theory of social action
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4-1) ◽  
pp. 28-41
Aleksander Sanzhenakov ◽  

The article is devoted to the consideration of the theory of social action in the context of criticism of the theory of action by analytical philosophy. Firstly, the article describes the basic concepts of social action by M. Weber, E. Durkheim, and T. Parsons. Despite some disagreements between these sociologists, they agree that social action is purposeful and intentional, as well as focused on other people, due to which it receives a social characteristic. Then the author turns to analytical philosophy, in which the concept of "intention" was subjected to skeptical analysis. For example, in the philosophy of late Wittgenstein, action receives its meaning not from the intentions of the actor, but from the context of its implementation, just as words get their meaning from the conditions in which they are used. His ideas were developed by E. Anscombe, who rejected introspection as a method of comprehending the intentions of the subject of action. An obvious consequence of the refusal of psychologizing intent was an appeal to the context of the action being performed and to its social conditions as well. Having considered examples of the application of the theories of social action, the author concludes that sociologists in most of their studies use the model of a rational subject of action, the distinguishing feature of which is awareness of one’s own intentions and goals. Although some researchers have attempted to make this model weaker in order to approximate it to real participants of social interaction, these changes did not affect the awareness of the subject of action of his own goals and intentions. Therefore, the author of the article concludes that one of the urgent tasks of sociology is to develop a new model of the subject of action, which will organically combine the subject’s orientation to the external context and limited awareness of the grounds for his own actions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Muhammad Ali . ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Beko Hendro

This article discusses the implementation of the reading of Surah al-Mulk at the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly and the views of the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim congregation on the reading of Surah al-Mulk as well as an analysis of Max Weber on the recitation of surah al-Mulk at the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly. This type of research is a field research (Field Research), the type of data used is qualitative with the study of living hadith. This study uses Max Weber's theory of social action related to four actions, namely, traditional action, affective action, value rationality action and instrumental rationality action. The subjects of this research are caregivers, administrators, ustaz and Jama'ah Majelis Ta'lim Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang. The data collection technique used observation by observing and paying attention to the implementation of the tradition of reading surah al-Mulk at the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly. While the interview data, the researchers interviewed twelve Jama'ah as respondents, while the documentation was equipped with books, photos and books related to the research. Meanwhile, data analysis uses descriptions and explanations. This study found that the Jama'ah of the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly was enthusiastic about the tradition of reciting surah al-Mulk in the Assembly. The congregation of the assembly is of the view that having the reading of Surah al-Mulk before starting the assembly is a good and good thing as a form of imitating the Prophet Muhammad. The congregation of the assembly supported this activity because of the benefits of reading it as a barrier from the torment of the grave and there were some congregations who routinely read Surah al-Mulk. It can be said that the response of the congregation of the assembly tends to know the values ​​contained in the hadith of reading surah al-Mulk. This shows that the living hadith in the congregation of the assembly was carried out and the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly fulfilled Max Weber's theory of social action.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 547-557
Desi Nur Afifah ◽  
Irawan Irawan

Bantengan art is an art featuring dance, music, or spells with magical and philosophical nuances. This art is a development of the art of pencak silat which finally stood alone as a typical culture of East Java. In 2019, Bantengan art was designated as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Ministry of Education and Culture with the category of performing arts represented by Pasuruan Regency and Batu City. The development of bantengan art cannot be separated from the role of the community, especially associations and cultural actors. As discussed in this research, the researcher tries to describe how the efforts to preserve banteng art in the Prigen area were analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods. The research subjects were members of the Bantengan Budi Mulyo group and the community who were selected using purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the activities carried out by Budi Mulyo Bantengan Group were classified as directed, organized, and of social value. This is in accordance with the theory of social action put forward by Max Weber where an action has a meaning or subjective meaning that is directed to the actions of others. The research also found that Budi Mulyo's bantengan group acts as a unifying tool for people who love and want to preserve Bantengan art in the Prigen area. Kesenian Bantengan merupakan seni yang menampilkan tarian, musik, atau mantra bernuansa magis dan filosofis. Kesenian ini merupakan pengembangan dari kesenian pencak silat yang akhirnya berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kebudayaan khas Jawa Timur. Pada tahun 2019, kesenian Bantengan ditetapkan sebagai Warisan Budaya Tak Benda oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dengan kategori seni pertunjukkan diwakili oleh Kabupaten Pasuruan dan Kota Batu. Berkembangnya kesenian bantengan tidak lepas dari peran masyarakat, terutama paguyuban dan pelaku budaya. Seperti yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini, dimana peneliti berusaha mendeskripsikan bagaimana upaya pelestarian kesenian bantengan di wilayah Prigen yang dianalisis menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah anggota kelompok Bantengan Budi Mulyo dan masyarakat yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Kelompok Bantengan Budi Mulyo tergolong terarah, terorganisir, serta bernilai sosial. Hal ini sesuai dengan teori tindakan sosial yang dikemukakan oleh Max Weber dimana suatu tindakan yang memiliki makna atau arti subjektif yang diarahkan kepada tindakan orang lain. Dari penelitian ditemukan pula bahwa kelompok Bantengan Budi Mulyo berperan sebagai alat pemersatu masyarakat yang mencintai dan ingin melestarikan seni Bantengan di kawasan Prigen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Yulmitra Handayani

This paper discusses about women as wives of convicted criminals in Batusangkar, West Sumatra. This study concentrates on the reasons of their attitudes to stay at becoming wives of these convicted criminals.  This study is an empirical research by utilizing the theory of social action of Max Weber. This article argues that the wives of convicted criminals have chosen to keep their household as a fruit of both traditional and rational action choices. The wife loyalty and the stigmatization of widow status are among traditional values which give strong influence to them. At the same time, some consider their age, their nuclear family and financial needs as rational reasons behind their choice.Tulisan ini membahas tentang perempuan yang menjadi isteri narapidana di Batusangkar, Sumatera Barat. Fokus kajian dalam tulisan ini adalah alasan mengapa mereka tetap memilih bertahan menjadi isteri narapidana. Dengan menggunakan teori tindakan sosial Max Weber, artikel ini menyatakan bahwa para perempuan tersebut tetap memilih bertahan untuk menjadi para isteri narapidana dikarenakan alasan tradisi dan alasan rasional. Kesetiaan perempuan dan stigma negatif terhadap status janda menjadi alasan tradisional yang melatari pilihan mereka. Sedangkan alasan rasional mereka dapat dilihat dari pernyataan di antara mereka yang mempertimbangkan usia mereka yang sudah lanjut. Sebagian lagi mempertimbangkan nasib anak-anak mereka. Terdapat pula sebagian isteri yang berargumen karena kebutuhan ekonomi mereka.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-115
Nida Khoirunisa ◽  
Audria Octavia Sri Anjani ◽  
Salsabillah Malicha Putri ◽  
Nanda Harda Pratama Meiji

Regional student organizations are organizations formed through a group of students who come from one area and have the same goal. Forda IPTTM (Tongkonan Toraja Malang Youth Association) is a form of regional student organization that has the same goal among its members, namely as a communication for Toraja students who have migrated in Malang. This research focuses on how the role of Forda IPTTM in introducing Toraja culture in Malang. This study uses a qualitative approach and is described descriptively by providing a detailed description of the problem formulation in the study. In analyzing research problems, researchers used Max Weber's theory of social action and the concept of status and role. The results showed that students who have status as members and administrators have rights and obligations that must be carried out for the success of the goals of the establishment of Forda IPTTM. The role of Forda IPTTM in introducing Toraja culture is manifested through the activities and work programs they have carried out, namely participating in cultural exhibitions by presenting Toraja dances and participating in the Universitas Brawijaya Cultural Village Festival, as well as promoting Toraja culture through social media. Organisasi mahasiswa daerah ialah sebuah organisasi yang terbentuk melalui beberapa kumpulan mahasiswa yang berasal dari satu daerah dan memiliki tujuan yang sama. Forda IPTTM (Ikatan Pemuda Tongkonan Toraja Malang) merupakan salah satu bentuk organisasi mahasiswa daerah yang memiliki tujuan yang sama antar anggotanya yakni sebagai komunikasi mahasiswa Toraja yang merantau di Malang. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana peran Forda IPTTM dalam memperkenalkan kebudayaan Toraja di Malang. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan penelitian dijelaskan secara deskriptif dengan cara memberi gambaran terperinci mengenai rumusan masalah dalam penelitian. Dalam menganalisis permasalahan penelitian, teori yang digunakan peneliti adalah teori tindakan sosial Max Weber serta konsep status dan peran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa yang memiliki status sebagai anggota maupun pengurus memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang harus dijalankan demi keberhasilan tujuan berdirinya Forda IPTTM. Peran Forda IPTTM dalam memperkenalkan kebudayaan Toraja diwujudkan melalui program kerja dan kegiatan yang telah mereka lakukan yakni mengikuti pameran budaya dengan menampilkan tarian Toraja dan mengikuti Festival Kampung Budaya Universitas Brawijaya, serta mempromosikan kebudayaan Toraja melalui media sosial.


"If one studies the passage from language as a system of signs (langue) to language in its intercultural and dialogic use, a change of perspective takes place because the theory of social action is applied to the study of language, and this theory shows the two aspects of linguistic behaviour: expectation, the social part referred to the langue, with its centripetal character; and actuation, referred to the language, which is the individual part with a centrifugal character. With linguistic actuation, speakers help cause events (agency), even if these are not wholly determined by their linguistic action. The social actor identifies in the situation a number of opportunities that he/she exploits with his/her action, the outcome of which feeds back into the diagnosis of the initial situation, either confirming or correcting it."

Titin Sekartika

Private educational institutions have various methods of recruiting students according to school needs. In general, these schools prefer to implement PPDB (New Student Admissions) with the "pick up ball" method, rather than taking PPDB Online. PPDB "pick the ball" is a method of recruiting students that is followed by all school units including, educators and students. They go directly to the field to find and pick up students. So, not only students who come to the school to register, but the school will pick up prospective students. This research is a qualitative study using the Alfred Schutz phenomenology approach. Max Weber's theory of social action as the analysis knife of this research. The focus of this research study is the SMK Siang 1 Bojonegoro school unit. The selection of informants was done purposively. Data obtained through observation, indepth interview, and documentation. The results of the study, SMK Siang 1 Bojonegoro has several reasons for "picking up the ball", including: maintaining school prestige, eliminating negative stereotypes, competition between schools, increasing economic capital, bureaucratic efficiency, and the existence of a communal culture in the Bojonegoro community. There are two strategies used to make "pick the ball" successful. Hegemony strategy, actors act on the basis of franchise principles, seen from the side of efficiency and effectiveness alone. Meanwhile, the actor's Social Capital strategy acts based on moral and religious values.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 299
Nur Huda

<p><em>Tawasul</em> dan <em>Tabaruk </em>merupakan tradisi yang sudah banyak dipraktekkan oleh masyarakat muslim pada saat berdoa di makam. Kedua tradisi ini juga sering disalahpahami sebagai praktek yang menjerumuskan kepada kemusyrikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap aspek living hadis pada tradisi <em>tawasul</em> dan <em>tabaruk</em> warga Desa Bonang di makam Sunan Bonang dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif induktif, dan menganalisisnya dengan teori tindakan sosial Max Weber. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Pertama, tradisi ini merupakan suatu living hadis. Kedua, berdasarkan tipe tindakan tradisional, para pelaku tradisi ingin terus menerus menghormati Sunan Bonang dengan cara melestarikan tradisi yang sudah dilakukan secara turun temurun. Ketiga, tindakan afektif, memperlihatkan bahwa para pelaku memiliki ikatan emosional dengan para tokoh agama dan waktu pelaksanaan (malam Jumat). Keempat, tindakan instrumental rasional, para pelaku secara sadar mampu melaksanakan tradisi tersebut, baik dari aspek sumber daya manusia maupun aspek finansial. Kelima, rasionalitas nilai, pelaku ingin meniru perilaku tokoh-tokoh agama dan membiasakan diri bersedekah sekaligus ingin menanamkan nilai solidaritas jamaah.</p><p> </p><p>[<strong><em>Tawasul</em> and <em>Tabaruk</em> Traditions in Sunan Bonang’s Tomb Lasem Rembang: A Study of Living Hadith</strong>.<strong> </strong><em>Tawasul</em> and <em>tabaruk</em> are traditions that have been widely practiced by Muslim communities when praying at the grave. These two traditions are also often misunderstood as practices that lead to idolatry. This study aims to reveal aspects of the living hadith in the tradition of <em>tawasul</em> and <em>tabaruk</em> of the people of Bonang Village in the Sunan Bonang tomb by using the inductive descriptive method, and by analyzing it through Max Weber's theory of social action. This study yielded several findings. First, this tradition is a living hadith. Second, based on the type of traditional action, traditional actors want to continue to respect Sunan Bonang by preserving traditions that have been carried out from generation to generation. Third, affective action shows that peoples have an emotional bond with religious leaders (<em>ulama</em>) and the time of implementation (Thursday night). Fourth, rational instrumental action, where the actors are consciously able to carry out the tradition, both from the human resource and financial aspects. Fifth, value rationality, the people want to imitate the behavior of religious figures and get used to giving alms at the same time wants to instill the value of solidarity among the <em>jama'a</em>.]</p>

Society ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-82
Sarmini Sarmini ◽  
Anna Lutfaidah ◽  
Ajeng Eka Prastuti

The existence of students in the community should play a role as a drafter, dynamist, and evaluator of various social changes. Something that has a positive impact on the community. But some of them do the opposite, having a negative impact on the community, such as acting as a gigolo, known as ‘exclusive gigolo’. This research presents the meaningful actions carried out by exclusive gigolo to attract sympathy and various actions in providing excellent service to clients. These actions were examined from the perspective of Max Weber's Theory of Social Action. This research used a qualitative approach with the perspective of Weber's theory. The research subjects were students who worked as gigolos, ranging from freelance to a lover (manstress). The informants were selected using the snowball sampling technique. Meanwhile, the data collection technique used is in-depth interviews. Data analysis and interpretation techniques are carried out with a deeper understanding (verstehen). There are gigolo social actions, within the framework of norm values, which become the blueprint of community behavior. First, the integration between rationality actions and instrumental rationality actions. These actions were found in activities, including: (1) Gigolo built his self-image: from self-expertise to intelligence in choosing marketing models; (2) Ignoring the feeling of shame as self-strengthening in facing various situations; (3) Client service actions: from holding hands to sexual activity. Second, the integration between rationality action and affective action. The highest achievement for gigolo is to become a lover (manstress). The intensity and the close relationship between a gigolo and the client can make both of them fall in love, like real love. In this context, the gigolo puts money as its main goal. On the other hand, gigolo realizes that the woman who is his client has a family, so it is impossible to have the love of the woman completely. This research concluded that: (1) The implementation of Max Weber's Theory of Social Action in gigolo social actions is integrated into one action with another, and; (2) Gigolo does not take traditional actions on the actions that have been taken.

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