scholarly journals Optimising the amount of base material used for manufacturing garments with creases, during their design stage

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (04) ◽  
pp. 454-459

The clothing and fashion industry is known as a wasteful industry. Despite its target, producing fashionable and beautiful items to fulfil the needs of different consumer categories consumes a considerable quantity of raw materials, energy, water, labour force, etc. Every year, natural resources become more limited, hard to find and expensive; in these terms, the producers are forced to find either alternative solutions to replace as much as they can the needed primary raw materials or to try to maximise their use (which means to reduce the quantity of waste) or to use the waste to produce other things. The consumption of raw materials is determined during the development stage of the new model: the designer analyses the sketch of the selected model, then establishes and applies the needed steps to design the model pieces, creates the 3D virtual or supervises the manufacturing process of the physical prototype to verify the design solution, applies changes after analysing the prototype if it is necessary, obtains the production patterns and then he/she is doing the markers to determine the consumption of raw materials for one item and the whole order. Garment models with creases, pleats or folds are the most challenging ones because the designer has to have the ability to understand and to evaluate the shadows or the number of grouped lines of the model into values of distances or angles, to be used to change the element surface for their realisation. In these cases, it is essential to balance what the model requires and the needed amount of raw materials to produce it. This paper proposes some variants of how to resize the surfaces of the elements for designing creases but with an optimal raw material consumption level. The results are based on the analysis of different men jacket models’, with straight silhouette and creases between the hemline and its hem band.

S. Serna-Loaiza ◽  
Yu. A. Pisarenko ◽  
C. A. Cardona

Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott) is a tropical plant of the family of Araceas. Nigeria, China and Ghana are the countries that currently own most of the world production of this plant. In Colombia, there are not extensive crops of this plant, but it is used for animal feeding mainly. The plant has an aerial part with a high content of protein (leaves) and a tuber with an average starch content about 25% w/w. Compared to others starchy raw materials, this is a high value. Due to this fact this first-generation starchy material could be considered as a possible feedstock for the production of ethanol. Process design must ensure that the most advanced concepts are applied at the design and processing stage for every raw material to ensure efficient and more sustainable processes. For this reason, thermodynamic-topological analysis was used for the design of the stage of the produced ethanol purification. This work presents the process of ethanol production using cocoyam tuber. The software Aspen Plus v8.6 (Aspen Technology, Inc., USA) was used for the techno-economic assessment, and the Waste Reduction Algorithm (WAR) of the Environmental Protection Agency of the EE.UU. (EPA) was used to measure the environmental performance. The obtained production cost was 1,6 USD per kilogram, and the environmental impact was very low. This is an excellent incentive to promote the application of this feedstock to obtain a feasible alternative for the production of ethanol. Additionally, the use of thermodynamic-topological analysis in the design stage of the purification stage of the process proved to be very useful and easily applied.

1966 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-79 ◽  
Richard Mallon

One of the main objectives of Pakistan's export policy has been the promotion of exports of manufactured goods. This is an objective which many under¬developed, predominately primary-exporting countries have in common because of their interest in export diversification. The general arguments used to justify such a policy, e.g., improvement in the terms of trade and increased stability of export proceeds—will not, however, be discussed in this paper1. Attention will instead be focussed on the economic consequences of the specific measures adopted by Pakistan, namely, a combination of export duties and subsidies which discriminate in favour of processed goods and against raw materials. The fact that in Pakistan the chief beneficiaries of discrimination have been manufactures of jute and cotton, products which also constitute most of the country's raw material exports, facilitates the economic evaluation of this policy. It can thus be assumed that if jute and cotton were not exported as manufactures they could be exported in raw form, or in other words, that the problem con¬sists in selecting that combination of exports in raw and manufactured form which maximizes net foreign exchange earnings. Furthermore, the textile industry is not a very good case for applying the external economy argument (i.e., subsidies to industries which provide training to the labour force in new skills, etc.,) be¬cause the industry would exist in any case to supply the internal market, economies of scale are limited and the skills employed are fairly rudimentary. In the follow¬ing, all our discussion will be concentrated on the jute and cotton situation, the special problems of other manufacturing fall outside the scope of our analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1015 ◽  
pp. 70-75
Djoko Sihono Gabriel ◽  
Angga Ananditto

Contaminated plastic waste if undergo a mechanical recycling process will have a low value. This can be overcome by repetitive implementation of Material Value Conservation (MVC) through material purity protection from design stage to the end of the material life cycle. Repetition of recycling up to eight times caused degradation of mechanical properties of plastics by up to 20%. The repetition was done on a laboratory scale with pure polypropylene as raw material. This research was conducted to overcome the degradation of plastic properties by mixing recycled plastic pellets with virgin plastic in the most optimal proportion. Plastic blends with certain compositions were recycled up to 8 times, then its mechanical properties are tested with the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) methods. This research revealed the opportunities to utilize the 6th recycled plastic pellets by mixing it with virgin plastic to improve its mechanical properties. Furthermore, this research shows that repetitive recycling of plastic blends with the implementation of material value conservation (MVC) ​​could increase the value of recycled plastic pellets as raw materials and extend the life time of plastic materials.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 38
Enda Apriani

<p>The composite is a combination of two or more materials to produce a new material with unique properties compared to the nature of the base material prior to mixing and surface bonding occurs between each constituent material. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of waste material composition from plant fiber, that is young coconut fiber, banana stem, and calendar waste paper to bending strength on composite board by using Epoxy resin wood type. The process of printing the composite board is done in the Laboratory of Integrated Mechanical Engineering University Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta. The three raw materials that have been crushed and dried, mixed with the breaking time of each 5" and 10" with their respective ingredients composition, namely Young Coconut Fiber: Banana Stem Fiber: Calendar Waste Paper =25:25:50; 25:50:25; 50:25:25 (%). Each treatment was repeated 3 times. Observation was done by calculating raw material composition and time of destruction process against bending strength of composite board which resulted very significant effect on water content, fracture, and flexibility of composite board. Bending strength testing is performed using a robust Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The result of this research produced the most optimum material composition of bending strength into composite board, ie composition III with the duration of destruction for 5", that is the average MoE value of 17.069,76 kg/cm² and the average value of MoR is 83,78 kg/cm². From this research is expected to get new engineering technique from agriculture waste become composite board with economic value.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 164 ◽  
pp. 01039 ◽  
Roy Hendroko Setyobudi ◽  
Satriyo Krido Wahono ◽  
Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani ◽  
Ahmad Wahyudi ◽  
Wahyu Widodo ◽  

The huge amount of coffee pulp waste is an environmental problem. Anaerobic fermentation is one of the alternative solutions. However, availability of coffee pulp does not appear for year-round, whereas biogas needs continuous feedstocks for digester stability. This research uses coffee pulp from Arabica Coffee Factory at Mengani, Kintamani, Bali–Indonesia. The coffee pulp was transformed into coffee pulp-hay product by sun drying for preservations to extend the raw materials through the year. Characterization of coffee pulp-hay was conducted after to keep for 15 mo for review the prospect as biogas feedstocks. Several parameters were analyzed such as C/N ratio, volatile solids, carbohydrate, protein, fat, lignocellulose content, macro-micro nutrients, and density. The review results indicated that coffee pulp-hay is prospective raw material for biogas feedstock. This well-proven preservation technology was able to fulfill the continuous supply. Furthermore, some problems were found in the recent preliminary experiment related to the density and fungi growth in the conventional laboratory digester. Further investigation was needed to implement the coffee pulp – hay as biogas feedstocks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 334-351
A. S. Mavlyanov ◽  
E. K. Sardarbekova

Introduction. The objective of the research is to study the effect of the complex activation of the alumina raw material on the rheological properties of the ceramic mass. In addition, the authors investigate solutions for the application of optimal coagulation structures based on loams and ash together with plastic certificates.Materials and methods. The authors used the local forest like reserves of clay loams at the BashKarasu, ash fields of the Bishkek Central Heating Centre (BTEC) and plasticizer (sodium naphthenate obtained from alkaline chemical production wastes) as fibrous materials. Moreover, the authors defined technological properties of raw materials within standard laboratory methodology in accordance with current GOSTs.Results. The researchers tested plastic durability on variously prepared masses for the choice of optimal structures. The paper demonstrated the plastic durability of complexly activated compounds comparing with non-activated and mechanically activated compounds. The sensitivity coefficient increased the amount of clay loams by mechanically and complexly activated, which predetermined the possibility of intensifying the process of drying samples based on complexly activated masses.Discussion and conclusions. However, mechanical activation of clay material reduces the period of relaxation and increases the elasticity coefficient of ceramic masses by 1.8–3.4 times, meanwhile decreases elasticity, viscosity and the conventional power during molding, which generally worsens the molding properties of the masses. Сomplex activation of ash-clay material decreases the period of relaxation and provides an increase in elasticity, plasticity of ceramic masses by 46–47%, reduction in viscosity by 1.5–2 times, conventional power on molding by 37–122% in comparison with MA clay loams. Ceramic masses based on spacecraft alumina raw materials belong to the SMT with improved rheological properties; products based on them pass through the mouthpiece for 5–7 seconds.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Firman L. Sahwan

Organic materials that are generally used as raw material for organic fertilizer granules (POG) is a natural organic material that has been degrade, smooth and dry. One of the main raw materials are always used with a very high percentage of usage, is manure. Manure potential in Indonesia is very high, amounting to 113.6 million tons per year, or 64.7 million tons per year to the island of Java. From this amount, it will be generated numbers POG production potential of 17.5 million tons per year (total Indonesia) or 9.9 million tons per year for the island of Java. While the realistic POG production predictions figures made from raw manure is 2.5 million tons annually, a figure that has been unable to meet the number requirement of POG greater than 4 million tons per year. Therefore, in producing POG, it should be to maximize the using of the potential of other organic materials so that the use of manure can be saved. With the use of a small amount of manure (maximum 30% for cow manure), it would be useful also to avoid the production of POG with high Fe content.keywods: organic material, manure, granule organic fertilizer

Food Industry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-70
Oliya Fazullina ◽  
Stanislav Smirnov

Health indicators of the population depend significantly on the food quality and nutritional value. Simple carbohydrates excess of and lack of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other physiologically active substances increase the risk of socially significant disease progress. The development and production of mass-consumed products with high nutritional and biological value, including affordable non-traditional raw materials use, are promising areas of the food industry development aimed at improving the nutritional status of the population. The article presents the research results on the developed Noodle products recipes from non-traditional raw materials that meet modern healthy nutrition requirements, intended for dietary treatment and dietary prevention of people with overweight / obesity. The research aimed at expanding the range of macaroni products with these characteristics. As the main raw material, a man selected whole-wheat flour – new spelt flour, and as additional raw materials – buckwheat flour, broccoli and celery powders. The researchers found that the introduction of macaroni products from buckwheat spelt, broccoli and celery powders into the recipe had a multidirectional effect, reducing or increasing various indicators of its nutritional value. The changes range did not affect the overall characteristics. The satisfaction degree of the average daily need for food substances and energy when consuming a portion of 100 g for each sample of developed Noodle products allows them to be classified as functional products that are protein and dietary fiber sources, according to the requirements of the TR CU 022/2011.

Food Industry ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Olesya Sergeevna ◽  
Adelya Bekesheva

At the present development stage of fish culinary production special significance has range expanding and technology improving for the following purposes: the available fish resources use; the organoleptic characteristics improvement and the nutritional value and competitiveness increase of products manufactured at the enterprises of the food industry. This study concerns the technology and the consumer properties formation improvement of cold appetizers from silver carp in the form of a roll. Unlike traditional the developed products consist of fillet of a bighead silver carp on a skin and an original stuff from egg, vegetables and mushrooms. The researchers conducted study using conventional and special methods. They recommended to introduce gelatin in a dry powdered at the stage of roll forming form in a recipe of the developed fish rolls. A man tested fish gelatin as anew consistency regulator of the developed products. The traditional and fish gelatin use allows to increase the yield of fish cold appetizers in the form of a roll by 8.0 %. When adding gelatin, there was an improvement in consistency and sensory perception of the product as a whole. The analysis results of biological value showed that the developed dishes, being an important additional source of protein and essential amino acids such as threonine, lysine, valine, may well improve the ration balance. The fatty acids ratio in fish rolls prepared according to new recipes is close to the ideal fat in the ratio of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (35:45:20) and is determined mainly by the composition of fatty acids in silver carp fat. The developed production will allow to expand the range of the food industry enterprises by cold fish appetizers of high quality and food value from available fish raw materials.

1982 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-333
Rashid Aziz

The book under review is a concise but fairly in-depth study of the prospects for export diversification from the Less Developed Countries (henceforth labeled as LDCs) particularly to Developed Countries (henceforth labeled as OCs). Given the multiple problems faced by the LOCs in exporting to the OCs - protectionist policies with regards to manufactured exports, volatility of prices obtained for raw material exports, etc. - the study analyses the potential for following an intermediate route. The important issues in the export of semi -processed and wholly processed raw materials are discussed. 111ese issues range from the problems and potentials for the location of processing facilities in the LOCs to the formulation of appropriate policies to encourage an export of processed goods rather than raw materials. Such policies will be useful both in solving the balance of-payments problems of the LDCs and in attaining the goal of the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Co-operation, that called for 2S percent of world industrial production to be located in the LOCs by the year 2000.

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