scholarly journals Peningkatan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa SMAK Warta Bakti Kefamenanu Melalui Pembelajaran Berbantu Sudoku

Cecilia Novianti Salsinha ◽  
Eva Binsasi ◽  
Elinora Naikteas Bano

Mathematics is one of the most important sciences in life, this can be seen from mathematics lessons that have even been learned since elementary school and even kindergarten. But learning mathematics is not always easy. Based on observations in the field, there are still many teachers in schools providing a less innovative learning, learning strategies that are still monotonous and learning methods that are less interesting.Based on data from the UN results in 2019 obtained from the Ministry of Education and Culture shows that NTT is one of 12 provinces where the average UN score is below the national average. Because mathematics is one of the UNBK subjects but occupies the lowest place of other subjects, the authors consider mathematics to be the center of attention, especially in the NTT region especially Kefamenanu. Therefore, the writer applies the sudoku game-assisted learning method to improve the understanding of the students of Warta Bakti Kefamenanu. The researcher compared the pre-test and post-test scores which gave the result that the scores were lower than the post-test scores. This confirms that students' understanding after learning by using the Sudoku game gives significant results.

2021 ◽  
pp. 855
Clara Ika Sari Budhayanti ◽  
Pricilla Anindyta

Mathematics is one of the subjects that study abstract objects. The abstraction of material or mathematical concepts requires specific strategies or techniques in teaching it, especially for elementary school students who still have a concrete way of thinking. Learning mathematics in schools should reduce the abstraction of mathematical objects tobe more concrete for students. Learning mathematics in elementary schools tends to use an abstract approach. The dominant learning activities carried out are lectures and assignments. At the same time, the demands of the 2013 curriculum on the implementation of mathematics learning require teachers to creatively find and develop mathematics learning strategies that can direct students in finding, understanding, and applying mathematical concepts in solving problems, especially math problems in everyday life. PGSD Unika Atma Jaya and SD XaveriusMetro Lampung conducted a mathematics learning training that aims to reflect and refresh the knowledge needed to develop the learning required by students. In addition, with the rapid development of technology, teachers also need to learn to use technology, especially tools and applications, to support the implementation of innovative learning. The training results show that teachers are again motivated to develop technology-based mathematics learning by mathematical knowledge and the characteristics of elementary school students. Matematika merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang mempelajari obyek-obyek yang bersifat abstrak. Keabstrakan materi atau konsep matematika membutuhkan strategi atau teknik-teknik tertentu dalam mengajarkannya, terutama bagi siswa sekolah dasar yang masih memiliki cara berpikir yang kongkrit. Pembelajaran matematika di sekolah hendaknya dapat mengurangi keabstrakan obyek matematika menjadi lebih kongkrit bagi siswa. Pada kenyataannya, pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dasar cenderung menggunakan pendekatan abstrak. Aktivitas pada pembelajaran yang dominan dilakukan adalah ceramah dan pemberian tugas. Padahal tuntutan kurikulum 2013 terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika mengharuskan guru secara kreatif menemukan dan mengembangkan strategi-strategi pembelajaran matematika yang mampu mengarahkan siswa dalam menemukan, memahami, dan mengaplikasikan konsep-konsep matematika dalam memecahkan masalah terutama masalah-masalah matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu bersama Prodi PGSD Unika Atma Jaya, SD Xaverius Metro Lampung melaksanakan pelatihan pembelajaran matematika yang bertujuan untuk merefleksikan dan menyegarkan kembali pengetahuan-pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran yang dibutuhkan siswa. Selain itu dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, guru perlu juga belajar memanfaatkan teknologi, khususnya pemanfaatan tools (alat) dan aplikasi untuk mendukung pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang inovatif. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru kembali termotivasi untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran matematika berbasis teknologi yang sesuai dengan karakteristik keilmuan matematika serta karakteristik siswa sekolah dasar. 

Mathew Keleman ◽  

Purpose of the Study- The purpose of this study was to assess the level of HOTS among students through STEM integration in Project-Based Learning (PBP) by using the conceptual framework and development modules of HOTS. Design/methodology/approach-A total of 4 teachers and 12Year 6 students from SK Methodist, Kapit were selected to participate in this study. Research data were collected through Action Research method using structured interview instrument, questionnaire form, also via pre and post test. Findings- The findings of needs analysis for the module have shown that the teachers thought that the HOTS development module should be developed by taking into account various learning strategies and using learning methods through STEM in Project Based Learning. Descriptive findings indicated that the need for students to use modules to improve HOTS is high. The t-test done to compare students’ achievement from pre- and post-test has shown significant differences in pre-test scores. The post-test scores have proven that STEM integration learning methods through Project-Based Learning can improve students’ HOTS. Authenticity/value- The results of this study are expected to help Science teachers to improve teaching practices to improve students' HOTS by using STEM integration learning methods in project-based learning. In addition, through the HOTS module developed, it is hoped to help students to improve HOTS in Science subjects and also to increase the knowledge of Science teachers in integrating STEM in project -based learning to improve students' HOTS in Science subjects. The results of this study can also be used as a guide by the MOE in designing a curriculum that can improve students' HOTS through the integration of STEM in Project- Based Learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-73
Warsiyah Warsiyah

The demand for innovative learning methods that support the achievement of learning objectives needs to be continually developed. Alam Ar-Ridho Elementary School Semarang responded to this by developing natural-based learning methods, one of which is outbound. Problems that arise then does SD Alam Ar-Ridho Semarang have requirements that must be met in the outbound activities so that the outbound activities can deliver the students to understand the material of Islamic religion? And how are the efforts made by SD Alam Ar-Ridho Semarang in achieving these requirements? Through a qualitative field approach by combining data triangulation namely observation, interviews and documentation and then analyzed in depth so researchers can find answers to these problems. The results of the field research indicate that SD Alam Ar-Ridho Semarang has a clear Operational Implementation Standard (SOP) for carrying out outbound activities as a learning method so that the safety of students is guaranteed. From the absorption point of the material, a mapping of the target achievement of students' competencies has been made which includes 3 aspects, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor so that each student has a descriptive learning report. Especially in Islamic religious material learning through outbound activities

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Rosnani Sahardin ◽  
Cut Salwa Hanum ◽  
Sofyan A. Gani

Using the right technique to teach writing is very important to help students overcome problems in writing. Think Pair Share (TPS) is a cooperative teaching-learning method that it is believed to help students improve their writing ability. Thus, the writers conducted an experimental study to tenth grade students at a senior high school in Banda Aceh to find out whether or not this technique could facilitate and improve the students’ writing of descriptive texts in English. The results showed that the TPS technique successfully improved the ability of students’ in writing, reflected by the post-test scores covering five aspects of writing. The progress before and after the technique was implemented can be seen in these average scores for the five aspects: content increased from 12 to 16, organization from 11 to 15, vocabulary from 9 to13, grammar from 8 to 10, and mechanics from 8 to 11 where the improvement for each aspect was 4, 4, 4, 2 and 3. Despite the results showed that the TPS technique was effective for improving the students’ mastery of organization, vocabulary and content, but less so for improving mechanics and grammar. This is probably because it is generally much easier to make improvements in organization, vocabulary and content but it requires a much longer effort with much more practice to significantly improve mechanics and grammar. Nevertheless, the writers suggest that English teachers and others can use the TPS technique to teach writing, hence some of the problems faced by students in writing can be helped and, more importantly, they can improve their ability to write English.

Rina Khaerunnisa ◽  
Zulela . ◽  
Miftahul Khairah

Skill of fifth grade student of Cipinang Muara 06 State Elementary School in writing report is still low. This is evidenced by the average scores before giving the action, which is 68.66. The average score of students who are still below the minimum completion criteria is due to poor students in writing sentences in accordance with the correct structure, the sentences are not structured in accordance with the Indonesian Spelling, the selection of standard words is still not quite right. In addition, students have not been able to write a factual report, the written report has not been coherent and has not explained clearly the events observed. In addition, teachers are still applying classical teaching methods with lecturing and assignment methods that are based solely on guidebooks only. This causes students to be less motivated so they have not been able to improve their skills in report writing. Learning to write observational reports made in class makes the students less able to write reports in accordance with the conditions and facts about the things that must be considered in writing the report. The formulation of the problems contained in this study are (1) How the project-based learning method can improve the skills of writing reports to students in fifth grade at Cipinang Muara 06 State Elementary School; and (2) Will the project-based learning method improve the writing skills of the students in fifth grade at Cipinang Muara 06 State Elementary School? The purpose of this study is to describe the process of learning to write observational reports during the use of project-based learning methods, the skills of writing student observation reports after using project-based learning methods, and changes in student behavior after following the learning of writing observation reports through project-based learning methods to students of fifth grade Cipinang Muara 06 State Elementary School. This study uses a classroom action research design. Subjects in this study were fifth grade students that amount 29 students consisting of 15 male students and 14 female students. This study consists of two cycles. Each cycle consists of several stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection was done using test techniques and nontest techniques. The test technique is used to know the quantitative results. The result is obtained from the test of students' writing skill, while nontest technique is used to collect student activity data during the learning process. Nontest techniques were obtained with observation guides, observations of student and teacher activities, as well as video and photo documentation. The data analysis technique of this research is qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that there was an increase in the process of learning to write observational reports during the use of project-based learning methods. The improvement of the process is evidenced by the result of the students' writing skill skill which increases in cycle I and cycle II, besides the learning of writing the observation report which more smoothly in cycle II and the more conducive classroom atmosphere. The skills of writing observational reports increased after using project-based learning methods. This improvement is seen from the students' learning completeness which reached 51.73% in cycle I and increased by 93.11% in the second cycle with an average value of 82.28. In addition, the increase occurred in the behavior of students after following the study writing observation report. Students are more active in learning because learning is more interesting. Based on the results of the research, the use of project-based learning methods can assist students in writing observational reports because students can put their ideas and ideas into a writing based on observations that have been done directly so as to increase students' writing skills in writing observation reports.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Ananda Wini Rosarian ◽  
Kurnia Putri Sepdikasari Dirgantoro

<p>Interaction that occurs in the classroom involves interaction between the teacher and students as well as students and students. One form of class interaction is communication. Communication that is continuously intertwined can also form relationships. A comfortable and pleasant classroom atmosphere is a hope for all class members so that learning objectives can be achieved and can form the class as a shalom community. During the practicum, the writer found that there was no interaction between grade 10 science-track students due to students' individualist attitudes. The teacher as an artist strives and plays a role in creating a pleasant classroom atmosphere through innovative learning methods. Therefore, the writing of this writing aims to find out if the method of learning while playing can build student interaction. The method of learning while playing is one of the innovative, creative, and beneficial learning methods used to increase student interaction and support the achievement of learning objectives. Based on the results of a survey of grade 10 science-track students and mentor feedback, the method of learning while playing using the "Snakes and Ladders" game was proven to be able to increase interaction and relationships between students. However, to see an increase in student interaction consistently, it cannot be measured through one application, but requires a longer time or process. In its application, the teacher also needs to pay attention to the types of educational games used to apply the learning method while playing.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Interaksi yang yang terjadi di dalam kelas melibatkan interaksi antara guru dan siswa maupun siswa dengan siswa. Salah satu bentuk interaksi kelas yaitu adanya komunikasi. Komunikasi yang secara terus menerus terjalin juga dapat membentuk relasi. Suasana kelas yang nyaman dan menyenangkan menjadi harapan bagi seluruh anggota kelas agar tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai serta dapat membentuk kelas sebagai komunitas <em>shalom.</em> Dalam masa praktikumnya, penulis mendapati tidak adanya interaksi yang terjalin di antara siswa kelas X-IPA disebabkan oleh sikap individualis siswa. Guru sebagai seorang seniman berupaya dan berperan untuk menciptakan suasana kelas yang menyenangkan melalui metode pembelajaran yang inovatif. Oleh sebab itu, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa metode belajar sambil bermain dapat membangun interaksi siswa. Metode belajar sambil bermain merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang inovatif, kreatif, dan bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan interaksi siswa serta menunjang tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil survei terhadap siswa kelas X-IPA dan <em>feedback </em>mentor, metode belajar sambil bermain dengan menggunakan media permainan ular tangga terbukti dapat meningkatkan interaksi serta relasi antar siswa. Namun untuk melihat adanya peningkatan interaksi siswa secara konsisten, tidak dapat diukur melalui satu kali penerapan, namun membutuhkan waktu atau proses yang lebih lama. Dalam penerapannya, guru juga perlu memerhatikan jenis permainan edukatif yang digunakan untuk menerapkan metode belajar sambil bermain.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-101
Atika Nur Hidayati ◽  
Alben Ambarita ◽  
Dwi Yulianti

From the results of the answers to the test of mathematical communication skills and the deployment of the questionnaire obtained the problem, namely the low capacity of mathematical communication students, the difficulty of students to write the form of mathematical symbols, and the limitations of teaching materials used during learning in class V in elementary school. This study aimed to develop valid worksheets of students (LKPD) on building simple spaces in class V elementary school, knowing the practicality of LKPDs from users, educators and students, and knowing the effectiveness of LKPD on increasing mathematical communication skills. The method of development used in this study referred to the research design of Borg and Gall. Data collection techniques were carried out through documentation, observation, questionnaires, and students' mathematical communication skills tests. The subjects of this study were 25 control class students and 25 experimental class students at SDN 1 Semuli. The study results stated that LKPD products based on the AIR learning model were valid, practical, and effective in improving students' mathematical communication skills. It was proven by material experts, media experts, and language experts validating results with the "Very Valid" category. LKPD based on AIR learning models was practiced to be used by fulfilling the aspects of attractiveness, convenience, and usefulness with the "very practical" category. LKPD-based AIR learning models were effectively used to improve students' mathematical communication skills in the pretest and post-test scores, with the results of the calculation of the experimental class n-gain entry in the category was quite effective

Carlos Henrique Nunes da Silva ◽  
Itatiane Borges Lima ◽  
Ingrid Chirstine da Silva Freire

Resumo O presente artigo surgiu a partir do interesse nos jogos que envolvesse Matemática durante o estágio escolar em um projeto chamado Jovens Matemáticos, no qual tinha como propósito a utilização de jogos direcionados a aprendizagem da Matemática. Nesse estudo, optou-se por investigar o uso do jogo de palitos como um suporte para aprendizagem do conteúdo de probabilidade no 5º ano do ensino Fundamental I. Objetivamos analisar a influência do jogo de palitos na compreensão dos estudantes do 5º ano sobre o conteúdo de probabilidade, buscando identificar sua influência, em particular, no que se refere à aleatoriedade, ao espaço amostral e ao cálculo probabilístico. Foi realizado um pré-teste com 18 alunos do 5º Ano para analisar os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos e após a familiarização do jogo realizamos o pós-teste para saber a influência do jogo. Conclui-se que de modo geral o jogo pode ser um instrumento para compreensão do conteúdo em questão nas abordagens do raciocínio probabilísticos, identificação do espaço amostral e estimativas de eventos aleatórios. Palavras-chave: Probabilidade. Jogo dos Palitos. Situação de Jogo. Resume:The present article arose from the interest in games that involved Mathematics during the school stage in a project called Young Mathematicians, whose purpose was the use of games aimed at learning Mathematics. In this study, we chose to investigate the use of matchstick as a support for learning Probability content in the 5th grade of elementary school I. We aimed to analyze the influence of matchstick on the understanding of 5th grade students on the content of Probability, seeking to identify its influence, particularly with regard to randomness, sample space and probabilistic calculation. A pre-test was conducted with 18 5th graders to analyze the students' previous knowledge and after the familiarization of the game we performed the post-test to know the influence of the game. It is concluded that in general the game can be an instrument for understanding the content of Probability in approaches to probabilistic reasoning, sample space identification and random event estimates. Keyword: Probability; Matchsticks; Gambling situation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 51-53
Karanpreet Bhutani ◽  
Suvarna Prasad ◽  
Kirti Sharma ◽  
Upinder Singh

Introduction: Active learning model using cooperative techniques such as Case Based Learning (CBL) has increased. In CBL, the instructor acts as a facilitator in the construction of knowledge. Clinical Biochemistry is concerned with methodology and interpretation of biochemical tests performed on the body uids and tissues, 1 to support diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease. Some change in the teaching learning method can enhance the interest of the students in the subject and they can apply the knowledge of the subject in diagnosis, treatment and follow up of a disease in their professional career. Aims and Objectives:To introduce CBL as teaching learning method and then:-1. Compare score of students by two methods of teaching- Traditional didactic lectures and case based approach.2. Evaluate student's and Faculty's feedback regarding their perception of case based learning. Method: The study was conducted in the Department of Biochemistry, MMIMSR, Mullana (Ambala) during six months period. 150 First professional MBBS students (Batch 2018-19) of MMIMSR, Mullana were included in the study.Pre and Post Test and prevalidated questionnaire (Based on Likert's scale) were used as tools for data collection. The students were divided into two groups: - Group A (n=75) (Study group): case based learning (CBL) was used as teaching learning method. Group B (n=75) (Control group): Traditional didactic lecture method was used as teaching learning method. Result: The Post- test scores of both the learning methods were statistically signicantly higher when compared to their respective Pre- test scores. (p<0.05). The Post- test score of CBL group was higher than that of Didactic lecture group (p <0.05). Conclusion: Both faculty and students wanted CBL sessions to be held in future as this makes Biochemistry a very interesting subject .So CBL should be incorporated along with Didactic lectures in the curriculum for MBBS students.

Imam Kurniawan ◽  
Anung Al Hamat ◽  
Abdul Hayyie Al Kattani

<p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris">Creative Learning Methods in Arabic Language Subjects For Grade 1 Elementary School is a strategic step in fostering students' learning interest and minimizing student saturation when learning a foreign language. This research aims to produce Creative Learning Methods in Arabic Language Subjects for Grade 1 Elementary School (SD). The research method used in this research is qualitative field research—data collection tools through observation, interviews, and documentation. The formulation of Creative Learning Method in the Arabic Language For Grade 1 elementary school was conducted validity test through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with four experts, namely: religious experts, linguists, psychologists and education experts. This study's results can be described that the Arabic Language Learning Method for Grade 1 Elementary School at Ibnu Hajar Bogor Islamic School in a structured manner has not looked neat. In its implementation, learning Arabic in grade 1 elementary school at Ibnu Hajar Bogor Islamic School uses Arabic manuals for grade 1 elementary school ordered by the school with exciting methods in its delivery. While in Pioneer School Depok Arabic Language Learning For Grade 1 Elementary School is held once a week, namely on Tuesdays, starting at 09:00- 09:30 by using learning modules created by the school based on students' needs namely lughotuna Arabic language books. The methods used by the two institutions studied in Arabic language learning are very diverse, he said; direct methods, Q&amp;amp; A, Qowa'id, and Game</p><p class="16aJudulAbstrak"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p class="16bIsiAbstrak">Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar merupakan langkah strategis dalam menumbuhkan minat belajar siswa dan meminimalisir kejenuhan siswa saat belajar bahasa asing.  Tujuan dalam penelitian ini Untuk menghasilkan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar (SD). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif field research. Alat pengumpul data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil rumusan Metode Pembelajaran Kreatif pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Kelas 1 SD dilakukan uji keabsahan melalui Focus Group Discusion (FGD) dengan 4 ahli yaitu: ahli agama, ahli bahasa, ahli psikologi dan ahli pendidikan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dideskripsikan bahwa Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar di Sekolah Islam Ibnu Hajar Bogor secara terstruktur belum terlihat rapi. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pembelajaran bahasa Arab kelas 1 SD di Sekolah Islam Ibnu Hajar Bogor menggunakan buku panduan bahasa Arab untuk kelas 1 SD yang dipesan oleh pihak sekolah dengan penambahan metode menarik dalam penyampaiannya. Sedangkan di Sekolah Pioneer Depok  Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar dilaksanakan satu kali dalam sepekan, yaitu di hari Selasa, mulai pukul 09:00- 09:30 dengan menggunakan modul pembelajaran yang dibuat oleh sekolah berdasarkan kebutuhan peserta didik yaitu buku bahasa Arab Lughotuna. Metode yang digunakan oleh dua lembaga yang diteliti dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab sangat beragam, di antaranya; metode langsung, tanya jawab, Qowa’id, dan metode Game.</p>

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