creative cooperation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (35) ◽  
pp. 194-211
Svetlana E. Germanova ◽  
Vladislav V. Plyushchikov ◽  
Polina A. Petrovskaya ◽  
Nataliya B. Sambros ◽  
Nikolay V. Petukhov

The goal is to consider the possibilities of a virtual educational ecosystem using mobile devices, interactions of students and teachers, faculties and laboratories of the university, interactive activation of educational material and monitoring of the student learning process. The research methodology includes methods of system analysis, synthesis, decision-making, multi-agent systems and situational modeling. Results of the work: 1) a systematic interpretation of the category "mobile training" is proposed, its "pros" and "cons" are classified; 2) an informological scheme and a methodological scheme of mobile training are proposed; 3) practical examples of training (on the example of training managers in the field of tourism) using the organization of modeling, independent work of students are considered; 4) shows examples of approaches to making team business decisions and conducting situational modeling; 5) a systemically significant conclusion was made that simple, auxiliary tasks and simple memorization of facts students transfer to independent work, freeing up time for creative cooperation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 154-161
Дун Шухань

Предметом исследования является различия между музыкальным образованием в Китае и в России, в частности преподаванием музыки и отношением родителей к обучению игре на фортепиано. В статье анализируются мнения исследователей, считающих уровень музыкального  образования в Китае недостаточным, по сравнению с западными и соседними странами. Отмечается необходимость создания музыкальной среды, где люди любят и понимают музыку. Развитие уровня музыкального образования связывается с формированием эстетических качеств, и понимания, того что главная цель музыки – это культурное развитие подрастающего поколения, а не достижение высоких результатов. В условиях глобализации мирового пространства, эпохи стремительного обогащения информационно-коммуникативных возможностей человечества, в развитых странах усиливается тенденция к диалогу культур, активизируются интеграционные процессы, налаживается диалог между Западной и Восточной Цивилизациями, взаимный обмен и обогащение культурного пространства. Эта ситуация вызвала новый принцип взаимоотношений между Россией и Китаем, направила их на установление мостов творческого сотрудничества и взаимообмена между достижениями культуры и образования. Известно, что за последние два десятилетия обучение музыке стало популярным в Китае. В стране самое большое количество в мире молодых людей, изучающих музыку. Отмечается развитая инфраструктура, хорошие учебные заведения, оснащенные высококлассным оборудованием. The subject of the study is the differences between music education in China and in Russia, in particular, music teaching and the attitude of parents to learning to play the piano. The article analyzes the opinions of researchers who consider the level of music education in China to be insufficient, in comparison with Western and neighboring countries. It is noted that it is necessary to create a musical environment where people love and understand music. The development of the level of musical education is associated with the formation of aesthetic qualities, and the understanding that the main goal of music is the cultural development of the younger generation, and not the achievement of high results. In the context of the globalization of the world space, the era of rapid enrichment of information and communication capabilities of mankind, the trend towards a dialogue of cultures is increasing in developed countries, integration processes are becoming more active, a dialogue between Western and Eastern Civilizations is being established, mutual exchange and enrichment of cultural space is being established. This situation has caused a new principle of relations between Russia and China, directed them to establish bridges of creative cooperation and interchange between the achievements of culture and education. It is known that over the past two decades, music education has become popular in China. The country has the largest number of young people studying music in the world. There is a developed infrastructure, good educational institutions equipped with high-quality equipment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 379-385
Daniela Boyanova-Minkova ◽  

Relying on the theory of generational differences that arises in the United States in the late 20th century and the new scientific field of psychodidactics, this presentation justifies the need for psychologization of modern education. In order for the educational process to be beneficial, it is no longer enough to simply use innovative educational approaches, high technologies and modern learning systems. The need for a radically different type of relationship between teacher and students inside and outside the classroom comes to the fore, which should be built based on a new ethical mutual responsibility, synergy and creative cooperation.

Eva Martinsson ◽  
Pernilla Garmy ◽  
Eva-Lena Einberg

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a vast influence on Swedish society. Related recommendations and political decisions have greatly affected schools. This study aimed to describe school nurses’ experience working in Sweden during the pandemic in 2020. The study used a qualitative method with an inductive approach. Interviews with 17 school nurses in five focus groups and one individual interview were conducted. Qualitative content analysis was used. The impact of the pandemic on school nurses can be described through three categories: “Changes in working methods in relation to the students/guardians”, “Impact on cooperation with school staff”, and “The school nurse’s prerequisites for major changes.” Overall, school nurses experienced a transition to a digital way of working. Policies and decisions on global and local levels affected the work situations of school nurses as well as the school nurses’ social, cultural, and professional experience. The highest priority for school nurses is students, and school nurses adapted their working methods to give support to students during the changing circumstances. School nurses are both pragmatic and highly creative. Cooperation with other school professions is critical, as is support and guidance during crisis situations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 02 (06) ◽  
pp. 32-37
Davron Umaralievich Jarkinov ◽  

The article analyzes the pedagogical factors of developing creative collaboration skills of students of higher technical education through vertical integration.

2021 ◽  
pp. 256-271
O. Yu. Osmukhina ◽  
A. B. Tanaseichuk

The article is devoted to comprehending the creative cooperation of the outstanding Victorians Ch. Dickens and W. Collins, who were co-authors for a decade and a half, as well as to the study of the peculiarities of the novel “No Exit”, which was not republished in Russia from the end of the 19th century until 2021 and was virtually unknown to the Russian-speaking reader. The relevance of the article is due to the need to build a coherent and consistent history of the development of English literature of the Victorian epoch in the domestic literary consciousness, an important part of which is the legacy of its masters, as well as the elimination of gaps in the creative biography of the largest figures of Victorianism. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time in Russian English studies a gap in the reception of the creative tandem of Ch. Dickens and W. Collins has been filled: the key studies of their heritage have been comprehended; the history of their creative union has been studied; the novel “No Exit” in the context of the creative biography of Ch. Dickens and W. Collins was analyzed; the features of the generic (interweaving of epic and dramatic elements) and genre synthesis (combination of gothic, detective, adventure beginning) of the novel are revealed. The authors of the article used comparative historical, biographical, sociocultural methods, as well as the method of holistic analysis of a work of art. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-168
Erna Pujiasih

This research aims to increase reading ability of recount text. The research is done because only 43% students who passed reading test. Subject of research was 36 students in class of  XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Bantul. The are two cycles in conducting a classroom action. Every cycles consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection in jigsaw learning model. The data of research are observation, questioner, test and interview in understanding recount text with “sungai kehidupan” which is related to biography and historical recount through jigsaw learning model. Based on the test result obtained  increasing reading ability from 42% to 83%, response data of learning are 0.6% of students very agree, 80% agree and 9,4% disagree. From questioner, students can understand the text, enjoying, variety, effective, creative, cooperation, critical thinking, and fascinating in learning. This learning model is very useful for students so they can interest in studying, variety of teaching and suitable for teacher to teach recount text with “sungai kehidupan”.

Anatoliy Popovskyy ◽  
Halyna Khmel-Dunay

The article highlights the interethnic relations of Ukrainians and Lithuanians. It is implemented from the point of view of their socio-historical development in terms of state creation, cultural and economic ties, the role of prominent figures, features of lexical, folklore, ethno-anthroponymic factors, and the activities of cultural and business centers aimed at preserving ethnic authenticity in modern living conditions. The aim of the article is to consider the transformational processes of preserving the ethnic authenticity of the human essence in the context of the historical development of statehood in Lithuania and Ukraine, which continue to function in the creative cooperation of modern sovereign states. Ukraine and Lithuania are longstanding and reliable partners not only in economic, political, scientific and cultural cooperation - they are united by a common history and ancient cultural processes. In Dnipropetrovsk region, with the assistance of the regional state administration, centers of representatives of different nationalities are actively functioning, among which the Lithuanian cultural and business center takes an important place in the economic, scientific and cultural life of Ukraine. It has been concluded that the issue of preserving ethnic identity remains a very important factor in modern globalization processes and requires a thorough study of its important social features that form mutual respect, creative cooperation and a high spiritual culture of interethnic relations that will oppose discord, enmity and aggressive intentions between representatives of different nationalities of our planet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 74-80
Elena S. Ermakova ◽  

The results of an empirical research revealed women’s motives related to economic orientation, which are manifested both in the motives of cooperation and partnership, and in the receipt of material benefits. Higher satisfaction with women's mar-riage with its duration from three to seven years was revealed, as well as an increase in the maturity of the economic consciousness of working women, associated with the dominance of relations of creative cooperation in the collective. The results of the research sug-gest that a balanced combination of harmony in marriage with the satisfaction of a woman's economic activity both ensures optimal family functioning and contributes to the successful economic life planning of family members.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Olena Pyshchyk

The article is devoted to the problem of educational institutions' heads’ academic diplomacy development by creative cooperation means. The main task of educational diplomacy in forming the educational institution image and all participants' interpersonal relations in the educational process is substantiated. The attention is focused on the educational institutions' heads' communicative activity as a phenomenon and creativity pedagogy subject; the educational institutions' heads' creativity directions are substantiated; considered the concepts theoretical content of «diplomacy», «communicative culture», «educational diplomacy», «creativity»; diagnostics the readiness of educational institutions' leaders and teachers for the educational diplomacy development as a tool for the creativity pedagogy was carried out. The diplomatic qualities of the leader and teachers of an educational institution are characterized, which provide an opportunity for the manifestation of their own creative abilities and characteristics, which encourage the creative potentials to be processed in a high-quality, enrich them with mental new formations, creative activity experience, and creative abilities, and also develop communicative interaction. The direction of interaction between the educational process participants on the dialogue basis and the head preparation for the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions, concerning the creative educational activity of students, with educational diplomacy application, communication methods and receptions of their creative activity is defined. Pedagogical creativity occupies a special place among different types of creativity, because it determines the dynamic development vectors of mankind all creative processes, and the creative nature development is determined by communication and increase in communicative culture. The peculiarity of any communicative process – the process as a result of which a qualitatively new one is created – is that not only man, the creator influences his own creativity result, but also the subject of creative interaction contributes to further human development. That is why in the pedagogical interaction process the creative development of the educational institutions' heads is both their activity purpose and the creative development means of the leader's personality, increasing his professional competence and communicative skills level. Thus, creativity leads to professional and personal self-realization of the leader in the management process.

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