scholarly journals Não verás ciência alguma: educação na ditadura militar brasileira

Adalberto Diehl Rodriguez

A partir da denúncia literária contida em um trecho do romance Não Verás País Nenhum, de Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, o artigo, como objetivos, aponta as estratégias da ditadura militar brasileira para negar a ciência como objeto possível da Educação e identifica os efeitos na formação e desenvolvimento da ciência no contexto dos anos de chumbo. Os objetivos são cumpridos a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica como metodologia. O trabalho argumenta que o silêncio e a desconstrução quanto às possibilidades de uma formação discursiva da ciência foram estratégias adotadas pelo Regime Militar para negar a ciência como objeto educacional; que dessas estratégias resultaram o esvaziamento do nicho profissional do cientista, o fechamento de institutos, a criação de organismos prioritariamente técnicos, o fomento ao Brasilianismo face ao declínio das atividades da intelligentsia nacional. O artigo conclui que o regime ditatorial institucionalizou uma pedagogia na qual o ser humano é apropriado como capital em um processo de ensino tecnicista restrito às habilidades para um mercado de trabalho recrutador de profissionais básicos num saber fazer. Palavras-chave: Educação. Ciência. Ditadura Militar. Universidade brasileira. YOU WILL NOT SEE ANY SCIENCE: EDUCATION IN BRAZILIAN MILITARY DICTATORSHIP   Abstract: From the literary denunciation in an excerpt from the novel Não Verás País Nenhum, by Ignacio de Loyola Brandão, this article points out as  main goals the strategies of the Brazilian military dictatorship to deny science as a possible object of education, and identifies the effects that result in destitution of science in the educational context of the anos de chumbo. The objectives are met through the bibliographical research as a methodology. The paper argues that the silence and the deconstruction of the possibilities of a discursive formation of science were strategies adopted by the military regime to deny science as educational purpose; that these strategies resulted diminishing the professional niche scientist, closing institutes, the creation of primarily technical bodies, fostering Brasilianism to face the decline of the activities of the national intelligentsia. The article concludes that the dictatorial regime institutionalized a pedagogy in which human capital is suitable as a process restricted to the technicalities teaching skills to a labor market in a professional recruiter basic know-how. Keywords: Education. Science. Military dictatorship. Brazilian university. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 33
Felipe Zurita

The objective of this article is to analyze the educational policies directed towards the teaching work and based on the neoliberal economic model that built and implemented the Chilean civic-military dictatorship (1973-1990). More specifically, it was interesting to know how training spaces and work spaces for teachers were affected by these initiatives. To achieve this objective, an analysis of legal documentary sources and of the minutes of the military government junta was carried out. The conclusions indicate that the training and work spaces of Chilean teachers were deeply affected by the educational policies of neoliberal orientation of the regime, mainly in relation to the deterioration of the institutional framework dedicated to initial teacher training and the imposition of the flexible nature of the teachers' working conditions. From a panoramic perspective, the educational policies of the civic-military dictatorship can be understood as a systematic effort to deteriorate and mistreat teachers with the aim of building a new way of being a teacher in Chile.

Alfonso Macedo Rodrí­guez

ResumenRespiración artificial (1980) no sólo es una de las grandes novelas de la narrativa argentina de la dictadura militar que controló al paí­s entre 1976 y 1983, también es un referente polí­tico insoslayable que en cada nueva lectura plantea el problema de la memoria y la escritura como espacios de resistencia social. En este artí­culo se explorarán los textos previos que anuncianla publicación de la novela, así­ como el contexto polí­tico de censura, autocensura y persecución de los opositores al régimen dictatorial. Los textos que antecedierona la novela se publicaron en la revista Punto de vista, faro intelectual y polí­tico de aquella época, y cobran relevancia estética, historiográfica y polí­tica, ya que la lectura entre lí­neas de Respiración artificial permite eludir la censura pero también produce nuevase ingeniosas formas de renovación literaria.Palabras clave: Dictadura argentina, Ricardo Piglia, Respiración artificial, texto, contexto. AbstractRespiración artificial (1980) is not just one of the greatest novels of the Argentinian narrative of the military dictatorship that took control of the country between 1976 and 1983. It is also an unavoidable political reference that, in every new reading, reappraises the problems of memory and writing as spaces of social resistance. This paper explores the previous texts that announce the publication of the novel, as well as the political context of censorship, self-censorship and prosecution of the opponents of the dictatorial regime. The previous texts were published in Punto de vista Review, intellectual and political headlight of periodical publications of that time, and they acquire aesthetic, historiographical and political relevance, because the reading between lines of Respiración artificial eludes censorship, but also produces new and ingenious ways of literary renovation. Keywords: Argentinian Dictatorship, Ricardo Piglia, Respiración artificial, text, context. [1] Doctor y Maestro en Humanidades (Teorí­a literaria) por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. Coordinador de Investigación y profesor investigador de la Universidad La Salle Pachuca. Autor de diversos artí­culos de investigación sobre la narrativa de Ricardo Piglia y otros escritores hispanoamericanos en revistas especializadas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Bernard Nolen Fortuin

With the institution of compulsory military service in South Africa in 1948 the National Party government effected a tool well shaped for the construction of hegemonic masculinities. Through this, and other structures like schools and families, white children were shaped into submissive abiding citizens. Due to the brutal nature of a militarised society, gender roles become strictly defined and perpetuated. As such, white men’s time served on the border also “toughened” them up and shaped them into hegemonic copies of each other, ready to enforce patriarchal and racist ideologies. In this article, I look at how the novel Moffie by André Carl van der Merwe (2006) illustrates hegemonic white masculinity in South Africa and how it has long been strictly regulated to perpetuate the well-being of the white family as representative of the capitalist state. I discuss the novel by looking at the ways in which the narrator is marked by service in the military, which functions as a socialising agent, but as importantly by the looming threat of the application of the term “moffie” to himself, by self or others.  

1989 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-164 ◽  
David George

São Paulo's Grupo Macunaíma has established a paradigm for a unique form of poor theatre, which has had a marked influence on alternative troupes in Brazil attempting to break the commercial mould and to return to a social vision, lost during the darkest years of the military dictatorship. Grotowski's Towards a Poor Theatre outlines the abstract formulation and practical applications of the method he elaborated in his Polish Laboratory Theatre. The director-theoretician proposed first and foremost to overturn what he called rich theatre: a form of staging using ‘borrowed mechanisms’ from movies and television and expensive scenic technology. The Polish Laboratory was also an actor-centred theatre in which the stage was redesigned architecturally for each performance to allow the performers to interact with the audience and in which there were no naturalistic sets or props, no recorded music or sophisticated lighting. The actor, through a complex system of signs, continually created and recreated the meaning of text, constumes, set, and props. ‘By this use of controlled gesture the actor transforms the floor into a sea, a table into a confessional, a piece of iron into an animate partner, etc.’ (Poor Theatre, p. 21). Grotowski's plays were filled with costumes made of torn bags, bathtubs serving as altars, bunkbeds becoming mountains, hammers used as ‘musical’ instruments. ‘Each object must contribute not to the meaning but to the dynamic of the play; its value resides in its various uses.’ Other tenets of the Grotowski system germane to this study are a return to mythical and ritual roots, the theatrical remaking of classical works, and the collective basis of stagecraft.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Samantha Viz Quadrat

AbstractIn 2011, twenty-six years after the end of the military dictatorship, the Brazilian government took the initiative of implementing the right to memory and to the truth, as well as promoting national reconciliation. A National Truth Commission was created aiming at examining and shedding light on serious human rights violations practiced by government agents from 1946 to 1985. It worked across the entire national territory for almost three years and established partnerships with governments of other countries in order to investigate and expose the international networks created by dictatorships for monitoring and persecuting political opponents across borders. This article analyzes the relationship between historians and the National Truth Commission in Brazil, in addition to the construction of dictatorship public history in the country. In order to do so, the Commission’s relationship with the national community of historians, the works carried out, as well as historians’ reactions towards its works, from its creation until its final report in 2014, will be examined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-218
Indra Gunawan ◽  
Ayu Vinlandari Wahyudi

Pancasila has critical, fundamental, rational, systematic, comprehensive thoughts and eventually this system is a value. Pancasila provides fundamental and universal foundations for human beings in social, national, and state. Thus, through the philosophical values of Pancasila, the development of science education is expected to make it as main reference to national education system, which takes place as way to achieve goals and national objectives. The method in this paper is descriptive analytical. The data entered is the most relevant and primary related to the study of Pancasila and education science, then analysis is carried out to produce an ideas. The results demonstrate that educational philosophy of Pancasila as the spirit of national education system should actually lived as source of values and reference to planning the development of science education in Indonesia, both theoretically and practically. Keywords: Educational Philosophy; Science Education; Pancasila; Values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-30
Isaura Gomes de Carvalho Aquino ◽  
Maria Rosângela Batistoni ◽  
Graziela Scheffer Machado

The aim of the current article is to present results of three studies about the so-called Reconceptualisation Movement in Brazil, based on the historical rescue of significant and exemplifying expressions used in the country from 1960 to 1970. The analysed studies have focused on investigating the economic and social significance of the military dictatorship to Brazilian society. They aimed at unveiling the historical background, sociopolitical bases and theoretical-methodological references guiding social service professional projects in the country at that time. The herein conducted analysis was based on documentary and bibliographic sources, collections, and testimonials to identify the strengths of projects that were in compliance with, and in opposition to, each other due to the tense theoretical and ideological dispute for hegemony in the Brazilian social service renewal process.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-35
Brett Pardy

The Marvel comics film adaptations have been some of the most successful Hollywood products of the post 9/11 period, bringing formerly obscure cultural texts into the mainstream. Through an analysis of the adaptation process of Marvel Entertainment’s superhero franchise from comics to film, I argue that militarization has been used by Hollywood as a discursive formation with which to transform niche properties into mass market products. I consider the locations of narrative ambiguities in two key comics texts, The Ultimates (2002-2007) and The New Avengers (2005-2012), as well as in the film The Avengers (2011), and demonstrate the significant reorientation towards the military of the film franchise. While Marvel had attempted to produce film adaptations for decades, only under the new “militainment” discursive formation was it finally successful. I argue that superheroes are malleable icons, known largely by the public by their image and perhaps general character traits rather than their narratives. Militainment is introduced through a discourse of realism provided by Marvel Studios as an indicator that the property is not just for children. Keywords: militarization, popular film, comic books, adaptation

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