2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Nila Sutrisna

Information technology plays an important role, both in the present and in the future. In thecurrent era of globalization, the highly developed technology is internet technology. Thedevelopment of the internet in Indonesia is very rapidly. However, these developments turned outto also have a negative impact. One of the misuse of the internet is the libel that someone doesagainst the other party Things or circumstances communicated or published through the internetcan be said to be defamatory or defamatory if things or circumstances that are not true for thevictim, whether it is damaging the reputation or that bring material losses for the victims.Publication or communication about the other person may be defamatory or defamatory, whetherdone with explicit words or writings or with a hidden form but containing connotations damagethe reputation of a person or a Company. The Government of Indonesia has established andenacted legal rules governing Information and Electronic Transactions in a form of legislation,namely Law no. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions, as a form of providinglegal protection for victims in criminal defamation. This study aims to examine and know aboutthe form of criminal defamation through the internet media viewed from the perspective of lawand to know the regulatory system against criminal defamation through the internet media interms of legal aspects. This study uses the normative juridical method, which is the approachdone by examining the legislation relevant to the problem under study or looking from thenormative legal aspects. Technique of data collection is done by Research of Library (LibraryResearch), that is by studying book and literature relevant with writing.Keywords: juridical review, defamation, internet media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-77
I Komang Mahesa Putra ◽  
Ni Luh Mahendrawati ◽  
Desak Gde Dwi Arini

Abstract-This trade activity by utilizing internet media is known as electronic commerce, or abbreviated as e-commerce. Regarding the relevance of existing legislation with the need for regulations in buying and selling transactions through internet media, especially the seller's responsibility. The formulation of the problem in this writing is how the legal protection for the parties in the sale and purchase agreement through the internet media and how the seller's responsibility in the sale and purchase agreement based on article 1320 of the Civil Code. The author uses the type of normative legal research and the problem approach used is the basis of the conceptual approach and legislation. The agreement needed to give birth to an agreement mandated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code is considered to have been reached if the statement of one party was received by the other party. In summary, an agreement is considered to have taken place when one of the parties agreed. The government should provide more stringent supervision for the parties who carry out this electronic transaction, namely by conducting a registration of all activities involving public interest in electronic traffic. Keywords: Sale and Purchase Agreement, Seller responsibilities, e-commerce Abstrak-Kegiatan yang menggunakan elektronik komersil sudah digandrungi beberapa orang dengan penggunaan yang semakin meningkat dengan pesat setiap tahunnya atau disingkat e-commerce. Berkaitan dengan relevansi peraturan perundang–undangan yang sudah ada dengan kebutuhan akan peraturan dalam transaksi jual beli melalui media internet terutama pertanggungjawaban penjual. Rumusan masalah dalam penulisan ini adalah bagaimana perlindungan hukum bagi para pihak dalam perjanjian jual beli melalui media internet dan Bagaimana tanggung jawab penjual dalam perjanjian jual beli barang berdasarkan pasal 1320 KUH Perdata. Penulis menggunakan tipe penelitian hukum normative dan pendekatan masalah yang digunakan adalah dasar pendekatan konseptual dan Peraturan perundang-undangan. Persetujuan antara kedua orang yang menjalin suatu hubungan keperdataan di anggap telah sah apabila keduanya setuju. Ringkasnya, suatu perjanjian dianggap telah terjadi pada saat salah satu pihak menyatakan sepakat. Pemerintah seyogyanya memberikan pengawasan yang lebih ketat lagi bagi para pihak yang melakukan transaksi elektronik ini yaitu dengan jalan melakukan suatu pendaftaran terhadap segala kegiatan yang menyangkut kepentingan umum didalam lalu lintas elektronik. Kata Kunci: Perjanjian jual beli, tanggung jawab penjual, e-commerce

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Hudi Karno Sabowo

<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>The development of human civilization, among others supported by the occurrence of the Cognitive and Science revolution. Humans have a new ability to pass on information in greater quantity about the world around them, including social relations. Limited liability company and human rights. As a result, collaboration can be established between people who do not know each other in very large numbers. Rapid social innovation. One of the interesting advances in technological innovation is the advent of internet technology. The internet changes the way people do business, socialize, share information and even change behavior and life between individuals / groups. With internet technology, it is possible to communicate without limitation of distance and time. Business start-ups emerged around 1998-2000, facing the beginning of the global economic crisis. Initially, this business was only a business for services and products that many people needed. However, since the dot-com era skyrocketed, business start-ups have become increasingly popular. No wonder the start-up business tends to be known as a business that smells of technology, sites, and the internet. Some tips for start-up businesses, what aspects need to be considered from the beginning to the start of the business. Among them are forming a CV or PT, protecting the company's brand, raising funds / capital, Special Licenses Related to Electronic Transactions and paying attention and reporting annual taxes. But more specifically, there are also a number of obstacles that must be regulated and watched out for by startups, namely the technology used, the HR that runs always innovative and can read the market well, manage the business / object being run, leadership and business management, and the necessity pay Taxation. In addition, business people or businesses should pay attention to the legal aspects of Law Number 40 of 2007 and the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation of 2014 concerning Limited Liability Companies (PT). Also the Civil Code, especially Law Number 11 Year 2008 and amendment Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. Also the Consumer Protection Act. So, it would not hurt to try to start a business by utilizing social media technology that is owned (FB, WA, Line, etc.). However, for start-up businesses, they should pay attention to aspects such as products and brands to be marketed, and good business management and to learn and pay attention to the rules of electronic use and its legal aspects. </span></p></div></div></div>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Vyki Mazaya

<p>The internet has become an important part of the interactive communication of the Indonesian people. Information exchange is becoming faster with the advancement of information technology because everyone can easily access and share the information they receive. The ease of sharing information on the other hand can have a negative impact if it turns out that the information received is not clarified in advance. There needs to be an effort and awareness from internet users to prevent the spread of hoaxes on the internet, namely cyberdakwah. Cyberdakwah is an amar ma'ruf nahi munkar activity using internet media. Da'iof cyberdakwah needs to master information technology as one of the main weapons because the target of its dakwah is internet users. Da’i of cyberdakwah<br />also needs to understand netiquette (internet ethics) besides also having to understand the ethics of da'wahbased on Islamic teachings. This is because in exchanging information there are ethics and values that generally become a common agreement even though the rule may not be written.</p><p> </p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Lusia Handayani ◽  
Munawar K. Nahrawi

<p>Food is the fundamental right of every human being. Communities or nations that are not satisfied with food sufficiency will have the potential to cause economic instability and even to bring down a government. Dependence on rice as a staple food can threaten economic and political stability when food is not adequately covered. One alternative that can be made to avoid the threat is to switch to other carbohydrates-based foods that grow in Indonesia, including sweet potato, cassava, arrowroot, and ganyong. However, those local food variety is still considered as second-class food, due to the persistence to rice-eating culture. Therefore, there is a necessity to create a local food campaign on internet media. The Internet is now growing into a medium capable to reach all kinds of people in a quick and precise manner. This descriptive study uses secondary data such as books and journals related to state defense and food security. The study finds that the use of internet as a medium for local food campaign to the community has not been implemented optimally, both by the government and non-government. In line with the rapid development of the internet and the importance of defending the country in all aspects, local food campaigns through internet media require the participation of all stakeholders.</p><p align="left"> </p><strong>Keywords</strong>: defending of the state, local food campaign, internet

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-118
Realize Realize ◽  
Tukino Tukino

Home industry production results are only traditionally managed as promoted by word of mouth, and sometimes rely solely on the number of visitors to the sales place of the product, so the product takes a long time to increase sales volume. Now with capitalize a set of computers or smartphones that have been equipped with the Internet network can be used as a tool or media to publish all activities / promotional activities undertaken by the domestic business actors. In this activity, business activists will be given material about what the website, especially weblog and its benefits, how to make it, and how to use and manage it properly to support and improve the ability in promoting the product. This is not without reason, because almost all citizens who already have a household business is less understand the use of the internet let alone use the Internet media as one of the media to promote household products that they produce. The main target in the implementation of community service activities is to improve the ability of the community in the utilization of the Internet as a powerful medium as a partner of the government in moving the economic factors.

Bayu Kharisma ◽  
Adji Pratikto

The paper aims to examine how the growth impact of government spending in Indonesia, with a focus on several expenditure sectors, namely defense, education, health, agriculture, transport and communications, and manufacturing sectors. Based on the 17 sectors studied, only 6 sectors significantly influence economic growth, namely industrial sector, agriculture and irrigation sector, transportation and transportation sector, environment and spatial sector, political sector and mass media lighting, and security of order. Meanwhile, of the six sectors, only the security sector of order has a positive effect on economic growth, while the other five sectors negatively affect economic growth. If not paid attention to the level of significance, almost all sectors of development expenditure have a negative impact on economic growth, only 5 sectors that have a positive influence that is the labor sector, education sector, national culture, trust in God YME, youth and sports, housing and residential sector , the science and technology sector, as well as the security and order sectors. However, only the security sector of order has a significant effect, while the other four sectors have no significant effect. This result differs from previously conclusions, where their overall conclusion of the government development spending sector has a significant effect, the effect being positive. However, the same conclusions are generated for the security and order sectors, where the results are positive and significant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-35
Elmy Andrianti ◽  
Indri Rachmawati

Abstract. Hedonism means a living outlook that considers pleasure and material bliss as the main purpose of life. In general, these hedonists assume that they only live once in a lifetime. Therefore, they have the need to enjoy life as pleasurable as possible, adn free with No. limits. New media is a medium that uses the internet, technology based online media that has flexible character, it also has the potential to interactive and can funcation privately or publicly. For this research, i conducted a quantitative method with a correlational approach that aims to determine the hedonism that is in accordance with the AIO indikator (Activities, Interest dan Opinion). Also, this study implements a sampling technique namely simple random sampling.   Abstrak. Hedonisme mempunyai arti pandangan hidup yang menganggap kesenangan dan kenikmatan materi adalah tujuan utama hidup. Pada umumnya, kaum hedonis ini beranggapan bahwa hidup ini hanya satu kali. Oleh karena itu, mereka merasa ingin menikmati hidup senikmat-nikmatnya, sebebas-bebasnya tanpa batas. New media merupakan media yang menggunakan internet, media online berbasis teknologi, berkarakter fleksibel, berpotensi interaktif dan dapat berfungsi secara privat maupun secara publik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hedonisme yang sesuai dengan indikator AIO (Activities, Interest dan Opinion). Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan simple random sampling.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 293
Miskahuddin Miskahuddin

The Internet is one result of the sophistication and advancement of science and man-made technology. Various conveniences offered, one of which is social media. But unfortunately, this sophistication has an impact on the quality of education. The worst impact in the world of education that may result from social networking sites is beginning to decrease interest in student learning. This is probably because the student's learning motivation also becomes reduced because of the importance of social networking rather than the learning achievement. To minimize the negative impact, as users we must be more intelligent. Internet savvy is how an internet user can manage and utilize internet technology wisely tailored to the needs and not violate ethical and internet codes of ethics.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Losina Purnastuti

Electronic Commerce is claimed as a form of new market in electronic era. Although most current use of Electronic Commerce occurs at the inter-corporate and inter-organizational levels, Electronic Commerce services aimed at individual consumers are developing rapidly. The internet is a major catalyst in the diffusion of Electronic commerce into an increasing number of economic spheres, and is rapidly harmonizing the general environment in which electronic transactions of all kinds take place. This form of new market is able to create some incentives both in transaction management and business efficiency area. On the other hand, implementation of Electronic Commerce become an issue discussed extensively from many of point of view including: law, economic and technology.

O.V. Boychenko ◽  
O.Yu. Smirnova

The article considers the legal aspects of the existence of intellectual property on the Internet. The main regulatory documents governing the relationship between the use of intellectual property on the Internet are analyzed, such as: the WIPO international convention, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 4; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2012; The latest edition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In the form of a structural and didactic scheme are presented: objects of intellectual property, means of individualization; an algorithm for the interaction of participants in the legislative process to seize illegal content. Features of the problems of protecting intellectual property rights on the Internet, the main causes of violation of intellectual property rights and ways of protecting intellectual property are presented. The losses of various sectors of society from Internet piracy are given. The basic tools of copyright infringement on the Internet are described, as well as existing methods of confirming copyright in content.

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