2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-179
Rosliana Harahap

Abstract: Mathematical literacy is the capacity of individuals to formulate, use and interpret mathematics in various contexts. Mathematical literacy skills consist of 6 levels, level I, II, and III are low level thinking abilities while level IV, V and VI are high level thinking abilities. These levels can be measured using PISA questions, PISA questions are arranged with content, context and process. Mathematical literacy ability can develop human mindset so that it can find solutions to every problem. This research was conducted to determine the level of literacy ability of students in the first semester of TMA IAIN Takengon TA. 2019 / 2020. This study uses a quantitative description approach. population and sample of 11 students in semester I of TMA IAIN Takengon. The students will be given a math literacy ability test which will be calculated on average. The results of the 11 students' mathematical literacy ability test at level I have an average score of 68.18 so that the mathematics literacy ability of students is in the moderate category, at level II the average score of the student is 69.09 in the medium category, level III average score students are 67.72 in the medium category, the average level IV score of students is 51.81 in the low category, at level V the average score of students is 45 in the low category and at level VI the average score of students is 28.63 in the category low. And the score of 11 students' mathematical literacy ability is 55,076 in the low category. Because the overall mathematical literacy ability of students in the category is low so it must be done innovation and development of appropriate learning models so that students' mathematical literacy skills are even better. Keywords: Literacy ability, Mathematics, PISA   Abstrak: Kemampuan literasi matematika adalah kapasitas individu untuk memformulasikan, menggunakan, dan menafsirkan matematika dalam berbagai konteks. Kemampuan literasi matematika dapat mengembangkan pola pikir manusia sehingga dapat menemukan solusi dari setiap masalah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan literasi mahasiswa semester I TMA IAIN Takengon TA. 2019/2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskripsi kuantitatif. Dengan populasi dan sampel seluruh mahasiswa semester I TMA IAIN Takengon  yang berjumlah 11 orang. Mahasiswa akan diberikan tes kemampuan literasi matematika yang selanjutnya nilainya akan dihitung rata-ratanya. Hasil tes kemampuan literasi matematika 11 mahasiswa tersebut pada level I memilki rata-rata nilai 68,18 sehingga kemampuan literasi matematika mahasiswa dalam kategori sedang, pada level II rata-rata hasil tes kemampuan literasi matematika mahasiswa adalah 69,09 dalam katerogi sedang, pada level III nilai rata-rata hasil tes kemampuan literasi matematika mahasiswa adalah 67,72 dalam kategori sedang, pada level IV rata-rata nilai hasil tes kemampuan literasi matematika mahasiswa adalah 51,81 dalam kategori rendah, pada level  V nilai rata-rata kemampuan literasi matematika mahasiswa adalah 45 dalam kategori rendah dan pada level VI rata-rata nilai kemampuan literasi matematika mahasiswa adalah 28,63 dalam kategori rendah. Dan nilai rata-rata kemampuan literasi matematis 11 mahasiswa tersebut adalah 55,076 dalam kategori rendah. Karena kemampuan literasi mahasiswa matematika dalam kategori rendah maka perlu dilakukan inovasi pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematika mereka. Kata Kunci : Kemampuan literasi, Matematika, PISA

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 389-398
Vika Conie Fatwa ◽  
Ari Septian ◽  
Sarah Inayah

AbstrakLatar belakang penelitian ini yaitu masih rendahnya kemampuan literasi matematis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui apakah model pembelajaran Problem Based Instruction (PBI) yang juga sebagai alternatif solusi permasalahan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematis siswa. Metode penelitian adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain Nonequivalent group pretest-postest design. Instrumen berbentuk tes literasi matematis berupa tes awal (pretest) dan tes akhir (posttest). Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Cianjur tahun ajaran 2018/2019 yang tersebar dalam sembilan kelas, sedangkan sampelnya dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak dua kelas yaitu kelas VIII D sebanyak 27 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen yang diberikan perlakuan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBI), dan VIII C sebanyak 25 siswa sebagai kelas control dengan pembelajaran biasa. Berdasarkan penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan literasi matematis siswa dengan model pembelajaran Problem Based Instruction (PBI).  Peningkatan tersebut lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan peningkatan pada siswa dengan pembelajaran biasa.Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Literasi Matematis, Problem Based Instruction, PBI.  Mathematical Literacy Ability Students through Problem Based Instruction Learning ModelsAbstractThe background of this research is low mathematical literacy ability. The purpose of this research is to find out the differences in increasing students’ mathematical literacy ability between those who use the Problem Based Instruction (PBI) learning model as an alternative solution to the problem and who use ordinary learning. A method in this research is quasi-experimental with nonequivalent group pretest-posttest design. The instruments are a mathematical literacy instrument consisting of the initial test (pretest) and the final test (posttest). The population in this study were all students at SMP Negeri 5 Cianjur in year 2018/2019 that spread into 9th grade, while the samples chosen with purposive sampling technique were two classes, namely VIII D class as the experimental class which is given Problem Based Learning (PBI) and VIII C as the control class with ordinary learning. Based on the tests of mathematical literacy abilities that have been analyzed it is found that there are differences in mathematical literacy skills students who applied the Problem Based Instruction (PBI) learning model is were better than ordinary learning. The increase is better when compared to the increase in students with ordinary learning.Keywords: Mathematical literacy ability, Problem Based Instruction, PBI.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Tandri - Patih

Mathematical literacy is the ability to understand and use mathematics in various contexts to solve problems and be able to explain to others how to use mathematics. This study aims to describe the mathematical literacy skills of MTsN students in Kendari City. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, i.e. by tabulating data and graphical methods. The results of the analysis show that overall, the percentage of mathematical literacy abilities of MTsN students in Kendari City is still dominated by groups of low-ability students. Based on the content, students' mathematical literacy ability is still low on content 2. However, based on their categorization, students with a lower category of Mathematical Literacy Abilities are found in content 4. When viewed based on the level, students get the lowest scores on level 6 questions. However, based on the categorization, students with a lower Mathematical Literacy Ability category are found in level 2 and level 4 questions. The school that was used as the object of the study was obtained that both based on the content and level, the mathematical literacy skills of grade IX MTsN 1 Kendari students were better than the IX grade students of MTsN 2 Kendari.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 101
Sopian Lukman ◽  
Luvy Sylviana Zanthy

This research was conducted with the aim of describing the mistakes made by students in solving the problem of mathematical literacy. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data obtained through written tests consisting of 4 questions about mathematical literacy skills obtained 58% of students were able to master the problem of mathematical literacy, so that 42% of students were unable to master the problem of mathematical literacy skills. The average score of students is 34.29 with the highest value of 50 and the lowest value is 16 of the total maximum value 55. From the results of the analysis carried out on student answers, there are several mistakes made by students when completing the problem, namely: not systematic; Wrong in using formulas; Many do not use units; Wrong in writing units; Unable to interpret questions; Wrong and conclude the results of the settlement; Not complete in completion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 357-368
Bagus Wahyu Purnomo ◽  
Anisa Fatwa Sari

AbstrakHasil penelitian literasi matematika di Indonesia tidak secara spesifik mengungkap literasi matematika siswa dengan mempertimbangkan latar belakang keilmuan siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan literasi matematika siswa IPS dalam menyelesaikan soal PISA. Literasi matematika yang diungkap berfokus pada pemahaman siswa IPS terhadap konteks saintifik. Penelitian deskriptif ini melibatkan 3 siswa IPS di salah satu SMA di Jawa Timur. Setiap subjek penelitian yang memiliki tingkat kemampuan matematika berbeda diberikan soal tes kemampuan literasi matematika kemudian diwawancarai. Hasil tes dan wawancara dianalisis menggunakan kerangka kerja PISA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa IPS memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang baik tentang konteks saintifik pada soal PISA. Dari 3 soal yang diberikan, siswa IPS hanya terkendala di satu soal sehingga tidak semua indikator pemahaman terhadap konteks PISA dapat dipenuhi oleh dua siswa. Mathematical Literacy of Social Studies Students in Solving PISA Questions in the Scientific ContextAbstractThe results of research on mathematical literacy in Indonesia do not specifically reveal students' mathematical literacy by considering students' scientific backgrounds. This study aims to describe the mathematical literacy skills of social studies students in solving PISA questions. The mathematical literacy revealed focuses on the social studies students' understanding of the scientific context. This descriptive study involved 3 social studies students in one high school in East Java. Each research subject who has a different level of mathematical ability is given a mathematical literacy ability test question and then interviewed. The results of the tests and interviews were analyzed using the PISA framework. The results showed that social studies students had a good level of understanding of the scientific context on PISA questions. Of the 3 questions given, social studies students were only constrained in one question so that not all indicators of understanding the PISA context could be met by two students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Marisa Lusiana Siregar ◽  
Wiwiik Novitasi ◽  
Lisna Agustina

This type of research is Research Action class (Classroom action Research). While  the techniques and data collection tool that is the test, and observations. Mathematical literacy ability test percentage of students on a cycle I was 63% to 82% in cycle II. With the amount of the percentage increase in the students' mathematical literacy ability tests of 19%, activity levels of students learning math increases, it is retrieved from the percentage of 63% levels of math learning activities cycle I, and 82% in cycle II rose to 19% and the ability to manage teacher learning percentage of 74% in cycle I and 94% in cycle II, with an increase of 20%, and the results of this study showed that the model of learning Problem Centered Learning (PCL) can improve mathematical literacy ability of the students in class X IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 West Angkola. Keywords: Problem Centered Learning (PCL) learning model, literacy

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 122
Yuni Ristanti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui apakah penampilan guru dalam mengajar berada pada klasifikasi baik untuk mendukung peningkatan keterampilan hitung dan motivasi belajar, (2) meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa, dan (3) meningkatkan keterampilan hitung pecahan desimal siswa kelas 4 SDN 15 Ulu Gadut (Padang) melalui media manipulatif pada pembelajaran tematik integratif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan: observasi, tes tskala motivasi, catatan lapangan, dan tes kemampuan hitung. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: (1) penampilan guru dalam mengajar memperoleh skor 160,5; 174; dan 179,17 dengan klasifikasi baik pada siklus 1, 2, dan 3. 2) motivasi peserta didik meningkat dari siklus 1, 2, dan 3 berturut-turut senilai 62,04, 65,56, dan 68,16 sedangkan hasil tes skala motivasi meningkat dengan skor pada siklus 1, 2, dan 3 senilai 79,41, 85,05, dan 87,05. (3) Hasil tes keterampilan hitung siklus 3 memperoleh skor 90,81 pada level I, 93,51 pada level II, 75,14 pada level III, 75,68 pada level IV, dan 76,76 pada level V.Kata Kunci: keterampilan hitung pecahan desimal, motivasi belajar, media manipulatif, tematik-integratif. IMPROVING MOTIVATION AND THE DECIMAL COMPUTATION SKILL BY USING MANIPULATIVES IN THEMATIC-INTEGRATED LEARNING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AbstractThis study aims to: (1) determine whether teacher’s performance in teaching using manipulatives media are in good classification to support arithmetic skills and students’ learning motivation (2) increase the learning motivation,  and (3) increase the decimal computation skill of class IV B students of SDN 15 Ulu Gadut, Padang by using manipulatives. The results are as follows: (1) the teacher’s teaching performance is in a good category with a total score of cycles I, II, and III, 160.5, 174, and 179.17 respectively. (2) the students’ learning motivation has increased by 62.04 in cycle I, 65.56 in cycle II, and 68.16 in cycle III and then, the result of students’ motivation scale test is in a very high category, with an average increase of 79.41, 85.05, and 87.05 in cycles I, II, III. (3) the results of arithmetic skill test at the end of the third cycle are at an average score of 90.81 at level I, 93.51 at level II, 75.14 at level III, 75.68 at level IV, and 76.76 at level V.Keywords: decimal computation skill, learning motivation, manipulatives, thematic-integrated.

Gilang Ilham Fitriyanto

This study aims to determine the impact of the implementation of the 2013 curriculum on education units and the achievement of graduate competency standards for each student in the education unit and identify the impact and constraints of the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in mathematics and mathematics literacy related to translating story sentences in mathematical symbols and sentences, write down, and translate questions.This evaluation study uses a countenance stake model with a quantitative approach. The method used is documentation, observation and questionnaire or questionnaire. Evaluation research subjects are 3 mathematics teachers and 34-35 samples of class XI students with curriculum object research documents, teacher documents, mathematics literacy skills and mathematics learning implementation in 2013 curriculum. The results showed the principle of curriculum development and curriculum components of SMAN 1 Menganti getting an average score of 100, component compilation of teacher documents amounting to 78, 25, implementation of 2013 curriculum learning mathematics subjects getting an average score of 79, 2013 curriculum authentic evaluation of the teacher's eyes lessons of 68.57, mathematical literacy skills obtained an average score of 70. Based on the results of the 2013 curriculum evaluation research at SMAN 1 Menganti, it can be concluded that the development and components of the 2013 curriculum have met the standards and refer to the graduate competency standards (SKL) but still need to improve teacher competencies, especially mathematics teachers and improve students' mathematical literacy abilities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-125
Rizqi Kholifasari ◽  
Citra Utami ◽  
Mariyam Mariyam

This study aims to: 1) describe students' mathematical literacy skills in algebraic material in terms of learning independence. 2) to describe the factors that affect students' mathematical literacy skills in algebraic material in terms of learning independence. This research method is qualitative. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII-A at SMP Negeri 1 Singkawang. The data collection instruments used a learning independence questionnaire, a mathematical literacy test, and an interview sheet. Data analysis techniques used the Miles and Huberman Model, namely, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that 1) The students' mathematical literacy ability in terms of their high learning independence character had an average of 69.44 (high category). Most of the students were unable to do the reasoning and argumentation stages. 2) The students' mathematical literacy skills in terms of their moderate learning independence character had an average of 57.41 (moderate category). Most of them were unable to develop strategies for solving problems. 3) The students' mathematical literacy ability in terms of their low learning independence character has an average of 46.11 (moderate category). Most of them are not capable at the mathemathising stage. 4) factors that affect mathematical literacy skills in terms of the character of independent learning in algebra material are generally influenced by internal factors, namely factors from the students themselves, students are less able to understand, accept, or digest subject matter, students have difficulty planning strategies in problem solving both in using the formula to be used, the rules in operation, do not provide the right steps in answering the questions.Keywords: mathematical literacy skills, learning independence

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 381-392
Erimson Siregar ◽  
Sugeng Sutiarso ◽  
Zulhiyandi Yusuf

This research uses descriptive qualitative. The aim is to examine students' mathematical literacy abilities and types of errors made by students of MTs Mathla’ul Anwar Kedondong in solving algebraic concept questions that were first accessed from TIMSS. The subjects of this study were all students of class VIII-A MTs Mathla’ul Anwar Kedondong, which had 30 students. The data was collected using tests and interviews. All student answers in the analysis of mathematical errors are based on empathy for students' mathematical literacy abilities, namely aspects of knowledge, application, and communication. Furthermore, for further analysis of the students 'mathematical errors, 2 students with the lowest scores were selected, representing the mathematical errors of all students based on the four aspects of the students' mathematical literacy abilities for interviews. The data analysis technique is by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the analysis of the data collected, the mathematical literacy ability of students included in the medium category with an average score of 62.38 scores on a scale of 100. Based on the analysis of the mathematical literacy scheme capability mentioned, students can request solutions according to their needs and sufficient good at solving problems on the criminal aspect. However, judging from the mathematical mistakes made by students, students who made mistakes did not review the answers in solving the problems. This causes the problem solving is not correct.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 37
Ajie Dina Kis Puji Astuti

The research aimed to study the effect of Problem Based Learning towards the  student’s mathematical literacy skills. This research is an experimental research. The design of this research used post-test-only control design. The population of this research were the whole students on the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Bobotsari. Sampling in this research used cluster random sampling and obtained VII B grade as an experimental class and VII D grade as an control class. The data were collected using mathematical literacy skill test in the form of essay. The results of mathematical literacy skill test on experiment class showed that the average score was 77,81 and the average score on control class was 69,19. After testing the hypothesis was tested using independent sample t-test , a significance value of 0,0115 was obtained, with significance value or α = 0,05. It was concluded that Problem Based Learning was effective toward grade VII student’s mathematical literacy skill in SMP Negeri 1 Bobotsari.

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