2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Anggi Puspita Sari Dewi Ningsi ◽  
Darnawati Darnawati

ABSTRAK: Tujuan  utama dalam  penelitian  ini adalah: (1)  Untuk  mendeskripsikan  latar belakang  etnopedagogi pada masyarakat Moronene di Kelurahan Taubonto,  (2) Untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi etnopedagogi dalam lingkungan keluarga masyarakat Moronene di lingkungan sekitarnya, (3) Untuk  mendeskripsikan karakter yang  dikembangkan  etnopedagogi  dalam  budaya masyarakat Moronene. Prosedur penelitian ini terdiri atas 3 tahap yaitu:  (1)  Heuristik, yang terdiri dari a) penelitian kepustakaan, b) pengamatan, c) wawancara (2)  Kritik sumber, yang terdiri dari a) kritik eksternal b) kritik internal dan  (3)  Historiografi, yang terdiri dari a) penafsiran (interpretasi), b) penjelasan (eksplanasi), dan c) penyajian (ekspose). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Latar belakang etnopedagogi pada Masyarakat Moronene, etnopedagogi merupakan landasan dalam pendidikan sejalan dengan salah satu landasan filosofi pengembangan pendidikan yang berakar pada budaya bangsa masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. (2) Implementasi etnopedagogi dalam lingkungan keluarga masyarakat Moronene yaitu: a) Pendidikan  dalam bidang agama, dalam hal agama suku Moronene mayoritas memeluk agama islam, adapun ajaran agama yang diberikan pada anaknya yaitu mengaji, sholat, menghafal ayat-ayat Al-Quran. b) Pendidikan dalam bidang bertata krama, dalam budaya masyarakat Moronene ada yang disebut Moko Anu dan Upalli, inilah yang membangun semangat manusia ketika ia pergi untuk menuntut ilmu maupun bekerja. c) Pendidikan dalam bidang bertutur kata, bertutur kata adalah sesuatu yang kita ucapakan dengan baik dan santun yang mencerminkan tingkah laku yang baik. dan d) Pendidikan bidang sosial agar memahami norma-norma yang ada dalam keluarga maupun dalam masyarakat. (3) Karakter yang dikembangkan pada etnopedagogi dalam budaya masyarakat Moronene yaitu: 1) Kejujuran, dimana anak sejak kecil sudah mulai diajarkan jujur kepada orang tuanya. 2) Disiplin, anak sejak masih kecil sudah mulai di ajarkan disiplin waktu agar kelak dewasa nanti ia bias lebih dispilin lagi dalam hal apa saja.. 3) Kemandirian, anak diajarkan mandiri agar kelak ia dapat mengurus dirinya sendiri tidak bergantung pada orang lain lagi.  4) Demokratis, ini ditandai dengan adanya sikap terbuka antara orang tua dan anaknya, mereka membuat aturan-aturan yang di setujui bersama. dan 5) Tanggung jawab, tanggung jawab keluarga merupakan pusat pendidikan yang tidak hanya menyelenggarakan pendidikan diri dan sosial saja. Kata Kunci: Latar Belakang, Implentasi, Etnopedagi, Karakter ABSTRACT: The main objectives in this study are: (1) To describe the ethnopedagogical background of the Moronene community in the Taubonto Village, (2) To describe the implementation of ethno-agogy in the family environment of the Moronene community in the surrounding environment, (3) To describe the character developed by the ethnopedagogist in Moronene community culture. This research procedure consists of 3 stages, namely: (1) Heuristics, which consists of a) library research, b) observations, c) interviews (2) Critical sources, which consist of a) external criticism b) internal criticism and (3) Historiography, which consists of a) interpretation (interpretation), b) explanation (explanation), and c) presentation (exposure). The results showed that: (1) Ethnopedagogical background in the Moronene Society, ethnopedagogy is the foundation in education in line with one of the philosophical foundations of educational development that is rooted in the nation's culture today and in the future. (2) Implementation of ethnopedagogy in the Moronene community family environment, namely: a) Education in the field of religion, in terms of the majority Moronene religion embraces Islam, as for the religious teachings given to their children namely to recite, pray, memorize verses of the Koran. b) Education in the field of manners, in the culture of the Moronene community there is what is called Moko Anu and Upalli, this is what builds human enthusiasm when he goes to study and work. c) Education in the field of word-telling, word-telling is something that we say well and politely that reflects good behavior. and d) Social education in order to understand the norms that exist in the family and in the community. (3) The characters developed in ethnopedagogy in the culture of the Moronene community are: 1) Honesty, where children from childhood have begun to be taught honestly to their parents. 2) Discipline, children from childhood have begun to be taught the discipline of time so that later they can later be more disciplined in any case .. 3) Independence, children are taught independently so that one day they can take care of themselves not to depend on others anymore. 4) Democratic, this is marked by the open attitude between parents and children, they make rules that are agreed upon together. and 5) Responsibilities, family responsibilities are the center of education which does not only carry out self and social education. Keywords: Background, Implementation, Ethnopedagi, Character

Syntax Idea ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 604
Puspita Ayu Marhaeni ◽  
Beti Prihandini ◽  
Sulastri Sulastri ◽  
Ni Nyoman Yeni ◽  
Ria Setia Sari

The purpose of this community service is so that parents and children can understand the prevention and control of the spread of COVID-19 in children while utilizing 4M movements (washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds in the Indonesian language). The method used is health education and the practice of six steps to washing your hands. The results of this activity showed that children could understand and be interested in participating in health education on "prevention and control of the spread of COVID-19 to children by using 4M movements", and children and families are willing to implement protocols in their lives. The conclusion is that by implementing the 4M protocol in the family environment, we hope it can reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia

Izaskun Ibabe

The use of several sources of information (parents and children) is scarce in family studies. Child-to-parent violence (CPV) is still considered the most hidden and stigmatized form of family violence. One objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of child-to-parent violence and perceptions of family environment as a function of the informant (parent or child), child’s sex, and parents’ sex in a community population. The study also aimed to analyze the predictive power of family conflict and aggressive family discipline in child-to-parent violence depending on the informant. A sample of 586 adolescents (49% boys, aged between 12 and 18) and their parents (40%) participated in the study. The Family Environment Scale and the Conflict Tactics Scales were administered. Results showed good consistency between adolescent reports and parent reports for physical CPV, but adolescents perceived worse family environments than their parents. Multiple regression models revealed that aggressive family discipline and family are important risk factors for CPV. Early intervention to prevent CPV is recommended, focused on promoting family relationships and avoiding harsh discipline practices. It is important that parents are able to ask for help when they need it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-132
Muhammad Darwis Dasopang

Education is the most important part in human life who has morals and progress. Education can be carried out by everyone in an educational institution, but the primary education should be implemented through family education which is instilled by parents towards their family members from an early age. For this paper, the author will describe the nature and understanding of education in the family; What are the hadiths about education in the family; how the methods and aspects of family education based on the hadiths. The author uses the literature review (library research), with the primary data sources from the hadiths relating to children's education in the family. Study in this paper, Islamic education requires a simultaneous process and sustainable which involves aspects of disciplinary learning and compliance to implement Islamic education towards students. Education in the family, can be found patterns that must be implemented in the family environment, for the formation of a happy family according to what was taught by the prophet Muhammad SAW, and according to the word of Allah SWT in Q.S. Lukman: 13-19

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 228-237
Seka Andrean ◽  
Wildan Nuril Ahmad Fauzi

The first education a child obtains is through the family. The purpose of this study is to find out about how children's education policy is in the perspective of the family environment. The method used is library research. The results showed that the family is not just a gathering place for fathers, mothers and children. But it is in the family that the individual develops and that is where the beginning of the socialization process is formed and through interaction with him he acquires his knowledge, skills, interests, values, emotions, and attitudes in life and thus he obtains tranquillity and tranquillity. Factors that affect the way parents educate, relationships between family members, the atmosphere of the house, the state of the family economy, the understanding of parents, and the background of family culture

Heru Mahmudin ◽  
Abdul Muhid

This study discusses the role of parents in character education for young women according to Islam. This research library research. The main and first character education for children is the family environment. Education in the family is very important and is the main pillar of character building for a child. The family as the smallest social unit is the most important educational environment and is responsible for educating their children. The education provided by parents should provide a basis for children's education regarding the socialization process and their life in society. Good parenting styles will have a good impact on children's development as well as should. The success of character building in children is influenced by the role of parents in educating children. Parents play an important role in forming an intimate and long-lasting interaction system characterized by personal loyalty, love, and affectionate relationships

1993 ◽  
Vol 76 (3) ◽  
pp. 912-914 ◽  
Stephen Powers ◽  
Ricardo Duran ◽  
Anne Reynolds

Intercorrelations among subtest scores of 39 children on the subtests of the Denver Developmental Screening Test II and their 39 parents' scores on the three subscales of the Family Relationship Dimension of the Family Environment Scale ranged from − .09 to .18. None were statistically significant. Parents and children were in a program for substance abusers and their young children.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Ahmad Shofiyuddin Ichsan

This study aims to describe the thoughts of Abdurrahman An-Nahlawi in education, how the educational methods are used, and what is the relevance of An-Nahlawi's educational thinking in revisiting value education of the primary education in Indonesia. This research is qualitative research with a type of library research, while the approach used is discourse analysis. The results obtained are that to develop the potential of students to create value education, An-Nahlawi offers six varied learning methods sourced from the scriptures (the Qur'an and Hadith). An-Nahlawi also requires that education must be tiered. An-Nahlawi emphasizes that education is a shared task or responsibility, namely the school environment, the community environment (including student’s digital social environment), and the family environment. Therefore, herein lies the relevance of the value education concept on An-Nahlawi’s perspective with primary education in Indonesia, especially in the context of the current millennial era.   Keywords: Value Education, Primary Education, Abdurrahman An-Nahlawi

2020 ◽  
pp. 191-200
Изабелла Федоровна Дементьева ◽  
Татьяна Сергеевна Борисова ◽  
Елена Евгеньевна Сартакова

В последние десятилетия в российской семье происходят глубокие сдвиги в отношениях между родителями и детьми. Существует оправданная практикой точка зрения, что российские дети своим менталитетом никогда не отличались от родителей настолько, как сегодня. Проведенный ретроспективный анализ выполнения семьей своей воспитательной функции в отношении детей, дифференцированных по полу, показывает значимость и место каждого родителя в становлении личности ребенка. Осуществленный опрос школьников в пяти регионах России (2019 г.) и сравнение его результатов с данными аналогичного опроса десятилетней давности (2009 г.) позволяют сделать выводы о тенденциях в семейном воспитании, а также о том, кто из родителей наиболее успешно выполняет свою воспитательную роль в современной российской семье. В ретроспективе последних десяти лет формулируются тревожные выводы о снижении авторитета родителей как советчиков. В динамике указанных лет отмечается снижение установок детей быть похожими на своих родителей. Большинство детей не рассматривают семейную среду как комфортную для совместного проживания с родителями, что свидетельствует о факторах неблагополучия данных семей. Выявлено стремление детей утвердить свою финансовую независимость путем самостоятельного зарабатывания денег на карманные расходы. Отмечается рост числа детей, уклоняющихся от ответа об источниках денежных поступлений, что может свидетельствовать о неправомерных практиках их получения. Приведенные данные сравнительного исследования позволяют сделать вывод о нарастании в семье определенной деформации родительских ролей за прошедшие годы. Задача семьи сегодня – способствовать формированию жизненных ориентиров детей, предлагая им надежные стартовые условия для достижения успехов. Научная новизна исследования заключается в анализе влияния воспитательных действий (бездействий) каждого из родителей на формирование у детей иммунитета от возможных внешних негативных влияний с учетом современных социальных рисков в обществе. In recent decades, the Russian family has undergone profound changes in relations between generations of parents and children. There is a practice-justified view that Russian children were never as different from parents by their mentality as in today’s reality. The retrospective analysis carried out in the article of the family’s performance of its educational function with regard to children differentiated by sex shows the importance and place of each parent in the formation of the child’s personality. The conducted survey of schoolchildren in five regions of Russia (2019) and comparison of its results with the data of a similar survey of ten years ago (2009) make it possible to draw conclusions about trends in family education, as well as about which parents most successfully perform their educational role in the modern Russian family. In retrospect of the last ten years, alarming conclusions are being formulated about the reduction of parents’ authority as advisers. In the dynamics of these years there is a decrease in the attitude of children to be similar to their parents. Attention is drawn to the fact that most children do not view the family environment as comfortable for cohabitation with parents, which indicates the factors of disadvantage of these families. The desire of children to assert their financial independence by independently earning money for pocket expenses has been revealed. There is an increase in the number of children evading the answer about the sources of money, which may indicate improper practices in obtaining it. The given data of the comparative study make it possible to conclude that there has been an increase in certain deformation of parental roles in the family over the past ten years. The task of the family today is to contribute to the formation of life guidelines of children, offering them reliable starting conditions for achieving success. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of the influence of educational actions (omissions) of each parent on the formation of immunity in children from possible external negative influences taking into account modern social risks in society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-56
Lestari Sembiring ◽  
Helmita Helmita

The problem in this thesis is the analysis of ideal feminist and discriminated feminist from the characteristics of Amanda and Laura is based on the three waves of feminist movements. Both Amanda and Laura represents the different kinds of feminist in literaty work, Amanda is the strong woman as the representation of ideal feminist, whereas Laura is the weak woman as the representation of discriminated feminist. Then, the purpose of research is to describe Laura as the discriminated feminist, Amanda as the ideal feminist, and to explain Laura and Amanda as the ideal and discriminated feminist from The Glass Menagerie.In research methodology, the data collection is performed through library research, which the writer gains the data and information about his object trought the books and other audiovisual equipment that related and relavant to the topic in the form of words or pictures. In the data analysis, it uses genetic structuralism, it looks the external factor of the literature that conveys the internal element of literary work such the actions of the main character, such as characters and author. The findings in this thesis can be seen from the characters of Amanda and Laura represents the different kinds of feminist in literaty work, Amanda is the strong woman as the representation of ideal feminist, whereas Laura is the weak woman as the representation of discriminated feminist. Amanda, a typical southern belle, trapped by the cruel reality, seeks comfort from her glorious past and causes her isolation from her life, which is the embodiment of her alienation. Laura, a fragile and terribly shy girl with a crippled leg, withdraws completely to her own world made of glass animals and eventually isolates from the society. It is her disability and the family environment cause her isolation from the society, which is just the embodiment of her alienation.

Moh. Miftahul Choiri

This article seeks to examine the child's learning environment. In education is better known as Tri Education Center. Namely three educational environments that can support the learning process of children. The three environments are the family environment, school environment and the environment (community). In the context of education, society is the third environment after family and school. In this article the authors would like to invite a look back that the community environment has an important influence on the learning process of children. Because most of the time the child is in the family and society. For it becomes a necessity of the community participate in education either directly or indirectly. Because the community is a maid in the process of maturation of individuals as members of groups in a society. The learning process in society is not limited by time and space. As long as the children interact and socialize with the environment it can be said that as their learning process. Through this library research hope can determine how far the role of the community environment in helping children's learning process.

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