2021 ◽  
pp. 83-98

The article deals with the characterization of terminological units from the aspects of lexico-semantic structures which are specific for all their semantic features due to the means of linguistic approaches. The main semantic properties of terminological units of language didactics can be studied using linguistic analysis. The criteria could be defined as following: 1) terms which are formed by lexico-semantic ways; 2) polysemantic terms; 3) terms – synonyms; 4) terms – antonyms. Semantic changes in the formation of terms owing to their polysemantic features and relationships of meanings may be found through the context. The main processes of formation and dynamic development of the terminological system of this science have been investigated thanks to materials of the English, Russian and Uzbek languages. However, it is important to define the role of a national context in the development of the terminology system of language didactics undertaking cross-cultural analysis, existing problems of comparative study of terminology, and searching relevant terms in the Russian and Uzbek languages. Semantic development of a term improves general meaning belonging to a term and changes according to its forms. However, functioning sphere of a term connects constantly developing scientific opinions for improving notions in the field of linguistics. There are a number of absolute synonyms among terms, given that it is possible to remove doubling in the subsystem or using semantic differentiation for the nomination of new conceptions. Differentiation of synonymic microsystem as opposite process of fusing a separate terminological micro-system, so another microsystem serves for determining a developing special vocabulary in all its historical sections. As a result of it there occurs the fusion of lexico-semantic variants of a single term, introduced in the integrating subsystem, but another subsystem which combines all similarity features of components of the lexical unit, transfers into poly-semantic lexical unit. The aim of the research is to improve the necessity of defining the main factors and sources of the formation and dynamic development of terminological units of this science and their usage in different socio-cultural contexts, including specific features and differences in the expansion of terms of the language didactics according to corresponding culture.

Oksana Riba-Hrynyshyn

The results of the study of the lexical and semantic field «Erdölkrise» in German are presented in the article. The field structure of the oil industry terminology and the place of the «Erdölkrise» professional lexical unit, its definitive meaning and origin are characterized. Newspaper and magazine professional articles and television reviews of the economic and socio-political situation in the world in the spring of 2020 were the factual material of the study. Corpus of terms, related to the key concept of «Erdölkrise», is considered as a terminological field in the German-speaking terminology of the oil industry the components of which have been sampled using a semantic-logical criterion. The oil industry's terminology for the term under study is a «field» that gives it precision and uniqueness and beyond which the word loses its characteristic of the term. With regard to the key term «Erdöl», the professional lexical unit «Ölkrise» will be a peripheral, that is, an interdisciplinary term of oil, economic and socio-political terminology. The Erdölkrise terminological field is characterized as a core and margin structure. The core of the field is formed by terms that denote the relationship in the world market and the features of decrease in demand for oil and drop of prices. The periphery of the terminological field is represented by general scientific and economic terms. On the basis of logical and conceptual and subject-semantic features, four lexical-thematic groups are distinguished: basic parameters, oil production and refining, pricing policy, world community. The word-forming types of the studied terms are analyzed: terms-compound words, terms-phrases and terms-abbreviations. The systematic system of the oil industry's terminology and the role of the lexical and semantic field «Erdölkrise», which reflects the interdependence and hierarchy of all concepts of the oil industry, are substantiated.

2012 ◽  
Vol 40 (1/2) ◽  
pp. 231-243
Vadim Semenov

The article discusses the notion of metrical dualism as a phenomenon of the reader's perception of verse. The author analyzes the prosody and metrics of Marina Tsvetayeva's poems "Неподражаемо лжет жизнь" ("How perfectly deceitful life is ….", 1922). However, the aim of this study is not to interpret the metre of Tsvetayeva's verse, but rather to obtain a model of reading verse and thus show how the reader's perception of metre changes. Thus, the author consciously has not considered the metric or the logaoedic interpretations of this poem, while approaching the text from the point of view of the reader's perception which is always aimed at the revealing of symmetric structures. This approach makes it possible to take into account such aspects as the variety of metric interpretations, the dynamic development of verse metre, the internal and external metrical boundaries in text, etc. The analysis of Tsvetayeva's verse reveals the interaction of two rhythmic patterns in the text, which is connected to the general meaning of the poem that tells the reader about the deceitfulness of life.

The relevance of the research is due to the increased attention of linguists to grammatical homonymy. Within the framework of grammatical homonymy, morphological, interpart-of-speech and syntactic homonyms are distinguished. The focus is on the problems of part-of-speech homonymy, in particular on the phenomenon of morphological syncretism due to the ambiguity of structural and semantic features of parts of speech and changes of the morphological status of certain words in different syntagmatic environments. Changes in the categorical-semantic meaning of the lexical unit as, synonymous series of components of the specified sound complex, the nature of the syntagmatic environment, syntactic functions, positional fixation in a certain syntax unit, functional phraseology in compound conjunctions and particles are described. The conceptual scope of the term „homocomplex” is considered, it is defined as a sound complex, which is used to denote the title of a group of functional homonyms and words of the zone of syncretism. It is established that the homocomplex as is represented by three grammatical homonyms such as adverb, conjunction and particle. The source word for the formation of derivatives of the conjunction and particle is the adverb as. In the syntactic position of the adverb, this lexical unit appears in the adverbial position, expressing the following meanings: the question of manner (how?); the degree of detection of an action, state (very, extremely); mode of action (how); time of action (when); indefinite way (somehow). In the syntactic sphere of the conjunction, losing the ability to express a sign, the lexical unit „how” often serves as a means of expressing comparative semantic-syntactic relations; forming phraseologized compounds, it can act as an expression of clauses of condition, time and concession. Not denoting defining and adverbial meanings and not combining parts of a compound sentence, the lexical unit as belongs to the class of particles. A typical function of this particle is an amplifying one. It is complemented by additional semantic shades of meaning, such as „very”, „extremely”, „suddenly”, etc., which serve to express the speaker’s surprise, indignation, dissatisfaction, surprise, and others.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
pp. 451-459
Olga Aleksandrovna Sabodash ◽  
Inessa Makedonovna Kalyakina ◽  
Sergey Nikolaevich Kosnikov ◽  
Nadezda Sergeevna Elizarova ◽  
Egor Aleksandrovich Borisov ◽  

The article considers the prospects for the development of the education economy in modern market conditions. The main reason for considering this topic is that in the modern period, this science is immature, since it does not demonstrate the ability to offer effective, efficient, socially feasible and economically viable solutions to educational problems. Accordingly, the main direction of the development of this science should be considered the development of scientific fundamental and technological approaches to solving existing problems in education. One of the tools in this regard should be called educational projects that contribute to the dynamic development of both pedagogy in general and this science in particular. To be recognized as an integrated field of research, the economics of education should assign to pedagogy the role of helping scientists to create formative solutions to the criticisms identified in the course of economic research. Indeed, within the framework of the role that pedagogy can assume, planning in the field of education, the formation of various aspects of personality (economic, financial, social and human) can be developed.  

Нина Сергеевна Болотнова

Введение. Изучение речемыслительной деятельности автора и адресата в процессе сотворчества на основе текста как формы коммуникации относится к числу наиболее актуальных проблем в русистике. Современная когнитивно-дискурсивная парадигма научного знания и развитие коммуникативной теории текста открывают новые перспективы в исследовании текста как объекта восприятия, интерпретации и понимания. Цель – опираясь на теорию регулятивности как одно из направлений коммуникативной стилистики текста, выявить некоторые лингвокогнитивные механизмы формирования гиперконцепта как результата интерпретационной деятельности воспринимающего текст субъекта. Материал и методы. Исследование основано на анализе, сравнении и обобщении научной литературы по теории и истории вопроса, на использовании методологии и понятийно-терминологического аппарата теории регулятивности, разработанной в коммуникативной стилистике текста, применении концептуального, лингвосмыслового, семантико-стилистического анализа. Материалом исследования послужили стихи известных русских поэтов Ф. И. Тютчева, И. А. Бунина, З. Н. Гиппиус, Н. А. Заболоцкого. Результаты и обсуждение. За исходное взято положение о том, что в основе интерпретации текста адресатом лежат лингвокогнитивные механизмы – речемыслительные процессы, формирующие обобщенный смысл текста (гиперконцепт), стимулированные общей системой текста, включающие когнитивные операции анализа, сравнения, синтеза с опорой на ассоциативную деятельность и имеющийся у индивида опыт. В выявлении гиперконцепта важны регулятивная стратегия текста, способы регулятивности, регулятивные средства и структуры, использованные автором в тексте с ориентацией на сотворчество с адресатом, «управление» его познавательной деятельностью. Особенно значима лексическая система текста, стимулирующая его ассоциативно-смысловое развертывание в сознании читателя. Интерпретационная деятельность предполагает взаимосвязь актуализированных в тексте концептов в рамках его общей концептуальной структуры на основе отношений дополнения, усиления, контраста, включения, сопоставления, обобщения. С учетом этого, опираясь на теорию регулятивности, были выявлены лингвокогнитивные механизмы формирования гиперконцепта: 1) сквозной усилительно-конвергентный, связанный с последовательным усилением ключевого концепта различными регулятивными средствами и структурами в рамках индуктивно-дедуктивной лексической макроструктуры текста, с повтором как способом регулятивности и регулятивной стратегией поэтапного усиления семантических признаков ключевого концепта; 2) замкнутый последовательно-дополнительный, проявляющийся в по этапной художественно-образной конкретизации разных признаков гиперконцепта на основе использования сильной регулятивной стратегии однородного эксплицитного типа и повтора как основного способа регулятивности; 3) сопоставительно-парадоксальный, стимулированный регулятивной стратегией парадоксально-контрастивного типа, контрастом как основным способом регулятивности и текстовыми парадигмами антонимического типа как регулятивной доминантой; 4) сопоставительно-синтезирующий, отражающий синтез (обобщение) на основе сопоставительного ассоциативно-смыслового развертывания разных граней (признаков) ключевого концепта, стимулированных ступенчатой лексической макроструктурой индуктивно-дедуктивного типа. Заключение. Использование теории регулятивности и ее понятийно-терминологического аппарата позволяет судить о некоторых заданных в поэтическом тексте автором закономерностях организации интерпретационной деятельности адресата и лингвокогнитивных механизмах формирования общего смысла текста. Полученные наблюдения представляют интерес для дальнейшей разработки проблемы смысловой интерпретации и методики смыслового анализа текста. Introduction. The study of verbal and cognitive activity of an author and an addressee in the process of co-creation based on the text as a form of communication remains an urgent problem. The modern cognitive-discursive paradigm of scientific knowledge and development of communicative theory of text offer the challenge in the study of text as an object of perception, interpretation and understanding. The aim of the article is the detection of some linguo-cognitive mechanisms of hyperconcept forming as a result of interpretative activity by a subject perceiving the text relying on the regulative theory as one of the directions of the communicative stylistics of the text. Material and methods. The research is examined on the analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific literature on the theory and history of the issue, on the use of the methodology and conceptual and terminological apparatus of the regulative theory, on the application of conceptual, linguistic, semantic and stylistic analysis. The material for the study was the poems of famous Russian poets F. I. Tyutchev, I. A. Bunin, Z. N. Gippius, N. A. Zabolotsky. Results and discussion. The starting point is the following: the interpretation of the text by the addressee depends on linguo-cognitive mechanisms – verbal and cognitive processes that form the generalized meaning of the text (hyperconcept), stimulated by the general system of the text, including the cognitive operations of analysis, comparison, synthesis based on associative activity and an experience of a person. In identifying the hyperconcept, the regulatory strategy of the text, the methods of regulation, the regulatory means and structures which the author used in the text with an orientation towards co-creation with the addressee, “control” of his cognitive activity are important. The lexical system of the text stimulating its associative and semantic deployment in the mind of the reader is especially significant. Interpretive activity presupposes the interconnection of the concepts actualized in the text within the limits of its general conceptual structure based on the relations of complement, enhancement, contrast, inclusion, comparison, generalization. Taking this into account, relying on the regulative theory, the following linguocognitive mechanisms of hyperconcept formation were identified: 1) through amplifying-convergent mechanism, associated with the sequential strengthening of the key concept by various regulatory means and structures in the context of the inductive-deductive lexical macrostructure of the text; with repetition as a way of regulation and a regulatory strategy for the stepwise enhancement of the semantic features of the key concept; 2) closed sequentialadditional, manifested in a phased artistic-figurative concretization of various signs of a hyperconcept based on the use of a strong regulatory strategy of a homogeneous explicit type and repetition as the main way of regulation; 3) comparative-paradoxical, stimulated by the regulatory strategy of the paradoxical-contrastive type; contrast as the main method of regulation and textual paradigms of the antonymic type as a regulatory dominant; 4) comparativesynthesizing, reflecting synthesis (generalization) on the basis of parallel comparative associative-semantic deployment of different facets (features) of the key concept, stimulated by a stepped lexical macrostructure of the inductive-deductive type. Conclusion. The use of the regulative theory and its conceptual and terminological apparatus makes it possible to determine some of the patterns organized by the interpretive activity of the addressee and the linguo-cognitive mechanisms of the formation of the general meaning of the text given in the poetic text. Obtained observations are of interest for further development of the problem of notional interpretation and methods of semantic analysis of the text.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-166
Galina A. Zavarzina

The relevance of this article is determined by the demand for the stereotype of a civil servant in Russian public communication and the need for its regular research in order to form an objective public opinion and determine the dynamics of social processes. The purpose of the research was to identify and describe the changes in terms of the content of the language sign official in the Russian language in Pre-Soviet, Soviet and modern periods. The methods of synchronous, diachronic, component, lexicographic and contextual analysis are used in the paper. The study was carried out on the material of lexicographic sources and modern mass media discourse on government administration. For the first time, the main vectors for developing semantics of the key lexical unit of the administrative language in the modern period were identified and described. The changes were caused by the destruction of ideologized subject-conceptual semes of the Soviet era; by the expansion of paradigmatic and syntagmatic ties, reflecting the disappearance of geo-conditioned characteristics and consolidating the features of the hierarchy of the modern management, as well as by the actualization and unification of the verbal sign. It is concluded that, in terms of the semantics of the studied verbal signs, there is a traditionally stable pejorative-evaluative emotiveness due to the sociocultural context which is reflected in associative characteristics - stimuli indicating human weaknesses associated primarily with violated moral and ethical norms. The prospects of the research are seen in continuing the synchronous-diachronic study of the most important for the modern Russian language verbal signs official, manager, bureaucrat, functionary in the lexical-semantic field bureaucracy, which is actively developing, and in using the proposed methods of analysis to study other subsystems of the Russian language.

Bayani ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-51
Riyanda Utari

The adolescent phase is a dynamic development stage where in this condition the demands of the environment require that adolescents can begin to prepare themselves to accept and carry out their responsibilities as adults but with inadequate physical, cognitive, social status conditions and are still in the transition phase of childhood. So, many interesting things happen in this phase. Including the brilliant achievements and deviations that occurred in this phase, and this is related to self-regulation. In psychology, the adolescent phase is a world where people are constantly looking for their identity, self-proof and the need for environmental recognition. In Islam, adolescence is the initial stage of a person to be able to determine the purpose of his life. Life experiences are used as a basis for practicing deciding, considering and processing information obtained in solving existing problems. Planning is an important asset in the lives of adolescents so that what they make of decisions has been the result of careful and directed consideration.

Наталья Владимировна Амосова ◽  
Наталья Александровна Баранова ◽  
Мария Михайловна Русяева

В статье рассматриваются структурно-семантические особенности ихтионимов - наименований рыб - арктического пространства на материале немецкого языка. Целью данной статьи является изучение принципов номинации ихтионимов арктического пространства в немецком языке и особенностей их перевода с немецкого языка на русский с учетом структурно-семантической специфики данных лексических единиц. Было выявлено, что ихтионимы представлены простыми словами всех трех родов, сложными составными словами - композитами и ихтионимами-словосочетаниями, представляющими собой сочетание прилагательного и существительного. Сложные составные слова и ихтионимы-словосочетания обладают мотивированностью лексического значения. Мотивированность ихтионимов как лексических единиц возникает, если за основу номинации берутся особенности строения рыбы, ее местообитание, сравнение с другими рыбами, животными, характер поведения. Наибольшей мотивированностью обладают ихтионимы-словосочетания. Знание и учет специфики анализируемых лексических единиц позволяет осуществить адекватный перевод в выбранной области. Перевод ихтионимов осуществляется однозначными эквивалентами, а также вариантными соответствиями, выбор которых определяется контекстом, стилем и типом текста. При переводе могут возникать трансформации на лексическом, грамматическом или текстовом уровне. Может также появляться необходимость изменения порядка слов следования языковых элементов в лексической единице. Некоторые ихтионимы представляют собой лакуны, т. е. для них нет соответствия на лексическом уровне в немецком языке. В таком случае используется обозначение данного вида на латинском языке. The article discusses the structural and semantic features of ichthyonyms (the names of fish) in the Arctic space on the material of the German language. The purpose of this article is to study the principles of nominating the ichthyonyms of the Arctic space in German and the features of their translation from German into Russian, taking into account the structural and semantic specificity of these lexical units. Ichthyonyms are represented by simplexes of all three genera, composites and ichthyonym-phrases, which are a combination of an adjective and a noun. Composites and ichthyonym-phrases are motivated by lexical meaning. Motivation of ichthyonyms as lexical units arises if the structure is taken as the basis for the nomination, fish habitat, comparison with other fish, animals, and behavior. Ichthyonym-phrases are most motivated. Knowing and taking into account the specifics of the analyzed lexical units contribute to an adequate translation of these words. The translation of ichthyonyms is carried out by unambiguous equivalents, as well as variant correspondences, the choice of which is determined by the context, style and type of text. When translating, transformations may occur at the lexical, grammatical or textual level. In other cases it is necessary to change the word order of the language elements in the lexical unit. Some ichthyonyms are lacunae - they don’t have equivalents at the lexical level in German. So a Latin name of this fish is used instead.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
James Pustejovsky ◽  
Aravind Joshi

In this paper, we examine the correlation between lexical semantics and the syntactic realization of the different components of a word’s meaning in natural language. More specifically, we will explore the effect that lexical factorization in verb semantics has on the suppression or expression of semantic features within the sentence. Factorization was a common analytic tool employed in early generative linguistic approaches to lexical decomposition, and continues to play a role in contemporary semantics, in various guises and modified forms. Building on the unpublished analysis of verbs of seeing in Joshi (1972), we argue here that the significance of lexical factorization is twofold: first, current models of verb meaning owe much of their insight to factor-based theories of meaning; secondly, the factorization properties of a lexical item appear to influence, both directly and indirectly, the possible syntactic expressibility of arguments and adjuncts in sentence composition. We argue that this information can be used to compute what we call the factor expression likelihood (FEL) associated with a verb in a sentence. This is the likelihood that the overt syntactic expression of a factor will cooccur with the verb. This has consequences for the compositional mechanisms responsible for computing the meaning of the sentence, as well as significance in the creation of computational models attempting to capture linguistic behavior over large corpora.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1 (13)) ◽  
pp. 18-26
Marika Tonyan

Whether one is an indefinite pronoun, which denotes no person in particular, or a generic one often synonymous to I, is a long-standing issue in semantics. In the article we present evidence in favour of one’s generic nature, and argue that the pronouns one and I, despite being referentially identical, have denotational characteristics of their own, and therefore function in different ways. The pronoun I, which is characterized by the highest level of semiotic individualization, is the basic lexical unit employed to denote the speaker, but it is by no means the only one. In all languages there are numerous ways of referring to the addresser of the message, including the employment of lexical units with generic reference. In the present paper we are going to discuss the use of one instead of I, in which the former operates as a ‘disguised I’, particularly in the speech of people holding a high position. This function of one used to be sociolinguistically marked, but in the present-day society with its emphasis on egalitarianism and political correctness, in most cases, the speaker’s choice of one is explained by his wish to sound more formal rather than more socially distinguished. However, the semantic features of this pronoun, as will be shown in the article, account for such linguistic interaction in which the use of one signalizes the existence of a certain distance between the interlocutors.

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