scholarly journals Analisis Sosiologi Hukum Islam pada Warung Kopi Lesehan yang Memperkerjakan Perempuan demi Meraup Cuan Maksimal di Jalan Suromenggolo Ponorogo

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-282
Roin Umaya ◽  
Nafi’ah Nafi’ah

Maximizing “cuan or profit”  in a business is a necessity. Traders often memorize all means in marketing their merchandise. Likewise, coffee sellers on Suromenggolo street or new road in Ponorogo Regency. In attracting customers they deliberately involve "sexy" women to sell their trade. This is a field of research,  researchers go directly to the field to examine gaps that occur, data collection techniques using interviews, observation and data analysis. Various reasons for women to become coffee shop servants on  Suromenggolo street, starting from the low level of education to being pushed aside, the difficulty of meeting family needs is a major factor. While in terms of the analysis the sociology of Islamic law, it was found that injustice in the process of cooperative interaction between coffee shop business owners and the female servants. Even though they are aware of the injustices and dishonesty that occur in reality they cannot fight the consequences of the agreed standard rules at the beginning. Memaksimalkan cuan dalam sebuah bisnis maupun usaha merupakan keniscahyaan. Pedagang seringkali menghalkan segala cara dalam mamasarkan dagangannya. Begitu juga para penjual kopi di jalan Suromenggolo atau jalan baru Kabupaten Ponorogo. Dalam menarik pelanggan mereka sengaja melibatkan perempuan “seksi” untuk menjajalkan dagangnnya. Ini merupakan field research, yaitu peneliti terjun langsung ke lapangan untuk meneliti kesenjangan yang terjadi, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan interview, observasi dan analisi data. Berbagai alasan para perempuan menjadi pelayan warung kopi di Jalan Suromenggolo mulai dari rendahnya tingkat pendidikan sampai terdesak akan sulitnya memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi keluarga menjadi faktor utamanya. Sedangkan dari segi analisis sosiologi hukum Islam di temukan ketidakadilan dalam proses interaksi kerjasama antara pemilik usaha warung kopi dengan para pelayan perempuan tersebut. Meskipun mereka mengetahui atas ketidakadilan dan ketidakjujuran yang terjadi kenyataannya mereka tidak bisa melawan akhibat aturan baku yang sudah disepakati diawal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Afifuddin - ◽  
Yoyo Hambali

This study describes the procedure for requesting a marriage determination at the Bekasi ReligiousCourt, as well as analyzing judges’ considerations in deciding a marriage determination case. Thisresearch is a field research, using descriptive methods. To find the results of this study, the researcherstook several steps, namely data collection, data processing, data analysis, and drawing conclusions.From the results of this study it can be concluded that the judges considerations refer to, 1) LawNumber 1 Year 1974 Article 2. 2) Government Regulation Number 9 Year 1975. 3) Articles 14 and7 paragraph 3 letter E Compilation of Islamic Law. 4) the book “I’anatut Tholibin volume 10, page254. In addition, the Judge is also flexible in seeing other factors for the benefit and legal certaintyof the petitioners. The procedure for requesting a marriage determination at the Bekasi ReligiousCourt is the same as the procedure for filing other cases, which are registered at the Religious Court.What distinguishes only the Application Conditions. Meanwhile, the results of the case of marriagedetermination that have been signed (with permanent legal force) can be used as evidence for theparties to register and register their marriage with the Marriage Registration Officer (PPN), at theOffice of Religious Affairs where the husband and wife live.

Maskawati Maskawati ◽  
Sitti Harlina Hamid ◽  
Burhanudin Burhanudin

This study evaluates the implementation of marriage rituals at the Watansoppeng Religious Court following Law Number 1/1974 and the Compilation of Islamic Law. It evaluates the basis for judges' considerations in deciding marriage cases at the Watansoppeng Religious Court. This research is qualitative research with purposive sampling, and data collection techniques used are field research and library research. The data analysis technique was analyzed qualitatively, then described descriptively by explaining, describing, and describing the problems closely related to this research—the need to provide information and counseling to the community on an incentive basis. Counseling regarding the contents of Law Number 1/1974 concerning marriage, counseling on the importance of marriage registration for life to come, especially for their children and the assets they gain in marriage. This counseling is given to all levels of society, especially rural communities, both married and unmarried. The purpose of marriage to form an eternal family based on the Almighty God is achieved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-38
Syamsuddin RS ◽  
Dadan Anugrah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode Program Fajar Indah yang ada di Radio Citra Progo dalam meningkatkan pemahaman keagamaan masyarakat, mengetahui klasifikasi da’i pengisi program Fajar Indah, serta pesan dakwah dari program Fajar Indah. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data digunakan penafsiran logika yang dihubungkan dengan konteks Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Radio Citra Progo dalam program Fajar Indah menggunakan metode ceramah dengan pembawaan da’i yang santai ketika siaran. Adapun klasifikasi da’i dalam siaran dakwah ini, dapat dilihat dari wawasan keilmuan penyiar dalam menguasai Al Quran dan Hadist sebagai sumber hukum Islam dan kedisiplinan untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai da’i penyiar radio. Dalam siaran Program Fajar Indah terdapat pesan dakwah berupa materi Aqidah untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat kepada Allah, mengimani rukun Iman dan rukun Islam, serta materi Akhlak yang diperintahkan oleh Allah dan dicontohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW, materi Ibadah yang menyampaikan tatacara beribadah kepada Allah meliputi hukum pernikahan, hukum bertetangga, shodaqoh, sholat, puasa dan menyampaikan materi tentang hari-hari besar umat Islam. This study aims to determine the methods of the Beautiful Fajar Program on Radio Citra Progo in improving people's religious understanding, knowing the classification of preachers for the Fajar Indah program, and preaching messages from the Fajar Indah program. This study uses qualitative research with descriptive methods. Data collection in this study uses observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis used the interpretation of logic connected with the context of Islamic Broadcast Communication. The results showed that Citra Progo Radio in the Fajar Indah program used a lecture method with a relaxed nature when broadcasting. The da'i classification in this da'wah broadcast, can be seen from the broadcaster's scientific insights in mastering the Qur'an and Hadith as a source of Islamic law and discipline to carry out their duties as radio broadcast preachers. In the broadcast of the Fajar Indah Program there is a da'wah message in the form of Aqeedah material to increase public trust in God, faith in the pillars of faith and pillars of Islam, as well as moral material ordered by God and exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, the material of worship which conveys the procedure of worship to God including marriage law , neighborly law, shodaqoh, prayer, fasting and delivering material about the Muslim holidays.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Mulkan Syah Riza

This study aims to explain how the distribution of productive zakat in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra and how the effectiveness of productive zakat distribution in improving the welfare of mustahik in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive method, which is a problem that guides researchers to explore and photograph situations that will be thoroughly investigated, broadly and deeply. Data collection techniques with field research, while the tools used are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study inform that in distributing productive zakat funds, Rumah Zakat is in accordance with Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat. The distribution of productive zakat carried out by the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra through the Senyum Mandiri Program to mustahik in Medan Helvetia Subdistrict has been effective, because it can improve the welfare of mustahik, this is evidenced by the income of eight of thirteen mustahik people in total, five people whose income is fixed and four out of eight people whose income has increased has reached the level of muzaki.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Muhammad Ali . ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Beko Hendro

This article discusses the implementation of the reading of Surah al-Mulk at the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly and the views of the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim congregation on the reading of Surah al-Mulk as well as an analysis of Max Weber on the recitation of surah al-Mulk at the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly. This type of research is a field research (Field Research), the type of data used is qualitative with the study of living hadith. This study uses Max Weber's theory of social action related to four actions, namely, traditional action, affective action, value rationality action and instrumental rationality action. The subjects of this research are caregivers, administrators, ustaz and Jama'ah Majelis Ta'lim Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang. The data collection technique used observation by observing and paying attention to the implementation of the tradition of reading surah al-Mulk at the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly. While the interview data, the researchers interviewed twelve Jama'ah as respondents, while the documentation was equipped with books, photos and books related to the research. Meanwhile, data analysis uses descriptions and explanations. This study found that the Jama'ah of the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly was enthusiastic about the tradition of reciting surah al-Mulk in the Assembly. The congregation of the assembly is of the view that having the reading of Surah al-Mulk before starting the assembly is a good and good thing as a form of imitating the Prophet Muhammad. The congregation of the assembly supported this activity because of the benefits of reading it as a barrier from the torment of the grave and there were some congregations who routinely read Surah al-Mulk. It can be said that the response of the congregation of the assembly tends to know the values ​​contained in the hadith of reading surah al-Mulk. This shows that the living hadith in the congregation of the assembly was carried out and the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly fulfilled Max Weber's theory of social action.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-135
Erdani Murdani Nur

Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that every capable Muslim must do. One of the institutions that manage zakat funds is the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS). This study aims to partially and simultaneously examine the effect of promotion and service quality on people's interest in paying zakat through BAZNAS, Indragiri Hilir Regency. This type of research is field research. The data used in this study were primary and secondary. 87 Respondents in this study were Muzakki in BAZNAS Indragiri Hilir Regency. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. The data collection methods were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique partially used the t-test and simultaneously used the Anova test. The results showed that either partially or simultaneously, promotion and service quality had a significant influence on people's interest in paying zakat in BAZNAS, Indragiri Hilir Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 148-159
Ronny Mahmuddin ◽  
Saifullah bin Anshor ◽  
Hamdan Ngaja

This study aims to determine the prohibition of inter-caste marriage in Ngafan Village, Southeast Maluku, and Islamic legal views on caste marriage in the customs of the Kei tribe, especially in Ngafan Village, Southeast Maluku Regency. This research is descriptive qualitative research with the type of field research (Field Research). The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews and documentation. The results showed that: 1) The prohibition of inter-caste marriage (not equal) carried out by some people in Ngafan Village is the prohibition of marriage between women from the Mel-Mel caste (highest caste) and men from Riy-Riy (lowest caste). If there is a marriage between these castes, it depends on their family, if they agree then the marriage is still safe, but if they refuse the marriage can be canceled. 2) In Islamic law the scholars differ on the issue of caste (equality) in marriage. Jumhur ulama said that the caste referred to in marriage is religion, independence, social strata and, descent. Imam Malik said that the caste in question was the religion and was free from diseases that were deemed incurable. Meanwhile, the al-Ẓahiriyyah mazhab said that only Muslims were the conditions for marriage. The scholars do not require that caste be part of the legal requirements of marriage, but caste is included in the category of luzu> m requirements, a condition that allows a female guardian to request an annulment of marriage if the male partner is not in the same caste. So the prohibition of marriage is not equal in Ngafan Village can be justified based on the opinion of some scholars. The implementation of this research is expected to contribute theoretically and practically to religious leaders, parties with special interests, and society in general.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Naila Amania

<span lang="IN"><em>This study aims to analyze the management of YBW Al-Ikhsan Kudus waqf assets for orphans. This type of research is field research with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques with observation, interview and documentation and data analysis are done inductively. The result of the study shows that the management of YBW Al-Ikhsan Kudus waqf assets is still consumptive and still has the potential to be productive. YBW Al-Ikhsan Kudus keep trying to produce waqf assets because some of the waqf assets that can produce have not been managed maximally by way of utilization of wakaf asset directly and indirectly. The opportunities and challenges of asset management of YBW Al-Ikhsan Kudus based on SWOT analysis are; S-O strategy, which is by optimizing the potential of waqf assets through the utilization of vacant land, cooperation with LKS, investment training nadzir, the formation of waqf savings. The S-T strategy, namely nadzir, must apply good management principles in the development of waqf assets. W-O strategy, that is with participation and active role wakif, nadzir, and foundation for empowering asset waqf. While the W-T strategy, namely by making the priority scale and innovation in empowering asset waqf.</em></span>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 253
Iim Fahimah ◽  
Wahyu Abdul Jafar

The purpose of this research is to describe the Tabot festival, a legacy of the Shia tradition but still exists and held continuously in the Sunni community of Bengkulu City. This festival is a manifestation of love for Sayidina Husen bin Ali from people of Bengkulu. However, even though the purpose of this Tabot is useful, there are still some people who are questioning the legality of Tabot’s law because it is strongly suspected that Shiites brought this festival to the Bengkulu. This research was held to answer the legality of Tabot’s law, which is still being disputed by the Sunni community. Through this study, the researcher explained in detail the Tabot legal issues through the sociology of  Islamic law Perspective. This research is categorized as field research, and the approach used in this research is the sociology of Islamic law. Data collection techniques used were interview and documentation techniques. After an in-depth study, it was concluded that the Tabot Festival was accepted by the Sunni community, but there are a few sets of events that need to be improved, because it was considered to violate Shari'ah. The allowed event series are Duduk Penja, Meradai, Menjara/Mengandun, Arak Penja, Mengarak Penja Bersurban, Gam, and Arak Gendang. There are two series of Tabot programs that need to be improved, namely Menggambik Tanah and Tabot Tebuang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Dewi Citra Larasati

Abstract: The purpose of the research is to determine the level of comunity participation in developing integreted health service (Taman Posyandu) Sri Rejeki in the Kotalama village. This participation is faced with the low level of education of residents of RW 9 in Kotalama Village. The study used a qualitative method using triangulation data collection techniques, a combination of interviews, observation, and documentation. The sampling technique used is Puporsive Sampling. The results of this research are that community participation is classified into an interactive participation typology and is included in the level of supporting independent community interest or providing support in a variety of ways. Whereas the factors that influence participation are 1) the opportunity provided by the village team's driving force, 2) the willingness of the community to participate in developing integreted health service (Taman Posyandu)and 3) the ability of the community to participate especially to solve various problems faced in developing integreted health service (Taman Posyandu) Sri Rejeki. Keyword: Community participation; integreted health service (Taman Posyandu) Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengembangkan taman posyandu Sri Rejeki di kelurahan Kotalama. Partisipasi ini dihadapkan dengan rendahnya tingkat pendidikan warga RW 9 Kelurahan Kotalama. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan tehnik pengumpulan data triangulasi perpaduan antara wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik penentuan sampling yang digunakan adalah Puporsive Sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah partisipasi masyarakat tergolong dalam tipologi partisipasi interaktif dan masuk dalam tingkatan partisipasi supporting independent community interest atau memberikan dukungan dalam berbagai macam hal. Sedangkan faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi yaitu 1) adanya kesempatan yang diberikan oleh Tim Penggerak PKK Kelurahan, 2) adanya kemauan masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi mengembangkan Taman Posyandu dan 3) adanya kemampuan masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi terutama untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah yang dihadapi dalam mengembangkan Taman Posyandu Sri Rejeki. Kata Kunci: Partisipasi Masyarakat; Taman Posyandu

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