EKG. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy exsperimen dengan pendekatan intact group comparison. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pasien yang akan dilakukan pemeriksaan EKG dengan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 30 responden yang dibagi dua kelompok, 15 responden kelompok intervensi dan 15 responden kelompok kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Standar prosedur Operasional  (SPO) baju ANT-VGAR dan kuesioner rasa nyaman untuk mengukur kenyamanan responden saat pemeriksaan EKG. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai rerata rasa nyaman pasien pada kelompok intervensi 22,53 dan pada kelompok kontrol 19,86. Hasil uji Man Whitney didapatkan perbedaan yang signifikan rerata rasa nyaman pada kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi dengan p-value (0,023). Baju ANT-VGAR meningkatkan rasa nyaman  pasien pada pemeriksaan EKG. Kata Kunci : rasa nyaman; baju ANT-VGAR; pemeriksaan EKG ANT-VGAR CLOTHING FOR PATIENTS’ COMFORT ON ELECTROCARDIOGRAM EXAMINATION ABSTRACT Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a signal that is formed as a result of electrical activity of the heart; ECG signal has a specific shape so that it can be used as a reference to determine the condition of heart health. ECG examination requires the patient to undress that’s causing the patient feel less comfortable. The results of interviews with the patients who would have an ECG examination showed that all respondents feel embarrassed or uncomfortable when installing an ECG, especially female patients because the chest area is opened. Using ANT-VGA cloth to cover chest area was an effort to reducing uncomfort feeling for patients. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of ANT-VGAR clothing on the comfort of the patient during the examination.This study used quasy exsperiment with an intact group comparison approach. The respondents used in this research were the patients of ECG examination with purposive sampling . A total of 30 respondents were divided into two groups, 15 respondents in the intervention group and 15 respondents in the control group. The instrument used was the Standart Operational Prosedure (SOP) ANT-VGAR shirt used during the ECG examination and a comfort questionnaire to measure the respondents' comfort during the ECG examination. The mean value of comfort in the intervention group was 22.53 and in the control group were 19.86. Whitney Man test results obtained significant differences in the average comfort in the control group and the intervention group with p-value (0.023). The results of this study concluded that there is an influence of the ANT-VGAR shirt on the comfort of the patient during the ECG examination. Keywords: patient comfort; ANT-VGAR shirt; ECG examination

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Etika Purnama Sari

Many children didn’t like to consume vegetables and fruit, they consumed it in value standard below from WHO. The aim from this study explained the increasing motivation within consume vegetables and fruits through Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). The study design was quasy experiment with prepost control group design. The variables studied were motivation within consume vegetables and fruits. The samples obtained were 27 respondents for intervention group and 28 respondents for control group using purposive sampling. Collecting data includes demographic data and motivation data with questionnaire. Based on Mann Whitney U Test, p value for pretest between intervention and control group was 0,495 with α=0,05 it means that there wasn’t different in motivation consume vegetables and fruit, but for posttest p value was 0,029 it means that there was different in motivation. Based on mean value, there was increasing value for intervention group from 29,30 to 31,91 it means that CBT could increasing motivation to concume vegetables and fruits in children. The increasing motivation could happen because CBT changes the irrational thinking or negative thinking about vegetables and fruit to rational thinking or positive thinking. CBT could be an alternative method to motivate children to consume vegetables and fruits. Banyak anak-anak tidak suka mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah sehingga menunjukkan angka dibawah standar WHO. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan tentang peningkatan motivasi konsumsi sayur dan buah melalui Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasy experiment dengan kelompok kontrol pre-post. Variabel yang diteliti adalah motivasi dalam mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah. Sampel yang digunakan terdapat 27 responden untuk kelompok perlakuan dan 28 reponden untuk kelompok kontrol dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner demografi dan motivasi. Berdasarkan hasil tes Mann Whitney U dengan signifikansi p=0,05 didapatkan nilai p=0,495 pada pretest antara kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan, sehingga tidak terdapat perbedaan motivasi sedangkan pada hasil posttest kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan menunjukkan p= 0,029 sehingga terdapat perbedaan dan dan terdapat peningkatan mean value pada kelompok kontrol dari 29,30 menjadi 31,91. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa CBT mempengaruhi motivasi anak-anak dalam mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah. Peningkatan motivasi terjadi karena CBT dapat mengubah pemikiran irasional dan negatif terhadap sayur dan buah menjadi lebih rasional dan positif. CBT dapat digunakan sebagai metode alternatif dalam meningkatkan motivasi anak untuk mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah. DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT PDF >>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-67
Anggi Vina Hariyati ◽  
Cahyaningrum ◽  
Adil Zulkarnain

Anemia is one of the public health problems that need more attention of the female because they experience menstruation and they are in the growth phase. From the data of Semarang City Health Office  in 2011, it is shown the incidence of anemia in adolescents aged 10-19 years old are 68.24%. The prevention effort of the case is by measuring hemoglobin and prescribing blood supplement. The objective of the study is to find out the effect of Fe tablets on Hemoglobin in Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnique students. The objective of the study is to find out the effect of Fe tablets on Hemoglobin in Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnique students. This research used pre-experimental design with the two group pretest posttest. The population in this Study were all Merchant Marine Polytechnique Semarang at the 4th semester of female students  amounting to 50 with the total respondents 34 respondents taken with purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by performing Hemoglobin examination. The results of the study show that the average Hemoglobin before being prescribed Fe on the intervention and control group was 11.29 g/dl. After being prescribed Fe to the intervention group, it is found the average increased to 13.69 g/dl, while in the control group it is found averaged 11.72 g/dl. Bivariate Analysis uses an independent t test, the value of t is 6.136 with a p-value of   0.000. It shows that the p-value is 0,000 <((0.05), this indicates that there is a significant difference in the decrease in Hemoglobin levels in the population after being prescribed blood supplement between the intervention and control groups in The Semarang Merchant Marine Politechnique Students. It is suggested that the female adolescents to consume more iron-containing foods or consume Fe supplements such as Fe, during menstruation. ABSTRAK  Anemia merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang perlu khusus nya pada remaja  putri yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus karena remaja putri mengalami mestruasi tiap bulan dan dalam masa pertumbuhan . Hasil Data Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang tahun 2011.  Kejadian anemia pada remaja usia 10-19 sebanyak 68,24%. Untuk menangani masalah tersebut pencegahan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan cara mengukur hemoglobin dan pemberian suplemen tablet tambah darah . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat Pengaruh Pemberian Tablet Fe Terhadap Hemoglobin Pada Taruni Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat Pengaruh Pemberian Tablet Fe Terhadap Hemoglobin Pada Taruni Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan  pre-eksperimen design dengan rancangan Two group pretest posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian iniadalah seluruh taruni politeknik ilmu pelayaran semarang semester 4 berjumlah 50 taruni dengan jumlah sempel 34 responden dengan tehnik pengambilan sempel purposive sampling. Pengambilan data dengan melakukan pemeriksaan Hemoglobin.  Penelitian menunjukan bahwa rata-rata Hemoglobin sebelum diberikan pada taruni kelompok intervensi  dan  kontrol sama yaitu  11,29 g/dl.  Dan setelah diberikan pada kelompok intervensi  rata-rata meningkat menjadi 13,69 g/dl, sedangkan  kelompok kontrol rata-rata sebesar 11,72 g/dl. Analisis bivariate Menggunakan uji t independen, didapatkan nilai t hitung 6,136 dengan p-value sebesar 0,000. Terlihat bahwa p-value 0,000 <a (0,05), ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan secara signifikan penurunan (selisih) kadar Hemoglobin b pada taruni sesudah diberikan tablet penambah darah antara kelompok intervensi dan kontrol pada taruni Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang.  Hendaknya bagi remaja putri lebih banyak mengomsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat besi atau mengomsumsi suplemen yang mengandung besi seperti Fe terutama saat mestruasi

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-269
Djunizar Djamaludin ◽  
Setiawati Setiawati ◽  
Rika Yulendasari

The effect of range motion (ROM) ankle exercise on prevention of neuropathy and angiopathy in patient with diabetes mellitusBackground: Based on data from Basic Health Research (2013) conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in a way to obtain the proportion of DM at the age of 15 years and over, confirmed / checked whether or not they suffer from DM or not.It was found that Lampung Province was ranked as the 8th largest DM person from 33 provinces throughout Indonesia, with DM patients with 38,923 lives and 5,560 people. One complication that needs attention is diabetes foot injury and it can cause amputation. The most common cause of diabetes foot injury is peripheral neuropathy which includes damage to sensory, autonomic and motor nerves.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Range of Motion (ROM) ankle exercise on prevention of neuropathy and angiopathy on diabetes patients.Methods: A quasi experimental pre and post- test with control group study design was employed. The purposive sampling with 26 participants (13 respondents intervention group and 13 respondents control group) were recruited. The interventions groups performed ROM ankle exercise in their own respective training programs for 4 weeks, whereas no training was done in the control group. Both groups intervention and control, before and after the exercise program were measured with monofilament test for neuropathy and Venous Doppler for angiopathy. The data analysis was using t-test.Results: In the intervention group there were a significant improvements after ROM ankle exercise on prevention of neuropathy with p Value 0.000 and for angiopathy with p Value 0.000. There were significant different between intervention group and control group for neuropathy (p: .004) and angiopathy (p: .031).Conclusion: To prevent neuropathy and angiopathy on diabetes patients a home exercise program with Range of Motion (ROM) ankle could be implementedKeywords: Range of Motion; Neuropathy; Angiopathy; Diabetes MellitusPendahuluan: Berdasarkan Riskesdas tahun 2013 oleh Kemenkes RI dengan melakukan wawan cara untuk mendapatkan proporsi DM pada usia 15 tahun keatas yaitu proporsi penduduk yang terdiagnosis menderita DM dan penduduk yang belum pernah didiagnosis menderita DM. Provinsi Lampung menduduki peringkat ke – 8 penyandang DM terbesar dari 33 Provinsi diseluruh Indonesia, 38.923 jiwa dan 5.560 jiwa . Salah satu komplikasi yang harus mendapat perhatian yaitu luka kaki diabetes karena dapat mengakibarkan amputasi. Penyebab terbanyak dari luka kaki diabetes yaitu neuropati perifer yang meliputi kerusakan syaraf sensorik, otonom dan motorik.Tujuan: Diketahui pengaruh Range Of Motion (ROM) Ankle terhadap pencegahan terjadinya Neuropati dan Angiopati pada pasien Diabetes Melitus.Metode: Penelitian ini mengunakan desain quasi eksperimen pre post test dengan kelompok control dan intervensi..Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan tehnik Purposive Sampling dengan jumlah sampel yaitu 26 responden. Instrument penelitian ini  menggunakan 10 gr semmens weinstein monofilament untuk  mendeteksi  Neuropati dan  Venous Doppler  Ultrasound untuk  mendeteksi angiopati. Hasil: Menunjukkan adanya pengaruh latihan Range of Motion (ROM) Ankle terhadap pencegahan neuropati dengan p Value 0.000 dan angiopati dengan p Value 0.000. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok intervensi dan control untuk neuropati (p: .004) dan  angiopati  (p: .031).Simpulan: Untuk mencegah terjadinya neuropati dan angiopati pada penderita DM untuk dapat melakukan latihan Range of Motion (ROM) Ankle  dirumah

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 697-703
Fika Kusmawati ◽  
Sri Dinengsih ◽  
Risza Choirunisa Choirunisa

Background: The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is 45.9% for 55-64 years old, 57.6% for 65-74 years old and 63.8% for >75 years old. It is estimated that people with hypertension in Indonesia reach 15 million people but only 4% are controlled hypertension. The prevalence is 6-15% in the elderly, 50% are not aware of being hypertensive patients, so they tend to become severe hypertension because they do not avoid and do not know the risk factors and 90% are essential hypertension.The Purpose  Knowing the effect of giving cucumber juice on blood pressure in postmenopausal women in the work area of the Puskesmas baktijaya, south tangerang city in 2021 in the intervention group and control group.Methodology: The researcher used a quasi-experimental research design with a pre-test and with control design. The sample in this study amounted to 36 people consisting of 18 intervention groups and 18 control groups. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The research instrument consisted of an observation sheet on the state of blood pressure in patients with hypertension before being given cucumber juice and changes in blood pressure in postmenopausal women with hypertension after being given cucumber juice.Research result: There was an effect of giving cucumber juice on decreasing blood pressure in the intervention group with a mean rank of 13.72 and in the control group with a mean rank of 23.28. With a p value of 0.005 < 0.05. There is an effect of giving cucumber juice to decrease diastolic blood pressure in the intervention group with a mean rank of 23.94 and in the control group with a mean rank of 13.06. With a p value of 0.001 <0.05.Conclusions and suggestions: Giving cucumber juice can affect the reduction of blood pressure in postmenopausal women. Suggestion giving cucumber juice to menopausal women or the public can be applied and consumed regularly. Keywords:Menopausal Women, Hypertension, Cucumber ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Prevalensi  hipertensi di  Indonesia  sebesar  45,9%  untuk  umur  55-64 tahun, 57,6% umur 65-74 tahun dan 63,8%  umur >75 tahun. Diperkirakan penderita hipertensi di Indonesia mencapai 15 juta jiwa tetapi  hanya  4%  yang  merupakan  hipertensi terkontrol. Prevalensi 6-15% pada orang lanjut usia, 50% tidak menyadari sebagai penderita hipertensi sehingga mereka cenderung menjadi hipertensi berat karena tidak menghindari dan tidak  mengetahui  faktor  risikonya  dan  90%  merupakan hipertensi esensial.Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian jus mentimun terhadap tekanan darah pada wanita menopause di wilayah kerja puskesmas baktijaya kota tangerang selatan tahun 2021 pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol.Metodologi: Peneliti menggunakan desain penelitian quasi-eksperimen dengan rancangan pre-test and with control. Sampel dalam penelitian berjumlah 36 orang yang terdiri dari 18 kelompok intervensi dan 18 kelompok kontrol. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari pada  lembar  observasi  keadaan  tekanan  darah pada  penderita  hipertensi sebelum diberikan jus mentimun dan  perubahan  tekanan  darah  pada  wanita menopause yang mengalami hipertensi setelah diberikan jus mentimun.Hasil Penelitian: Ada pengaruh pemberian jus mentimun terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada kelompok intervensi dengan mean rank 13,72 dan pada kelompok kontrol dengan mean rank 23,28. Dengan nilai p value sebesar 0,005 < 0,05. Ada pengaruh  pemberian jus mentimun terhadap penurunan tekanan darah diastolik pada kelompok intervensi dengan mean rank 23,94 dan pada kelompok kontrol dengan mean rank 13,06. nilai p value sebesar 0,001 < 0,05.Simpulan Pemberian jus mentimun dapat berpengaruh terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada wanita menopause.Saran pemberian jus mentimun pada wanita menopause atau masyarakat dapat diterapkan dan dikonsumsi secara rutin. Kata Kunci : Wanita Menopause, Hipertensi, Mentimun 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
I Ketut Sudiarta ◽  
Emiliana Tarigan ◽  
Sudibyo Supardi

Background: Clinical nurses are competent with good knowledge, skills and attitudes. These efforts are carried out through integrated training adaptation of the concept of From Novice to Expert Patricia Benner. The study aims to determine the effect of nursing training on increasing knowledge, skills and attitudes. Method: This quantitative research quasy experiment, using a non randomized control group pretest and posttest design. The study sample was 100 people, divided into two groups, namely the same intervention and control group. The research instrument was a valid and reliable questionnaire (Chronbach's alpha 0.989). Research for 12 weeks, March-June 2018 with nursing training interventions in the intervention group respondents. Results: The results of the study were the majority of respondents were female, aged 20-35, career level of clinical nurse level I. Diploma education and work period of 1-5 years. Bivariate results with the mean value of posttest score knowledge 97.20, increased by 21.6%, statistically meaningful knowledge of p value=0.000. The mean value of the posttest skill was score 92.96, increased by 23.92%, the skill statistically was significant p value=0.000 and the mean value of posttest attitude was 50.06, increased by 6.44%, statistically meaningful p value=0.000, there was an effect of nursing training on improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of clinical nurses. The results of multivariate analysis of nursing training were statistically significant towards increasing knowledge of clinical nurses (p value=0.000), having the possibility of knowledge increasing 10 times, increasing skills statistically significant (p value=0.000), having the possibility of increasing skills 1.4 times and increasing statistically meaningful attitudes (p value=0.000), having an increased likelihood of attitudes 0.8 times compared to not getting training, no confounding variables were found. Conclusion: Based on this research, the increase in knowledge, skills and attitudes is influenced by nursing training from the aspects of material, methods, facilities, instructors and post-training evaluation methods. Thus to achieve optimal quality of knowledge, skills and attitude, it is advisable to conduct mentoring, supervision, mentoring and guidance in an integrated manner

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Makanjuola J.O. ◽  
Chiejina E.N. ◽  
Umunnah J.O.

The quality of life (QoL) of patients with schizophrenia is impaired compared to the general population. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) on the quality of life of people with schizophrenia in selected Neuropsychiatric Hospitals in South-West Nigeria. A quasi-experimental research design was adopted in the study, 60 participants with schizophrenia were selected purposely, 30 participants to the intervention group and another 30 participants to the control group. Eight sessions of CBT were given to each participant in the intervention group. Data were collected with the use of the WHO Quality of life Bref questionnaire. Data collected were summarized using frequency, percentages, mean score, and standard deviation to answer research questions. The hypotheses were tested using the Mann-Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Test at 0.05 level of significance. The outcome revealed that there was an overall post-intervention improvement in the Quality of life among the participants in the intervention group with a mean value of 3.63 ± 0.89, Z-value 3.72, p-value <0.001, unlike the control group with a mean value of 2.90 ± 0.85, Z-value= 1.77, p-value=0.08. CBT intervention with pharmacological management was effective in improving the quality of life in schizophrenic patients. CBT should be integrated into routine care given to schizophrenic clients in nursing interventions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 523-530
Henny Prihatni ◽  
Yuistiana Evayanti ◽  
Devi Kurniasari ◽  
Sunarsih Sunarsih

PERINEUM WOUND HEALING WITH POSSIBLE EXERCISES Background Labor and delivery are physiological events. Often childbirth causes birth canal injuries so that it must be cared for properly and properly The maternal mortality rate in Lampung in 2017 is still high, namely 115.8 per 100,000 live births. The results of the initial survey in January 2019 at BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST, Desa Merak Batin Natar District, South Lampung Regency, that in January there were 52 post partum mothers, of the 52 post partum mothers 40 of them had perineal injuries, 37 due to spontaneous rupture and 3 due to episiotomy.Purpose was to determine the effect of postpartum gymnastics on the healing of perineal wounds in postpartum mothers at BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST, Merak Batin Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency in 2019.Methods Quantitative research type methods, pre-experimental research design with a static group comparison approach. The population was 52 postpartum mothers. The research sample was 30 people divided into 2 groups, namely 15 people as the experimental group and 15 people as the control group. With a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis with dependent T-test.The results of univariate and bivariate analysis showed that the average duration of healing of perineal wounds in postpartum women who did postpartum exercise at BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST, Merak Batin Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency in 2019, was 1.33 and in the control group was 4 , 60.The conclusion is that there is an effect of postpartum gymnastics on the healing of perineal wounds in post-partum mothers at BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST, Merak Batin Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency in 2019. The t test results obtained p value 0.000 <α (0.05).Suggestion it is recommended for health workers, especially midwives, to advise postpartum mothers to do postpartum exercise as an alternative to accelerate the healing of perineal wounds.  Keywords: Postpartum exercise, Perineal Wound Healing ABSTRAK Latar Belakang Persalinan dan kelahiran merupakan kejadian fisiologis. Seringkali persalinan menyebabkan perlukaan jalan lahir sehingga harus dirawat dengan baik dan benar Angka kematian ibu di Lampung tahun 2017 masih tinggi yaitu sebesar 115,8 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup.Hasil survey awal pada Bulan Januari 2019 di BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST Desa Merak Batin Kecamatan Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, bahwa pada bulan januari terdapat 52 ibu post partum, dari 52 ibu post partum tersebut 40 diantaranya mengalami luka perineum, 37 dikarenakan rupture spontan dan 3 karena episiotomi.Tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Senam  Nifas Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Perineum Pada Ibu Nifas di BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST Desa Merak Batin Kecamatan  Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Tahun 2019.Metode Jenis Penelitian Kuantitatif, rancangan penelitian pre-eksperimen dengan pendekatan static group comparison. Populasi sebanyak 52 ibu nifas. Sampel penelitian  30 orang yang di bagi dalam 2 kelompok yaitu 15 orang sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan 15 orang sebagai kelompok kontrol. Dengan teknik sampling purposive sampling. Analisa data dengan uji T-test dependent.Hasil analisa univariat dan bivariate didapatkan rata-rata lama penyembuhan luka perineum pada ibu nifas yang melakukan senam nifas di BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST Desa Merak Batin Kecamatan  Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Tahun 2019, yaitu sebesar 1,33 dan pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 4, 60. Kesimpulan diketahui ada Pengaruh Senam Nifas Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Perineum Pada Ibu Nifas di BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST Desa Merak Batin Kecamatan  Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Tahun 2019. Hasil uji t didapat p value 0,000 < α (0,05).Disarankan bagi tenaga kesehatan khususnya bidan agar menganjurkan kepada ibu nifas agar melakukan senam  nifas sebagai salah satu alternatif mempercepat penyembuhan luka perineum.  Kata Kunci            : Senam nifas, Penyembuhan Luka Perineum

Dina Mariana ◽  
Satriani G ◽  
Idayati Idayati

Breast milk is the best food in the early age of a baby's life. The purpose of the research was to assess the effect of breastfeeding counseling by strengthened breastfeeding techniques on the behavior of exclusive breastfeeding for mothers in Mamuju. This type of research was experimental with a Quasi experiment design using a non random control group pretest-posttest design. Time of research was in May - July 2019. The population were all pregnant women whose pregnancy was trimester III. Samples were third trimester pregnant women in the Puskesmas Beru - Beru and Puskesmas Tampa Padang whose matched the sample’s criteria. Samples were 32 mothers using purposive sampling. The results showed the differences in knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding, after had done intervention group (p value = 0.02) it had a difference in knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding mothers compared to the control samples after the intervention (p value = 0,000); it didn’t have different in attitudes about Exclusive breastfeeding before and after the intervention in samples, and after researcher did counseling on the practice of exclusive breastfeeding toward mothers (p = 0.027). Breastfeeding counseling was needed for pregnant women and postpartum mothers by strengthened breastfeeding technique which practiced in Antenata Care and Postnatal Care by midwives to improve the behavior of exclusive breastfeeding in Mamuju. Keywords: counseling; breastfeeding techniques; behavior of exclusive breastfeeding ABSTRAK Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan makanan terbaik pada awal usia kehidupan bayi. Tujuan penelitian untuk menilai pengaruh Konseling Menyusui dengan penguatan materi teknik menyusui terhadap perilaku pemberian ASI Esklusif pada ibu di Kabupaten Mamuju. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimental dengan rancangan Quasi experiment menggunakan desain non randomized control group pretest-posttest.Waktu penelitian pada bulan mei - juli 2019. Populasi adalah semua ibu hamil yang usia kehamilannya trisemester III. Sampel adalah ibu hamil trisemester III di Puskesmas Beru - Beru dan Puskesmas Tampapadang yang memenuhi kriteria sampel. Jumlah sampel = 32 orang menggunakan tehnik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada perbedaan pengetahuan tentang ASI Eksklusif sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok intervensi p = 0,02; ada perbedaan pengetahuan tentang ASI Eksklusif antara kelompok intervensi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol sesudah intervensi (p = 0,000) ; tidak ada perbedaan sikap tentang ASI Eksklusif sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok dan tidak ada perbedaan sikap tentang ASI Eksklusif antara kelompok intervensi dengan kelompok kontrol ; ada pengaruh konseling terhadap praktek pemberian ASI Eksklusif pada Ibu (p =0,027). Perlu upaya konseling menyusui pada ibu hamil dan ibu postpartum dengan penguatan materi teknik menyusui secara berkesinambungan pada pelayanan Antenata Care dan Postnatal Care oleh bidan sehingga meningkatkan perilaku pemberian ASI Esklusif di Kabupaten Mamuju. Kata kunci: konseling; teknik menyusui; perilaku pemberian ASI eksklusif

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Rena Afri Ningsih ◽  
Siska Helina ◽  
Ani Laila

Pada persalinan pervaginam 75% ibu mengalami luka pada perineum, baik yang ruptur alami maupun dengan tindakan episiotomi. Pada penjahitan luka perineum setiap kali jarum masuk ke jaringan tubuh, jaringan tubuh akan terluka dan menjadi tempat potensial timbulnya infeksi dan penyembuhan luka terlambat. Penyembuhan luka perineum yang mengalami keterlambatan pada ibu postpartum dapat disebabkan karena kurangnya mobilisasi dan olahraga (senam nifas/kegel). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan mobilisasi dini dengan kombinasi senam kegel terhadap penyembuhan luka perineum. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan Pre-eksperimental dengan desain Static Group Comparison/ Posttest Only Control Group Design. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 30 orang ibu postpartum dengan luka perineum. Analisis data dilakukan dengan Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penyembuhan luka perineum yang sangat baik pada kelompok mobilisasi dini dengan kombinasi senam kegel sebesar 93.3% dan penyembuhan luka perineum yang baik pada kelompok yang tidak melakukan mobilisasi dini dengan kombinasi senam kegel sebesar 53.3% dengan p value 0.035 <α. Kesimpulan penelitian ini ada hubungan yang signifikan mobilisasi dini dengan kombinasi senam kegel terhadap penyembuhan luka perineum. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi tenaga kesehatan dalam memberikan asuhan pada ibu postpartum untuk penyembuhan luka perineum yang sangat baik

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 229
Endang Mei Yunalia ◽  
Arif Nurma Etika

Komunikasi merupakan dasar dari seluruh kegiatan interaksi sosial dalam kehidupan sehari – hari. Salah satu tujuan komunikasi adalah untuk meyampaikan keinginan dan perasaan pada orang lain, dimana dalam menyampaikan keinginan dan perasaan hendaknya penting untuk tetap memperhatikan hak orang lain atau yang disebut juga dengan komunikasi asertif. Kurangnya kemampuan remaja dalam melakukan komunikasi asertif menyebabkan tingginya kejadian perilaku agresif pada remaja. Kemampuan komunikasi asertif dapat ditingkatkan dengan memberikan terapi kelompok Asssertiveness Training. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas terapi kelompok Assertiveness Training terhadap kemampuan komunikasi asertif pada remaja dengan perilaku agresif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Quasy Eksperimental menggunakan rancangan one group pre – post test with kontrol design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja dengan perilaku agresif. Sampel berjumlah 36 responden yang dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling yang terbagi dalam 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan p=0,004 (p-value<0,05), yang berarti terdapat pengaruh terapi kelompok Asssertiveness Training terhadap kemampuan komunikasi asertif pada remaja dengan perilaku agresif. Kata kunci: assertiveness training, komunikasi asertif, perilaku agresif, remaja EFFECTIVENESS OF ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING GROUP THERAPY ON ASSERTIVENESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN ADOLESCENTS WITH AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOUR ABSTRACTCommunication is the basis of social interaction activities. One of the  communication goals is to convey the wishes and feelings of others, where in conveying the desires and feelings it should be important to pay attention to the rights of others, this is also called assertive communication. The high incidence of aggressive behavior in adolescents one of which is caused by the lack of ability of adolescents in assertive communication. Assertive communication skills can be improved by providing Assertiveness Training group therapy. Research objectives to determine the effectiveness of Assertiveness Training group therapy on assertive communication skills in adolescents with aggressive behavior. This study use Quasy Experimental, one group pre – post test with kontrol design. The population in this study is adolescents with aggressive behavior. A sample of 36 respondents were selected using purposive sampling which is divided into 2 groups namely the intervention group and a control group. Data analysis using  Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The eresults showed that p=0,004 (p-value<0,05), it  means there is an influence of Assertiveness Training group therapy on assertive communication skills in adolescents with aggressive behavior.  Keywords: assertiveness training, assertiveness communication, aggressive bahavior, adolescents 

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