S.A. Denisov

In 1993 Russia announced the westernization of its political system. Its main institutions were enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (democracy, republic, separation of powers, rule of law). However, the researchers note that the reform failed. Russia only simulates the transition to Western standards of life. The author of the study sets himself the task of identifying the reasons for failure in the nature of the country's political culture. Applying a dialectical and materialistic approach to the problem, the author reveals the influence of the economic system of the country, the social structure of society, imitative changes in the political system, socialization, and traditions of society on the nature of the political culture of Russia. Based on his previous research, the author introduces a number of new explanatory theories. In his opinion, the movement towards the Western model is slowed down by the administrative class which does not want to lose its dominant position. It is not ready to move to a competitive political system, in which it loses its power and turns into a bureaucracy dependent on public politicians representing society. The service intelligentsia is engaged in spreading the public consciousness that is beneficial to the administrative class. Together, they support the type of consciousness of the population that is beneficial to them. Western political ideology is spread in society by the civil intelligentsia, but its significance is not great. The majority of the population agrees with the rule of the administrative class and votes in support of it. Therefore, there is no competitive political system in Russia. The mass consciousness of Russians remains irrational, which allows them to control it with the help of symbolic actions. It retains such archaic features as herd status and infantilism. An infantile person needs a master who decides for him in which direction society will develop, organizes this development, takes care of the population. People express dissatisfaction with this master, but accept his power and obey him. The degree of westernization of Russia's political culture is still very insignificant. The author defines it as 3 points out of 10. The political culture of Russia will be westernized as competitive capitalist relations develop in the country. Competition rules based on the law will gradually be introduced into the political life of the country.

2020 ◽  
pp. 52-57
Эдиль Канатбеков

В статье рассматривается политическая культура Кыргызстана как одна из важных основ политической жизни общества. Уделяется внимание на необходимость развития политической культуры общества, как фундаментальной основы цивилизации, основ существования общества и общественных отношений. В работе анализируется сущность политической культуры. Описывается проблема формирования политической культуры Кыргызстана как одной из актуальных тем, на протяжении многих лет. Рассматривается формирование и становление политической культуры Кыргызстана, как очень трудоёмкий и долговременный процесс, обусловленный определенными аспектами политико-культурологического характера. Политическая культура конкретной общности состоит из представлений индивидов, их взглядов, политических ценностей, политической идеологии и символики, политических норм, стандартов, стереотипов. Каждый субъект страны являясь гражданином так или иначе становиться свидетелем и даже участником политической реальности, тем самым на основе этих элементов и опыта человек формирует собственный взгляд и определяет для себя систему ценностей и линию поведения. Макалада Кыргызстандын саясий маданияты коомдун саясий турмушунун маанилүү негиздеринин бири катары каралат. Цивилизациянын фундаменталдык негизи, коомдун жана коомдук мамилелердин негиздеринин маңызы катары коомдун саясий маданиятын өнүктүрүү зарылдыгына көңүл бурулган. Изилдөө ишинде саясий маданияттын маани-маңызына анализ жүргүзүлгөн. Кыргызстанда саясий маданияттын калыптануу көйгөйү көп жылдардан бери актуалдуу темалардын бири катары эсептелинет. Кыргызстандын саясий маданиятынын калыптанышы жана калыптануусу саясий жана маданий мүнөздүн айрым аспектилерине байланыштуу өтө эмгекчил жана узак мөөнөттүү процесс катары каралат. Белгилүү бир коомдун саясий маданияты жеке адамдардын идеяларынан, алардын көз караштарынан, саясий баалуулуктарынан, саясий идеологиясынан жана символдорунан, саясий нормаларынан, стандарттарынан, стереотиптеринен турат. Өлкөнүн ар бир субъектиси, ошол өлкөнүн жараны болуп туруп, кандайдыр бир жол менен саясий чындыктын интригасынын күбөсү, ал тургай, катышуучусу болуп калат, ошентип, адам ушул элементтердин жана тажрыйбанын негизинде өзүнүн көз карашын калыптандырат жана өзү үчүн баалуулуктар системасын жана жүрүм-турум линиясын аныктайт. Тhe article considers the political culture of Kyrgyzstan as one of the important foundations of the political life of society. Attention paid to the need to develop the political culture of society as the fundamental basis of civilization, the foundations of the existence of society and social relations. The paper analyzes the essence of political culture. The article describes the problem of forming the political culture of Kyrgyzstan as one of the topical issues for many years. The article considers the formation and formation of the political culture of Kyrgyzstan as a very labor-intensive and long-term process, due to certain aspects of political and cultural character. Тhe Political culture of a particular community consists of individual representations, their views, political values, political ideology and symbols, political norms, standards, and stereotypes. Each subject of the country, being a citizen, in one way or another becomes a witness and even a participant in the intrigue of political reality, thereby the basis of these elements and experience, a person forms his own view and defines for himself a system of values and a line of behavior.

1998 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 195-248
George Barany

Historians and political scientists have already begun to explore different aspects of modern Austria's political culture. But as Helmut Konrad has reminded us, this relatively new concept is loosely defined; he considers “political culture” to mean “the values held by individuals, groups, and society as a whole that affect the behavior of peoplewithin and in relation to the political system of a country.” Lucian Pye stresses the behavioral approach in political analysis to make “more explicit and systematic” our understanding of “such long-standingconcepts as political ideology, national ethos and spirit, national political psychology, and the fundamental values of a people.”

2016 ◽  
Vol 78 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-140
John M. Warner ◽  
James R. Zink

AbstractFor nearly half a century democratic citizens have been preoccupied with the search for self-respect. Though classical liberalism places this question outside its purview and many commentators see in such a concern evidence of a “thin-skinned” political culture, John Rawls has recently provided serious arguments for the political relevance of self-respect. These arguments, we claim, are deeply indebted to the social and political theory of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, whose deep albeit underexamined influence on Rawls shows itself both in Rawls's conception of the social problem as well as in his solution to it. Rawls's belief that the provision of self-respect can solve the social problem is uniquely Rousseauan not only because of its emphasis on equality but also because it suggests political life can and must reconcile the conflicts between self and society at a fundamental level.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (16) ◽  
pp. 31-51
Grzegorz Piwnicki

It is recognized that politics is a part of social life, that is why it is also a part of culture. In this the political culture became in the second half of the twentieth century the subject of analyzes of the political scientists in the world and in Poland. In connection with this, political culture was perceived as a component of culture in the literal sense through the prism of all material and non-material creations of the social life. It has become an incentive to expand the definition of the political culture with such components as the political institutions and the system of socialization and political education. The aim of this was to strengthen the democratic political system by shifting from individual to general social elements.

2020 ◽  
pp. 33-41
Dmitrii Anatolevich Kachusov

The subject of this article is the city protection movement in Barnaul. On the background of strengthening of authoritarian trends in political life of the country, takes place reorientation of the vector of civil activity from solution of the political problems of federal scale towards the local social issues. Namely the local public movements become an important element in the society of separate cities that allow the interaction between civil activists, society, and municipal authorities. The advancement of Internet and social networks greatly contributed to broadening of the audience of city protection communities, growth of opportunities for their influence upon public consciousness and government authorities. Assessment of the size, publication activity and staff composition of the city mono-problem communities in social networks in the key method for studying the city public movements. The research determined the presents of a number of organizations in Barnaul oriented toward the general questions (preservation of historical center of the city, protection of park zones, etc.), as well as solution of particular problems. The author also underlines a large portion of youth (below 30 years of age) among the members of city protection communities. Despite the fact that currently the social database is restricted, members of the communities actively participate in city life, using the Internet as an environment for public self-presentation and channel for communication with population, government, and mass media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 183-199
Daria Słupianek-Tajnert

The article attempts to analyse the conceptualisation of the scientist-physicist based on the examples of selected reportages by Hanna Krall and Jacek Hugo-Bader. The analysis was conducted in an axiolinguistic key and its aim was to confirm the thesis about the important role of physicists in the Soviet axiosphere. It can be observed that in the axiological profile of a physicist, obtained on the basis of an empirical analysis, instrumental values dominate and these are closely connected with the fact that physicists are associated with political interests. Physicists, who function as objects of evaluation in the analysed reportages, are also a means of an indirect evaluation in relation to the political system in the USSR and reflect ways in which the country treats its citizens. The empirical material analysed allows us to conclude that within the Russian linguistic-cultural area, the physicist does not refer us only to a scientist dealing with a specific research discipline, but deserves to be called a concept that reflects a characteristic stage of the social and political life of the USSR, permanently inscribed into the axiosphere of that period.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 188-198
Lidiia Kostetska

Transformational changes have been taking place in the political systems in many countries of the world over the last few decades. This issue arouses the great interest of scientists and researchers. In the article, I pay particular attention to the study of the “traditional” and “new” party systems and their role in the country’s contemporary political life. Given the challenge of the day, I see populism as a problem with its impact on democracy along with such issues as the role of populist parties and the citizens’ attitude to them; the analysis of problems developing in the political process, particularly, in parties and movements of the populist type; the formation and development of multi-party systems and democracy as a whole.Populism is considered in the article as a political ideology. This phenomenon is investigated as a component of the political parties’ activities, especially, of the Ukrainian parties. A comparative analysis of populist parties in the European Union and Ukraine has been carried out.I analyze the main factors of populism’s influence on the party-political system on the examples of the European countries and Ukraine. I also prove that populism has always occupied a special place in the implementation of programs of political leaders and parties. It is noted that populism remains the current day phenomenon of both the party-political system and the socio-economic life of the countries in the world. Having a considerable influence over the politics of the countries, where functioning of democratic institutions is relatively inexperienced, populism has a rather clear manifestation in the modern political space and the “old” democracies. There is a clear link between increasing populism and exacerbating socio-economic problems. The inability of the political establishment, including the democratic one, to respond effectively to new problems and challenges is an important factor contributing to the emergence and growth of populist influence.The in-depth analysis of the populist rhetorical and political effects on the development of modern democracy is particularly important, i. e. the margins between the reality and virtuality, truth and falsehood are leveling; facts lose their value; deconstruction of truth takes place; traditional ideologies are destroyed; moral relativism, hypocrisy and  double standards are spreading out.

2018 ◽  
pp. 195-112
Ewa NOWAK ◽  
Ryszarda Ewa BERNACKA ◽  

The main purpose of the survey discussed in this paper is to answer the question of which factors describe the status of political integration of Poles in Austria. Political integration concerns the phenomenon of joining the political life of a given political system and, to some extent, also its results. For the purpose of this study the notion of political integration is to stand for the involvement of the ‘visiting’ citizens in the political life of the ‘host’ state, in particular political participation, taking the form of public activity and voting in elections. The survey adopts a general theoretical model where the state of integration of Poles in Austria is comprehended in terms of a three-element political culture (comprising cognitive, emotional-and-assessing, and behavioral elements). It undergoes external influences, related to the period spent living abroad, and domestic influences of social identity (approached functionally). Additionally, the model assumes that these factors can be internally related. The empirical aspect of the analysis is based on the authors’ own survey carried out using a questionnaire, psychological scale and focus group interview of a sample of Polish émigrés in Austria.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 570-597
Diastama Anggita Ramadhan

AbstractThe diversity of Indonesian people will affect the social condition, including political life and decision. About the general election, Indonesian people who consist of various tribes, culture, and religion, highly depend on the political party to transfer their aspirations. Indonesian political party has a vital role in Indonesian political culture.  Hence, there are so many political parties in Indonesia because of the number of its citizens. The multi-party mechanism becomes much more important, considering Indonesia's social and geographical conditions. In the context of simplifies the number of the political party in Indonesia, this process will damage the diversity of the people. This article is using normative research method. Later on the discussion, this article will discuss the simplifying process of the political party in Indonesia. Furthermore, it will also examine the impact of the political party simplification on the Unity of the nation. Keywords: General Election; Simplification; Political Party; Unity  AbstrakKeberagaman masyarakat Indonesia merupakan salah satu kelebihan bangsa. Keberagaman masyarakat tersebut kemudian akan mempengaruhi kondisi sosial masyarakat termasuk juga dalam hal politik. Terkait dengan pelaksanaan pemilihan umum, masyarakat yang terdiri dari berbagai suku budaya dan agama ini membawa konsekuensi banyaknya aspirasi masyarakat yang antara satu dengan yang lain membawa kepentingan yang berbeda. Partai politik sebagai salah satu kanal aspirasi masyarakat mempunyai peran yang sangat vital. Mekanisme multipartai di Indonesia menjadi suatu keharusan dengan melihan kondisi sosial dan geografis Indonesia. Dalam konteks penyederhanaan partai politik, proses penyederhanaan kemudian akan merusak tatanan keberagaman tersebut. Penulisan hukum ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Pada bagian pembahasan penulis akan melakukan kajian terhadap proses penyederhaan partai politik yang pernah terjadi serta mengkaji bagaimana penyederhanaan jumlah partai politik ini dapat menyebabkan terjadinya disintegrasi bangsa. Kata Kunci: Pemilu, Penyederhanaan, Partai Politik, Persatuan

Ivan V. Kirdjashkin ◽  

In article political socialisation is considered as a part of processes personal and social “cares of”, representing cultural experts of self-transformation, self-checking and society self-transformation. The given experts in work are presented as the general orientation of the political phenomena, allowing to form and transform the political culture of the person including a set of means of understanding of a society as interconnected the cultural-historical integrity informed on the basis of symbolical means of self-transformation of set the general outlook of individuals. In this plan “the care of” appears as area of existence and genesis of values political which role is interfaced to reproduction and transformation of forms social “managements of self”, about a live continuum of the purposes and means of human relations. At the same time social “the care of” appears as a product performative the certificates de-signing a society under the influence of the changing social situation of the person. Performativnyj character social “cares of” creates possibilities socioculture designing of the political phenomena, political culture in the course of political socialisation of the person. Thus social “the care of” occurs in a context of cultural-symbolical scenarios of communications which are caused by “own values” or rather mobile the unchangeable structures of a social order. In this respect symbolical scenarios of communications create isolation public “cares of” on certain his-torical values of society, form it difference, senses and forms of an autonomy and self-changes in world around. Scenarios “the care of” can be considered cares of as set of symbolical forms of public consciousness. It provides autopoecis communications in society, symbolical connection of communi-cations, a choice of their means, institutional forms. Communications scenarios, expressing symbolical social “will to live”, allow to organise “practice of” as sets the connected paradigms, actions and forms, values and senses of transformation of society and the person, the general purposeful processes of self-knowledge and society self-transformation. In this respect the above-stated scenarios represent public expectations or the structures neces-sary for joining of one communications to another. Cultural scenarios of communications represent socioculture expectations concerning ways samoreference societies which express readiness for repro-duction and changes, to self-correction of structures of consciousness of society, representing its aspi-ration to self-change, training, to perception of evolution of culture of a society. In this respect scenari-os act as possibilities of existence and training ways autopoecisa the communications, entering into cultural toolkit of the social consciousness providing interrelation, a reconstruction and deconstruc-tions of understanding of the political phenomena.

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