scholarly journals Early Childhood Literacy and the Sense of Play

2009 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-57
Geneviève Côté

The author relates some of her experiences as a children’s book author/illustrator visiting schools, observing that in early childhood, creativity and sense of play are essential tools for teaching and learning. Believing that images and words play an equally important role in the learning process, she also includes a visual statement that early childhood literacy is empowering ...

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nada Anis Ristyani ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati

The purpose of this study is to improve students' interest in English vocabulary through picture media in TK Nur Assalam. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The participants of this research were 6 students. The results obtained from efforts to the improving students interest in English vocabulary using the picture media involving active learners in the learning process. The role of picture media in learning activities is very important for children, especially in the next education level. Teaching and learning activities in early childhood will quickly develop if parents and teachers intensive to develop it. There are several attempts to create a sense of pleasure in early childhood by using picture media in the learning process. From the result of research indicate that when pre-action take result (15%). In cycle I, it increased to (55%) sufficient criteria. In cycle II, it increased again to (85%) good criteria. So, the increase that occurred from the pre-action to the cycle I that is (40%). The increase from cycle I to cycle II that is (30%). And increase from pre-action to cycle II that is (70%). From the research results obtained, then to the improving students interest in English vocabulary can be improved by using picture media in the learning process.Keywords : Students’ Interest, Vocabulary and Picture Media

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 291-297
Dewi Sekar Kencono ◽  
Atik Septi Winarsih

This paper has the aim of demonstrating the importance of environmentally friendly educational props by utilizing used goods. The implementation of teaching and learning activities at Pre-Kindergarten Kota Yogyakarta has problems with limited educational aids (APE). The existence of APE is one of the keys in carrying out the learning process. The low level of teacher creativity in making APE, in this case, becomes the anchor to provide APE for the learning process. This APE can be made by enhancing the creativity between teachers and parents of parents. During the Covid-19 pandemic, teaching and learning activities in Pre-Kindergarten were carried out in their respective homes. To support the use of APE, training on the use of used goods was conducted. Through training in the use of used goods, the aim is to utilize items around and be used as children's learning media for teachers and parents. In addition, to increase the creativity of teachers and parents. Used goods are recycled into useful items. The use of used goods reduces the increasing waste of waste. Through training on the use of used goods as educational props, it can facilitate learning methods both at home and school for early childhood and reduce waste of used goods.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (47) ◽  
pp. 661-669
Girlene Geni Barbosa ◽  
Maria do Socorro Cecílio Sobral

O presente trabalho tenta mostrar a importância de ver que o brincar não é mais apenas mais uma forma de lazer para os pequeninos, e sim uma ferramenta poderosa no processo de ensino aprendizagem, tornando as aulas mais divertidas e assim o professor pode não só tornar a aula menos estressante, mas também pode criar um elo de ligação totalmente novo com o aluno se transformando em algo muito maior que  apenas aquele que mostra o conteúdo, para aquele que ajuda realmente no aprender do estudante. Tendo em vista a natureza curiosa da criança, levar brincadeiras, fazer passeios, propor pesquisas, ou até mesmo explorar o próprio ambiente da sala de aula e arredores pode ser uma experiência muito rica e produtiva para as crianças se mediado da maneira correta. Objetivando trazer uma reflexão a respeito de teoria de pensadores da área da educação, esse artigo tem como finalidade trabalhar o lúdico como uma ferramenta eficaz para o escolar enriquecendo cada vez mais o ambiente de sala de aula com o brincar que muito agrada a criança e a faz aprender melhor o conteúdo a ser trabalhado na educação infantil. Quanto ao estudo a metodologia  utilizada  foi a pesquisa bibliográfica através de uma abordagem de cunho qualitativa onde os resultados apontaram inúmeras vantagens da ludicidade para a aprendizagem no processo da educação infantil.   

2020 ◽  
pp. 102-108
Mira Handayani Siregar ◽  
Syaiful Zuhri Harahap ◽  
Musthafa Haris Munandar ◽  
Masrizal ◽  
Marnis Nasution ◽  

The Development Of Science And Technology Is So Rapid And Has A Big Influence On The Teaching And Learning Process. The Learning Media Used By The Teacher Has A Major Influence In Increasing Interest And Accelerating Students' Understanding Of The Material Presented By The Teacher. As A Result Of These Technological Advances, Various Applications Began To Appear That Were Made To Assist The Process Of Teaching And Learning Activities, However, There Are Still Many Early Childhood Schools That Have Not Utilized Animation-Based Applications. Animal Recognition Learning Media Uses Adobe Flash Cs6 For Student Learning Facilities, Especially Paud Al-Azis To Help Teachers In Teaching And Learning Activities To Be More Interactive And Fun. This Introduction To Animals Is Made To Increase The Knowledge Of Early Childhood Students In Recognizing Animals And Questions Related To Animals And Starting With Learning Using Animation-Based Applications

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 687-697
Marluce Iraneide Da Silva ◽  
Aurênia Pereira de França ◽  
Aurelania Maria De Carvalho Menezes

Resumo: Este estudo tem como principal objetivo compreender a relevância da contação de histórias durante o processo do ensino e aprendizagem das crianças na etapa da Educação Infantil. Como objetivos específicos procurou: identificar de que forma a contação de história na educação infantil contribui para o desenvolvimento da criança no âmbito escolar; entender que a contação de histórias pode proporcionar às crianças o desenvolvimento do seu imaginário e suas possibilidades de forma ampla e significativa, através de experiências durante toda a vida e identificar os saberes necessárias no fazer pedagógico da contação de histórias na educação infantil. A metodologia adotada foi de forma bibliográfica, descritiva de uma abordagem qualitativa, fundamentado em estudo documental. O aporte teórico foi composto por Abramovich (1997), Faria (2010), Amarilha (1997), Cavalcanti (2002), Cardoso (2016), Silva (2014) entre outros. Espera-se dessa forma contribuir para um relacionamento lúdico e prazeroso da criança com a contação de histórias que tem uma das possibilidades de formação do leitor, sendo na exploração da fantasia e da imaginação que se instiga a criatividade e se fortalece a interação entre texto e leitor, fatores significativos para os processos de ensino/aprendizagem. Palavras-Chave: Contação de histórias. Ensino/aprendizagem. Família e Escola. Prática pedagógica. ---Abstract: This study aims to understand the relevance of storytelling during the teaching and learning process of children in the Early Childhood Education stage. As specific objectives, it sought to: identify how storytelling in early childhood education contributes to the child's development in the school environment; understand that storytelling can provide children with the development of their imagination and its possibilities in a broad and meaningful way, through lifelong experiences and identify the necessary knowledge in the pedagogical practice of storytelling in early childhood education. The methodology adopted was bibliographical, descriptive of a qualitative approach, based on a documentary study. The theoretical contribution was composed by Abramovich (1997), Faria (2010), Amarilha (1997), Cavalcanti (2002), Cardoso (2016), Silva (2014) among others. It is expected in this way to contribute to a playful and pleasurable relationship for the child with storytelling, which has one of the possibilities of educating the reader, being the exploration of fantasy and imagination that instigates creativity and strengthens the interaction between text and reader, significant factors for the teaching/learning processes. Keywords: Storytelling. Teaching/learning. Family and School. Pedagogical practice. 

SinkrOn ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 212
Nofri Wandi Al Hafiz ◽  
Helpi Nopriandi

The progress of technological development in the current era is very fast and fast, it is seen from how people use the technology, even now technology has entered the world of education in terms of the teaching and learning process, with the process of learning and teaching that is still focusing teachers as a material giver, it will make the learning and teaching experience monotonous and less attractive so that students become bored and lack enthusiasm especially with math lessons that use a lot of thoughts, unless the teacher can bring the class atmosphere to be interesting it will make the classroom atmosphere become enthusiasm, to help teachers in the teaching process, it is necessary to make an application that can help teachers to make students interested in learning mathematics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 808-815
Cosma Maria De Brito ◽  
Francisca Ivoneide Benicio Malaquias Alves

Resumo: A pandemia do Covid-19 trouxe notórias mudanças por todo o mundo, refletindo principalmente no contexto educacional, ao se ter como protocolo de segurança o fechamento das escolas, o que ocasionou o afastamento dos alunos de todas as fases de ensino, incluindo o Ensino Infantil. No que diz respeito ao Ensino Infantil se pode mencionar os impactos sentidos por essa modalidade de ensino, uma vez que a criança no seu processo de ensino e aprendizagem necessita do auxilio do professor de maneira presencial, por isso as formas de ensino surgidas no período de pandemia não se mostraram eficazes no Ensino Infantil, visto que o ensino remoto não contempla todas as dificuldades do alunado. Neste contexto, a escolha do tema se deu com o objetivo de analisar quais as mudanças referentes ao Ensino Infantil durante a pandemia da Covid-19, verificando assim como se deram as aulas durante esse período. A metodologia adotada foi uma pesquisa bibliográfica, de cunho qualitativo, que usou da pesquisa através de publicações para realizar o trabalho. A pesquisa apresentou como resultados diversas informações que sustentaram a hipótese levantada, de que as crianças tiveram notórias dificuldades em se adaptar as aulas remotas, levando em consideração o fato de que a escola não é um espaço apenas para a transmissão de conteúdos, sendo também o ambiente propicio para o desenvolvimento das relações interpessoais. Conclui se por tanto que no que tange o Ensino Infantil, as consequências do distanciamento das escolas, mesmo em face do cenário pandêmico, se tornam ainda mais atenuadas, uma vez que essas consequências quando não trabalhadas para serem revertidas, podem retardar todas as fases de ensino.                                                                                        Palavras-Chave: Educação; Ensino Infantil; Pandemia. Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic brought notorious changes around the world, reflecting mainly in the educational context, by having as a security protocol the closing of schools, which led to the removal of students from all stages of education, including Kindergarten . With regard to Early Childhood Education, the impacts felt by this type of teaching can be mentioned, since the child in their teaching and learning process needs the help of the teacher in person, so the forms of teaching that emerged in the period pandemic did not prove effective in Kindergarten, since remote teaching does not cover all the difficulties of the students. In this context, the choice of the theme was made with the objective of analyzing the changes related to Kindergarten during the Covid-19 pandemic, thus verifying how the classes were held during this period. The methodology adopted was a bibliographical research, of a qualitative nature, which used the research through publications to carry out the work. The research presented as results several information that supported the raised hypothesis, that the children had notorious difficulties in adapting to remote classes, taking into account the fact that the school is not only a space for the transmission of content, but also the favorable environment for the development of interpersonal relationships. It is therefore concluded that with regard to Early Childhood Education, the consequences of distancing schools, even in the face of the pandemic scenario, become even more attenuated, since these consequences, when not worked to be reversed, can delay all phases of teaching.                                                                                                     Keywords:Education; Kindergarten; Pandemic. 

Widya Accarya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-187
I Made Sutika ◽  
I Nengah Sudiarta ◽  
Anita Putri Irmawati

ABSTRAK           Kemampuan berkomunikasi pada anak dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, salah satunya adalah dari keluarga dan lingkungan sekitarnyanya. Pada usia 4-6 tahun anak memasuki masa emas karena anak cepat menyerap hal-hal diajarkan,di usia tersebut anak memasuki jenjang taman kanak-kanak yaitu jenjang pendidikan formal yang dilakukan dengan memberi materi-materi khusus anak usia dini yang berupa rangsangan untuk membantu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak serta meningkatkan daya cipta anak dan memacu  belajar mengenal berbagai ilmu pengetahuan melalui pendekatan nilai budi bahasa, agama, sosial, emosional, fisik, motorik, kognitif, bahasa, seni dan kemandirian. Semua dirancang sebagai upaya mengembangkan daya pikir dan peranan anak dalam hidupnya. Oleh karena itu, penting dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui strategi yang diterapkan guru taman kanak-kanak serta mengetahui hambatan apa saja yang ditemui guru selama proses pembelajaran.             Dalam penelitian yang berjudul “Strategi Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Dikalangan Anak Usia Dini (Studi  Di Taman Kanak-Kanak.Bakti 2 Denpasar)” ini, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan rancangan deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah para Guru di Taman Kanak-Kanak. Bakti 2 Denpasar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian  bahwa guru dapat memahami karakter anak memperhatikan kebiasaan  sehari-hari, sehingga guru dapat mengetahui apa yang harus dilakukan yang sesuai karakter anak tersebut. Guru juga menerapkan cara-cara yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi siswa yaitu dengan melakukan tanya jawab, bercerita, karya wisata, bermain peran/sosiodrama, bercakap-cakap juga bernyanyi. Guru juga harus mempunyai sifat ramah, sabar, serta mempunyai tutur kata yang baik agar siswa dapat mengerti  dan menerima berbagai materi  yang diajarkan dengan baik. Selain metode diatas guru menggunakan alat peraga sebagai penunjang saat proses pembelajaran. Adapun hambatan yang sering ditemui oleh guru adalah pelafalan yang belum jelas, siswa belum mengerti isi pembicaraan sehingga upaya guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi  menjadi sedikit terhambat.     Kata kunci : Strategi Guru, Kemampuan Berkomunikasi, Anak Usia Dini               ABSTRACT   Minithesis, 2018, Anita Putri Irmawati, Student ID Number 013.301.0.023, Strategy of Teacher in Improving Communication Ability among Children (Case Study in Bakti 2 Kindergarten Denpasar), 60 pages, Advisor I Drs. I Wayan Kotaniartha, S.H., M.H., Advisor II Dra. Anak Agung Rai Tirtawati, M.Si.           The ability to communicate in children is influenced by various factors; one of it is from the family and the environment. At the age of 4-6 years old, the children enter the golden age because children quickly absorb things that are taught. At that age children enter kindergarten, which is a formal educational level in which special materials relating to early childhood are given in the form of stimulation, to help the growth and development of children, increase children's creativity, and help them to learn about various sciences through approaches to language, religion, society, emotions, the physical world, motor functions, cognition, language, arts and independence. All are designed as an effort to develop children's thinking and their roles. Therefore, it is important to conduct research to find out the strategies applied by kindergarten teachers and find out what obstacles teachers encounter during the teaching and learning process.             In a study entitled "Strategy of Teacher in Improving Communication Ability among Children (Case Study in Bakti 2 Kindergarten Denpasar)", using a qualitative approach and descriptive design. The research subjects were the teachers in Bakti 2 Kindergarten Denpasar. Data collection was done through observation, interview and documentation techniques. The collected data was analyzed with qualitative descriptive techniques. The results of the study indicate that the teacher can recognize the characters of students by paying attention to their daily habits, so that the teacher can find a course of action according to the character of the student. The teacher also implements some methods that can improve students' communication skills, namely by asking questions, telling stories, tourism work, role playing / socio drama, chatting and singing. The teacher must also be friendly, patient, and choose appropriate words so that students can understand and accept various well-taught material. In addition to the method above the teacher uses teaching aids as supports during the teaching and learning process. The obstacle that is often encountered by the teacher is pronunciation that is not yet clear, students have not understood the content of the conversation so that the teacher's efforts to improve their communication skills become a little hampered.    Keywords: Teacher Strategy, Communication Ability, Early Childhood

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-90
Rista Sundari ◽  
Fatimatuz Zahro

Creativity is a very important aspect for everyone because with creativity everyone can express ideas and solve problems creatively. The purpose of the preparation of this research is for PAUD teachers to be able to increase creativity in early childhood learning, especially through finger painting practice training. The research method used is a library research method with data collection techniques from several sources and relevant literature accompanied by content analysis. Teachers are required not only to produce good learning in transforming science but also to hone the potential that exists in students. The results showed that with the training, there were many benefits or advantages obtained by teachers as educators to be able to carry out the teaching and learning process creatively, innovatively, and potentially.

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