Ruth Mantiri

AbstractThe purposes of the research are:  1) To find out the form of community involvement in managing the coastal area of the Bahoi Village;  2) To find out about the level of community’s power for managing the coastal area in Bahoi Village.The research data was collected by interviews, observations, and secondary data.  The sampling was done by purposive sampling technique using 156 family heads.  Data analysis was carried out descriptively with semantic differential scale.The results of the study as follows: 1).The people of Bahoi Village showed their involvement in the planning stage in the form of giving ideas, then at the implementation stage through the contribution of labor and skills, and at the stage of utilization with environmentally friendly activities and preservation of the results by conducting renovations, cleaning the sea, and mangrove planting;  2) The people of Bahoi Village have a rather strong ability to manage their territory to continue to develop as an ecotourism village. Keywords:  community’s power, management, coastal area AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk mengetahui bentuk keterlibatan masyarakat mengelola wilayah pesisir Desa Bahoi, dan 2) untuk mengetahui tingkat keberdayaan masyarakat mengelola wilayah pesisir Desa Bahoi.Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi lapangan, dan data sekunder.  Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling menggunakan 156 orang kepala keluarga.  Analisis data dilakukan secara deskiptif dengan skala semantic differential.Ada pun hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: 1). masyarakat Desa Bahoi menunjukkan keterlibatannya pada tahap perencanaan berupa pemberian ide, kemudian pelaksanaan melalui sumbang tenaga dan keterampilan, serta pada tahap pemanfaatan dengan kegiatan ramah lingkungan dan pemeliharaan hasil melalui renovasi, pembersihan laut, dan penanaman mangrove; 2)  Masyarakat Desa Bahoi memiliki keberdayaan yang agak kuat dalam mengelola wilayahnya untuk terus berkembang sebagai Desa Ekowisata.Kata kunci:  keberdayaan masyarakat, pengelolaan, wilayah pesisir

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-256
Fitri Ayu Nofirda ◽  
Dwi Dewisri Kinasih

This study aims to see the effect of branchless banking on financial inclusion. The sample in this study amounted to 96 respondents. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling method. Data collection techniques using primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data. This study uses a regression test to test the hypothesis. This study found that branchless banking has a positive effect on the financial inclusion of the people of Kampar Regency, Riau.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1A) ◽  
pp. 305
Christiviany Gracanti Tatuh ◽  
Esry O. H. Laoh ◽  
Gene H. M. Kapantow

This study aims to identify the shape and level of community participation in the planning, implementation, and supervision of Environmental Based Programs - Building Environmental and Social Infrastructure (PBL-Mapalus). The data used in conducting this research are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly in the field, through interviews and observations using questionnaires / questionnaires. Secondary data is data obtained from related institutions such as the Community Empowerment and Manpower Board of Manado City, Office of Lurah Bumi Nyiur and Tuminting Urban Village Office. Sampling technique in this research used Purposive Sampling. This method is done by taking the people who are selected by researchers according to the specific characteristics possessed by the sample. The result of this research can be concluded that community participation in Environment Based Development Program - Building Environmental and Social Infrastructure (PBL-Mapalus) shows the activity of society is big enough. Although there are still a handful of people who do not know about Environmental-Based Development - Building Environmental and Social Infrastructure (PBL-Mapalus) so it is advisable to the relevant agencies to provide more socialization to the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Argyo Demartoto ◽  
Yuyun Sunesti ◽  
Bagus Haryono ◽  
Aris Arif Mundayat

<p><em>Life story of Covid-19 survivors aims to educate the people through patients’ testimony about experience with Covid-19 infection symptoms and the treatment they got in Surakarta Indonesia. The qualitative research with this biographic approach was conducted based on life story of Patients with Supervision (Pasien Dalam Pengawasan / PDP) using purposive sampling technique, so that the informants selected were PDP recovered from Covid-19, PDP’s family, friend, neighbor, Surakarta people, Pulmonologist and nurse in Dr. Moewardi Hospital of Surakarta, Chief Executive of Covid-19 Management Acceleration Task force of Surakarta, and Chairperson of Surakarta Health Office. The author collected primary and secondary data using online observation, in-depth interview and documentation. To validate data, method and data source triangulations were used. Data obtained was analyzed using an interactive model of analysis using Bandura’s Social Learning theory. Considering the patients’ experience, it can be seen that they are healed from Covid-19, because they were disciplined and complied with the procedure of treatment for Covid-19 patients. It can inspire and encourage other patients to keep fighting for their recover; to keep thinking positively, and to be sure that they will be healed, to follow the health protocol for coping with Covid-19, and to improve spirituality by getting closer to God.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong> <em>life story, Patient with Supervision, Covid-19</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong></strong></p><p>Kisah hidup pasien yang sembuh dari Covid-19 bertujuan mengedukasi masyarakat melalui testimoni pengalaman pasien selama mengalami gejala serangan Covid-19 hingga selama perawatan di Surakarta Indonesia. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan biografi ini diambil dari kisah hidup Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP) menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, sehingga informan yang dipilih adalah PDP yang sudah sembuh dari Covid-19, keluarga PDP, teman, tetangga, masyarakat Surakarta, Dokter Spesialis Paru dan perawat di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, Ketua Pelaksana Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 Kota Surakarta dan Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surakarta. Peneliti mengumpulkan data primer dan sekunder dengan observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi melalui daring. Untuk menguji validitas data digunakan triangulasi metode dan sumber data. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan Model Analisis Interaktif dan teori Mekanisme Survival dari Scott. Pengalaman pasien yang berhasil sembuh dari Covid-19, karena selama menjalani perawatan pasien Covid-19 disiplin dan patuh. Hal ini dapat menjadi inspirasi dan dorongan bagi pasien lain untuk terus berjuang agar sembuh; selalu berpikir positif dan yakin untuk sembuh; mengikuti protokol kesehatan penanganan Covid-19; serta meningkatkan spriritualitas dengan lebih mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan.</p><strong>Kata kunci: Kisah Hidup, Pasien Positif, Covid-19</strong>

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-177
Sukma Umbara Tirta Firdaus ◽  
Syaiful Anam

Artikel ini memaparkan data-data tentang kinerja Bawaslu Kabupaten Pamekasan dalam menangani pelanggaran Pemilu 2019 di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan diskriptif-kualitatif. Teknik sampling yang dilakukan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam menangani pelanggaran Pemilu, Bawaslu Kabupaten Pamekasan memiliki wewenang untuk menindaklanjuti pelanggaran dari dua sumber. Pertama, pelanggaran yang bersifat temuan, yaitu pelanggaran Pemilu yang ditemukan berdasarkan hasil pengawasan Bawaslu Kabupaten Pamekasan beserta jajarannya. Kedua, pelanggaran yang bersifat laporan, yaitu dugaan pelanggaran Pemilu yang dilaporkan masyarakat kepada Bawaslu Kabupaten Pamekasan dan jajarannya. Bawaslu Kabupaten Pamekasan telah mewujudkan keadilan dalam pelaksanaan Pemilu 2019 di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Pertama, ditertibkannya setiap APK melanggar di berbagai titik, mulai ukuran terkecil yang dipaku di pohon hingga ukuran terbesar yang dipasang Billboard berbayar. Kedua, semua temuan dan laporan ditangani secara professional berdasarkan aturan dan prosedur yang ada. Juga telah dilibatkannya rakyat Kabupaten Pamekasan secara aktif untuk ikut mengawasi setiap tahapan Pemilu 2019. Banyaknya laporan masyarakat (22 laporan) yang masuk ke Bawaslu Kabupaten Pamekasan, menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan rakyat di Kabupaten Pamekasan sudah cukup bagus bersama-sama Bawaslu Kabupaten Pamekasan menciptakan keadilan Pemilu di Kabupaten Pamekasan.This article presents data on the performance of the Bawaslu Pamekasan Regency in handling violations of the 2019 Election in Pamekasan Regency. Qualitative research with a descriptive-qualitative approach. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The result showed that in handling election violations, Bawaslu Pamekasan Regency had the authority to follow up on violations from two sources. First, violations which are findings, namely election violations were found based on the results of supervision of the Bawaslu Pamekasan Regency and its staff. Second, reporting violations, namely alleged election violations reported by the public to the Bawaslu Pamekasan Regency and its staff. Bawaslu Pamekasan Regency had brought justice in the implementation of the 2019 Election in Pamekasan Regency. First, it disciplines each APK to break at various points, from the smallest size nailed to a tree to the largest size installed by a paid Billboard. Second, all findings and reports are handled professionally based on existing rules and procedures. The people of Pamekasan Regency are also actively involved in overseeing every stage of the 2019 elections. The large number of community reports (22 reports) that came to the Bawaslu of Pamekasan Regency, showed that community involvement in Pamekasan District was quite good together with the Bawaslu of Pamekasan Regency creating Election Justice in Pamekasan Regency.

Ahmad Fauzul Hakim Hasibuan ◽  
Fuadi Fuadi ◽  
Angga Syahputra

This study aims to determine the influence of the Sharia Supervisory Board and the Board of Commissioners on the Financial Performance of Islamic Banks in Indonesia. This study used secondary data from 12 banks.The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling technique. The method of data analysis used is multiple linear regression.The results partially show that the sharia supervisory board and board of commissioners positively and significantly influence the financial performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia. Simultaneously,the board of commissioners and the sharia supervisory board positively and significantly influence the financial performance of Islamic bank

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Maulana Firdaus ◽  
Radityo Pramoda ◽  
Maharani Yulisti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak letusan Gunung Kelud terhadap pelaku usaha perikanan khususnya di Kabupaten Kediri. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April-Mei 2014 denganfokus lokasi penelitian di Kecamatan Pare, Kabupaten Kediri yang merupakan sentra penghasil benih ikan lele. Data primer dan sekunder digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Informan ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa letusan Gunung Kelud sangat berdampak pada masyarakat perikanan di Kabupaten Kediri baik secara sosial maupun ekonomi. Dampak secara sosial berupa perubahan status pembudidaya, perubahan sosial dan perubahan mata pencaharian. Secara ekonomi, dampak letusan Gunung Kelud menyebabkan 274 pembudidaya di 16 kecamatan mengalami kerugian dengan total kerugian sebesar 3,9 milyar rupiah. Rata-rata nilai kerugian yang dialami oleh setiap pembudidaya adalah 14,4 juta rupiah per orang yang meliputi kematian ikan, kematian benih ikan, kematian induk ikan, rusaknya kolam ikan, serta rusaknya peralatan budidaya.Title: The Impact of Mount Kelud Eruption To Fisheries Bussinessin Kediri District, East Java ProvinceThis study aims to assess the impact of the Kelud eruption on fisheries sector in Kediri. The study was conducted in April-May 2014 with a focus on research location in Pare Subdistrict, KediriDistrict which is the catfish seed production centers. Primary and secondary data used in this study. Informants were selected using purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the Mount Kelud eruption greatly affected to the fisheries sector in Kediri, both socially and economically. Social impact in the form of changes in the status of farmers, changes in social status and changes in livelihood. Economically, the impact of the Kelud eruption caused 274 farmers in 16 districts experienced a loss with a total loss of 3.9 billion dollars. The average value of the losses suffered by each cultivator is 14.4 million dollars per person death of seeds, death of fish, damage to fishponds, and the destruction of farming equipment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 1439
Basyasyatul Hanafiyah ◽  
Noven Suprayogi

The purpose of this study was to determine the differences of Internet Financial Reporting (IFR) index between Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional (LAZNAS)  and Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Provinsi (BAZNASPROV) in Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative approach with an independent sample t-test. The population in this study is the official website of LAZNAS and BAZNASPROV in Indonesia. Sample selection using purposive sampling technique with two criteria. The website have to be can accessed properly, furthermore LAZNAS and BAZNASPROV have been inaugurated for more than 2 years. The data used is secondary data. Data collection was obtained from the official websites of LAZNAS and BAZNASPROV in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that there is no significant difference in the IFR index between LAZNAS and BAZNASPROV. Based on the four IFR components used, one and only component showed significant difference is technology used. However, the results obtained that between LAZNAS and BAZNASPROV still do not provide maximum on internet financial reporting yet.Keywords: Internet Financial Reporting, LAZNAS, BAZNASPROV

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-36
Gigih Pratomo

Developing countries are always faced with various economic development challenges (Todaro, 2000). Development of social economic Infrastructures has an important factor to influence the level of Gross Domestic Product. In coastal areas, infrastructure development is low and not optimal utilization. This study aims to determine the effects of development of social economic Infrastructures to the economy of coastal area in East Java Province during the perion 2008-2015. This study uses secondary data and samples taken by purposive random sampling technique that is the district/city of Banyuwangi, Jember, Probolinggo, Trenggalek, Sumenep, Sampang, Bangkalan, Lamongan, Gresik, Malang, dan kota Surabaya. This study uses panel data Fixed Effects Model (FEM) method with Generalized Least Square (GLS) cross section weight.The results of this study indicate that the variable of number school building, roads, and electricities significantly and positively effect to the economy of coastal area in East Java Province.

Victoria E.N. Manoppo ◽  
Jeannette F. Pangemanan ◽  
Nurdin Jusuf

AbstractThe decline in fishermen's income was triggered by increased household needs while the income of fishermen's fate seemed to be unbearable. This is also experienced by Neyan in the Coastal Region of Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency. Their income continues to decline even more often they have no cost for their daily lives. They are in debt which is strangling their necks. They are increasingly desperate because there is no solution offered either from the government or from other relevant parties. Starting from the background, the problem is formulated as follows: 1. What causes the level of income of fishermen in the Coastal Zone of Mandolang District to decrease; 2. How do they increase their income. The research objectives are: 1. To describe and analyze what causes the level of income of fishermen in the Coastal Zone of Mandolang District to decrease; 2. To analyze how they increase their income. This research will be carried out in the Coastal Area of Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency in 2017 since it was signed a work contract with LPPM. The method in this study is purposive sampling method. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data analysis is qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative description.Keywords: coastal area, income of fishermen, Mandolang sub-district AbstrakTurunnya pendapatan nelayan itu dipicu kebutuhan rumah tangga yang meningkat sedangkan pendapatan nasib nelayan seolah tak lepas dirundung malang. Hal ini juga dialami oleh neyan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa. Pendapatan mereka semakin hari semakin menurun bahkan seringkali  mereka tidak mempunyai biaya untuk kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Mereka terlbat utang yang semakin mencekik leher.  Mereka semakin putus asa karena belum ada jalan keluar yang ditawarkan baik dari pemerintah ataupun dari pihak-pihak terkait lainnya.  Bertitik tolak dari latar belakang tersebut maka masalah dirumuskan sebagai berikut: 1. Apa yang menyebabkan turunnya tingkat pendapatan nelayan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang; 2. Bagaimana cara mereka meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah : 1. Untuk mengdeskripsikan dan menganalisis apa yang menyebabkan turunnya tingkat pendapatan nelayan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang; 2. Untuk menganalisis bagaimana cara mereka meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa pada tahun 2017 sejak di tandatangani kontrak kerja dengan LPPM. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode purposive sampling. Sumber data adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data yakni analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan deskripsi kuantitatif.Kata kunci: wilayah pesisir, pendapatan nelayan, kecamatan Mandolang

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-164
Magvira Alia ◽  
Nirwan Nirwan ◽  
Suardi Suardi

The study intends to determine simultaneous and partial influence of service quality (X) consisting of physical evidence (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), and empathy (X5) on patient satisfaction  (Y)  in  the  General  Hospital  of  Banggai  Islands,  where the  study  is  located.  The type  of  research  is  descriptive. Sources  of data  is  primary  data  retrieved  from  questionnaires  and secondary data  obtained  from  documents  of  the  Regional  General  Hospital Banggai  Islands.  The sample consists of 72 respondents. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Based on the results, it is shown that the quality of service (X), consisting of physical evidence (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), and empathy (X5) simultaneously have significant influence on patient satisfaction (Y) of 69.60% while the remaining 30.40% is influenced by other causes. Partial test  shows  that  there  are  three  independent  variables:  physical evidence  (X1),  reliability  (X2)  and assurance (X4) that have non-significant influence to the patients’ satisfaction at the General Hospital of Banggai Islands.Tujuan  dari  penelitian  ini  adalah  untuk  mengetahui  pengaruh kualitas  layanan  (X)  yang terdiri  dari  bukti  fisik  (X1),  reliabilitas  (X2),  responsivitas (X3), jaminan (X4),  dan  empati (X5)  secara simultan  dan  parsial  terhadap  kepuasan  pasien.  (Y)  di  Rumah  Sakit  Umum Kepulauan  Banggai.  Lokasi  penelitian  ini  di  Rumah Sakit  Umum  Kepulauan  Banggai.  Jenis penelitian  ini  bersifat deskriptif.  Sumber  data  dalam  penelitian  ini  adalah  data  primer yang diambil  melalui  kuesioner  dan  data  sekunder  diperoleh  dari  Rumah Sakit  Umum  Daerah Banggai. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 72 responden. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah  purposive sampling.  Berdasarkan  hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa  variabel kualitas pelayanan (X) yang terdiri dari bukti fisik (X1), reliabilitas (X2), responsivitas (X3), jaminan (X4),  dan  empati (X5)  secara  simultan berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap  kepuasan pasien  (Y)  dengan pengaruh 69,60%  sedangkan  sisanya  30,40%  dapat  dijelaskan  oleh penyebab  lainnya.  Uji  parsial  menunjukkan  bahwa  terdapat  tiga variabel  bebas  yang  tidak signifikan yaitu bukti fisik (X1), reliabilitas (X2) dan jaminan (X4) terhadap kepuasan pasien di Rumah Sakit Umum Kepulauan Banggai.

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