2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 499

This study aims to study and to analyze the legal protection for plant breeders and law enforcement for Plant Variety Protection (PVP). This research is a normative legal research, which is based on written legislation and various literatures related to this issue. The form of legal protection for plant breeders is Law Number. 29 of year 2000 concerning Protection of Plant Varieties, has provided legal protection for plant breeders, through Law No. 12 of year 1992 concerning the Plant Cultivation System (UUSBT) and Law No. 29 of year 2000 (UUPVT), UUPVT provides protection for breeders 'economic rights, while UUSBT provides protection for breeders' moral rights. Law enforcement against violations of PVP has been done well, this is evidenced by several cases submitted to the Court, but there are still some cases that are wrong in the application of the law. It is expected that the implementation of the PVP Invitation Act is more optimal

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-101
Gede Angga Prawirayuda ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
Ni Luh Made Mahendrawati

The most detrimental thing is the use of domain names on internet networks that often use company name, brand and services without permission from the brand owner. The position of the brand is very important in the world of advertising and marketing. That happens because consumers in choosing a product related to the reputation of a brand, based on a sense of trust in the experience in using products with that brand. Aside from being a differentiator of a product with other products, a brand is also a valuable and commercial asset that has moral rights and economic rights. This study aims to analyse the preventive and repressive legal protection of trademark rights holders in e-commerce transactions. This research was conducted using the normative legal research method. The results of this study indicate that the preventive legal protection of trademark rights holders in e-commerce transactions is to register the trademark. The emphasis on preventive protection in this research is related to guarantees of the exercise of rights for brand rights holders in e-commerce transactions. That the presence of the government by drafting the Electronic Commerce Act and conducting socialization related to the legal protection of the parties in e-commerce is expected to be able to provide legal certainty of legal protection. Repressive legal protection in resolving trademark disputes is expected to create a guarantee for the enforcement of the rights of registered trademark rights holders in e-commerce transactions. Settlement of trademark disputes in e-commerce transactions can be done in 2 (two) ways, namely litigation and non-litigation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 1483
I Putu Dianda Ega Dinanda ◽  
I Wayan Wiryawan

Ogoh-ogoh merupakan budaya masyarakat Bali yang pada umumnya berhubungan dengan upacara agama umat hindu. Seiring dengan perkembangan ogoh-ogoh bukan hanya digunakan di dalam upacara agama atau acara adat saja. Pemerintah maupun kelompok masyarakat sering mengadakan lomba ogoh-ogoh dengan berbagai kriteria sebagai dasar penilaiannya. Hal tersebut menyebabkan munculnya nama-nama baik perseorangan maupun kelompok masyarakat yang menjadi terkenal dengan bentuk ogoh-ogohnya yang dinilai sebagai yang terbaik oleh masyarakat Bali. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis perlindungan hukum atas sketsa dan bentuk ogoh-ogoh sebagai hak cipta guna melindungi sketsa dan bentuk ogoh-ogoh yang diciptakan oleh perseorangan atau kelompok agar tidak digunakan secara tidak bertanggung jawab oleh kelompok atau orang lainnya. Hal ini juga ditekankan pada penghargaan bagi pencipta sketsa dan bentuk ogoh-ogoh tersebut. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini bahwa menurut Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta, sketsa dan bentuk ogoh-ogoh dapat dikatagorikan sebagai modifikasi ekspresi budaya tradisional dan bisa dijadikan individual right. Sketa ogoh-ogoh sebaiknya dapat didaftarkan sebagai hak cipta bagi orang ataupun kelompok yang menciptakannya sehingga terhindar dari pencurian ide serta dapat melindungi hak moral dan hak ekonomi penciptanya. Ogoh-ogoh is a Balinese culture that is generally associated with Hindu religious ceremonies. Along with the development of ogoh-ogoh not only used in religious ceremonies or traditional events. The government and community groups often hold ogoh-ogoh competitions with various criteria as the basis for their assessment. This has led to the emergence of the names of individuals and community groups who have become famous for their ogoh-ogoh forms which are considered the best by the Balinese. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal protection of sketches and forms of ogoh-ogoh as copyright in order to protect the sketches and forms of ogoh-ogoh created by individuals or groups from being used irresponsibly by groups or other people. It also emphasized the appreciation for the creators of the sketches and forms of the ogoh-ogoh. This paper uses normative legal research methods. The results of this study are that according to Law No. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright, sketches and forms of ogoh-ogoh can be categorized as modification of traditional cultural expressions and can be used as individual rights. Sketa ogoh-ogoh should be registered as a copyright for the person or group that created it so as to avoid the theft of ideas and can protect the moral rights and economic rights of their creators.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Prasetyo - Hadi Purwandoko ◽  
Moch Najib Imanullah

<p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><em>This paper is partly the result of prime research of Higher Education discusses the contribution of legislation in the field of food PVP and protect the economic rights of breeders of plant varieties that produce seeds crops. research conducted an empirical legal research. Data obtained from informants and analyzed using interactive models of analysis. The results showed that Indonesia as one of the country have little megabiodiversity germplasm that can be developed into high-yielding varieties. Although there is little genetic but basically each region has the potential to develop high yielding varieties through plant breeding and protected by pvp. pvp is a form of protection of the economic rights of plant breeders. Although each region has the potential for yielding varieties that can be requested, but the PVP application of knowledge communities and relevant agencies on the protection of plant varieties is still lacking. Legislation in the field of food has not been able to PVP and encourage breeders of plant varieties produce seed crops because they can not protect their economic rights. Draft a list of six National Legislation Program 2010-2014, only two bill that has been passed into law, the Act Number 13 of 2010 concerning Horticulture was passed in 2010 and the Act Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food was passed in 2012.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>protection of plant variety, protection of economic rights, food security</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tulisan ini merupakan sebagian hasil Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi yang membahas kontribusi perundang-undangan bidang PVT dan pangan dalam melindungi hak ekonomi pemulia varietas tanaman yang  menghasilkan bibit unggul tanaman pangan.  Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian hukum empiris. Data diperoleh dari informan dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan <em>interactive models of analysis.   </em>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara <em>megabiodiversity </em>hanya mempunyai sedikit plasma nutfah yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi varietas unggul.. Meskipun hanya terdapat sedikit plasma nutfah tetapi pada dasarnya tiap daerah memiliki potensi varietas unggul yang dapat dikembangkan melalui kegiatan pemuliaan tanaman dan dilindungi melalui PVT. PVT merupakan salah satu bentuk perlindungan hak ekonomi para pemulia tanaman. Meskipun tiap-tiap daerah mempunyai potensi atas varietas unggul yang dapat dimintakan permohonan PVT tetapi pengetahuan masyarakat dan instansi terkait tentang perlindungan varietas tanaman masih kurang.   Perundang- undangan di bidang PVT dan pangan belum mampu mendorong pemulia varietas tanaman menghasilkan bibit unggul tanaman pangan   karena belum dapat melindungi hak ekonomi mereka. Dari enam daftar RUU  Program Legislasi Nasional tahun 2010-2014, baru  dua  RUU yang telah disahkan menjadi UU, yaitu Undang Undang Nomor 13 tahun 2010 tentang Hortikultura yang telah disahkan pada tahun 2010 dan Undang-Undang No 18 tahun 2012 tentang Pangan yang disahkan tahun 2012.</p><strong>Kata kunsi : </strong>Perlindungan varietas tanaman, perlindungan hak ekonomi, ketahanan pangan

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-94
Ni Made Harini ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
Desak Gde Dwi Arini

Copyright gives an exclusive title to the work of the author which is granted by law as an award. The copyright function protects creators from copyright infringement. This study aims to explain the form of legal protection for music and song copyright owners in royalty payments by the Indonesian copyright works foundation and to describe what factors influence royalty payments and dispute resolution efforts faced by music and song copyright holders in royalty payments by the Karya Foundation. Indonesian copyright. This type of research is an empirical legal research with a conceptual approach to legal issues of fact and sociology. The data sources used were primary and secondary legal materials. The results of the study indicated that copyright is regulated in Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. The form of copyright law protection, namely legal protection of moral rights and legal protection of economic rights. Creators and the KCI Foundation have rights and obligations, in the process of paying royalties experiencing several obstacles and supporters experienced by the KCI Foundation creators and copyright users. Dispute settlement efforts through alternative arbitration and court dispute resolution.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Moch Najib Imanullah

<p align="center"><strong><em>A</em></strong><strong><em>b</em></strong><strong><em>s</em></strong><strong><em>t</em></strong><strong><em>r</em></strong><strong><em>a</em></strong><strong><em>c</em></strong><strong><em>t</em></strong></p><p><em>T</em><em>he aim of this research is to determine the level of legal synchronization horizontally on legal policy of national food security within Act on Plant Variety Protection and Act on Food. In order to achieve this aim, it was conducted normative legal research which using secondary data which is based on primary and secondary legal materials. Data were analyzed by using a legal grammatical interpretation. Its results are there is a synchronization between Act on Plant Variety Protection and Act on Food and by the legal protection of plant varieties will increase enthusiasm plant breeders to produce new quality seeds crop, including the food crops seeds. It will lead to increasing national food security conditions, which will provide guarantee on quality and sufficient of food for families who receive it.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>l</em><em>egal policy, crop variety, food, national food security.</em></p><p align="center"><strong>A</strong><strong>b</strong><strong>s</strong><strong>t</strong><strong>ra</strong><strong>k</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujan untuk mengetahui taraf sinkronisasi hukum secara horizontal politik hukum ketahanan pangan nasional dalam Undang-undang Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman dan Undang-undang Pangan. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini maka dilakukan penelitian hukum normatif menggunakan data sekunder yang bersumber pada bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan penafsiran hukum gramatikal. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa Undang-undang Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman sinkron  dengan Undang-undang Pangan, yaitu adanya perlindungan hukum terhadap Hak Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman akan meningkatkan gairah para pemulia tanaman untuk menghasilkan benih-benih tanaman baru yang berkualitas, termasuk benih-benih tanaman bahan pangan. Tersedianya benih-benih tanaman bahan pangan yang cukup, akan meningkatkan produksi bahan pangan, sehingga akan tercapai kondisi meningkatnya ketahanan pangan nasional, yang menjamin  sampai pada tingkat keluarga menerima bahan pangan yang cukup dan bermutu.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci : </strong>politik hukum, varietas tanaman, pangan, ketahanan pangan nasional.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-114
Mahadiena Fatmashara ◽  
Muhamad Amirulloh ◽  
Laina Rafianti

ABSTRAKSalah satu instansi pemerintah di Jawa Barat, menggunakan logo yang diciptakan oleh pegawai dari instansi tersebut. Pembuatan logo tidak diperjanjikan khusus, sehingga pencipta tidak mendapatkan royalti (materiil dan ekonomi). Hal tersebut menarik untuk dikaji mengenai Implementasi Prinsip Alter ego yang berkaitan pada hak cipta seseorang yang mengakui pencipta sebagai pemilik hak tertinggi. Pencipta memiliki hak alamiah untuk memanfaatkan ciptaannya dan mempertahankan ciptaannya terhadap gangguan apapun dari pihak lain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini bersifat deskriptif analitis guna memperoleh gambaran peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dikaitkan dengan teori-teori hukum dan praktek pelaksanaan hukum positif. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif, dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka yang disebut data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, literatur-literatur, artikel-artikel, pendapat dan ajaran para ahli serta implementasinya dalam praktek. Apabila dilihat pada Pasal 35 ayat (1) dan (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta tidak terpenuhi. Meskipun instansi pemerintah tidak bertujuan untuk kegiatan komersial. Namun hak moral dan hak ekonomi hakikatnya wajib dilaksanakan sesuai dengan prinsip perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual. Perlindungan Hukum terhadap pencipta atas logo tetap harus diakui. Kata kunci: alter ego; hak cipta; hak moral; logo; instansi pemerintah. ABSTRACTOne of the government agencies in West Java, using a logo created by employees of the agency. Logo creation is not specifically promised, so creators do not get royalties (material and economic). It is interesting to review the Implementation of Alter ego Principles relating to the copyright of a person who recognizes the creator as the owner of the highest right. The Creator has the natural right to utilize his creation and defend his creation against any interference from the other party.The research methods used in this writing are analytically descriptive to obtain an overview of the prevailing laws and regulations associated with legal theories and the practice of implementing positive laws. The approach used in this study is normative juridical, by examining library materials called secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, literature, articles, opinions, and teachings of experts and their implementation in practice.If viewed in Article 35 paragraph (1) and (2) of Law No. 28 of 2014 on Copyright is not fulfilled. Although government agencies do not aim for commercial activities. But moral rights and economic rights must essentially be implemented in accordance with the principles of intellectual property protection. Legal protection of creators over logos must still be recognized.Keywords: alter ego; copyright; government agencies; logo; moral rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 731-739
Asima Trismawati Situmeang ◽  
Saidin . ◽  
T. Keizerina Devi A

Moral Rights and Economic Rights are Exclusive Rights that cannot be separated in relation to Copyrights. Copyright protects all forms of work, one of which is Film Script Writing as referred to in Article 40 paragraph (1) of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright (UUHC). One of the forms of infringement on the copyrighted work of the film script is the reuse of the film script without the permission of the creator, resulting in the loss of the moral rights and economic rights of the creator. The problems in this study are: how to use the principles of Moral Rights and Economic Rights of the Author in claiming protection against Copyright infringement on Film Script Writing, how legal remedies can be taken in the form of legal protection for the Author of Film Script Writing used without permission, and how analysis of the Judge's decision on the violation of Moral Rights for the Creator in the dispute of the film "Benyamin Biang Kerok" based on the decision of the Panel of Judges Number 09/Pdt.Sus-HKI/Cipta/2018/PN Niaga Jkt. Pst. This research is descriptive analytical with a normative juridical approach. Qualitative analysis methods are used to process and analyze research data and then draw conclusions using deductive methods through a normative framework. The results of the research show: the use of the Principles of Moral Rights and Economic Rights of the Creator as a claim for infringement of Copyright is listed in Article 4, Article 5. This right will continue to exist and is eternally attached to the Creator and will continue to apply indefinitely. Legal efforts as a form of legal protection for Film Scripts that are used without permission are to follow the provisions in Article 95 to Article 109 of the UUHC, namely by preventing violations from occurring and through alternative dispute resolution through arbitration or through the Commercial Court. The Plaintiff's lawsuit was declared defeated by the Panel of Judges, due to lack of parties. But the production of the film "Benyamin Biang Kerok" is not determined as a violation of the exclusive rights of the Creator. This decision has not provided justice and provided legal protection for the Plaintiff as the author of the original manuscript and it is feared that the same violation will continue to occur in the future. Suggestions that can be given include: in providing explanations and strengthening the importance of the Creator's Exclusive Rights, it is necessary to have awareness, socialization and public education so as not to use other people's creations carelessly. Legal efforts to prevent infringement of film script writing is to conduct socialization in the film industry and other related creative industries. Against a decision that has not provided legal protection for the Plaintiff, the Panel of Judges must also determine that the defendant has violated the exclusive rights of the Plaintiff's written film script and stipulates compensation for the violation of exclusive rights committed. Keywords: Legal Protection, Moral Rights, Economic Rights, The Author, Copyrights,Film Script Writing.

Oleg A. Zaitsev ◽  
Vladimir P. Kashepov ◽  
Stanislav L. Nudel ◽  

In the article, the authors consider the problems of the formation and implementation of criminal policy in relation to crimes committed in the field of entrepreneurial activity in the context of the development of criminal and criminal procedural law and law enforcement practice. In the Russian Federation, special attention is paid to building trust between government and business; stability and predictability of legal regulation of economic relations; the formation of a law enforcement system that effectively protects economic rights and freedom of entrepreneurship. At the same time, the current norms on responsibility for crimes of an eco-nomic orientation in conjunction with procedural forms of criminal proceedings, as well as their actual implementation, cause justified concern in the science of law and law enforcement practice due to their imperfection. Ensuring the protection of economic relations should be expressed not only in combating economic crime, but also in the development of effective criminal law and criminal procedural mechanisms for protecting the legitimate interests of entrepreneurs who may be involved in the sphere of criminal proceedings. The leading components of Russian criminal policy in the field of economic security are such forms of legislative transformation as criminalization and decriminalization. The ongoing socio-political and economic transformations necessitate the decriminalization of certain acts (for example, in relation to pseudo-business; deliberately false advertising, consumer fraud, etc.) or require the criminalization of certain acts in the economic sphere (in particular, in relation to the falsification of a single state register of legal entities, illegal retail sale of alco-holic and alcohol-containing food products, etc.) The humanization of legislation is substantiated by modern concepts of substantive and procedural guarantees for ensuring the rights of entrepreneurs, aimed at mitigating measures of criminal repression, the need to maintain a balance of private and public interests that need appropriate legal protection. Modern criminal policy is inevitably associated with the further modernization of criminal proceedings, the democratization of its principles and means of law enforcement. At the same time, the main emphasis is placed on the creation of a special, favorable procedural regime in the conduct of preliminary investigation and court proceedings. First of all, this concerns changes in the procedure for applying preventive measures. In addition, in cases of crimes in the field of entrepreneurial and other economic activity, the criminal procedure legislation has undergone changes, fixing the features: the procedure for considering a report of a crime; initiation of a criminal case against entrepreneurs; the performance of procedural actions with electronic media, other items and documents seized in the course of criminal proceedings; release from criminal liability and termination of criminal prosecution, etc. It is concluded that, within the framework of the state's criminal policy, one should expect changes and additions to criminal and criminal procedural legislation aimed at strengthening trust between the government and business, the formation of a fair law enforcement system that can effectively protect basic economic rights and freedom of entrepreneurship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-42
Dewi Lisnawati

ABSTRAKSetiap anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana berhak mendapatkan restitusi seperti yang tertuang di dalam peraturan pelaksana dari Pasal 71 D Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak No. 35 Tahun 2014 yakni Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 43 Tahun 2017 tentang Pelaksanaan Restitusi Bagi Anak Yang Menjadi Korban Tindak Pidana. Pelaksanaan restitusi kepada korban hanya ditujukan kepada beberapa tindak pidana tertentu saja termasuk tindak pidana kekerasan seksual. Diterbitkannya Peraturan Pemerintah tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum terhadap korban khususnya anak-anak atas penerapan hak restitusi. Penelitian ini termasuk tipologi penelitian hukum empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan restitusi bagi anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana kekerasan seksual di Provinsi Riau berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 43 tahun 2017 belum berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa kendala yakni kurangnya kesadaran dari aparat penegak hukum untuk mendorong terlaksananya restitusi bagi anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana, administirasi pengajuan permohonan restitusi yang rumit, dan kendala restitusi yang tidak dibayarkan dan ketentuan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 43 Tahun 2017 yang kurang jelas. Fokus penelitian ini adalah penerapan restitusi pada anak korban tindak pidana berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 43 Tahun 2017.Kata kunci: restitusi; anak korban tindak pidana; kekerasan seksualABSTRAKEvery child who is a victim of a crime is entitled to get restitution as stipulated in the implementing regulations of Article 71 D of the Child Protection Act No. 35 of 2014 namely Government Regulation Number 43 of 2017 concerning Implementation of Restitution for Children Who Become Victims of Criminal Acts. The implementation of restitution to victims is only aimed at a number of specific criminal acts including sexual violence. The issuance of this Government Regulation aims to provide legal protection for victims, especially children, on the application of restitution rights so that they can run well. This research is a typology of empirical legal research. The results showed that the implementation of restitution for children who were victims of sexual violence in Riau Province based on Government Regulation No. 43 of 2017 has not gone well. This is caused by several constraints namely lack of awareness from law enforcement officials to encourage the implementation of restitution for children who are victims of criminal acts, administration of submission of complex restitution applications, and restitution constraints that are not paid and the unclear provisions in Government Regulation Number 43 of 2017. The focus of this research is on the provisions stipulated in Government Regulation Number 43 of 2017 concerning the implementation of restitution for children who are victims of criminal acts.Keywords: restitution; child victims of crime; sexual assault

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-35
Zulvia Makka

ABSTRAKHak terkait adalah hak yang berkaitan dengan hak cipta yang merupakan hak ekslusif bagi pelaku pertunjukan, producer fonogram, atau lembaga penyiaran. Berdasarkan pengertian hak terkait tersebut maka dapat dipahami bahwa yang merupakan pemilik hak terkait adalah pelaku pertunjukan, produser fonogram (lebih dikenal sebagai produser rekaman), dan lembaga penyiaran. Perlu adanya perlindungan untuk pelaku karena pelaku pertunjukan memiliki hak moral dan hak ekonomi yang terdapat pada pasal 23 UUHC. Yang memuat pada pelaku pertunjukan yang tidak dapat dihilang atau tidak dapat dihapus dengan alasan apapun. Namun pada prakteknya seringkali hak terkait ini dikesampingkan, karena lingkup perlindungan tidak hanya mencakup hak ekonomi dan hak moral. Permasalahan diatas menimbulkan isi hukum bentuk perlindungan terhadap hak terkait menurut undang-undang Hak Cipta dan perolehan Hak Terkait dalam Hak Cipta Isu hukum ini diteliti dengan menggunakan metode dengan tipe penelitian Normatif.Bentuk pelindungan Hukum terhadap Hak Terkait menurut Undang-Undang Hak Cipta terdiri dari 2 (dua) yaitu, perlindungn hukum preventif dan perlindungan hukum represif. Perolehan hak terkait dalam UUHC yaitu hak moral dan hak ekonomis. Hak moral pelaku pertunjukan merupakan hak yang melekat pada pelaku pertunjukan yang tidak dapat dihilangkan atau tidak dapat dihapus dengan alasan apapun walaupun hak terkait telah dialihkan. Hak Ekonomi Pelaku Pertunjukan adalah suatu hak yang diberikan oleh Undang-undang secara eksklusif kepada Pencipta untuk untuk memanfaatkan keuntungan suatu ciptaan yang biasanya berupa publikasi suatu salinan ciptaan atau fonogram supaya dapat tersedia untuk publik dalam jumlah tertentu. Kata Kunci : Perlindungan, Hak Terkait, Hak Moral, Hak Ekonomi  AbstractRelated rights are rights relating to copyright which are exclusive rights for performers, producer phonograms, or broadcasters. Based on the understanding of related rights, it can be understood that those who are related rights holders are performers, phonogram producers (better known as record producers), and broadcasting institutions. There needs to be protection for the perpetrators because the performers have the moral rights and economic rights contained in article 23 of UUHC. Which includes the performers who cannot be lost or cannot be removed for any reason. But in practice often these related rights are ruled out, because the scope of protection does not only cover economic rights and moral rights. The above issues give rise to the contents of the law in the form of protection of related rights according to the Copyright law and the acquisition of Related Rights in Copyright This legal issue is examined using methods with normative research types.The form of legal protection against Related Rights according to the Copyright Act consists of 2 (two), namely, preventive legal protection and repressive legal protection. The acquisition of related rights in the UUHC is moral rights and economic rights. The moral rights of performers are the rights inherent in the performers who cannot be removed or cannot be removed for any reason even though the related rights have been transferred. The Economic Rights of Performers is a right granted by the Law exclusively to the Creator to utilize the benefits of a work which is usually in the form of the publication of a copy of a work or phonogram so that it can be available to the public in a certain amount. Keywords: Protection, Related Rights, Moral Rights, Economic Rights

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