scholarly journals Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Geography Learning Outcomes of Class XII Students at Wahdah Islamiyah Integrated Islamic High School Makassar

LaGeografia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Ibrahim Abbas ◽  
Erman Syarif ◽  
Lisman Lisman

This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and geography learning outcomes in class XII Islamic Senior High School Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar. This research is a type of quantitative research with the Spearman Rank correlation method. The data collection technique  uses a  questionnaire.  The  sampling  technique  in this study  used a saturated sampling technique with a total of 25 respondents. For learning outcomes data is taken from the grade XII student report cards in the geography subject. The results of the analysis of emotional intelligence data are included in the medium category with an average value = 107.84 at intervals 103–110, for geography learning outcomes are included in the low category with an average value = 83.52 at intervals 81-84, to prove whether or not there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and geography learning outcomes, it can be seen from the calculation obtained using the Spearman Rank correlation formula, where the value of rs =0.037, with a significant value of 0.861. Because sig > 0.05, it can be concluded that emotional intelligence does not have a significant relationship with geography learning outcomes and the relationship is included in the very low category.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Lau J. S. S. ◽  
Chan R. A. B.

River transportation is essential in Sarawak as the roads are found difficult to be constructed due to difficult terrains, high construction cost for bridges and long construction period. Due to inaccessibility via road, river transportation is the only mean of transportation to rural area and the demand is increasing. On the other hand, the demands are also directly proportional to the occurrence of hazards or risks. Risk identification is a key step in risk management. This paper uses Sibu Express Boat Terminal as a background study and 5 points Likert score is used to rate likelihood and consequences for 36 risk factors. Risk ranking, Spearman rank correlation and sensitivity analysis were then applied for statistical data analyses. From the study, financial related risks ranked the highest and the policy and political risks ranked the lowest. Besides, the Spearman rank correlation method shows there is a relationship between likelihood and risk level. Likewise, there is a relationship between consequences and risk level as well. Results suggested that further research is required by increasing numbers of risk factors, risk groups as well as respondents.

Tatiana Dorofieieva

The issue of teaching physical education in secondary schools has already received wide coverage in various scientific studies. Until recently, insufficient attention has been paid to the topic of studying the motives of physical culture and sports, including attending lessons on "Physical culture". The purpose of the article is to study the perceptions of the residents of territorial communities about the motives of schoolchildren's participation in "Physical Culture" lessons. Organization of the study. The study was conducted in 8 territorial communities of Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia and Kharkiv regions. Respondents numbering 1,089 people (674 students and 415 adults) were involved. Peculiarities of adults 'and high school students' ideas about the motives of schoolchildren's participation in "Physical Culture" lessons were studied with the help of specially prepared questions. The calculation of the correlation between the representations of adults and students was performed using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient ρ. Result. Significant differences in the perceptions of the respondents regarding the motives of participation of schoolchildren of different communities in the lessons on "Physical Culture" are proved. At the same time, the calculation of the correlation between the perceptions of adults and students by the coefficient of rank correlation ρ Spearman in the Cirkunov community has an index of 0,2, which indicates a weak positive relationship between the perceptions of adults and students. Whereas in the Stepnogorsk community this indicator is 0,93, which indicates a strong positive relationship between the perceptions of adults and students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-26
Dimas Maulana Priya Adtya Yudha ◽  
Tri Sulistyani ◽  
Makmur Sujarwo

Effect of Store atmosfer, Price persepsion and Service Quality on Decisions on Purchasing Cafe Wapress JK in Pemalang. Essay. Faculty of Economics and Business Pancasakti Tegal University.2019. Research Objectives: 1) to find out and analyze the influence of store atmosfer on the decision to buy Cafe Wapress JK Pemalang, 2) to find out the effect of price persepsion on the decision to purchase Cafe Wapress JK Pemalang, 3) to find out the effect of service quality on the decision to purchase Cafe Wapress JK Pemalang, 4) to find out store atmosfer, price persepsion and service qauality simultaneously on the decision to cafe Wapress JK Pemalang. Method of research is survey equal quantitave the population in this study ware consumer who purchased Cafe Wapress JK Pemalang. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The data analysis techenique used is Spearman rank correlation, speraman rank correlation significance test, multiple correlation analysis, test of significance of multiple correlation and coefficent of determination analysis. Research results: 1) there is a strong, positive and significant influence of store atmosfer has a significant effect on the decision to purchase  in Cafe Wapress JK Pemalang. Barrier can be proven by obtaining value rxy is 0,747, significant value and Zcount value of 6,666 > 1,96, 2) there is a strong, positive and significant influence price persepsion  has a significant effect on the decision to purchase in Cafe Wapress JK Pemalang. Barrier can be proven by obtaining  value of rxy is 0,702, significant value and Zcount value of 7,731 > 1,96, 3) there is a strong, positive and significant influence service quality  has a significant effect on the decision to purchase in cafe Wapress JK Pemalang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 564-572
Indri Wahyuningsih ◽  
Syahra Ramdana

Knowledge and Safety Riding Behavior Among High School StudentsBackground: Young people are the most involved in traffic accidents in Indonesia, because of the risky driving style. High school students belong to one of the young age groups with an average age of 15-18 years. To ensure traffic safety, a safety riding program was established which includes disciplinary behavior in driving rules and procedures. Own behavior is influenced by factors, one of which is knowledge. Knowledge as a stimulus or stimulus and becomes the basis for action.Purpose: To find the relationship between knowledge and safety riding behavior among high school students.Method: This study used an analytical observational method with a cross sectional approach, and a simple radom sampling technique. The sample was obtained as many as 164 respondents. Then the data were analyzed using spearman rank correlation with a significance level of 5%.Results: Most of the respondents have good knowledge (67.1%), as well as behavior, the majority of respondents have safe driving behavior (82.9%). The results of the spearman rank correlation analysis showed a p-value of 0.120 or greater than a significance of 5% (p> 0.05).Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between knowledge and safety riding behavior.Keywords: Knowledge; Safety riding behavior; High school studentsPendahuluan: Kalangan usia muda merupakan yang paling banyak terlibat kasus kecelakaan lalu lintas di Indonesia, diakibatkan gaya berkendara yang beresiko. Siswa SMA termasuk salah satu kelompok usia muda dengan usia rata-rata 15-18 tahun. Untuk menjamin keselamatan lalu lintas, dibentuk program safety riding yang mencakup perilaku disiplin dalam aturan dan tatacara berkendara. Perilaku sendiri dipengaruhi faktor pembentuk salah satunya pengetahuan. Pengetahuan sebagai ransangan atau stimulus dan menjadi dasar dalam bertindak. Tujuan: penelitian ini ingin mencari hubungan pengetahuan dengan perilaku safety riding pada siswa SMA.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dan teknik sampling simple radom sampling. Sampel diperoleh sebanyak 164 responden. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan korelasi spearman rank dengan tingkat kemaknaan 5%.Hasil: Sebagian besar responden memiliki pengetahuan dengan kategori baik (67,1%), begitupun dengan perilaku, mayoritas responden memiliki perilaku berkendara  aman (82,9%). Hasil analisis korelasi spearman rank didapatkan p-value 0,120 atau lebih besar dari kemaknaan 5% (p>0,05).Simpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara pengetahuan dengan perilaku safety riding. 

Lysechko M.V.

The aim of the study is to determine the psychological mechanisms of the connection between emotional and volitional self-regulation and role competence of students.Methods. Analysis of average data and correlation (by Spearman’s rank correlation method) between scales of 5 methods of research: 1) study of features and levels of development of role competence of students was carried out with use of “Questionnaire of role competence” by P. Gornostay; 2) to clarify the features of emotional-volitional regulation of role behavior, the level of emotional intelligence and its parameters such as: awareness of emotions, the ability to recognize emotions, self-motivation, empathy and emotion control were used: “Methods of diagnosing emotional intelligence” N. Hall, adapted by E. Ilyin and test-questionnaire “Study of volitional self-regulation” (A. Zverkov and E. Eidman); 3) “Methods of diagnosing the level of reflexivity” by A. Karpov was used by us to determine the level of development of the mechanism of reflection.Results. The study found that students in higher education have developed role competence at the secondary level. They have a low level of development of the integrative indicator of emotional intelligence; low level of development of ability to control one’s emotions and self-motivation, average level of development of emotional awareness and empathy, ability to recognize emotions of other people. The average general level of volitional regulation and such volitional qualities as persistence and self-control were revealed; medium and high levels of development of reflection.It is determined that the higher the level of emotional and volitional self-regulation, the higher the level of role competence. It is established that the positive factors in the formation of role competence of students of psychological and pedagogical specialties are: emotional intelligence (emotional awareness, self-motivation, emotional identification, empathy) and reflection.Conclusions. The results of the research determine the goals and objectives aimed at developing emotional and volitional components of the structure of role competence of students, which will consist in the formation of emotional and volitional characteristics connect with role competence (ability to emotional and volitional regulation, empathy, reflectivity, volitional qualities).Key words: role competence, psychological mechanisms, emotional-volitional self-regulation, empathy, reflection, student. Мета статті полягає у вивченні психологічних механізмів взаємозв’язку емоційно-вольової саморе-гуляції та рольової компетентності студентів.Методи. Аналіз середніх даних і кореляція (методом рангової кореляції Спірмена) між шкалами 5 методик дослідження: 1) вивчення особливостей і рівнів розвитку рольової компетентності студентів здійснювалося із використанням «Опитувальника рольової компетентності» П. Горностая; 2) задля з’ясування особливостей емоційно-вольової регуляції рольової поведінки, рівня емоційного інтелекту та таких його параметрів, як обізнаність в емоціях, здатність до розпізнавання емоцій, самомотивація, емпатія й управління емоціями були застосовані: «Методика діагностики емоційного інтелекту» Н. Холла в адаптації Є. Ільїна та тест-опитувальник «Дослідження вольової саморегуляції» (А. Звєрькова та Є. Ейдмана); 3) «Методика діагностики рефлексивності» А. Карпова була використана нами з метою визначення рівня розвитку механізму рефлексії.Результати. З’ясовано, що у студентів закладу вищої освіти рольова компетентність розвинена на середньому рівні; вони мають низький рівень розвитку інтегративного показника емоційного інтелекту; низький рівень розвитку здатності до управління своїми емоціями та самомотивації, середній рівень розвитку емоційної обізнаності й емпатії, здатності до розпізнавання емоцій інших людей. Було виявлено середній загальний рівень вольової регуляції та таких вольових якостей, як наполегливість і самовладання; середній і високий рівні розвитку рефлексії.Визначено, що чим вищий рівень емоційно-вольової саморегуляції, тим вищий рівень рольової ком-петентності. Встановлено, що позитивними чинниками формування рольової компетентності студентів психолого-педагогічних спеціальностей є: емоційний інтелект (емоційна обізнаність, самомотивація, емоційна ідентифікація, емпатія) та рефлексія.Висновки. Pезультати дослідження дозволяють визначити цілі та завдання, спрямовані на розвиток емоційно-вольових компонентів структури рольової компетентності студентів, які полягатимуть у формуванні емоційно-вольових характеристик, пов’язаних із рольовою компетентністю (здатності до емоційно-вольової регуляції, емпатії, рефлективності; вольових якостей та ін.), що дозволить сту-дентам розвинути власну рольову компетентність і здатність здійснювати емоційно-вольовий контроль і саморегуляцію власної поведінки та діяльності.Ключові слова: рольова компетентність, психологічні механізми, емоційно-вольова саморегуляція, емпатія, рефлексія, студент.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Novadri Prasetio ◽  
Muh Daud ◽  
Andi Nasrawati Hamid

ABSTRACTBullying is a negative behavior that many students do. This behavior occurs a lot in the school environment carried out by senior students against juniors. The individual's ability to control emotions is low causing behavioral disturbances, so they choose to do bullying behavior. One of the factors that influence bullying behavior is emotion regulation. This study aims to determine the relationship between emotional regulation and bullying in class XII students at SMA Negeri 2 Makassar. Respondents in this study were 202 students using a simple random sampling technique. This study uses a quantitative approach with data analysis techniques Spearman rank correlation and t-test. The study used a bullying scale and an emotion regulation scale. The results showed there was a significant relationship between emotion regulation and bullying (p=0.001, r=-0.230). Its means that the higher the emotional regulation, the lower the bullying in class XII students at SMA Negeri 2 Makassar and there are differences in bullying behavior based on gender. The implication of this research for students is that they need to improve their ability to regulate emotions to avoid bullying or other negative behavior.Keywords: Emotion Regulation, Bullying, Students. ABSTRAKBullying merupakan perilaku negatif yang banyak dilakukan siswa. Perilaku ini banyak terjadi di lingkungan sekolah yang dilakukan oleh siswa senior terhadap junior. Kemampuan individu dalam mengontrol emosi yang rendah menyebabkan gangguan perilaku, sehingga memilih melakukan perilaku bullying. Salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi perilaku bullying yaitu regulasi emosi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan regulasi emosi dengan bullying pada siswa kelas XII di SMA Negeri 2 Makassar. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 202 siswa dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis data spearman rank correlation dan t-test. Penelitian menggunakan skala bullying dan skala regulasi emosi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara regulasi emosi dengan bullying (p=0,001, r=-0,230). Artinya semakin tinggi regulasi emosi maka semakin rendah bullying pada siswa kelas XII di SMA Negeri 2 Makassar dan terdapat perbedaan perilaku bullying berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Implikasi penelitian ini bagi siswa yaitu perlu lebih meningkatkan kemampuan dalam meregulasi emosi sehingga terhindar dari perilaku bullying atau perilaku negatif lainnya.Kata Kunci: Regulasi Emosi, Bullying, Siswa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Tatiana L. Shabanova ◽  

Introduction. The relevance of studying the emotions of employees in organizations is due to the economic and psychological crisis, as a result of which many managers are trying to cope with their stress at work and, in some cases, their job duties remotely. The study aims to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and individual characteristics of self-actualization in managers of a large trading company. Materials and methods. Forty employees from various trade organizations took part in the study. The following methods were used: the emotional intelligence assessment technique (N. Hall) and the self-actualization test (SAT) (E. Sjostrom). Spearman rank correlation method was used. Research results. A reliable direct relationship between self-motivation and contact was obtained (rs = 0.460; p ≤ 0.05). Self-motivation, defined as managing one’s emotions, determines a person’s ability to quickly establish contacts with people and communicate. The feedback of self-motivation and self-esteem was revealed (rs = -0.555; p ≤ 0.05). According to the respondents’ evaluations, social success is not affected by a person’s ability to manage emotions and feelings. An inverse relationship of empathy and self-esteem was also revealed (rs = -0.463; p ≤ 0.05). Respondents believe that empathy with others can hinder the achievement of social success, recognition, and self-esteem. Conclusion. Emotional intelligence of employees: contributes to developing their leadership skills, increases stress resistance at work, job satisfaction, motivation, interest in organizational learning, reduces emotional exhaustion and fatigue, and is a means of conflict resolution. All this has a positive effect on the company’s efficiency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 91 ◽  
Yulia Wardani ◽  
Agnes Mahayanti

Purpose: The readiness and strategies of management are important factors to gain higher passing grade on nursing national competency examination. This study analyzed the strategy and readiness of the managers to success try out and national competency examination and the readiness for administering Computer Based Test on national nursing competency examination in Indonesia.Methods: This descriptive correlative research with population of 437 three years diploma in nursing institutions used quota and accidental sampling technique with 123 participants. The data were analyzed by using of frequency distribution, Spearman Rank Correlation and Multiple Regression analysis units.Results: The results identified that 52,8% had accreditation status in level B. There were increasing results of the students that became better in the real results of national competency exam than the results on try-out exam. The preparation strategic 3 months before the exam was good (57.7%) and 56.9% of the participants were not ready to deliver the national exam in Computer Based Test. There was a significant correlation between the results of the exam with accreditation status (p= .014), student body (p=.02) and 3 months preparation before the exam (p=.021). The most dominant predictor in success of the exam was the accreditation status with p value=.005.Conclusions: Managers of three years diploma nursing degree have to prepare and have a good strategy for success in nursing national competency examination especially in managing student body, achieve good accreditation status and good strategic in preparing for attaining high passing grade on national competency examination.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Husnul Khotimah ◽  
Hernawati Hernawati

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan geoboard dan geopuzzle pada materi segiempat dan segitiga di kelas VII SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan 2 kelas eksperimen yang pada tiap kelas menggunakan alat peraga berbeda. Sampel penelitian diambil dari dua kelas yang terdiri dari 54 siswa dengan menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Sedangkan instrumen hasil belajar siswa berupa post-test dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Berdasarkan analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang signifikan antara nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen 1 dengan menggunakan geoboard sebesar 71,70 dan kelas eksperimen 2 dengan menggunakan geopuzzle sebesar 62,04. Hasil penelitian ini dikuatkan oleh uji-t yang diperoleh t-hitung sebesar 2,26 dan t-tabel sebesar 2,00. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan geoboard dan geopuzzle pada materi segiempat dan segitiga di kelas VII SMP.Abstract:  This study aims to determine the differences in student learning outcomes using Geoboard and Geopuzzle on quadrilateral and triangular material in Senior High School. This research is an experimental research using 2 experimental classes which use different props in each class. The research sample was taken from two classes consisting of 54 students using the Simple Random Sampling technique. While the instrument of student learning outcomes in the form of post-test with a significant level of 5%. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that there are significant differences in student learning outcomes between the average value of the experimental class 1 using geoboard of 71.70 and experimental class 2 using a geopuzzle of 62.04. The results of this study are corroborated by the t-test obtained by t-count of 2.26 and t-table of 2.00. This shows that there are differences in student learning outcomes using geoboard and geopuzzle on quadrilateral and triangle material in grade 7 of Senior High School

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-176
Theresia Jamini ◽  
Fandi Jumaedy ◽  
Dwi Martha Agustina

Health problems often occur in the elderly, which affect social interactions. This condition can be one of the triggers for depression in the elderly in the nursing home. The incidence of depression experienced by the elderly who live in the study location is 50-75% due to loneliness, hopelessness, loss of a spouse, and loss of social roles. This type of research is a quantitative non-experimental, correlational research design with a cross-sectional approach. A total of 75 respondents at the Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Sejahtera, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, were taken by purposive sampling technique, and in this study, a questionnaire was used as a research instrument. The statistical test used the Spearman Rank Correlation at a significant level of 0.05 and the results showed that 32 respondents had sufficient social interaction and 32 respondents had a moderate depression level. The results of statistical tests using the Spearman Rank correlation obtained the Correlation Coefficient value of 0.580 and a p-value of 0.000.

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