2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Syarifah Novieyana ◽  
Evi Sofiana ◽  
Tri Wahyuarini

One of Indonesian Goverment policies in Educational sectors is to reinforce vocational education pattern policy named Vocational High School with Dual Responsibiluty System. Current research is learning effectiveness of Dual Resposbility Sustem at Vocational schools located in Pontianak, which aimed at investigates empirically all the variables affect Dual Responsiility System  partially and also to find out the determinate factors on Dual Responsibility System. Survey with questionnaire is deployed for data collecting with 135 respondents valid for further analyzed. Validity, reliabilty and classic assumption were used for measurement and Likert Scale for variable measurement as well. Data analysis and variable analyzes, current study highlights that teachers competency andlearning facility shows a significant impact on Dual Responsibility System. In another hands, the finding shows also showed that exogent variable has asignificant impact on endogen with R Square 52,6%,  0,430. This research suggests that each vocational schools to apply ARCS in motivating the students as well as the innovation, maintenance of learning facilities usage. Moreover, it’s also suggest that goverment especially Educational Department of Pontianak to evaluate the effectiveness of Dual Responsibilty System Implementation in Vocational High Schools in Pontianak.

ICCD ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 481-485
Harfa Iskandaria ◽  
Anggraeni Dyah ◽  
Karya Subagya

High school in Indonesia has two types, specifically senior high schools and vocational schools (SMK). Vocational high schools in Indonesia have a lot of education focus which aims to provide education to their students so they can work immediately. One of the vocational schools in Indonesia is the Tangerang 4 Vocational High School which focuses on education in engineering. One of the engineering scopes at SMK Negeri 4 Tangerang is "Drawing Technique for Building" (Teknik Gambar Bangunan). "Drawing Technique for Building" is a vocational class that specializes in learning how to draw techniques for houses and buildings. As vocational students of "Building Drawing Technique", each student must learn how to draw techniques according to ISO standards complete with various etiquettes in manually, after proficient in drawing manually, students must learn AutoCAD, an software for drawing because this becomes the main competency as students "Building Drawing Techniques". To increase the capacity and capabilities of its students at SMK 4 Tangerang, the Budi Luhur University Architecture Study Program introduces one of the software related to building drawing The software introduced in Revit Architecture version 2013. Revit Architecture 2013 is a software that aims to create building construction designs for architects and supports the concept of BIM (Building Information Modeling). The output of this socialization is that students of SMK Negeri 4 Tangerang understanding about software for drawing techniques other than AutoCAD and various conveniences when drawing with Revit Architecture 2013 software

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 289
Harbiyah Gani ◽  
Husaini Usman

The study was to develop a model of partnership management between the vocational high school (VHS) and the employment domain in the curriculum of industrial working practice under the activities of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation in the vocational high schools of Banda Aceh. The study used the research and development method design with several phases that had been developed by Borg & Gall. The data type in the study was qualitative and quantitative. For the qualitative data analysis, the researcher used the interactive analysis that had been developed by Milles & Huberman. On the other hand, for the quantitative data analysis the researcher used a Likert-scale measure. The research subjects were vocational education practitioners and experts. The data gathering was conducted by means of documentation, observation, interview, and Delphi techniques; all of the methods were implemented until the researcher found the conceptual model. Then, the researcher involved the experts in the model testing by using the Delphi technique resulting in a hypothetical model from the conceptual to be used as the basis for developing the final model. Eventually, the researcher drew the following conclusion: (1) The partnership between the VHS and the employment domain had been pursued by all of the vocational high schools in the City of Banda Aceh but there had not been any clear and integrated model of partnership management; and (2) the researcher generated a model development of partnership management between the VHS and the employment domain in the curriculum of industrial working practice clearly, practically, and effectively.

Aziz Wahyu Suprayitno

This study evaluates the impact evaluation of Government Assistance on the improvement of Quality of Vocational Education. This study using the Difference in Difference (DID) method to estimate the effects of Government Assistance allocation by comparing the changes in outcome {quality of Vocational Education measured by School Quality Report (Rapor Mutu Sekolah) that contains a number with scale 1 – 7} between the Vocational High School that get Government Assistance (intervention/treatment group) and the Vocational High School that did not (control group), using regression model by testing parallel trend assumption first. Secondary data consists of Government Assistance and Vocational High School Quality Report for 2013 – 2018 from the Directorate of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education and Culture. Government Assistance data selected is only Assistance for facilities/infrastructure and Assistance for rehabilitation/construction of buildings using a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the average value of the Vocational High Schools that received Government Assistance was higher by 0.0373 compared to Vocational High Schools that did not receive Government Assistance, after the intervention of Government Assistance from 2016 - 2018. That results indicates that Government Assistance has a positive impact on improving the Quality of Vocational Education. Keywords : impact evaluation, DID, quality of vocational education, government assistance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.33) ◽  
pp. 526
Seninil . ◽  
Mochamad Bruri Triyono ◽  
Asnul Dahar Minghat ◽  
Herman Dwi Surjono ◽  
Siti Salina Mustakim

E-learning has been to be a very popular choice in the 21st century education world. E-learning able to meet a variety of learning needs tailored to each level of education. E-learning makes it easy for a teacher to give lessons to students without being bound by space and time anymore. Students can receive subject matter anywhere and anytime while at home, at school, and at work. Students can take advantage of discussion forums to discuss remotely through the use of collaborative learning tools available in e-learning. The goal to be achieved is to know the e-learning model for vocational education, namely vocational high school (SMK). In particular, this paper reviews the technical literature on the concept of e-learning, e-learning models, and the development of e-learning models in the context of TVE. Regarding e-learning studies, journal articles, opinion papers, conceptual papers, etc. are analyzed for content related to the e-learning model on TVE. It was concluded that the use of e-learning in vocational education such as Vocational High Schools was needed to assist teachers in improving the learning process. E-learning needs for vocational high schools as an effective learning media adapted to the vocational characteristics of each school. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Nur Faizal Adkha ◽  
Putu Sudira ◽  
Ranu Iskandar

This study aims to describe the aspects of mindfulness in the teaching of culinary art in vocational high schools. The aspects of mindfulness in the field of teaching consist of novelty, variety, joyfulness, meaningfulness, and alertness in learning. The benefits of mindfulness are related to the competencies in creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. These competencies are often referred to as the "Four C's" and are considered important competencies in the 21st century. The research variables based on theoretical studies in the fields of education and psychology consist of novelty, variety, joyfulness, meaningfulness, and alertness in learning. The population in this study is productive teachers of the department of culinary art at five vocational high schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The specified sample is 30 teachers. The data were collected using a questionnaire. The validity was measured through product-moment testing, and the reliability was measured using the Cronbach alpha model with the SPSS 16.00 program. The data analysis was done using descriptive analysis. The data were analyzed by calculating the ideal score, mean, and standard deviation and by categorizing the data. The results show that the mindfulness aspect of culinary teaching consists of 1.) Novelty, which is in the good category, with a percentage of 53.33%; 2.) Variation, which is in the good category, with a percentage of 66.67%; 3.) Excitement, which is in the very good category, with a percentage of 60%; 4.) Meaningfulness, which is in the very good category, with a percentage of 76.67%; and 5.) Alertness, which is in the very good category, with a percentage of 70%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-18
Tukino Tukino ◽  
Baru Harahap ◽  
Algifanri Maulana

Vocational High Schools that are located close to each other, but have not synergized in the utilization of existing resources in each school are seen as less efficient. On the other hand, several vocational schools have adequate resources and potential to expand and simultaneously improve education services to the community through various education and training programs. In connection with these conditions, the Directorate of Vocational High Schools has programmed to combine these schools in one management and increase the capacity of Vocational High Schools through various education and training programs under the name Development of Large Vocational Schools. Financial statements function as a tool to analyze financial performance that can provide information about financial position, business, performance and cash flow so that it can be used as a basis for making economic decisions. The object of this service is aimed at the Batam Business School Vocational High School (SMK) around the Sekaran Village, where the majority of Batam Business School Vocational High School (SMK) players do not have financial reports. The purpose of this service program is to provide training to Batam Business School Vocational High School (SMK) actors in the preparation of accounting standards based on Financial Accounting Standards for Entities Without Public Accountability (SAK ETAP) as well as to design simple manual and computerized accounting systems that can help and facilitate students. Vocational High School (SMK) Batam Business School actors in making financial reports based on SAK ETAP

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-24
Irsan Roseno ◽  
Udik Budi Wibowo

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan efisiensi eksternal pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Kota Yogyakarta dengan sudut pandang nilai guna kemampuan lulusan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi. Sumber data adalah dokumentasi dan informan dari alumni SMK di Kota Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumentasi dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menemukan keterserapan lulusan SMK di Kota Yogyakarta belum tercapai dengan maksimal. SMK belum mampu memberikan manfaat seperti yang diharapkan kepada seluruh lulusan. Oleh karena itu efisiensi eksternal pendidikan kejuruan di Kota Yogyakarta disimpulkan tidak efisien. Kesesuaian pengajaran di sekolah dengan perkembangan dunia kerja/industri belum sepenuhnya baik. Di sisi lain, terdapat beberapa manfaat dari pendidikan SMK bagi siswa antara lain: Mendapat pengalaman kerja melalui program Magang, PKL, atau prakerin; Mendapat peluang kerja di dunia usaha dan industri; Berwirausaha dengan keterampilan yang didapat; Pendidikan menengah kejuruan bisa melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi. Sedangkan dari survai kepuasan diketahui alumni merasa puas terhadap lembaga sekolahnya. Namun terdapat beberapa informan yang merasa kurang puas antara lain kesesuaian kurikulum dengan dunia industri, keberadaan pembelajaran soft skill di lembaga pendidikan, bimbingan guru selama prakerin, jumlah kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana praktik, dan kesesuaian sarana prasarana praktik dengan dunia industri. The external efficiency of vocational education in YogyakartaAbstractThis research aims to describe of external efficiency of vocational education (SMK) in Yogyakarta with point of view of the values of graduates’ ability. This research used the qualitative approach of phenomenology. The data sources were the documentation and the informants of graduates of Vocational High School in Yogyakarta. The data collection was done through document analysis and interview. The data analysis technique included of collecting data, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The research finding reveals that the absorption of vocational high schools graduates in Yogyakarta have not been reached maximally. Vocational high schools cannot enable to give the benefits as expected for the graduates. So, the external efficiency of vocational education in Yogyakarta can be concluded that is inefficient. The instructional conformity of the school that related to the development of working field/industry is not good enough. In other hand, there are some benefits of Vocational education for students such as: getting experience in the work field through the internship program, PKL, or prakerin; getting job opportunity in the business world and industry; entrepreneurship with the skill that got; Vocational High School Education can continue to the advanced study. Meanwhile, based on the survey of satisfaction is known that the graduates feel satisfied toward their school education. However, there are some informan that are not satisfied with the conformity of curriculum related to the industry field, the existence of learning soft skill in the school education, the teacher’s guide during prakerin, the number of completeness of practicum tools, and the conformity of practicum tools with the industry field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-28
Rita Fransina Maruanaya ◽  
Thomas Köhler

This study aimed to measure the validity and reliability of the questionnaire in the context of scientific research on the cooperation of vocational high schools and industry for example in the field of Hotel management. Participants (n=20) were teachers of Vocational High Schools and Trainers of Hotels. This is a quantitative study. The validity test was conducted through items content validity using Pearson Correlation Product Moment. The Cronbach Alpha value was applied to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. The result showed that questionnaire is valid with 35 questions and the values of Cronbach Alpha are Variable 1= 0,94 (perfect), Variable 2=0,84 (high), Variable 3= 0,53 (average), Variable 4=0,92 (perfect). Based on the results, it can be stated that the questionnaire is valid and reliable. Therefore, it can be used as an instrument for a study

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Meita Anisa Saputra*

Data from the City Blitar City Police Unit in 2016, as many as 1,799 or 15.9% of students committed traffic violations, from January to March 2017 as many as 438 or 11.3% of students committed  traffic violations. In addition to violations, 25 or 15.1% of traffic accidents involving students occurred. The accident caused 68 students to become victims. In 2017 January to March as many as 6 or 12.5% students were involved in traffic accidents. The accident caused 21 students to become victims. According to the data, it can be seen that the number of traffic violations in Blitar City is dominated by students, both students of junior high schools, senior high schools or vocational high schools. Then the Save Our Student (SOS) program was implemented to reduce the number of traffic offenses for students. The Save Our Student (SOS) Program is a Satlantas Polres Blitar Kota program in collaboration with schools, both Middle School (SMP), Senior High School (SMA) or Vocational High School (SMK) in Blitar City. The Save Our Student (SOS) Program is a program based on Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transport and the Safety riding program. The Save Our Student (SOS) program is not just a momentary program, but an ongoing program in an effort to reduce the number of traffic violations on students in the City of Blitar. The Blitar City Police Traffic Unit Police in implementing the Save Our Student (SOS) Program needs a communication strategy, where the success rate of a goal will be achieved along with how the communication strategy is carried out in implementing the Save Our Student (SOS) Program. The purpose of the program, which is to reduce the number of traffic violations among students and prevent traffic accidents with fatality fatalities will be achieved.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Wahyu Dwi Mulyono ◽  
Pardjono Pardjono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran komite sekolah dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan SMK negeri dan SMK swasta di Kabupaten Lamongan sebagai badan pertimbangan, badan pendukung, badan pengontrol, dan badan penghubung.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi. Populasi sebanyak 61 SMK (enam SMK negeri dan 55 SMK swasta). Sampel sebanyak 42 SMK (empat SMK negeri dan 38 SMK swasta) ditentukan dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala Likert. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Peran komite sekolah dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan SMK negeri secara keseluruhan termasuk dalam kategori baik. Peran yang paling tinggi adalah sebagai badan pertimbangan, kemudian sebagai badan pendukung, dan sebagai badan penghubung, sedangkan peran yang paling rendah adalah sebagai badan pengontrol. (2) Peran komite sekolah dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan SMK swasta secara keseluruhan termasuk dalam kategori baik. Peran yang paling tinggi adalah sebagai badan pendukung, kemudian sebagai badan penghubung, dan sebagai badan pertimbangan, sedangkan peran yang paling rendah adalah sebagai badan pengontrol. THE ROLESOF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL IN LAMONGAN REGENCY, EAST JAVAAbstractThis study is aimedat investigating the roles of the school committee in the implementation of state vocational high schools (VHS) and private VHSs in Lamongan Regency, as anadvisory agency, supporting agency, controlling agency, and mediator agency.This study isanevaluation. The population was 61 VHSs (six state VHSs and 55 private VHSs). A sample of 42 VHSs (four state VHSs and 48 private VHSs) was established using the proportional random sampling technique. The data collection used a questionnaire with Likert scale. The data analysis used the quantitative descriptive analysis.The results show as follows. (1) The overall role of the school committee in the implementation of state VHSs is in a good category. The highest is the role as the advisory agency, then the role as the supporting agency, and the role as the mediator agency, while the lowest is the role as the controlling agency. (2) The overall role of the school committee in the implementation of private VHSs is in a good category. The highest is the role as the supporting agency, then the role as the mediator agency, and the role as the advisory agency, while the lowest is the role as the controlling agency.

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