scholarly journals Políticas educacionales y dictadura cívico-militar en Chile (1973-1990): El proceso de trasformación neoliberal y autoritario de los espacios formativos y de trabajo del profesorado

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 33
Felipe Zurita

The objective of this article is to analyze the educational policies directed towards the teaching work and based on the neoliberal economic model that built and implemented the Chilean civic-military dictatorship (1973-1990). More specifically, it was interesting to know how training spaces and work spaces for teachers were affected by these initiatives. To achieve this objective, an analysis of legal documentary sources and of the minutes of the military government junta was carried out. The conclusions indicate that the training and work spaces of Chilean teachers were deeply affected by the educational policies of neoliberal orientation of the regime, mainly in relation to the deterioration of the institutional framework dedicated to initial teacher training and the imposition of the flexible nature of the teachers' working conditions. From a panoramic perspective, the educational policies of the civic-military dictatorship can be understood as a systematic effort to deteriorate and mistreat teachers with the aim of building a new way of being a teacher in Chile.

2021 ◽  
pp. 201-230
Steven Gow Calabresi

This chapter looks at Brazilian judicial review. Judicial review in Brazil originated because it was borrowed from the U.S. Constitution. It emerged in amplified form in Brazil’s 1988 Constitution because, by 1988, the normative appeal of judicial review was widely appreciated all over the world. Moreover, the Hybrid Model of judicial review in Brazil, whereby the Supreme Federal Tribunal is both, at the apex of a diffuse system of judicial review, and is also a Constitutional Court, reflects widespread appreciation for the value of a system like the German Constitutional Court in a civil law jurisdiction. The power of such a court to issue rulings with erga omnes effect is especially important in civil law countries like Brazil, which lack systems of stare decisis. First, judicial review emerged in Brazil as the result of borrowing. Second, it emerged as a rights from wrongs reaction to abuses of power during Fascism and during the military dictatorship, which ruled Brazil for 1964 until 1984. Third, judicial review is necessary in Brazil for both federalism and separation of powers umpiring reasons. Fourth, judicial review in Brazil also emerged because the constitution-writing elite wanted to entrench its liberal and socialist values to forestall the emergence of yet another military government in the country. And, fifth, the Brazilian Constitution divides and allocates power among so many federal and state entities that the Supreme Federal Tribunal has the political space it needs to play a really big role in governing the country.

Adalberto Diehl Rodriguez

A partir da denúncia literária contida em um trecho do romance Não Verás País Nenhum, de Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, o artigo, como objetivos, aponta as estratégias da ditadura militar brasileira para negar a ciência como objeto possível da Educação e identifica os efeitos na formação e desenvolvimento da ciência no contexto dos anos de chumbo. Os objetivos são cumpridos a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica como metodologia. O trabalho argumenta que o silêncio e a desconstrução quanto às possibilidades de uma formação discursiva da ciência foram estratégias adotadas pelo Regime Militar para negar a ciência como objeto educacional; que dessas estratégias resultaram o esvaziamento do nicho profissional do cientista, o fechamento de institutos, a criação de organismos prioritariamente técnicos, o fomento ao Brasilianismo face ao declínio das atividades da intelligentsia nacional. O artigo conclui que o regime ditatorial institucionalizou uma pedagogia na qual o ser humano é apropriado como capital em um processo de ensino tecnicista restrito às habilidades para um mercado de trabalho recrutador de profissionais básicos num saber fazer. Palavras-chave: Educação. Ciência. Ditadura Militar. Universidade brasileira. YOU WILL NOT SEE ANY SCIENCE: EDUCATION IN BRAZILIAN MILITARY DICTATORSHIP   Abstract: From the literary denunciation in an excerpt from the novel Não Verás País Nenhum, by Ignacio de Loyola Brandão, this article points out as  main goals the strategies of the Brazilian military dictatorship to deny science as a possible object of education, and identifies the effects that result in destitution of science in the educational context of the anos de chumbo. The objectives are met through the bibliographical research as a methodology. The paper argues that the silence and the deconstruction of the possibilities of a discursive formation of science were strategies adopted by the military regime to deny science as educational purpose; that these strategies resulted diminishing the professional niche scientist, closing institutes, the creation of primarily technical bodies, fostering Brasilianism to face the decline of the activities of the national intelligentsia. The article concludes that the dictatorial regime institutionalized a pedagogy in which human capital is suitable as a process restricted to the technicalities teaching skills to a labor market in a professional recruiter basic know-how. Keywords: Education. Science. Military dictatorship. Brazilian university. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 691
Felipe Andres Zurita Garrido

Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar algunas transformaciones sufridas por el sistema educacional chileno durante la Dictadura Militar (1973-1990), desde la perspectiva de la mutación del papel desempeñado por el Estado en el campo educacional. Para lograr dicho objetivo se siguen los siguientes pasos: en un primer momento, se caracteriza el sistema educacional chileno vigente hasta 1973. En un segundo momento, se analizan algunas Políticas Públicas Educacionales de orientación neoliberal diseñadas e implementadas por el equipo económico de la Dictadura Militar. Finalmente, se proponen conclusiones con respecto a los impactos de las acciones desarrolladas por la Dictadura Militar sobre el sistema educacional y el profesorado, resaltando un cuestionamiento en torno a la modificación de la comprensión oficial de lo educativo en el espacio público.Palabras clave: Políticas Públicas Educacionales; Dictadura Militar; Chile. ResumoEste artigo tem como objetivo analisar algumas transformações sofridas pelo sistema educacional chileno durante a Ditadura Militar (1973-1990), na perspectiva da mutação do papel desempenhado pelo Estado no campo educacional. Para atingir este objetivo, seguem-se os seguintes passos: num primeiro momento, é caracterizado o sistema educacional chileno em vigor até 1973. Em um segundo momento, são analisadas algumas Políticas Públicas Educacionais de orientação neoliberal desenhadas e implementadas pela equipe econômica da Ditadura Militar. Finalmente, são propostas conclusões sobre os impactos das ações desenvolvidas pela Ditadura Militar sobre o sistema educacional e o corpo docente, destacando um questionamento sobre a modificação do entendimento oficial da educação no espaço público.Palavras-chave: Políticas Públicas Educacionais; Ditadura Militar; Chile. AbstractThis article aims to analyze some transformations suffered by the chilean educational system during the Military Dictatorship (1973-1990), from the perspective of the mutation of the role played by the State in the educational field. To achieve this goal, the following steps are followed: Initially, the chilean education system in force until 1973 is characterized. In a second moment, some neoliberal-oriented Educational Public Policies designed and implemented by the economic team of the Military Dictatorship are analyzed. Finally, conclusions are proposed regarding the impacts of the actions developed by the Military Dictatorship on the educational system and the teaching staff, highlighting a questioning about the modification of the official understanding of education in public space.Keywords: Public Educational Policies; Military Dictatorship; Chile.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-208
Claudia Bernardi

ABSTRACT∞ Relatives of the disappeared during the last civic–military dictatorship in Argentina who were able to recover the human remains of their family members through the work of the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (Equipo Argentino de Antropología Forense, or EAAF), painted a mural in March 2014. ‘The Disappeared Are Appearing’ is a collaborative and community-based mural project designed, rendered and completed by the relatives of victims of state terror in Argentina. The participating family members of the disappeared had recovered the human remains of their beloved relatives through the tenacious and constant work of the EAAF, a nongovernmental, not-for-profit, scientific organization. It was established in 1984 to investigate the cases of at least 9,000 disappeared people in Argentina under the military government that ruled from 1976 to 1983.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 (6) ◽  
pp. 77-89
Ricardo Rezende Figueira ◽  
Neide Esterci

The abolition of slavery in 1888 failed to eliminate the repressive and compulsory use of labor in Brazil. When pressure to reduce slave trafficking made African labor scarce, coffee producers in São Paulo recruited European migrants to replace it. Through indebtedness and compulsory work, migrants became captive to the landowners who hired them. As the occupation of the Amazon frontier became state policy in the 1960s, debt bondage was used against the thousands of migrant workers hired to clear the areas for agribusiness projects. Slavery had been prohibited since 1940, and in 1965 the Congress entered into two international agreements on slavery that included debt bondage. With the end of the military government in 1985, the category “slave labor” was incorporated into the regulatory framework for employment practices, and since then it has been broadened to include labor forced by violence, debt bondage, exhausting labor, and degrading working conditions. Tensions around the definition remain, however, and prosecutions under the law and guilty verdicts have so far been few. A abolição da escravatura em 1888 não eliminou o uso repressivo e compulsório da mão-de-obra no Brasil. Em oposição ao esforço de redução do tráfico negreiro, produtores de café em São Paulo recrutaram imigrantes europeus para substituírem a mão-de-obra africana. Por meio de dívida e trabalho compulsório, imigrantes tornaram-se cativos dos senhores de terra que os contratavam. À medida que a ocupação da fronteira amazônica transformou-se em política de Estado nos anos de 1960, a peonagem foi usada contra milhares de trabalhadores migrantes contratados para o desflorestamento necessário a empreendimentos agrícolas. A escravidão havia sido proibida desde 1940 e em 1965 o Congresso aderiu a dois acordos internacionais que coibiam a peonagem e o trabalho escravo. Com o fim da ditadura militar em 1965, a categoria “trabalho escravo” foi incorporada à estrutura regulatória das práticas de emprego. Desde então, essa categoria foi ampliada, abarcando trabalho forçado por violência, peonagem, trabalho exaustivo e condições degradantes de trabalho. Contudo, há tensões remanescentes sobre essa definição. Ademais, processos, e condenações, no âmbito jurídico por violação da lei permanecem raros.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 763
Cláudio Pellini Vargas ◽  
Carlos Fernando Ferreira da Cunha Junior

Em meados da década de 1980, emergiu no campo da Educação Física (EF) o conhecido Movimento Renovador. Trata-se de um período fortemente marcado pela influência das teorizações críticas sobre a área, seus professores e suas produções, bem como sobre a elaboração de documentos curriculares. Tendo encontrado potencialização a partir do período de reabertura política do Brasil, ao fim da ditadura militar, o referido movimento tem sido considerado pelos estudiosos da área como um momento de ruptura de paradigma, ou seja, a EF passou a não mais se pautar pela prática exclusiva de desenvolvimento da Aptidão Física no interior escolar. O presente trabalho objetivou analisar o documento curricular de EF escolar de Minas Gerais, publicado em 1978 pela Secretaria de Estado da Educação de Minas Gerais. Por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa de análise de conteúdo, verificamos a sólida presença das teorizações tradicionais de currículo em seu interior, mas destacamos, entretanto, rudimentos do debate crítico que inspirou o movimento citado. Na estrutura, apresentamos a descrição metodológica da investigação, uma síntese das teorizações curriculares e a contextualização da Educação e da EF na década de 1970 no Brasil. A análise é inspirada em referenciais teóricos consagrados na Educação e na EF. Por fim, sustentamos que o documento mineiro, no auge do governo militar, apresentava indícios de uma tensão, a qual já procurava caminhos mais críticos para a EF nas escolas.Palavras-chave: Educação Física Escolar. Currículo. História da Educação Física. Movimento Renovador. Teoria Crítica.Abstract In the mid-1980, it emerged in the field of Physical Education (PE) the known renovating movement. It is a period strongly marked by the influence of the critical theorizations about the area, its teachers and its productions, as well as on the elaboration of curricular documents. Having found potentialization from the political reopening period of Brazil, to the end of the military dictatorship, the said movement has been considered by the scholars of the area as a moment of paradigm break, that is, the EF went on to no longer be guided by the practice Exclusively for the development of physical fitness in the school interior. This post, the present work aims to analyze the curriculum of PE School of Minas Gerais, published in 1978 by the secretariat of State of Education of Minas Gerais. Through a qualitative approach to content analysis, we verified the solid presence of the traditional theorizations of curriculum inside, however, we highlight clear indications of the critical debate that inspired the quoted movement. In the structure, we present the methodological description of the research, a synthesis of the curricular theorizations and the contextualization of education and EF in the 1970. The analysis is illuminated by theoretical references enshrined in education and EF. Finally, we maintain that the mining document, at the height of the military government, had already presented indications of a tension, which sought more critical paths for EF in schools. Keywords: Physical Education; Curriculum; History of Physical Education; Renewal MovementResumen A mediados de 1980, surgió en el campo de la educación física (EF) el conocido movimiento renovador. Es un período fuertemente marcado por la influencia de las teorizaciones críticas sobre el área, sus maestros y sus producciones, así como en la elaboración de documentos curriculares. Habiendo encontrado la potencialización del período de reapertura política de Brasil, hasta el final de la dictadura militar, dicho movimiento ha sido considerado por los eruditos de la zona como un momento de ruptura de paradigma, es decir, el EF pasó a no seguir siendo guiado por la práctica Exclusivamente para el desarrollo de la aptitud física en el interior de la escuela. Este post, el presente trabajo pretende analizar el documento curricular de EF Escola de Minas Gerais, publicado en 1978 por la Secretaría de estado de Educación de Minas Gerais. A través de un enfoque cualitativo para el análisis de contenido, verificamos la sólida presencia de las teorizaciones tradicionales del currículo interior, destacando sin embargo, claras indicaciones del debate crítico que inspiró el movimiento citado. En la estructura, presentamos la descripción metodológica de la investigación, una síntesis de las teorizaciones curriculares y la contextualización de la educación y EF en el 1970. El análisis está iluminado por referencias teóricas consagradas en la educación y EF. Por último, sostenemos que el documento minero, a la altura del gobierno militar, ya había presentado indicios de una tensión, que buscaba caminos más críticos para EF en las escuelas.Palabras clave: Educación Física; Plan de estudios; Historia de la Educación Física; Movimiento Renovador

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. a9en
Raphael Diego Greenhalgh

Censorship in the Military Dictatorship has its origins in the processes of repression of the press institutionalized in the Estado Novo. In the military government, in addition to prior censorship, there was also a widespread repression on the media, based on methods such as: surveillance, harassment and punishment of journalists, and coercion of the press through tax audits and advertising control, among other means. The paper aims to analyze the relationship between the great national press, leading local press and journalists based in Brasilia, with the censorship apparatus of the military regime. Based on an exploratory and descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, it used archival materials from institutions and truth commissions, as well as interviews with journalists. The paper concludes that despite the repression of the great press in Brasília, there were also resistance initiatives.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 315-333
Ana Lorym Soares ◽  
Eduardo Henrique Barbosa de Vasconcelos

This article analyzes the relationship between political and intellectual action of a group of folklorists associated with the Brazilian Folkloric Movement, and the development and implementation of cultural policies within the context of the military dictatorship in the 1960s and 1970s in Brazil. The article focuses on a comparative analysis of these policies based on documents from the military government as well as material created by folklorists, particularly material found in the Revista Brasileira de Folclore. The mobilization around folklore and its consequences in the field of cultural policy confirms the contemporary relevance of the subject in Brazil. The article concludes that although few scholars in the cultural sector currently identify as folklorists, and that the term folklore is often avoided, the legacy of the Brazilian Folkloric Movement is still very influential in contemporary government cultural policies.

2005 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-377 ◽  

During the last military dictatorship in Argentina, between 350 and 400 citizens who feared for their life managed to find shelter in Israel. This article traces the evolving procedures, institutional mechanisms and routes of escape operated by the Israeli diplomats and representatives stationed in Argentina and the neighbouring countries, against the contradictory background of lack of clear-cut official policies in Israel, the latter's cordial relationships with the military government, and an ethos of helping persecuted Jews evinced by some of those Israelis stationed in Argentina. In parallel, the article presents the social and political background of those who chose to appeal for Israeli help and finds – on the basis of a specially designed database covering between fifty-seven and sixty-five per cent of the fleeing individuals – that many were not associated with Israel or Zionism and a minority were not Jews, as defined by religious criteria or even by broader criteria. The broader significance of these contradictory trends is discussed.

Valdemar Sguissardi ◽  
João dos Reis Júnior

Estuda a trajetória do tema “Educação Superior” na Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos (RBEP), editada pelo Inep desde 1944 até nossos dias. Ao fazê-lo, lança luzes sobre as diversas fases da vida dessa instituição responsável pela edição da RBEP, ao mesmo tempo que discorre sobre as vicissitudes por que passou a política educacional e pedagógica no âmbito do Estado e da sociedade civil no Brasil. O percurso histórico percorrido pela RBEP e pela temática da educação superior em suas páginas é periodizado em três momentos claramente definidos. No primeiro, enfoca-se o nascimento, a natureza e a consolidação da RBEP (1944-1964). No segundo (1964-1979), a forte presença do Estado na definição das políticas educacionais, com destaque para a reforma educacional orquestrada pelo governo militarautoritário. No terceiro (1980-1995), a presença marcante da sociedade civil, quando esta se redemocratizava e quando a produção intelectual tinha origem especialmente nos programas de pós-graduação em educação, que à época se consolidavam. Palavras-Chave: educação superior; artigo de periódico; Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos (RBEP). Abstract Higher Education and its historical development at the Brasilian context are studied through the analysis of articles at the Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos (RBEP), which has been published by Inep since 1944. Three main periods of analysis were proposed in this present study: 1st (1944-1964), in which the beginning and the consolidation of the RBEP were basically established; 2nd (1964-1979), in which the presence of the State in the definition of educational policies is stressed, as shown by the educational reform imposed by the military government; and the 3rd one (1980-1995) where happens the democratization of the civil society, in which the intellectual prodution was mainly developed in the graduate programs on Education. Keywords: higher education; periodic article; Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos (RBEP).

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