Раиса Гандыбаловна Жамсаранова

В статье описывается гипотетическое наличие эвенских личных имен в историческом именнике хори-бурят, извлеченных из ревизских описей Государственного Архива Забайкальского края. Целью статьи является описание эвеноязычных личных имен в своде исторического именника хори-бурят. Это имена, которые ни лексически, ни по своему значению не коррелируют с тибет-монгольскими именами хори-бурят. Данные имена представляют собой ожидаемый в исторической антропонимии бурят антропонимический субстрат, подтверждаемый и обусловленный алтаеязычной общностью тунгусо-маньчжуроязычных эвенов и монголоязычных бурят. Актуальность и новизна статьи обусловлена отсутствием работ по исследованию антропонимического субстрата в своде исторического именника. Вводятся в научный оборот исторические антропонимы, извлеченные из дореволюционного фонда Государственного Архива Забайкальского края. Антропонимическим материалом послужили имена типа Ламханов, Номоконов, Иркыту, наличие которых почти во всех 11 родах хори-бурят обусловлено этногенезом бурят с наличием в том числе и тунгусо-маньчжурских компонентов. В качестве основных результатов приведены доводы в пользу эвенского антропонимического субстрата в именнике бурят, который выписан из ревизских описей. Анализ значения имен Ламханов, Номоконов, Иркыту, равно как и лексемный анализ, позволили отнести их к именам эвенского происхождения. The article describes the hypothetical presence of the Even personal names in the historical name list of the Khori-Buryats extracted from the census documents of the State Archive of Zabaykalsky Krai. The article aims at describing the Even personal names in the historical name list of the Khori-Buryats. These names, which neither lexically nor in their meaning correlate with the Tibetan-Mongolian names of the Khori-Buryats, are of another linguistic origin. These names represent the anthroponymic substratum expected in the historical anthroponymy of the Buryats, confirmed and conditioned by the Altai-speaking community of the Tungus-Manchu-speaking Evens and Mongolian-speaking Buryats. The relevance and novelty of the article is due to the lack of research works on the anthroponymic substratum in the historical name list. Historical anthroponyms extracted from the prerevolutionary fund of the State Archive of Zabaykalsky Krai are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Anthroponymic material are the names of Lamkhanov, Nomokonov, Irkhytu, the presence of which in almost all the eleven kins of the Khori-Buryats due to the ethnogenesis of the Buryats including the Tungus-Manchurian components. The article employs the methods of comparative analysis, descriptive method, method of reconstruction of the anthroponymic model, historical method. The study resulted in the arguments in favor of the Even anthroponymic substratum in the name list of the Buryats, written out from the censuses. The analysis of the meaning of the names of Lamkhanov, Nomokonov, and Irkhytu, as well as the lexeme analysis, allowed us to refer these names to the names of the Even origin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 24-33
Raisa Gandybalovna Zhamsaranova

The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of personal names of pre-Tibet-Mongolian origin of the corpus of the historical anthroponymicon of the Khori-Buryats. The purpose of the article is to introduce the historical anthroponymicon of the Khori-Buryats as one of the Mongolian-speaking peoples written out from the censuses of the State Archive of the Trans-Baikal Territory for 1850–1851 in the aspect of comparative linguistics. One of the tasks of this study is to determine the preliminary meaning of names like Odo / Odoy / Otoy and, accordingly, the possible linguistic origin of these names. Materials and methods of research. The anthroponymic material is personal names with unclear semantics, written out from the censuses of 11 Khori-Buryat kins for 1850–1851 from the documents of State Archive of the Trans-Baikal Territory. It is known about the complexity of the ethnogenesis of any people, not excluding the Khorin Buryats as one of the Mongolian peoples. Historical anthroponyms of any ethnic group with an adequate «deciphering» of their meaning can serve as a kind of proof of the hypothetical participation of different tribal communities of the historical past, both in language and in their ethnicity, and of the peoples and territories of their modern habitat. The research methodology is based on the comparative method, the component method, and the comparative-historical method. The scientific novelty of the study of the names of the historical anthroponymicon is obvious for the following reasons: firstly, historical personal names that have been documented in archival documents have been introduced into scientific circulation; secondly, these names have not been studied for their ethnolinguistic before this article; thirdly, the preliminary results of the meaning of these names, and most importantly, their linguistic origin, have an absolute perspective for the development of many humanities, primarily Siberian onomastics, in the context of contrastivistics and comparative studies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-102
V. A. Aleksandrova ◽  

The article is devoted to the history of an unrealized performance of M. P. Mussorgsky’s opera "Khovanshchina" orchestrated by B. V. Asafyev. On the basis of archival documents, stored in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Arts, the Russian National Museum of Music, Central State Archive of Literature and Art of Saint Petersburg, the Bolshoi Theatre Museum, most of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, studied the circumstances under which the opera was planned to be staged in the State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet (nowadays — the Mariinsky Theatre). Fragments from the reports of the Artistic Council of Opera at the State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet meetings, the correspondence between B. V. Asafyev and P. A. Lamm, the manuscript "P. A. Lamm. A Biography" by O. P. Lamm and other unpublished archival documents are cited. The author comes to the conclusion that most attempts to perform "Khovanshchina" were hindered by the difficult socio-political circumstances of the 1930s, while the existing assumptions about the creative failure of the Asafyev’s orchestration don’t find clear affirmation, neither in historical documents, nor in the existing manuscript of the orchestral score.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 107-112
Yevgeniya V. Nikolayeva

For the first time, the article presents a comparative analysis of Alexander. Pushkin's remarks about his poem “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” and Leo Tolstoy's short story of the same name, written for children's reading and placed in "The Alphabet Book". In the second half of the 1850s, Leo Tolstoy carefully and with numerous notes read the biography of Pushkin, published by Pavel Annenkov for the collected works of the great author. We can assume that from this time the writer begins a conscious study of Pushkin's prose, which previously had not attracted him. In this book, Leo Tolstoy marks out in pencil, among other information, the unsent Pushkin’s letter to Nikolay Gnedich, in which the author of the poem critically examines its shortcomings. In the late 1860s and the early 1870s, Leo Tolstoy was experiencing a serious creative crisis caused by dissatisfaction with the state of fiction, especially language, of that time. He begins to focus on the language of "folkish literature", for the first time applying new "writing techniques" when creating children's stories for "The Alphabet Book". Comparison of Pushkin's critical remarks about his work with the content, images of the main characters, minor characters and their storylines in Leo Tolstoy's story "The Prisoner of the Caucasus" convinces that the writer took into account Pushkin's remarks, having received from Puskin a genuine lesson in skill.

Dinara Il'gizarovna Akberdeeva

The object of this research is the persona of N. L. Skalozubov – agronomist of Tobolsk governorate, public and political figure, breeder, and scholar. The subject of this research is his social circle during the period of being a deputy to the State Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocations. The goal is to examine the relationships between the deputy N. L. Skalozubov and former colleagues, like-minded people, representatives of science, government, family, and friends. Special attention is given to his participation in the lives of political exiles. The article employs the published and unpublished sources, preserved in the Tobolsk State Archive and Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Reserve Museum (correspondence, memoirs, diaries).. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the circle of contacts of the deputy N. L. Skalozubov becomes the subject of special study for the first time. The author concludes that during the five years as a deputy to the State Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocations, N. L. Skalozubov communicated with numerous people belonging to various social classes, including prominent scientists, public figures, and politicians.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 496-509
Grigory A. Moiseev

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich (the august poet K. R.) were linked by many years of friendship and creative cooperation. After the composer’s death (October 25, 1893), K. R. became involved in the process of perpetuating his memory. The posthumous dialogue was manifested in various forms: Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich’s participation in church and secular memorial ceremonies, private commemorations, and his close communication with M.I. Tchaikovsky and V.L. Davydov — the composer’s brother and nephew. In addition, K. R. reexamined his creative and epistolary communication with the composer, whose memory he would pass on to his children. These and other aspects are considered in three sections of the proposed article: 1) “Under the Sign of the Liturgy Op. 41” (this spiritual and musical work runs through the whole life of the Grand Duke); 2) “The Grand Duke and M.I. Tchaikovsky” (a key figure in the “human” aspect); 3) “K. R. Reads ‘The Life of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’” (one of the most important findings was a copy of the book ‘The Life of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’, which belonged to Grand Duke and bears his notes; they retrospectively reflect the process of in-depth family reading). The article is based on documentary materials from Russian and foreign collections (including the State Archive of the Russian Federation and the Library of Congress, USA), many of which are introduced into scientific use for the first time. The article uses methods of comparative source studies. The materials of the article can be used in a course of the history of Russian music, as well as in a modern commented edition of the epistolary heritage and diaries of P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.I. Tchaikovsky and Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10-2) ◽  
pp. 185-195
Ruslan Davydov

This publication is dedicated to the tragedy of the crew of the ship “Grigorij Bogoslov” during a Pomor hunting expedition to Spitsbergen in 1851. It is prepared mainly on the basis of documents from the State Archive of the Arkhangelsk Region and the Russian State Historical Archive, most of which publish for the first time.

Elena I. Darius ◽  
Mikhail Yu. Shishin ◽  

Alexander Khudyashev is a sculptor, painter, teacher, organizer who played a prominent role in the artistic life of two Siberian cities - Tomsk and Barnaul in the 10–20s of the twentieth century. This article, based on the documents found, represents for the first time the main stages of his life and work, active participation in the All-Siberian Association of Artists «New Siberia». Until recently, very little was known about the life and work of this artist. The authors of the article, relying on archival materials, restored the biography of A. Khudyashev, in particular, more fully covered the Barnaul period of his life. On the basis of the documents found in the State Archive of the Altai Krai, the facts of the early years of the master's biography, the period of study at the Kazan Art School, and studies at private art studios in Moscow became known. The article describes his organizational work in Tomsk: on the board of the Tomsk Society of Art Lovers, participating in annual periodic art exhibitions, organizing a number of exhibitions («Exhibition of paintings and sculptures by local artists» and «Autumn exhibition of local and non-resident authors»). In Novonikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk), together with the assistant of the Leipzig Royal Academy of Arts, Czech artist F. Havelka, he participated in the preparation of the first in the history of the city art exhibition of Tomsk and Novikolaevsk professional artists and students of the Tomsk Real School and private studio F. Havelka. The pedagogical activity of the master is noted: in parallel with the creative and organizational work, Khudyashev taught sculpture in F. Havelka’s private drawing classes, drawing in the theological schooland first city women’s school, as well as in the Mariinsky female gymnasium. In 1918, the artist returned to Barnaul, where, according to A. Khudyashev's questionnaire recently discovered in the State Archive of the Altai Territory, he continued his teaching activities at the Barnaul Pedagogical Technical School and at the Workers' Faculty, and also worked in the Altai provincial department of public education. In addition, the artist was engaged in design activities. Becoming a member of the AllSiberian Society of Artists «New Siberia», he took part in the First All-Siberian exhibition of painting, sculpture, graphics and architecture, opened by members of the "New Siberia" in 1927 in Novosibirsk. The history of the Museum of Fine Arts in Barnaul, the first art museum in Altai, is connected with the name of A. Khudyashev. In difficult historical times, the change of the social and political system, the civil war, the introduction of the New Economic Policy A.V. Khudyashev sought to save a unique collection of the first art museum in Altai, understanding the importance and necessity of his work for future generations. The article introduces for the first time into the scientific parlance and analyzes three of his remaining paintings, now stored in the State Art Museum of the Altai Krai, tells about the composition and fate of the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts in Barnaul.

2021 ◽  
pp. 48
Alexandra Arabadzhyan

The paper investigates contemporary political and ideological shifts of Cuban socialism paying specific attention to the period of actualization of Cuban socio-economic model of development implemented since the VI Congress of the Communist party of Cuba. The analysis is based on the different variants of Cuban Constitutions and proposes three historical models of Cuban socialism (Marxist-Leninist, the model of transition and the actualization period model). Comparing the texts of the Constitutions, the study sheds light on several key aspects: the role and functions of the State and the Party, ideological problems of socialism, communism and Marxism, the evolution of the exploitation and oppression concepts, issues of equity and equality, and appeal to the figure of J. Marti. Using historical method, comparative analysis and Marxist theory, as the latter has been the base for the first model of Cuban socialism under investigation, the paper reveals the role of Marxism within the three models. The study uncovers the contradiction between postulating a significant role of Marxism within the actualization model and revision of several core Marxist principles as well as the turn towards national issues in the contemporary Cuban socialism.

Vladyslav Kashuba

The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the effectiveness of the Ukrainian state circus arts system’s touring activities from the early 1990s. Methodology. The study analyses archival information on the Ukrderzhtsirk’s work. The historical-factographic method helps to record the results of the circus touring activities development. Comparative analysis allows detecting the specifics of the phenomenon, revealing its organizational and creative trends, and evaluating them. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the main trends of the Ukrainian state circus touring activities held since the early 1990s were revealed and characterized. Conclusions. The touring activities’ effectiveness is characterized by declining trends – something that corresponds to the general dynamics of the “post-Soiuzgostsirk” organizational and creative process. Probably one of the decline factors was that of the head organization’s inability to provide the circus system with a properly centralized management. Ukrderzhtsirk has some achievements, in particular, its own brand-name founding, business contacts establishing, organizing of abroad tours for Ukrainian programs. However, the state circus product’s export faces its decline, while the sector of import is not prospective as a foreign product is too expensive. Obviously the current organizational and creative approaches to foreign economic activities performing are in need to be revised. Keywords: Ukrainian circus arts, Soviet circus, touring, Ukrderzhtsirk, Soiuzgostsirk, circus arts enterprise, circus arts product.

2015 ◽  
pp. 116-126
N. B. Buriak

The essence оf the Christian dogma by Erich Fromm. In the article is widely considered the dynamics of religious beliefs Erich Fromm. For the first time a comparative analysis of all Fromm’s work relating to the theme of religion. Fromm devoted to the search itself and society in faith quite a lot of time because such research is very important and requires a recess in the nature of some of the world’s religions, including Christianity. Questions and countermeasures manifestations of humanism and authoritarian Christianity, its historical evolution and ideals throw a kind of challenge to the outstanding philosopher, and forced him to work on this complex issue almost all his life. Dogma Erich Fromm developed so that initially there was an idea of the man who became God, and turned on the idea of God became man. The concept of the Old Testament prophets world extend beyond relationships between people, harmony should prevail between man and nature. Peace between man and nature is harmony between them. Erich Fromm permanently broke with Judaism in ‘26 and has since considered himself a Christian. But Christianity Fromm, his understanding of God, the role of Christ in history, the interpretation of the evolution of ideas and Savior is surprising for its boldness.

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