Word-combination with adjectivized component political in journalistic texts

2019 ◽  
pp. 201-206
Liudmyla Khalinovska

There several factors that influence language of modern usus (political language and speech). They are processes in a country, political situation in the world, and as a result, its analyses and media coverage in a text. The subject of our attention is a word combination with adjective component politychnyi (political). This combination hasn’t been studies in the Ukrainian linguistics yet. The present research is aimed to systematize and describe structural and functional features of set expressions with the qualifying component mentioned bellow. Stability of such units can be explained by constant lexical composition with the unchangeable grammar meaning, word order, and active usage in speech. Most of the analyzed combinations are built in such a way: noun + adjective. Among terms-word combinations substantive combinations with depended component represented by adjective of attributive type are highly productive. They can be marked as adjective + noun: politychna kultura (political culture), politychnyi vysnovok (political conclusion), politychna manipuliatsiia (political manipulation) etc. Set expressions can be formed with the help of terms and commonly used words. The expansion of word combinations with the adjective component politychnnyi (political) in social language sphere leads to semantically different combinations appearance. Often component politychnnyi (political) adding results in positively / negatively marked set expression with new meaning appearance. Semantic changes take place under the influence of inner-lingual (language environment, context), cultural, social (war, trade, revolution, change of government etc.) etc. Some of them appear because of determinologization as a mean of imaginary. In the media language there are terms of many branches of knowledge used for different purposes – description of events taking place in modern society, popularization of science, the latest technologies and inventions, etc. Terms to change their meaning in combination are often borrowed from the fields of economics, medicine, sports, ecology and computer technology. Modern Ukrainian society sensitively reacts to the political processes that take place in it. It results in new words and phrases appearance, which are kind of litmus, a characterization of events by the citizens of Ukraine. The study of dynamic trends in modern socio-political media texts (the emergence of neologisms, the study of the changes in meanings of terms), will contribute to further regulation of the linguistic political communicative space, taking into account its anthropocentric, polyparadigmatic and interdisciplinary nature.

2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 897-914
Jacky Yaakov Zvulun

Voters gain their information from news media, and in particular from print media, about politicians. More importantly, voters develop their understanding of political processes based on what they read. In this paper, I examine the print media coverage of the campaign introducing new electoral system Single Transferable Vote (STV) in the New Zealand Local Body Elections 2004 and 2007 compared with the campaign introducing Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) electoral system in the 1996 national election. I focus particularly on the coverage of the alternative electoral system, STV, by two newspapers – the Dominion Post and the Otago Daily Times from the perspective of type, nature, and number of the articles published and the attitudes toward encouraging participation and introducing new electoral system [STV]. The study shows that both newspapers offered a significantly poorer coverage of the 2004 and 2007 local elections compared to the campaign in 1996 national election. This also might lead to the prediction of one of the reason decreasing or increasing voter turnout.

Communicology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-77
V. V. Stetsenko

The article represents the topical trends in contemporary Russian political discourse. The author proceeds from the thesis about the strengthening of the importance of the cultural component of state policy in relation to the education of young people, the reproduction of the political elite, as well as the building of communicative influences between the elite and the people. The article provides an overview of the legal framework of sources within the framework of the research area under consideration. In particular, the article analyzes changes in the field of constitutional legislation, as well as new law-making initiatives in the context of the discussion and adoption of the Laws on Culture and Youth Policy. Significant research platforms are highlighted that accentuate the problems of cultural policy, in the aspects of forming the foundations of the traditional cultural and civilizational identity of youth, as well as the reproduction and improvement of the quality of human capital in the field of training management personnel. Within the framework of the article, the phenomenon of cultural enlightenment is positioned as a promising direction of cultural policy, which is very relevant from the point of view of solving the problems being analyzed. The concept of «cultural imperative» is put forward, designed to become one of the «catalysts» of the process of value-semantic formation of the political elite. The methodological basis of the study was interpretive and empirical methods of studying the impact of state cultural policy, including cultural enlightenment, on the political outlook and socialization of young people, as well as the study of youth as a subject of political relations, its place and role in the political processes of the Russian state, development strategies civic and patriotic activity of young people in a modern society subject to globalization and informatization. In our research, we turned to an interdisciplinary method, in particular, we use the research techniques of sociology in the framework of monitoring on key research issues. As the results of the research, the author proposes projects of optional courses and retraining courses aimed at enriching the system of training the future political elite with value-semantic content through the tools of cultural enlightenment.

Laurits Harmer Lassen ◽  
Søren Kjellberg Ishøy

The article describes the American presidential election in the two largest American and Danish newspapers: USA Today, New York Times, Jyllands-Posten and Politiken. Two weeks of news about the election have been analysed and showed that around 60 to 70 percent of all stories focused on the political processes contrary to the political substance. At the same time the analysis show that in broad terms the Danish and American newspapers coverage are quite similar. On the basis of theories of democracy the article makes a critique of the media coverage and give possible explanations of, why the focus is more on the political game than on the political substance.

2020 ◽  
pp. 11-15
S. M. Heiko ◽  
O. D. Lauta

The article focuses on the phenomenon of leadership in philosophical discourse. Philosophical retrospection of the concept of "leadership" as a philosophical phenomenon and its systematic analysis is carried out. Philosophical connotations of the phenomenon of leadership in the dynamics of social and political processes of modern times are being defined. In modern society, the well-formed image of leaders of organizations, movements and etcetera an important role. Leadership is a universal phenomenon of social life. It is present in any sphere of human activity that requires stratification: the separation of leaders and subordinates, leaders and followers. In modern science, where there is a commonality of initial positions, leadership is characterized by ambiguity: as a social relationship of domination and subordination in a group or organization (sociology); as a characteristic of the figure of a leader and its impact on others (psychology); as effective and successful innovations in business, dominance in enterprise performance (economy); as developing vision, decision-making, empowerment and direction of people towards specific goals (management); as a process of human interaction in which authoritative people wield real power, exerting legitimate influence on a society that voluntarily gives them part of its political power and rights (political science). The essence of leadership reveals its numerous concepts and theories that have evolved in the history of philosophy and social philosophy. Classical theorists tried to understand and develop the ideal concepts of leadership. Modern researchers are not analyzing the ideal of leadership, but what it is. The philosophical understanding of leadership can be seen, first, as a form of power held by one individual or group of individuals; secondly, as a social position of decision-making; thirdly, as an influence on others.

Чжидань Ли

Введение. Концепт «образование» является одним из значимых в концептосфере современного общества, о чем свидетельствует неослабевающей интерес к данной ментально-языковой универсалии на уровне как общенациональных концептосфер, так и отдельных дискурсов, и дискурсивных практик. В сетевом диаспоральном дискурсе репрезентация концепта «образование» приобретает яркие особенности, поскольку анализ интернет-коммуникации представителей русской диаспоры в Китае отражает особый вариант русской лингвокультуры, ориентированной в область китайской культуры, чем обусловлены новизна и актуальность данного исследования. Цель статьи – описать специфику репрезентации концепта «образование» в интернет-дискурсе русско-язычной диаспоры Китая с опорой на анализ его инолингвокультурного субстрата. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили более 10 тыс. текстов интернет-коммуникации членов русскоязычного диаспорального сообщества Китая, содержащих имя анализируемого концепта и иные его лексические репрезентанты. В анализе, помимо методологического инструментария интерлингвокультурологии и лексической семантики, используются приемы квантитативного, контекстологического и дискурс-анализа. Результаты и обсуждение. Как показал анализ, среди компонентов инолингвокультурного субстрата концепта «образование» наибольший интерес представляют следующие лексические единицы-китаизмы, характерные для русско-китайской языковой среды: лаоши 715 (老师138), вайцзяо 138 (外教 40), сюешен/сюэшен 5 (学生 112), сюэюань 2 (学院 64). Сделаны выводы о нечеткости определения понятия сюэюань в связи с неоднозначностью и многовариантностью его перевода, ведущей к спорам о «правильности» классификации институтов высшего образования Китая; об исключительно положительной коннотации ксенонима вайцзяо, амбивалентной коннотации лексем лаоши и сюэюань, а также преимущественно негативной лексической единицы сюешен; об идентификации себя русскими преподавателями с лаоши и вайцзяо без необходимости перевода китайских эквивалентов на русский язык в связи с полным принятием данной профессиональной роли и статуса как уважаемых и почетных в китайском социуме и культуре. Заключение. В сетевом дискурсе русскоязычной диаспоры Китая выделяется определенный набор ксенонимов-китаизмов, эксплицирующих концепт «образование». Данные лексемы характеризуются особой культурологической ценностью и актуальностью, а их анализ свидетельствует о сильном влиянии иноязычной среды на восприятие информации представителями диаспорального сообщества, о самоидентификации в соответствии с социальными и профессиональными статусами, принятыми в китайской традиции, а также о более экспрессивном выражении эмоций и оценок с помощью иноязычного слова. Introduction. The concept education is one of the most significant in the conceptual sphere of modern society, as evidenced by the unflagging interest in this mental-linguistic universalism both at the level of the national conceptual sphere and at the level of individual discourses and discursive practices. In the online diaspora discourse, the representation of the concept education acquires vivid features, since the analysis of the Internet communication of the representatives of the Russian diaspora in China reflects a special variant of the Russian linguistic culture oriented to the Chinese culture, which is due to the novelty and relevance of this research. Aim and objectives. The purpose of this article is to describe the specifics of representation of the concept education in network discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora of China, based on the analysis of its inolinguistic cultural substrate. Material and methods. More than 10,000 texts of Internet communication of members of the Russian-speaking diaspora community in China, containing the name of the analyzed concept and its other lexical representatives, became the material of the study. In addition to the methodological tools of interlinguoculturology and lexical semantics, the analysis uses techniques of quantitative, contextual and discourse analysis. Results and discussion. As the analysis has shown, among the components of the inolinguistic cultural substrate of the concept education, the following lexical units of Chinese characteristic of the Russian-Chinese language environment are of the greatest interest: лаоши 715 (老师138), вайцзяо 138 (外教 40), сюешен/сюэшен 5 (学生 112), сюэюань 2 (学院 64). Conclusions were made about the ambiguity of the definition of the concept сюэюань due to the ambiguity and multivariance of its translation, leading to disputes about the correctness of the classification of higher education institutions in China; about the exceptionally positive connotation of the xenonym вайцзяо, the ambivalent connotation of the lexemes лаоши and сюэюань, as well as predominantly negative – the lexical unit сю- ешен; the identification of oneself by Russian teachers from лаоши and вайцзяо without the need to translate Chinese equivalents into Russian in connection with full acceptance of this professional role and status as respected and honorable in Chinese society and culture. Conclusion. The network discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora in China is distinguished by a certain set of xenonyms that express the concept education. These lexemes are characterized by a special cultural value and relevance, and their analysis indicates a strong influence of the foreign language environment on the perception of information by representatives of the diaspora community, self-identification in accordance with the social and professional statuses adopted in the Chinese tradition, as well as a more expressive expression of emotions and assessments using the foreign word.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 237-250
Valery A. Amirov ◽  

The article explores the modalities and features of onomastic units in the media coverage of the Eastern Ukraine military conflict in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Based on large empirical data of printed and online publications in Russian and Ukrainian media reporting on the hostilities in Donbass extensively for several years, the author has collected, classified, and analyzed the corpus of onomastic units of the military media discourse. These include place names, such as Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Luganda, Donbabwe, Debaltsevo pocket, Ilovaysk pocket, ORDLO (“separate districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions”), Novorossiya, “Odessa Khatyn,” as well as the nicknames of field commanders that have become deeply associated with the conflict — Motorola, Bes, Givi. The study examines functional aspects of proper names usage in the media, and their role in shaping a general picture of the Donbass armed conflict for the readers. A special emphasis is made on the weight of onomastic units (militaronyms, toponyms, and anthroponyms) as constructive elements of the military discourse in Eastern Ukraine. In this regard, the presented analysis and its results can contribute to further studies of the media discourse related to armed conflicts of various etiologies and intensities.

2014 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 127-146
Mantas Martišius

Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje žiniasklaida atlieka svarbią funkciją. Ji ne tik informuoja, teikia pramogą ar šviečia, bet ir kuria bendrąjį kontekstą. Žiniasklaidos temų darbotvarkės kūrimas formuoja visuomenės temų darbotvarkę. Medijos teikiamos informacijos kokybė lemia visuomenėje naudojamo diskurso lygį, o pastarasis turi įtakos bendrųjų politinių, ekonominių ar socialinių klausimų sprendimui. Siūlomas naujas teorinis bendrojo konteksto nagrinėjimo aspektas – informacinis nutylėjimas. Informaciniai nutylėjimai – tai svarbios informacijos nepasakymas, kuris veikia bendrąjį kontekstą. Empirinis tyrimas nėra atliekamas, nes siekiama į reiškinį pažvelgti komunikacijos teorijos aspektu. Kitas aspektas, kad informacinių nutylėjimų empirinis nagrinėjimas vestų prie konkrečios istorijos pateikimo analizės. Būtų prarastas holistinis teorinis požiūris į informacinį nutylėjimą, kai, pateikiant informaciją ir sąmoningai ar atsitiktinai dalį svarbių žinių, duomenų ar faktų paliekant paraštėse, kuriamas nevisavertis visuomenės informuotumas. Straipsnio tikslas – analitiniu teoriniu būdu panagrinėti informacinio nutylėjimo reiškinį, jį sieti su propaganda ir bendrojo konteksto formavimu. Aptarti informacinio nutylėjimo priežastis ir poveikį Jurgeno Habermaso viešosios erdvės teorijos aspektu.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: informacinis nutylėjimas, propaganda, bendrasis kontekstas, žiniasklaida. Informative veiling: causes and consequencesMantas Martišius SummaryIn the modern society, the media play an important role. They not only inform, educate and provide entertainment, but also provide to the people the general context. Creating the news, the media shape the public agenda. The information provided by the media determine the quality of society’s discourse level and affect the political, economic, and social issues. The article theoretically proposes a new aspect of the examination, which is the information veiling. Informative veiling is an important information suppressing, which affects understanding of the context of general events. The information veiling can be intentional or accidental, but the effect will be the suppressing of important knowledge, data or facts and their unbalanced awareness. The purpose of the article is to examine analytically and theoretically the phenomenon of information veiling, linking it with propaganda and the context formation in general. In the deliberate or accidental information veiling, the result appears to be similar. Such information creates a weakly informed audience which is not using the valuable information for making the most effective decisions. If the public space is dominated by a large percentage of information veiling news, in society evolve myths, false assessments, and incorrect conclusions. In order to reduce the influence of information veiling, the audience should be careful as to the source of information and its expected effect. Examination of the media interest in the material reduces its propagandistic effect, and a more critical approach to the media coverage could reduce the information influence on the audience. On the other hand, we have to admit that it is a more idealistic approach rather than the reality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 168-176
Zenebe Tafesse Kinfu ◽  
Alina A. Fadeeva

This article is devoted to the study of the functional features of the media space in Kazakhstan under the rapidly changing globalization trends and information confrontation of world powers. Since gaining independence, Kazakhstan is striving to create its own independent information space. The process of information space formation in the country has several traits, such as low competitiveness of national news agencies, slow development of the regulatory and legal framework in the field of information security, high politicization, including the language issue. These features occurred due to the heterogeneous language environment, the problems of the formation of national independent news agencies, the challenges of globalization, the most pressing of which is the growing influence of global media. In this article, authors touch upon the transition of Kazakhstan to the Latin alphabet, as well as the views of Western, Russian and Kazakhstan researchers on the current state of the media landscape of Kazakhstan. Authors justify the need to work out ways to minimize external information impact on the media landscape of Kazakhstan that is still undergoing media transformation processes.

2017 ◽  
pp. 129-135
Roman Dudok

The article is concerned with an extensive research into the issue of structural, semantic and functional features of English social and political terminology. Social and political term is defined as a word or word combination that expresses political notion and belongs to science and political terminology as informative, meaningful and mono semantic unit. The aim of the research is to give an analysis of lexical-semantic peculiarities of the terminology researched in both statics and dynamics. We investigate different term formation means in order to reveal the most productive ones. Metaphor is the most efficient in semantic term formation, as such terms are motivated and establish relations with the other ones.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (7) ◽  
pp. 1535-1567 ◽  
Carla Antonini ◽  
Cornelia Beck ◽  
Carlos Larrinaga

PurposeThis paper explores the subpolitical role and main characteristics of a specific accounting technique, sustainability reporting boundaries. Its focus is on how the sett2ing of sustainability reporting boundaries affects the definition and distribution of social risks along the supply chain, particularly the risks related to working condition and human rights.Design/methodology/approachThe paper draws on Beck's (1986) exploration of the ways in which techno-economic spheres offer opportunities for the politicisation of new areas. It is argued that the sphere of sustainability reporting offers that opportunity for the politicisation of supply chains. Using the case of Inditex, the historical context of initiatives relating to the ready-made garment (RMG) industry at global, European and industry level as well as media coverage on the entity are analysed; this is correlated with the analysis of boundary setting in relation to sustainability reports, focusing specifically on working conditions.FindingsThe analysis suggests that accounting technologies that set contested boundaries are subpolitical, that is, defined outside traditional political processes. The paper finds that the way social risks are framed along the supply chain renders them invisible and impersonal and that the framing of these risks becomes endless as they are contested by different groups of experts. Setting sustainability reporting boundaries has subpolitical properties in producing and framing those risks, whilst is simultaneously limited by the inherent politicisation of such an exercise. The questionable legitimacy of sustainability reporting boundaries calls for the construction not only of discursive justifications but also of new possibilities for political participation.Research limitations/implicationsThe analysis is limited to working conditions along one organisation's supply chain.Originality/valueThe contribution of this paper is threefold: (1) It studies in-depth how working conditions in global supply chains are portrayed in sustainability reports. (2) It answers the call to study accounting technologies themselves, in this case sustainability reporting boundaries. (3) It extends Beck's work on global ecological dangers to working conditions in global supply chains to explore how sustainability reporting boundaries are subpolitically involved in the definition and distribution of social risks along the supply chain.

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