О. Dubasenyuk ◽  
О. Voznyuk ◽  
T. Kovalshuk

The article analyzes the process of forming the creative potential in prospective nurses in the course of professional training. The main reason for the existing problems connected with forming the creative potential in prospective nurses lies in the predominance in the students the external motives for choosing a profession since a significant number of the prospective nurses lose interest in the profession in the educational process. This takes place due to the imperfect methods, tools and forms used in the professional training in the educational institution. Other reasons of this situation are connected with the small number of practical activities, imperfections and outdated content of educational material. This, in turn, leads to a reproductive style of thinking and low cognitive motives in the perspective nurses when they do not want to develop pertinent skills and abilities, to improve their personality due to low level of inquisitiveness and weak persistence in achieving the goals. It is proved that modern requirements to professional functions and social role of specialists in the sphere of nursing activity necessitate the modernization of the educational environment for the prospective competitive nurses. This presupposes the creation of innovative systems of professional development with taking into account the changes and consequences of their impact on professional activities of the prospective nurses. This can be realized by implementing a special course "Skills and professional inspiration of a nurse", designed to train the prospective nurses in the 5th semester. It is established that one of the effective directions of developing the creative potential in the prospective nurses is related with updating the prospective nurses' professional training through the introduction of innovative educational technologies and interactive teaching methods into the educational process. It is also found out that the reform of professional and professional before-higher education determines the tendency to actualize individualized training in medical institutions concerning self-development of specialists' personality in the context of their future professional activity, as well as forming individual psychological qualities, professionally significant qualities in all participants in the educational process, providing opportunities for individual research activities, improving the educational process in different types of medical institutions. To accomplish this, the prospective specialist must turn from an object of educational influence into a subject whose main features are activity, individuality and independence. This, in turn, presupposes the integration of the students into the creative educational environment of the educational institution, strengthening its development capabilities as a complex of systematized innovative educational resources with pertinent methodological, technological, organizational support.

Svitlana Havryliuk

The article reveals significant aspects of the development of the professional potential of future educators. The main features of the professional readiness of future educators of preschool education institutions to pedagogical activity are highlighted. The essence of such concepts as “professionalism”, “potential”, “creative potential”, and “professional potential” are described. The author pays attention to adverse factors, which block the professional potential of future teachers: low social status in the team; inner anxiety and lack of confidence; authoritarian style of pedagogical leadership; strict control, that prevent youth from taking the initiative; the indifference of a teacher towards professional success and achievements of students. This article draws attention to creating favourable pedagogical conditions in a higher educational institution for developing professional skills, stimulating initiative, searching and independence of future teachers. The significance of the acmeological approach to the formation of the professional potential of future teachers is introduced. It is claimed by the author that modernization of the process of professional training of future preschool teachers provides the search for new effective ways of organization educational activities addressed to actualize the professional potential of specialists. The essential condition of self-fulfilment of future teachers is a creative educational environment needed for the successful professional activity of students. It allows for creating a creative atmosphere for improving creative thinking, stimulating creative activities, initiative and formative research of students. Keywords: professionalism; potential; professional and creative potential; creative personality; creative thinking; creative educational environment; professional skill; professional self-fulfilment; acmeological approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (194) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Olha Lilik ◽  

The author of article analyzes the peculiarities of the professional training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature on the base of interdisciplinary integration. Lilik O. O. explores the problem of the definition of integration in scientific literature, she describes different levels and ways of interdisciplinary integration in vocation training. The author of the article considers interdisciplinary integration within the framework of professional training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature at three levels, namely: as integration of content (level of separate disciplines (historical-literary and theoretical-literary, as well as pedagogical and methodical) and educational material); as an integration of methods of activity (ability and skills to operate with material during training, as well as further professional activity); as an integration of values ​​and worldviews (the level of personal and professional worldview of students), the result of which are formed general and professional competencies. The first way is interdisciplinary integration within the classroom (lectures, practical, and laboratory). The second way is integration within the independent work of students. The third way for interdisciplinary integration is the research activities of students, including the writing of term papers and qualifications, which can be performed at the intersection of several scientific and educational disciplines. The fourth way of implementing interdisciplinary integration is the students’ participation in additional forms of organization of the educational process - special seminars, trainings, workshops, master classes, round tables, which can be held within grant activities or be a form of self-education of future vocabulary teachers. The fifth way is educational work at the faculty or the university in general, which involves the organization of various activities. On the basis of the conducted researches Lilik O. О. comes to the conclusion that interdisciplinary integration can be a catalyst for the educational process in higher education, provide comprehensive and thorough training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature for professional activities, as it covers a wide range of issues: from theoretical knowledge and practical skills to their personal and professional worldview.

2021 ◽  
pp. 94-99
Lutsyk H.O.

The article is dedicated to the theoretical analysis of pedagogical conditions of the formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with the adolescents prone to deviant behaviour. The content of the problem in the scientific literature is analyzed, the main pedagogical conditions of the formation of the future psychologists’ readiness to work with deviant adolescents are determined. It is revealed that in the scientific literature the generalization concerning pedagogical conditions of formation of future psychologists’ readiness to professional activity is presented, among which single out forms and methods of the organization of the educational environment in an educational institution, interaction between psychology students and lecturers, students’ inclusion in solving problems of professional direction and implementation of a creative approach in teaching. Looking at the readiness of the future psychologists to work with the adolescents prone to deviant behaviour as the systemic formation that includes cognitive, motivational-value, creative-practical and regulative components, we consider that the development of these components of readiness depends on the pedagogical conditions implemented in the professional training process.In the process of scientific search, we used the following methods of research: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, specification.The pedagogical conditions of formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour are generalized as a set of pedagogical measures, requirements, external influences which provide construction of educational space, effective course of educational processes and allow to form readiness of the specified quality in future graduates.Pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the formation of the future psychologists’ readiness of this quality are highlighted, in particular: the focus of the educational environment on quality theoretical training of future psychologists to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour; implementation of practice-oriented, acmeological and competency-based approach in the training of future psychologists; reflective attitude of psychology students to education in the chosen field of study; use of innovative and problem-searching teaching methods that will contribute to the formation of future psychologists’ cognitive activity.Key words: adolescents, deviant behaviour, future psychologists, adolescents prone to deviant behaviour, future psychologists’ readiness, formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour, pedagogical conditions of the formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour. Стаття присвячена теоретичному аналізу педагогічних умов формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки. Проаналізовано зміст проблеми у науковій літературі, визначено основні педагогічні умови формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками-девіантами. Виявлено, що в науковій літературі представлено узагальнення стосовно педагогічних умов формування готовності майбутніх психологів до професійної діяльності, серед яких виділяють форми і методи організації освітнього середовища в закладі освіти, взаємодію між студентами-психологами та викладачами, включення студентів до розв’язання проблемних завдань професійного спрямування та реалізації творчого підходу у навчанні.У процесі наукового пошуку нами використовувалися такі методи, як: аналіз та синтез, порівняння, класифікація, узагальнення, конкретизація.Констатовано, що розвиток складників готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки, залежить від педагогічних умов, які реалізовуються в процесі про-фесійної підготовки.Узагальнено, що педагогічні умови формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з під-літками, схильними до девіантної поведінки, є тими педагогічними заходами, вимогами, зовнішніми впливами, які забезпечують конструювання освітнього простору, ефективний перебіг освітніх процесів та дозволяють формувати у майбутніх випускників готовність зазначеної якості.Виділено педагогічні умови, які сприятимуть формуванню готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками-девіантами, зокрема: спрямованість освітнього середовища на якісну теоретичну підготовку майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки; реалізація практико-орієнтованого, акмеологічного та компетентнісного підходу у професійній підготовці майбутніх психологів; рефлексивне ставлення студентів-психологів до здобуття освіти за вибраним фахом; використання інноваційних та проблемно-пошукових методів навчання, які сприятимуть фор-муванню пізнавальної активності майбутніх психологів.Ключові слова: підлітки, девіантна поведінка, майбутні психологи, схильні до девіантної поведінки підлітки, готовність майбутніх психологів, формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки, педагогічні умови формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
I. Demchenko ◽  
I. Kalinovskaya ◽  

The article outlines the relevance of the introduction of inclusive education in the system of education of Ukraine whose success depends on the organizational and pedagogical and corrective and developmental school conditions, flexibly oriented on the individual characteristics of each child and qualitative training of future teachers to professional activities in the conditions of inclusive education. Separate aspects of professional training of future teachers in institutions of higher pedagogical education in conditions of inclusive education are presented. In particular, attention is focused on the peculiarities of organizing the process of training future educators in professional activities in the inclusive environment of institutions of general secondary education, which are that the professionalization of students takes place in the form of penetration of external (the influence of the educational environment and the participants of the educational process) into the internal (assignment of values Inclusive education and acquisition of relevant competence), from the remote space (social meaning of inclusion) in the approximate (personal meaning and Inclusion experience). In accordance with the principle of continuity, the stages of organizing the process of preparation of future teachers to professional activity in conditions of inclusive education (motivational-value, theoretical and practical and simulation-reflexive) are determined and substantiated. Evaluating the efforts of scientists in the highlighted issues, we note that the organization of the process of professional pedagogical training of teachers to work in an inclusive educational environment requires the substantiation of the relevant pedagogical conditions, which is a prospect of further scientific search.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (37) ◽  
pp. 137
N. Dotsenko

The article presents the organizational support for the professional training of bachelors in agricultural engineering in the conditions of information and educational environment: regulatory support for filling the information and education environment and preventing plagiarism, regulatory support for conducting online and offline classes, and regulatory support for independent work, self-control, and monitoring. Regulatory provision for filling the educational environment and preventing plagiarism includes provisions for the Cloud 365 information and education environment and provisions for the prevention of academic plagiarism while learning in the educational environment. Regulatory support for online and offline training includes online training and interactive computer training to provide a competent approach to the training of higher education applicants. Regulatory support for independent work, self-control and monitoring includes provisions on monitoring the quality of the educational process, provisions on the quality of the educational and provisions on the organization of independent work of higher education students in the context of information and education. educational environment.Key words: organizational support, vocational training, bachelors in agricultural engineering, information and educational environment.

Nataliya Holovko ◽  
Anna Cherepakha

This article explores the problematic form of students, higher education institutions, a responsible attitude to learning. The concept of motivation from the point of view of scientists, the problem of preventing student motivation, emotions, as well as all the motivations that are in the port, and we who provide recommendations to students, as well as the responsibility for training. The professional formation of a young person during studying at a higher educational institution is an important stage in its socialization, where the leading kind of activity becomes educational-professional. Motivation is one of the leading factors in successful learning. But its features and inefficiencies differ at different stages of the educational process through which students go. From the first to the last course education and professional activity and its change of motivation. Experimentally investigated features of the motivation of learning in institutions of higher education of applicants of various courses, found dynamic changes in the dominant motives of learning in a specially organized impact. The results suggest that the motivation of students to succeed during the academic period tends to increase. Their educational activity is influenced by the system of internal motives, which ensures the effective assimilation of the future specialty.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-77
Irina Ye. Molostvova

The article describes the requirements for a man of the new time, expressed in the need for his personal self-development, the full disclosure of creative potential. The specificity of the professional activity of a teacher-musician as a subject of culture capable of establishing a spiritual level interaction with students is determined, which is based on the actualization of the creative self-consciousness of all subjects of the educational process. The author considers the possibility of the technologization of the process of mastering the teacher-musician artistic and interpretative activities as a necessary component of his professional training, starting with the development of diagnostics of the success of mastering it. For this purpose, the concept of “artistic and interpretational competence of a teacher-musician” is introduced, and the stages of mastering it are defined: motivational-indicative, procedural-activity-related, and effective-corrective. The article proposes a detailed description of these stages in terms of content and diagnosis of the achievement of the appropriate level. In accordance with this, to diagnose the process of forming artistic and interpretative competence, the author proposes a level principle of diagnosis and an exemplary system of tasks that reveal knowledge and skills that are characterized as standard, key or leading.

Andriy Tereshchuk

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the process of creating a model program as a leading tool for constructing the learning environment of the New Ukrainian School.Creating an educational environment is an extremely important and urgent task today, in connection with competence training and overcoming the outdated problems of the classroom system of national education. The educational environment allows teachers to bring the educational process closer to the life of students, to teach them to learn all the time, regardless of its location or conditions, which often affect more than the artificially created learning process. Everything that surrounds the school can be an educational environment for the student. After all, it is a well-known fact that the environment in which the student is immersed, affects him more and deeper than the learning process, which is limited by time and resources.The article provides a brief overview of issues related to the creation of the learning environment and reveals opportunities for its modelling on the basis of the new State Standard of Basic Secondary Education.The structure of the model program and educational tasks of the corresponding subject “Technology” for 5-6 grades of high school are revealed and characterized. The main factors influencing the creation of educational or educational environment in an educational institution are considered. The article contains recommendations for creating a model program for technology.The purpose of technological education is to reveal the creative abilities of students, the formation of skills to implement strategies for effective decision-making during project activities, the ability to change the environment taking into account the balanced development of society, the ability to cooperate and cultural interaction, national self-expression.The purpose of the subject of technology is the comprehensive development of the student's personality, his creative abilities and natural inclinations, taking into account his individual abilities for future professional activity in various fields of production through the study of design and technological activities, basics of design and construction. Keywords: educational environment; pupils; State standard of basic secondary education; model curriculum; technologies; technological educational branch; cross-cutting skills; competency; key competencies.

Iryna Prokopenko

The article clarifies the essence of the concepts of «сompetence» and «professional competence», determines the components of teacher’s professional competence: motivational (interest and motivation for future professional activity), cognitive (formed knowledge), operational (acquired skills and abilities) and personal-reflexive (ability to self-esteem, self-development and self- improvement). The author, on the basis of comparative analysis, shows the experience of forming the future teacher’s professional competence in leading countries such as: Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, France and others. The article outlines the peculiarities of the formation of the future teacher’s professional competence in determined countries. The interesting aspect in the formation of the future teacher’s professional competence in Germany is its information component, whose high level of evaluation is facilitated by the introduction of modern multimedia technologies in the educational process. The peculiarity of the Danish system of the future teachers’ professional competence formation is the availability of an additional vocational guidance level. So while forming the professional competence of a future teacher in the UK, considerable attention is paid to student’s research activities built on the humanization and democratization of the educational process in this country. The specificity of the future teachers’ professional competence formation in universities of France is that its most important component is the information and communication component. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the positive experience of the future teachers’ professional competence formation abroad is generalized; the recommendations on its introduction into the system of professional training in higher education institutions of Ukraine are worked out. The conclusion is made that the formation of the future teacher’s professional competence abroad will contribute to: the introduction of professional selection of applicants for teaching professions; exploiting the potential of non-formal education; an increase in the duration of teaching practice and the introduction of a mentoring system; inclusion of academic disciplines, that provide inclusive education, into the educational process; providing benefits to active teaching methods based on an interdisciplinary and problem-based approach; creating conditions for the exchange of experience of higher educational institutions with foreign educational institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (34) ◽  

In psychological and pedagogical science, professionalization is considered as a process associated with the development of the subjectivity of the individual, motivation to perform professional activities, determination of the potential of the individual in the profession, awareness of his role in the life space, setting requirements for a specialist in the chosen professional activity. The problem is stated, an attempt to solve which is made in this article: what are the directions of the formation of subjectivity of the student in the educational process of the university as a stage of professionalization? The analysis of psychological and pedagogical studies revealed their insufficiency in the perspective of consideration and analysis of the stages of formation of subjectivity of the student in the educational process of the university, which determined the purpose of the study, which consists in solving the stated problem. In the process of research, theoretical methods are used: analysis, comparison, comparison, discourse, systematization of the results of scientific research. The directions of formation of subjectivity of the student in the educational space of the university are revealed. Adaptation is followed by identification with the socio-cultural environment of educational institution, where the realization of values of the environment, the social meaning of vocational education, assimilation of traditions, norms of coexistence, communication experience (socio-professional aspects). Development of the system of Self, self-development of the student as mechanisms of formation of subjectivity in the profession, ensuring the formation of content, effectiveness, positive dynamics in training (personal-value aspect). Ensuring effective communication between the teacher and the student in pedagogical interaction with the use of modern educational technologies and the use of professionally directed situational tasks (technological aspect). A special role in optimizing the process of professionalization for the successful formation of the student's subjectivity is assigned to professional training, where, using pedagogical technologies, the necessary professional competencies are formed. The process of professionalization at the stage of university training is aimed at the formation of subjective characteristics of the teacher's personality, defined as independence and regulation of their actions in the performance of professional activities, responsibility, mobility, creativity, deep sociability, lack of conflict when working in a team.

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