scholarly journals Evaluasi Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup Dampak Pembangunan Pasar Kahayan Kota Palangka Raya

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-178
Tri Budiyanti ◽  
Basuki Basuki ◽  
Abdul Mukti

This study aims to evaluate the process of environmental management and monitoring as a result of the development of the Kahayan Market, which actually has environmental documents. Aspects assessed include community perceptions, water quality and water biota (plankton), and the impact of the development of the Kahayan Market in Palangka Raya City in general. Based on the provisions, the implementation of environmental management and monitoring is carried out by the Palangka Raya City Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency as a joint Initiator with the Kahayan Market Manager/Government Market UPTD. These activities were not carried out, so there was no reporting and evaluation of management and monitoring. Laboratory analysis of physical parameters, namely suspended solids (TSS) at observation point A-2, shows that the water condition has passed the Class II water quality standard required by PP No. 82 of 2001, amounting to 50 mg/l. Analysis of chemical parameters shows that the water chemistry conditions have exceeded the Class II water quality standards required by PP No. 82 of 2001, namely BOD content of 3 mg/l; and COD content of 100 mg/l. Total Coliform at the A-1 observation point was 16,000 MPN/100 ml and at the A-2 point was 92,000 MPN/ml. Other chemical parameters such as Phosphate, and Ammonia content have also exceeded the established standard.

Sayyid Arrasyid ◽  
Zahidah Hasan ◽  
Izza Mahdiana Apriliani ◽  
Heti Herawati

Cirata Reservoir is one of the three cascade reservoirs fed by the Citarum Watershed with an area of ​​62 km2 (6.200 ha) and has a water volume of 1.900 million m3. The great potential of the waters in the Cirata Reservoir is utilized by the local community as a source of livelihood, namely by conducting aquaculture activities using floating net cages (FNC) in excess. FNC is thought to be a source of waste that reduces reservoir water quality. This research aims to determine the impact of FNC cultivation on primary productivity with different FNC densities at each station. The research was conducted in Cianjur Regency by taking on three stations, namely in the areas of Jangari, Maleber, and Patok Beusi on November 6 - December 8, 2019. The method used in the research was purposive sampling then analyzed in detail and quantitatively. The results show that reservoir waters have an average of physical parameters, namely temperature 32.2-32.6oC, transparency 0.59-0.68 meters, pH 7.1-7.3, carbon dioxide 15.4-16.1 mg / l, Dissolved Oxygen 6.9-7.3 mg / l, Biochemical Oxygen Demand 6.1-7.8 mg / l, nitrate 0.208-0.222 mg / l, ammonia 0.002833-0.003056 mg / l, phosphate 0,165-0,167 mg / l and primary productivity 240,36-277,90 mgC/m3/hour. This shows that the water indicator is still classified as good because it does not exceed the water quality standard.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Rosye H.R. Tanjung ◽  
Hendra K. Maury ◽  
Suwito Suwito

Digoel river have an important role to the human activity and environment in Boven Digoel Regency. Increasing of human and industrial activity around the watershed of Digoel River were suspecious to cause the degradation water quality in Digoel River. This research was done to monitor the impact of the industrial activity to the quality of water in outlet of waste water treatment plant(WWTP) of PT. Korindo to the water quality of Digoel River. Parameter analised are the physical, chemical, organic chemical, microbiology and metal content in water. Analysis of the water quality accordance to PP Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 about water quality managementand water pollution and Permen LH Nomor 5 tahun 2014 about the quality of waste water.The monitoring was conducted in three months at five sampling stasion (river upstream, river down stream, outlet WWTP plywood, outlet WWT workshop, outlet WWTP palm oil) in Districk Jair. The rsult showed, parameter of BOD, COD, phospate, phenol and total coliform in Digoel River exceeded class I of water quality standards. Outlet of plywood WWTP have two parameters that exceed the quality standard which were TSS 15.67 mg/L and phenol 13.33 mg/L.The outlet of WWTP workshop have four pameter exceeded the quality standard which were TSS (383.67 mg/L), oil/fats (502.0 µg/L), phenol (11.0 µg/L), and zinc (21,000 mg/L). IPAL oil WWTP outlet have two parameter sexceeded the quality standars which were oil/fats (313.0 µg/L) and total coliform (> 979 cells/100 mL). The result indicating  that the status of water quality of Digoel River are categorized as “lightly polluted”. Therefore based on utilization, it was categorized as class IV water quality that can be used for irrigating, planting and other purposed that meet the requairement of water qualiy in this class, while for other uses need necessary processing. In order  not to  increase the pollution in the Digoel river the WWTP of industry around Digoel River should improved their treatment, so that waste water discharged to the Digoel River not exceed the stanards quality.Key words: water quality, digoel river, status of water quality, pollutant index.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Ni Gusti Made Yuliari ◽  
Ni Luh Watiniasih ◽  
Ali Hermawati Waskitasari

Utilization of springs as water resources for their daily needs by the people of Sukawati Sub-Distric of Gianyar Regency, Bali is still quite high Human activities, such as increasing domestic, industrial and agricultural activities, have an effect on decreasing water quality. This research was conducted ini December 2019 to January 2020 at Pancoran Kutri springs, Beji Dalem Agung Kemenuh springs and Taman Beji Cengcengan springs. This research aimed to determine water quality based on Bali Governor's Regulation No.16 of 2016 concerning Environmental Quality Standards and Standard Criteria for Enviromental Damage Based on Class (Class I) and Minister of Health Republic of Indonesia Regulation No.492/ Menkes/Per/IV/2010 concerning Prerequisites for Drinking Water Quality. The parameters analyzed were the physical parameters (temperature and TDS), the chemical parameters (pH, DO, BOD, nitrate, phosphate, cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb)) and the biological parameters (fecal coliform bacteria). The results of the research conducted showed that the water quality in the three springs in the study location still met the water quality standards. However, DO parameters at Pancoran Kutri springs, BOD parameters at Taman Beji Cengcengan springs and phosphate in the three springs at the research location are based on regulations, as well as fecal coliform bacteria parameters in the three springs at the research location based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 have exceeded the quality standard threshold.

Jurnal MIPA ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Martin Aprilino Tambunan ◽  
Jemmy Abidjulu ◽  
Audy Wuntu

Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang kualitas fisika-kimia air sumur di tempat pembuangan akhir sampah (TPA) kecamatan Tuminting, Manado secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Kajian yang dilakukan meliputi parameter fisika yaitu penentuan pH, bau, rasa, warna, kekeruhan dan total padatan terlarut (TDT) serta parameter kimia yaitu penentuan nitrat, nitrit, klorida, sulfat, besi dan mangan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian parameter fisika pada 4 titik pengambilan air ada beberapa titik pengambilan sampel yang tidak sesuai dengan syarat baku mutu kualitas air yaitu tidak berbau dan berasa serta memiliki rentang pH 6,5-9,2 dan memiliki nilai maksimal untuk warna 50, kekeruhan 25, dan TDT 1500. Begitu juga untuk parameter kimia ada beberapa titik pengambilan sampel yang tidak sesuai dengan syarat baku mutu kualitas air yaitu memiliki nilai maksimal untuk klorida 600 mg/L, nitrat 10 mg/L, nitrit 1 mg/L, besi 1 mg/L, mangan 0,5 m/L dan sulfat 400 mg/L.A research on the physico-chemical quality of the well water in the landfill (TPA) district Tuminting, Manado has been done. The study includedphysical parameters, namely pH, odor, taste, color, turbidity and total dissolved solids (TDS) and chemical parameters, namely nitrate, nitrite, chloride, sulphate, iron and manganese. Among the four sampling sites, some sites did not meet the water quality standard based on some physical parameters, those are odorless and tasteless, pH range of 6.5 to 9.2 and maximum value of 50 for color, 25 for turbidity, and 1500 for TDS. Likewise, for chemical parameters, several sampling points are not in accordance with the terms of water quality standard, those aremaximum value of 600 mg/Lfor chlorides, 10 mg/L for nitrate, 1 mg/L for nitrite, 1 mg/L for iron, 0.5 m/L for manganese and 400 mg/L for sulphate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 76 ◽  
pp. 02003
Sudarmadji ◽  
Slamet Suprayogi ◽  
Sri Lestari ◽  
Mukhamad Ngainul Malawani

The volcanic lakes in Dieng Plateau offer some unique phenomena, which interest not only tourists but also scientists. However, as the land use changes, the lakes are now facing environmental degradation especially from agricultural practices. This research aims to study the impact of agricultural practices on the environmental degradation of the lakes especially the water quality and analyze the sustainability of the lakes to support water needs. Merdada Volcanic Lake, one of the lakes in Dieng Plateau was selected as the focus of this research. Method conducted on this research are fields survey to collect the physical parameters temperature and conductivity also chemical parameters like pH, Nitrate, BOD, phosphate, and coliform. A complementary data was acquired using interviews method for defining the sustainability of the lake. Based on observation, water level of the lake is gradually decreased, especially during the dry season. At the same time, the agricultural practices in the surrounding area led to soil erosion, which involved surface runoff that transporting sediments into the lake. This research found that the practices of potato cultivation pumped out the water from Merdada Volcanic Lake and distributed over the plantation area. This practice caused a dramatic decrease in the water surface. Besides that, the agricultural practices had several adverse effects on the volcanic lakes in Dieng Plateau especially eutrophication and decrease of water quality in Merdada Lake where nitrate is over from water quality standard class II. Coliform also has an over expected value, range from 3–11 MPN/100 ml.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Dyah Kumalasari ◽  
Nirmala Fitria Firdhausi ◽  
Ita Ainun Jariyah

Clean water and free from pathogenic bacteria is the most important requirement to meet sanitation and hygiene needs and meet drinking needs. Most of the 3 springs in Sumberbening Village, Malang Regency, are mostly used by local communities and animals around protected forests. This research objective was to determine the quality of water based on the number of Coliform bacteria contamination and physical parameters to support the testing of 3 springs in Sumberbening Village, Malang Regency. This research was conducted in Kedung Trubus, Sendang Ngentup, and Sumber Trubus using descriptive exploratory methods. The results showed that all the springs were contaminated with Coliform bacteria with the highest total Coliform value in the Sendang Ngentup spring of 58.3 colonies / 100ml, while the highest fecal Coliform was found in Kedung Trubus spring 10.7 colonies / 100ml. The utilization of water in 3 springs to meet the drinking needs to be processed first. The physical parameters of Odor and Color indicate that all springs are odorless and colorless. The physical parameters of TDS show that only the spring water does not meet the quality standards of drinking water PERMENKES No. 492 of 2010 with a value exceeding 500mg / l. All springs based on the physical parameters of TDS meet the clean water requirements based on the clean water quality standard PERMENKES No. 32 of 2017 with a value <1000mg /l.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Ni Putu Rahayu Artini ◽  
Desak Putu Risky VA ◽  
Ni Kadek Mona Fujiastuti

ABSTRAK<br />Sungai Balian merupakan sungai yang dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber air bersih dan sarana penyucian serta pengobatan bagi masyarakat. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya upaya pengujian kualitas air sungai Balian. Sampling air Sungai Balian diambil di tiga lokasi, yaitu hulu, tengah, dan hilir. Parameter fisika yang dianalisis adalah suhu, warna dan TDS (Total Dissolve Solid), parameter kimia yang dianalisis adalah pH, BOD5, COD, phosfat, dan nitrat. Sedangkan parameter mikrobiologi yang dianalisis adalah E. coli dan total coliform. Hasil analisis air Sungai Balian bagian hulu memiliki ciri-ciri air keruh tidak berbau dan memiliki kadar TDS 630 ppm, pH 7,23; BOD 8,637; COD 10,231; phosfat 0,122 ppm; nitrat 2,765 ppm; E. Coli 30 MPN/100 mL; dan Total coliform 50 MPN/ 100 mL. Air Sungai Balian bagian tengah memiliki hasil analisis air jernih tidak berbau dan memiliki kadar TDS 550 ppm, pH 7,03; BOD 3,901; COD 7,250; phosfat 0,096 ppm; nitrat 2,232 ppm; E. Coli 15 MPN/100 mL; dan Total coliform 25 MPN/ 100 mL. Sedangkan air Sungai Balian bagian hilir memiliki hasil analisis air agak keruh tidak berbau dan memiliki kadar TDS 510 ppm, pH 7,78; BOD 10,370; COD 20,890; phosfat 0,237 ppm; nitrat 3,163 ppm; E. Coli 89 MPN/100 mL; dan Total coliform 100 MPN/ 100 mL.Berdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur Bali No. 16 Tahun 2016.air Sungai Balian bagian hulu dan hilir dapat dikatagorikan sebagai air kelas III, hal ini dikarenakan parameter BOD yang tinggi yaitu 8,637 ppm dan 10,370 ppm. Untuk air Sungai Balian bagian tengah masuk dalam air kelas II yang peruntukannya untuk air minum setelah dilakukan pengolahan, karena parameter fisika, kimia, dan mikrobiologi tidak melebihi baku mutu air kelas II. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium air Sungai Balian bagian tengah masih layak dipergunakan sebagai sarana pembersihan dan pengobatan sesuai kepercayaan masyarakat Hindu.<br />Kata kunci : Sungai Balian, kualitas air, TDS, pH, BOD5, COD, phosfat, nitrat, E. Coli, total coliform.<br />ABSTRACT<br />Balian river is used as a source of clean water, holistic and threatment for the community. The sampling of Balian River, Tabanan, Bali is taken in three locations, upstream, central part, and downstream. Physical parameters analyzed were temperature, color, and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids). Chemistry parameters analyzed were pH, BOD5, COD, phosphate, and nitrate. While the microbiological parameters analyzed were E. coli and total coliform.The upstream Balian River water analysis result has characteristic of turbid odorless water and has TDS 630 ppm, pH 7.23; BOD 8.637; COD 10.231; phosphate 0.122 ppm; nitrate 2.765 ppm; E. Coli 30 MPN / 100 mL; and Total coliform 50 MPN / 100 mL. The central Balian River water has a clear, odorless water analysis and has a TDS content of 550 ppm, pH 7.03; BOD 3.901; COD 7.250; phosphate 0.096 ppm; nitrate 2.232 ppm; E. Coli 15 MPN / 100 mL; and Total coliform 25 MPN / 100 mL. While the downstream Balian River water has a slightly turbid odorless water analysis and has a TDS content of 510 ppm, pH 7.78; BOD 10.370; COD 20.890; phosphate 0.237 ppm; nitrate 3.163 ppm; E. Coli 89 MPN / 100 mL; and Total coliform 100 MPN / 100 mL. Based on the standard, Balian river water upstream and downstream can be classified as class III water, this is because BOD parameters are high that is 8.637 ppm and 10.370 ppm. For the water of Balian River, the middle part is included in class II water which is intended for drinking water after processing, because the parameters of physics, chemistry, and microbiology do not exceed the class II water quality standard. Therefor, based on the results of laboratory test, the central part of Balian Riveris suitable for use as of cleaning and threatment according to the beliefs of the Hindu community.<br />Keyword : Balian River, quality of air, TDS, pH, BOD5, COD, phosphate, nitrate, E. Coli, total coliform

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 245-250
Tutik S. Wahyuni ◽  
Desi Kartikasari

Water as a natural resource is needed in life. Nowadays, the need for freshwater is increasing. Meanwhile, most people fulfill their daily water needs from well water. This study aims to determine the quality of well water in the IAIN Tulungagung campus area based on physical, chemical, and biological parameters. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive. A total of 12 points from 4 stations were chosen by random sampling. Laboratory test results were compared with PerMenKes RI No. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 and PerMenKes RI No. 32 Tahun 2017. The results of the study show that (1) two sources of water do not qualify as clean water based on physical parameters because the turbidity value and total dissolved solids (TDS) exceeds the quality standard, (2) five sources of water do not qualify as water clean based on chemical parameters because the Fe content exceeds the quality standard and/or low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, and (3) four wells do not meet bacteriological tests for the amount of coli fecal bacteria and total coliform. Well water in the IAIN campus area has decreased water quality caused by domestic waste.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-119
Lela Uyara ◽  
Pieter Kunu ◽  
Silwanus M Talakua

The study aims to determine the quality of clean water in the villages of Wainitu, Batumerah, Amahusu and Halong by comparing the result of water quality analysis with water quality standard. Water quality analysis includes Physiscal, Chemical, and Microbiological parameters. This research uses descriptive method, this method describes systematics, accurate about facts and characteristic of the quality of clean water of each research location. The results showed that the source of clean water in the village of Batumerah did not meet the standard of clean water quality standards indicated by the number of E. coli and the high total coliform.  Keywords: standard quality of clean water, water quality, Wainitu, Batumerah, Amahusu and Halong villages   ABSTRAK Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menetapkan kualitas air bersih di Desa Wainitu, Batumerah, Amahusu dan Halong, dengan membandingkan hasil analisis kualitas air dengan standar baku mutu air bersih. Analisis kualitas air meliputi parameter fisika, kimia dan mikrobiologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif; metode ini menggambarkan sicara sistematis, akurat, fakta dan karakteristik mengenai kualitas air bersih di masing-masing lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sumber air bersih di Desa Batumerah tidak memenuhi standar baku mutu air bersih yang ditunjukkan oleh jumlah E. coli dan total Koliform yang tinggi. Kata Kunci: baku mutu air bersih, Desa Wainitu, Batumerah, Amahusu dan Halong, kualitas air

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 251
Rita Yulianti ◽  
Emi Sukiyah ◽  
Nana Sulaksana

Daerah penelitian terletak di desa Muaro Limun, Kecamatan Limun Kabupaten Sarolangun Provinsi Jambi. Sungai limun, salah satu sungai besar di daerah kabupaten sarolangun yang dimanfaatkan oleh mayarakat sekitarnya sebagai sumber penghidupan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kegiatan penambangan terhadap kualitas air sungai Batang Limun, dan perubahan sifat fisik dan  kimia yang diakibatkan   kegiatan penambangan.Metode yang digunakan adalah  metode grab sampel, serta stream sedimen untuk dianalis di laboratorium. Sejumlah sampel diambil di beberapa lokasi Penambangan Emas berdasarkan Aliran Sub-DAS dan dibandingkan dengan beberapa sampel lain yang diambil pada lokasi yang belum terkontaminasi oleh kegiatan penambangan. Analisis kualitas air mengacu pada  SMEWWke 22 tahun 2012 dan standar baku mutu air kelas II dalam PP No 82 yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri Kesehatan No. 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010. Diketahui sungai Batang Limun telah mengalami perubahan karakteristik fisika dan kimia. Dari grafik  kosentrasi kekeruhan, pH, TSS, TDS  Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Hg terlihat bahwa penambang emas tanpa izin (PETI) dengan cara amalgamasi yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas air sungai. Sejak tahun 2009 sampai tahun 2015  sungai Limun dan sekitarnya terus mengalami penurunan kualitas air. Penurunan kualitas yang cukup tinggi terjadi  yaitu peningkatan nilai Rata-rata konsentrasi merkuri pada sungai Batang Limun dari 0,18ppb (0,00018 mg/l)  menjadi 0,3ppb (0,0003 mg/l), peningkatan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh proses kegiatan penambangan dan nilai tersebut masih dibawah standar baku mutu air kelas II  pp nomor 82 tahun 2010.Kata kunci :   Kualitas Air, Sungai Limun,TSS, Merkuri, PETI Limun river is one of the major rivers in the area of Sarolangun, which utilized by the society as a source of livelihood. The aim of study  to analyze the effect of mining activities on  the water quality of Batang Limun River, and the changes of physical and chemical properties of water. The method used are grab  and stream samples to  sediment analyzed in the laboratory. A number of samples were taken at several locations based Flow Gold Mining Sub-watershed and compared to some other samples taken at the location that has not been contaminated by mining activities. Water quality analysis referring to SMEWW, 22nd edition 2012 and refers to Regulation No 82 that issued by Minister of Health No. 492 / Menkes / Per / IV / 2010.The results showed that the Limun river has undergone chemical changes in physical characteristics. These symptoms can be seen from the discoloration of clear water in the river before the mine becomes brownish after mining, based on graphic of muddiness concentration: pH, TSS, TDS Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Hg have seen that  the illegal miner which used amalgamation caused deterioration in water quality, data from 2009 to 2015 Limun river and surrounding areas continue to experience a decrease in water quality. The decreasing of water quality showed in the TSS parameter which found in the area is to high based on  the standard of water quality class II pp number 82 of 2010. An increase in the value of average concentrations of mercury in the Batang Limun river before mine 0,18ppb (0.00018 mg / l) into 0,3ppb (0.0003 mg / l) on the river after the mine. The increase was affected by the mining activities and the value is still below the air quality standard Grade II pp numbers 82 years 2010, although the value is still below with the standards quality standard, the mercury levels in water should still be a major concern because if it accumulates continuously in the water levels will increase and will be bad for health. In contrast to the concentration of mercury in sediments that have a higher value is 153 ppb (0,513ppm ) .Key Words :   Water Quality, Limun River, Mercury, Illegal gold mining

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