Terminological Bulletin
Latest Publications





Published By Institute Of The Ukrainian Language Of National Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine


2019 ◽  
pp. 140-147
Pawel Kowalski

Digitization of academic discourse causes changes that influence the work of researchers and flow of information in the scientific community. One can observe strong globalization and internationalization processes in the current terminological system wordlwide. The need to index the emerging works in the bibliographic databases, which have the goal to provide the necessary information for their users and to preserve the reflection of science and culture for future generations, does not disappear. This means that indexers are forced to skillfully maneuver between the quality and the amount of information provided. The paper presents some thougts on including and combining the international and native terms in the classes of equivalence in the iSybislaw system. To provide a complete and relevant information retrieval they both should be considered as an accesses point to the knowledge offered by the system.

2019 ◽  
pp. 125-130
Iryna Yaroshevych

The article is devoted to the multidisciplinary examination of grammatical terminology in the “Grammar” by M. Smotrytsky, the 400th anniversary of the publication of which this year celebrates the scientifi c community of the Slavic world. The emphasis was placed on determining the role played by “Grammar” in the codifi cation of the grammatical system of the Church Slavic language, which functioned in the ancient period in the Eastern Slavic lands and had a great infl uence on the formation of grammatical thought in Ukraine, contributed to the enrichment of grammatical theory through the introduction to scientifi c treatment of new linguistic concepts and the formation of Slavic linguistic theory. Using the theoretical achievements of the Greek-Latin grammar, translated by Ukrainian linguists into the Slavic linguistic soil during the long period of development of the Ukrainian language, M. Smotrytsky set out to broaden the conceptual and terminological basis and thus sought to enrich the theory of grammar. Due to the fact that in one article it is impossible to cover all the grammatical terms represented in the “Grammar”, only those that were fi rst recorded in it or which M. Smotrytsky transposed from the grammar of his predecessors, having improved them, are involved in the analysis. In particular, this article analyzes the concepts and terms of two parts of the grammar, designated by the Greek terms “Orthography” and “Etymology”. In the part of the grammar “Etymology” (“morphology”) traced the discovery of concepts and terms for their designation of only the parts that are discarded in the chapters “Name” and “Verb”.

2019 ◽  
pp. 84-89
Iryna Ivanenko

Charles Bally’s works laid the basis for the linguistic interpretation of the conceptions of association and associativity and understanding of associative mechanisms with regard to the fundamentals of psychology and systemacy of semantic links in thinking and language. The foundation of the modern theory of associativity is the classification of associations (mnemonic and necessary, close and distant, internal and external) developed by Charles Bally in his works. In linguo-stylistics the conception of association and associativity are associated with understanding of the psycholinguistic mechanisms of figurative use of language units and the realization of the aesthetic function of a literary language (S.Ya. Yermolenko, A.A. Moisiienko, L.V. Tailor, O. Malenkov, H.M. Siuta). Among the mechanisms for the formation of linguistic associations are the following factors: objective, social and intellectual experience, dependence on cultural and historical traditions, the gender identity of the speaker, etc. One of them dominates in each specific communicative situation. Currently known classifications of types of associative links take into account the basic positions of psycholinguistics, and the needs of lexicology and stylistics, etc. General differentiation is carried out: 1) for contiguity, similarity and contrast, 2) according to the scheme “word-stimulus, word-reaction”, 3) according to the type of relationship between the stimulus and the associate). Deep differentiation of associations according to the type of relationship between stimulus and associate) determines the allocation of several associative types: paradigmatic (food – bread) / syntagmatic (food – consume); thematic (friend – childhood > childhood friend); empirical (associated with the subjective experience of the speaker); social (associated with the social experience of the speaker), etc. The use of other criteria motivates the allocation of these types of associations: a) audio, visual, adorational, tangential; b) the usual and unexpected; c) direct and indirect, mediated; d) positive and negative; e) cultural, ethnic and author’’s individual. Understanding the connection between associativity and imagery is a primary issue in the modern literary language theory. Being a basis of concrete and sensual perception of the literary text, associations serve as a basis of creation of character in literature (S.Ya. Yermolenko, L.O. Pustovit, L.O. Stavitska, V.A. Chabanenko). It is necessary to consider the ideas of Franko’s treatise according to the history of the formation of the associativity theory. In particular, the proposed division of poetic associations by content (“ordinary”, that is, simple, and “linked by force”, that is, complex), remains undeniable. During the twentieth century the understanding of the mechanisms of implementation of associativity significantly deepened. One of the main subjects of intensive processing was the paradigmatic ordering of words in language and in human memory, the presence of clear mental connections between certain objects, realities on the basis of commonality or adjacency of their individual traits, features, etc. (compare.: spring – green, light, sun, warmth, flowers, feelings). This motivates the associative grouping of words into semantic fields. From linguo-stylistics point of view the associative-semantic field is a text structure, the model of the functional and stylistic implication of lexical-semantic units. The core of such a field, as a rule, are the keywords – the semantic and estimated coordinates of the entire work. Another type of lexicon combination, taking into account the associative links between the components, is an associative and imaginative field. It arises on the basis of associative and semantic or lexical and semantic association due to the identity of the denotative properties of linguistic signs, the general tradition of common language and poetic usage. Its center is the most active unit (dominant) – the core component of the series, which organizes the relationship of all other components. Associative-figurative series (lexical-thematic lines) go from this dominant, which work together semantically with the center for associative and creative field. Associativity is one of the key concepts of modern linguistic style. Terminological functionality of the conception of association and associativity is associated with the activity of cognition of the problems of “language association”, “artistic association”, “associativity and creative work”.

2019 ◽  
pp. 326-334
Iryna Samoilova

The article discusses the synonymous lines of the Ukrainian terms on the material of Dictionary of Musical Terms (Project) published in 1930. Scientists fix musical vocabulary in the monuments of the Old East Slavic language. But the formation of the actual Ukrainian scientific musical terminology is associated with the 16th – 18th centuries. Dictionary of Musical Terms (Project) published in 1930 is the first collection of the Ukrainian musical terms. The dictionary contains terms on the theory and history of music, harmony, instrumentation, musical pedagogy, old church music. The Dictionary body consists of four sections. In the Russian-Ukrainian section of the dictionary, the Ukrainian equivalents are most fully represented. Foreign terms and national terms may correspond to one Russian heading term. Both single-word equivalents and term combinations can correspond to the dictionary heading single-word term. In the article, groups of synonymous lines were selected, which consist of national terms or combination of national and foreign terms. If to consider their structure, synonymous lines are formed by single-word terms, term combinations, single-word terms and term combinations. The Ukrainian terms are extracted from 43 sources: dictionaries, magazines, works of composers, musicologists and folklorists. Many terms are characterized by reduction of source. Of particular interest are the neoplasms represented in the dictionary. The neoplasms are marked by letter N.

2019 ◽  
pp. 291-298
Liudmyla Marchuk

The article is one of the attempts to analyze the linguistic features of modern Ukrainian female prose. Despite the fact that in recent decades literary scholars have revealed some important features of the works of this genre, the language of feminine prose remains poorly understood. The obtained results supplemented the information about the general patterns of the use of terminological vocabulary in the artistic text. In the article, we distinguish the main ways of using terminology as an artistic means of language of Ukrainian writers. The urgency of the topic of scientific research is determined by the increased attention to the genres of contemporary women’s prose and the creation of a separate term “female prose”. A thorough linguistic study of the language of Ukrainian novels by Mariya Matios will help to understand the influence of science and technology on the fiction language of the 21st century. Creative individual and author’s use of terms by an artist is the reflection of the main characteristic processes not only in the language of fiction, but also in the whole contemporary commonly used language. Scientific and technical terminology is at the present stage the leading place in the enrichment of expressive means of language, therefore, in our work, we highlight some of the most relevant aspects. First of all, from the standpoint of styles interaction the modern Ukrainian language, since terminology is a product of scientific style. The study of the place and functions of terminological vocabulary in the language of Ukrainian prose deserves attention also in terms of stylistics of artistic speech. It is important to establish certain regularities in the gradual development of the terms of modern prose – from their use in the literal sense to full inclusion in the artistic text, use in the form of tropes. The work will contribute to further study of the functional and stylistic features of the terminological vocabulary in prose, to reveal the main characteristic processes not only in the prose text, but also in the modern universal language.

2019 ◽  
pp. 374-380
Hanna Mezhzherina

The article deals with the translation of aviation terms-abbreviations ((LORAN, tkof, Ttail, etc.) from English into Ukrainian. The regularities of structural integration of components in English and Ukrainian aviation terms were found. The types of structural and semantic transformations in translation were analyzed. The structure and features of the translation of letter abbreviations (UHF, HIPAR, etc.) are described. It was found that three–component word-combinations (ACC – area control center) often serve as the basis for design of letter aviation abbreviations; two-component, four-component, and five-component phrases are used occasionally. In the English aviation terminological system unlike the Ukrainian one the material for the formation of letter abbreviations may be composite as well as phrases, one of the components of which is expressed by a complex word. For the translation of the created in this way terms we can restore the original word-combination and use calquing. It should be borne in mind that one of the letters in its composition may be a reduction of conjunctions or prepositions (SARC – search and rescue center). The reduction to three or four letters of one of the components of the terminology word-combinations is a typical way of formation English aviation abbreviations. When determining the original form of the English term, a translator should take into account that not only the first, but also the last component of the phrase can be subject to reduction. The translation specificity of homoacronyms that based on word-combinations in which one of the components is a concatenation-type composite is shown. Attention is paid to the availability of borrowings in English and Ukrainian aviation terminological systems. Identification of abbreviations-borrowings requires the use of French, German and other terminology dictionaries. It is important to distinguish elliptical abbreviations not only from the initial ones, but also from the reductions of the composites to the first letters of their components, to achieve an adequate translation. The terms-abbreviations that are formed by the reduction of current words were found. The choice of methods, types, ways to translate English aviation abbreviations (calquing of the original form, calquing with the following abbreviation, descriptive translation, etc.) depends on the structural type of the term. The required condition for an adequate translation of abbreviations is to take into account the broad context. The material was taken from dictionaries of aviation terms and original scientific texts.

2019 ◽  
pp. 359-365
Tetiana Tsymbaliuk-Skopnenko

The term divergence is used traditionally in linguistics in origin of language and dialectology to denote the distinction between certain idioms. However, the unit under consideration was used in a wider context, because it denotes the process and the consequence that are caused by the distinction of features and properties of objects – something that ultimately leads to the division of the previously indistinguishable, and hence the appearance of new ideas about the world. In word formation, divergence is understood as the differentiation of common-root derivatives in terms of content or peculiarities of their use. Researchers also use the notions of semantic divergence – the difference in the content structure of derivative units with certain semantic nuances, which shows their semantic non-identity. Phraseography – conventionally derivative unit of lexemy lexicography, in this case we must talk about creating the first term by model of the second. For a long time in the scientific literature lexicography was used to refer to the section of linguistics, within which, with the help of certain methods, both lexemes and phraseologisms are described, although these units have different nature. The growth of phraseology as a separate scientific field did not automatically lead to the fixing of the term phrazeography in the national scientific discourse. Modern search engines on the Internet provide information that in this network found over a thousand documents in the Ukrainian language, which includes the word phrazeography. Certainly, this cannot be an example of the frequency of the use of this lexeme, but this fact suggests that in the modern scientific world there is a critical mass for understanding of the phrazeography as a separate scientific field. Some important arguments against this tendency were not found, although in modern university textbook phrazeography information is presented in the section “Phraseology” or at the end of “Lexicsology”, while lexicography as a separate branch, not within the limits of lexicology, has long been entrenched in the educational and scientific literature. And it sounds paradoxical to a certain extent, because it is from phraseology (however, in symbiosis with lexicography), not only the newest Ukrainian phraseology as a science began, the description of phraseological units was one of the first tasks of Ukrainian vocabulary in general. In addition, we note that the term “science about dictionaries” is most often used in the sense of “lexicography”. Since the tradition of non-differentiation of lexicography and phraseology is very strong, it would be expedient (and simply convenient) to use this Ukrainian term for the definition of synthetic understanding of the two branches of philology as a related unity: lexicography (theoretical and practical) and phrazeography (also theoretical and practical). If we accept such a proposal, then there will be no unnecessary confrontation between lexicography and phrazeography, the uncertainty of which leads to many misunderstandings. We can conclude that there is no reason to denote by the term lexicography the whole set of scientific approaches related to the phrazeography description. In Ukrainian linguistics, it is necessary to clearly delineate the terms lexicography and phrazeography, since they, over the last time, consolidated various semantic concepts.

2019 ◽  
pp. 212-220
Olena Chorna

The influence of scientific terminology on the formation of the national language is manifested in the expansion of the terminological vocabulary of the Ukrainian language at the expense of words associated with new types of mental and practical activity, in interaction with the lexical system of living, spoken language, in categorical differentiation of lexemes (belonging to different categories – names processes, objects, phenomena, individuals, institutions), in the formation of the first system formations on the disparate terms basis. Tax terminology belongs to the ancient layers of the lexical system, its formation depends on many linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. The functioning of the tax vocabulary as a certain integral system, its development and ordering were the least studied of Ukrainian Linguistic issues. The least studied in linguistic-Ukrainian studies were the questions of the functioning of the tax vocabulary as a certain integral system, its development and organization. The analysis of the historical background of economic activity in the Ukrainian language aspect, is closely linked to the Ukrainian political history. In addition, we take into account the geopolitical situation that arose as a result of the distribution of Ukrainian lands for several centuries between different states, where Ukrainians followed to legislations of these countries, where the rights and status of the Ukrainian language manifested itself in different ways. Different linguistic and political orientations of the regions of Ukraine had influenced on the formation of the tax terminology on the Dnieper and Dniester territories. As follows, there were extralinguistic factors of analyzed terms borrowing which had the main influence on the process, such as: Integration processes in science, the high level of development of this science-applied discipline in the countries of Western Europe. The long existence of Ukraine in conditions of economic, socio-political and cultural dependence on neighbouring states. As a result of the historical and political factors, the stages of free, natural development of terminology, dominance in all spheres of special language, specifically Ukrainian vocabulary, as alternating with the stages of artificial Russification, polonization or Germanization of the economic vocabulary of the Ukrainian language with parallel withdrawal from the circulation of terms created on its own linguistic basis. The sources of the Ukrainian tax terminology were such languages as Latin, Greek, French, German, Lithuanian, Italian, English, Turkish, Arabic, Polish. The situation of uncertainty and ambiguity of approaches that has developed in Ukraine in the field of scientific language (scientific style in general) requires serious linguistic analysis and developing of specific recommendations for the creation and use of terms due to their solidity in science and the language, convenience, and the correspondence of the Ukrainian language system. That is why particular importance is the question of the correlation of the national language and foreign languages terms, the role of borrowing in the system of development modern Ukrainian terminology. The best option is to use national terms if they correspond to the optimal aesthetic, linguistic and cultural characteristics, psychological characteristics. The situation of uncertainty ambiguity of approaches which has developed in Ukraine in the field of the scientific language, (the scientific style in general),needs serious linguistic analysis and making specific recommendations as for creating and using terms, considering on their solidity in science and language, convenience, compliance with the Ukrainian language system.

2019 ◽  
pp. 170-174
Iryna Kolesnikova

Professional language is a universal tool of specialists’ communication. Every professional language has its specificity at different levels. They are terminology, genre features of texts, ethics of professional communication etc. However, none of these languages can be an antagonist of literary language. Violation of the standards of literary language, intellectual imbalance between the advertiser’s IQ and the consumer, the existence of negative connotations and emotions, failure to reach advertiser’s intentions; unsuccessful linguistic design of advertising product, violation of ethics of communication with the client; failed branding; inappropriate neologisms; wrong semantics towards words of foreign origin, famous to place names, onyms, dubious creativity are typical features of language. The specialist in language of advertising (“lingvoreklamist”) is an expert in the language of copywriting. His professional occupation allows not only to make professional re-branding and to find both linguistic and intellectual mistakes in an advertising text, but also to find a name for the company or institution according to their specialty. It means that he work as trouble-shooter in order to make advertising product of high quality.

2019 ◽  
pp. 163-170 ◽  
Larysa Kysliuk

The article analyses the use of terms and the author’s terminology creation in texts of the journalistic style, in particular, based on the essays. The analysis involves texts by Yu. Shevelev, Ye. Sverstiuk, M. Ryabchuk. The verification of authorship is made by means of the corpus GRAC and the retrieval system Google. In the author’s journalism, the use of well-known terms and the creation of occasional units are observed. The rethinking and metaphorization of well-known socio-political terms are investigated. The tendency of acquiring the terminoids with the author’s neologisms with the prospect of entering the socio-political terminology system was revealed, in the context of the modern updating of social terminology. Occasional neologisms remain within the scope of the author’s text, since they are not created by the need to define a particular phenomenon or process, but primarily for the expression of the author’s assessment. The gradation scale according to correlation between generally accepted and authors’ terms in their functioning is developed: 1) the term as a unit of the terminology system; 2) transient / unstable unit (bi-directional dynamics): a) metaphorization of the term / semantic derivation and its determinism; b) the creation of an author’s term, the acquisition of the status of terminology and subsequent entry into the terminology system; 3) individual (occasional) terminological unit (created / interpreted by author).

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