scholarly journals Formação complexa e transdiciplinar na educação: um desafio alem da fragmentação / Complex Training and Education in Curricular: a Challenge Beyond the Fragmentation

Magda Pereira Pinto

ABSTRACT:This article aims to describe the importance of complexity and transdisciplinarity as a way to supplement the disciplinary and fragmenting model of education. We can observe that the history of knowledge has great influence of this fragmenting logic. This observation leads us to the Cartesian method, Baconian, where in order to understand the world we might break it up, fragment it so it can be better understood. This paradigm was elated and had its value in a given historical moment and still has essential influences in our education. However, in the contemporary period we have had several discussions about the disciplinary paradigm, where everything is done in a specialized and segmented way. We have seen several proposals reviewing and analyzing the basics of this model and proposing others that can complement it or even overcome it. In this sense, we intend to present the importance of complex and transdisciplinary paradigm that have supported some educational institutions in Brazil. We thus intend, through this article, describe the epistemological and methodological aspects of this debate, and present the result of four institutions that develops its activities based on these proaches.RESUMO:O artigo visa descrever a importância da complexidade e transdisciplinaridade como forma de suprir o modelo disciplinar e fragmentador da educação. Podemos observar que a história do conhecimento tem grande influência da lógica fragmentadora. Essa constatação nos remete ao método cartesiano, baconiano, onde para se entender o mundo deveria dividi-lo, fragmentá-lo para que possa ser melhor compreendido. Esse paradigma foi exaltado e teve seu valor num dado momento histórico e exerce até os dias de hoje imprescindíveis influências na nossa educação. Contudo, no período contemporâneo temos tido diversas reflexões a respeito do paradigma disciplinar, onde tudo é realizado de forma especializada e segmentada. Temos visto surgir diversas propostas revendo e analisando os fundamentos desse modelo e propondo outros que possam complementá-lo ou mesmo superá-lo. Nesse sentido, pretendemos apresentar a importância do paradigma complexo e transdis-ciplinar que têm apoiado algumas instituições de ensino no Brasil. Pretendemos assim, através desse artigo, descrever os aspectos epistemológicos e metodológicos desse debate, bem como apresentar o resultado de quatro instituições que desenvolvem suas atividades a partir dessas abordagens. Contacto principal: [email protected]

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Oleksandra Severinova ◽  

The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation and development of doctrinal ideas about the meaning of the concept of «armed conflict» in the history of world political and legal thought. The question of the name of the branch of law that regulates armed conflict, by analyzing its historical names such as «law of war», «laws and customs of war», «law of armed conflict», «international humanitarian law» and «international humanitarian law, used in armed conflicts». As a result of this analysis, it can be concluded that it would be most appropriate to use the terms «international humanitarian law» only in a narrow sense or «international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts», which is more cumbersome but most accurately describes the field. It is emphasized that due to the availability of new powerful weapons (economic, political, informational, cultural and weapons of mass destruction), which are dangerous both for the aggressor and for the whole world; the aggressor's desire to downplay its role in resolving conflicts in order to avoid sanctions from other countries and international organizations, as well as to prevent the loss of its authority and position on the world stage; the attempts of the aggressor countries to establish their control over the objects of aggression (including integrating them into their political, economic and security systems) without excessive damage to them is the transformation of methods and means of warfare. It is determined that the long history of the formation of the law of armed conflict has led to the adoption at the level of international law of the provision prohibiting any armed aggression in the world, which is reflected in such a principle as non-use of force or threat of force. At the same time, the UN Charter became the first international act in the history of mankind, which completely prohibited armed aggression and enshrined this principle at the international level, which is binding on all states of the modern world.

1905 ◽  
Светлана Платонова ◽  
Svetlana Platonova

The tutorial discusses the main parts of philosophy: theory of being and matter, theory of conscious and the unconscious, philosophy of knowledge, the problem of person and his being in the world, the nature and dynamics of society, global problems. The author presents philosophical questions, based on the history of philosophy and modern science. The essence of society is analyzed in accordance with the modern social-philosophical theories. The book combines the actual tutorial, issues, topics abstracts, bibliography to each chapter, philosophical dictionary. The book is recommended for students of higher educational institutions, as well as all interested readers.

Phan Trong Hoang Linh

Mikhail Bakhtin (1895 - 1975) had a great influence on the history of modern poetics in the world. From the 1980s onwards, the adoption of Bakhtin's poetics was of great significance, contributing to the development of poetics in Vietnam in nearly four decades. One of the essential foundations for his theory is the principle of dialogue. However, applying the principle of dialogue in a systematic relationship with Bakhtin's academic legacy, especially its relation to the principle of carnaval, has never become easy for a consensus. The duty of this essay is to analyze the principle of dialogue in a systematic view. Dialogue is first a linguistic principle proposed on the basis of counter-argument of the linguistic theory of F.D. Saussure. The carnaval principle is a cultural basis for applying the principle of dialogue into the study of literature. By connecting these two principles to a system, Bakhtin wanted to promote the study of literature to cultural poetics. Applying the principle of dialogue for study Dostoievski’s work, he discovered the kind of novel that had never appeared before: polyphonic novel. This type of novel contains a new structure in the relationship between the author and the character, and if not based on the principle of dialogue, it is difficult to understand its full value.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-162
Oleh Pylypchuk ◽  
Oleh Strelko ◽  
Yulia Berdnychenko

The year 2020, verging to a close, is one of the most difficult and hardest years in the life of mankind over the last century. Unfortunately, it is in the 20th year of each century for the last several hundred years that human civilization has been suffering from another global pandemic (to say nothing of local and regional pandemics)… Several pandemics of plague killed at least 300 million people, and the highest incidence in Europe occurred in 1720‒1722. In 1817‒1824, the First Cholera Pandemic spread across the world. One hundred years later, in 1918‒1920, fifty million lives worldwide were claimed by the Spanish flu (H1N1). For a year now, starting in December 2019 and throughout 2020, the entire world is fighting the 21st century pandemic – the global COVID-19 outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Despite all the difficulties that humanity faces today, life goes on, and the world scientific community is persistently looking for ways to get out of the latest pandemic trap. The world has learned the lessons of pandemics and learned to use the acquired knowledge and scientific legacy of past generations. This led to a quick response to the challenges that life presents us. In December 2020, at this writing, several pharmaceutical companies have already announced the invention of vaccines and the final stages of their trials. We hope that our esteemed authors and readership will witness yet another victory of science over the world's evil. 10 years ago to the day, creation of the History of Science and Technology journal began. Therefore, we would like to summarize some of the work undertaken over the years. The first issue of History of Science and Technology was published in 2011. The founder of the journal was the State Economy and Technology University of Transport. State Economy and Technology University of Transport was one of the three universities in Ukraine that mainly trained specialists for the railway industry. It is the teachers, students and staff of the State Economy and Technology University of Transport who became the primary authors of the first journal issues. Therefore, in the first years after the journal was created, its focus on the study of the history of the development of railway transport and related areas was apparent. Back then the journal was titled History of Science and Technology: Collection of scientific papers of the State Economic and Technological University of Transport. Printed versions of the journal were regularly distributed in libraries of higher educational institutions and research institutions of Ukraine. The electronic version of the full-text issue of the journal (without division into separate articles) was posted on the University library website. Gradually, the journal began to gain popularity, and as far back as in 2013‒2015 it received a large audience of readers and authors across regions and organizations from all over Ukraine. Accordingly, the themes of the articles changed, being no longer limited to rail transport, but extended to the study of the history of all branches of science and various technologies instead. In 2016, the journal History of Science and Technology replaced its founder. It was the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies which was established through the decree of Ukrainian government dated February 29, 2016 by way of merger of two metropolitan higher educational institutions – Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachnyi and State Economy and Technology University of Transport. Accordingly, the name of the journal has changed into History of Science and Technology: Collection of scientific papers of State University of Infrastructure and Technologies. The next stage in the life of the journal was the creation of its separate website in March 2018. Since then, work has begun on a deeper reform of the journal, which continues to this day. History of Science and Technology journal is constantly changing. Thus, steps have been taken to improve the design of the journal and bring it into line with internationally recognized standards. The composition of the journal's editorial board has undergone significant personnel changes. In April 2019, it underwent state re-registration of the print media and acquired its current name – History of Science and Technology journal. However, fundamental steps have been taken towards filling the journal with original and high-qualty scientific content that would be of interest not only to the Ukrainian reader but also to foreign reader. Strict analysis in the selection of articles, strict plagiarism policy, independent double-blind peer review, as well as numerous other steps and innovations, have affected the number of published articles. If in 2019 approximately 25% of submitted articles were rejected, in 2020 this figure reaches almost 60%. Although hopefully, a change in quality of articles for the better followed the change in their number. They have really become interesting to the international world community, as evidenced by statistics on daily visits to the journal's website by representatives from around the world. The journal generated interest among authors from different countries and continents. In the first issue of History of Science and Technology for the year 2020, articles by authors representing universities and research organizations from Ghana, Canada, USA, Spain, Russia and Ukraine were published. Thus, in the second issue of 2020, History of Science and Technology journal introduces its readers to articles by authors from around the world, namely Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Italy, Spain and Ukraine. While summing up our 10 years’ work, we would like not to be limited to bare figures. Thus, History of Science and Technology has published 10 volumes and 17 issues over the years, which include more than 400 articles by various authors. And of course, each of these published articles has undergone a great deal of work by authors, editors, reviewers, proof-readers, print workers, etc. All these people primarily have always been trying to make History of Science and Technology journal interesting for you, our Readers! Our team will keep working enthusiastically and persistently on it!

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 353-362
Halyna Ponomarova ◽  
Alla Kharkivska

The object of the research is the history of development and the didactic foundations of distance education. To implement the research, a complex of theoretical and empirical methods was used: theoretical analysis of pedagogical, psychological, methodological and specialized (subject) literature on the problem under study. In the course of the research, the following results were obtained: the world experience in the development of distance learning was studied; clarified and concretized the content of the concepts of "distance learning" and "distance learning"; the author's interpretation of the concept of "distance learning" is given; based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience, the principles of organizing distance learning were identified and supplemented; the experience of using distance learning in higher educational institutions of Ukraine has been studied and systematized.

1933 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 112-121
A. G. Russell

The greatest contribution which Rome made to the history of the world is perhaps to be found in her government, in her solution of political problems, and in the machinery she devised to carry out the hundred and one duties that fall to the lot of executive powers. No one institution of Rome is so interesting and intriguing in its origin and development as the Senate, which from the early days of the Republic down to the foundation of the Empire played an enormous part in moulding the whole political life of Rome; and even when the golden days of senatorial authority were over, its name and tradition remained to exercise a great influence and fascination on succeeding times. When we read of the Senate and its part in Roman history we try to think of parallels in our own government, and the first thing that suggests itself to us is the Houses of Parliament and more particularly the House of Commons. But there are so many differences between the two that it is worth while briefly to describe the Senate and in so doing compare it with our own system.

Vladimir Sergeevich Gorban

The subject of this research is the problem of interpretation of continuity and novelty in carrying out historical-philosophical and problematic-theoretical reconstructions of legal doctrines of the past and modernity. The absence of due knowledge on the origin, history of acquisition and application of theoretical ideas of the past often leads to significant modifications, distortions and loss of historical linkage within the legal picture of the world. The repetition of legal ideas and theoretical constructs of the past is natural, but firstly it can and should be viewed as a methodological prerequisite for searching of approaches and means to substantiate the interests to certain aspects of law, and secondly, for ensuring scientific value of modern research, it must be clarified not by the conventionality of scientific knowledge, but based on the reconstruction of origin, application and valid meaning and designation of ideas. The methodology leans on the comparative analysis of legal ideas of the past and modernity in synchronic and diachronic angle. The novelty of the conducted research consists in interpretation of the problem of novelty in legal science based on the requirement for preservation of continuity in terms of their historical-philosophical and problematic-theoretical reconstruction. At the same time, such requirement reveals in a number of specific reconstructions and examples of utilization of methodological approaches for their conduct.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 388-406
Vijay Kumar Shrotryia ◽  
Shashank Vikram Pratap Singh

SummaryIndia is one of the most populated countries in the world and was famously known as the golden bird. It was known for its rich cultural heritage and some of the world’s most significant educational institutions. Over the countless decades and centuries, the invaders exploited the resources for their advantage. At the decline of the independence in 1947, it was left backward with one of the poorest economies of the world of that time. The richness of erstwhile India, the status of the golden bird, the sacred intellectual space that India occupied has only textual value for the present generation. Through this academic paper, an attempt has been made to address the following questions: what was the state of the economy of India during the pre- and post-independence period, how has India transformed herself from one of the most impoverished economies in 1947 to currently the third-largest economy in the world, and how is the current economic and non-economic status of India.

Sirenko Sergiy

The purpose of the article is to explore and study the history of Finland’sschool education methodology in order to improve and integrate it into theUkrainian education system. Is it possible to integrate the methodology in Ukraineand why. Why Finland is taken requires further investigation. the methodologyof the study is to analyze the methodology of schools and how the school year isplanned in Finnish schools. Grading system for primary and secondary students.Historical information on the formation of specialized institutions in Finland. Thefirst experiments of implementation of this methodology in the education ofUkraine. the scientific novelty is to identify, based on analyzed materials from amore developed country, the basic techniques of Finnish educational institutionsin the course of education for possible implementation in Ukraine. conclusions Inthe author’s opinion, the main aspects of Finland’s education were revealed. Studieshave shown that Finnish education is one of the most successful in the world.Finland’s education system ranks first in terms of knowledge, number of childrenwho enjoy reading, second place in the natural sciences, and fifth place inmathematics. “According to PISA, Finland is considered to be one of the mostsuccessful countries in the system. Here, children are not just gobbling upinformation, they can use it to solve life’s challenges, and this is extremelyimportant. Our business is not to adopt the Finnish system – it is simply impossible,but to multiply our positive experience with their methods and practices to makeour children competitive in today’s world. Unfortunately, today’s school educationin Ukraine does not give maximum results for our children, ”Anna Novosad said.She also emphasized that Ukrainian children are facing new goals and newchallenges related to globalization and other complexities of the modern world.“We must move away from the tradition of suffering of the Ukrainian people,which we transmit to our children through Ukrainian literature,” – EducationMinister Anna Novosad [1]. She is right, because without the necessary reformsin Ukrainian education there is no future. Reform will be effective when we trustthe teachers and the teachers trust the children. “Big starts with small”, you needto set the right goal. For example, in the USA – to become the number one countryin the world in all directions, in Poland – to be in line with European standards.We need something in the middle where Ukraine can take a worthy place in theworld.

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