Виктория Михайловна Швецова ◽  
Наталья Александровна Гончарова

В статье рассмотрены лингвометодические аспекты, связанные с обучением студентов-иностранцев (инофонов) русскому языку как иностранному на продвинутом уровне на примере работы с текстами А. И. Солженицына. Художественные тексты писателя изобилуют индивидуально-авторскими единицами, созданными по неизвестной или знакомой в современном русском языке модели. Подчеркивается, что сложность обучения инофонов русскому языку на базе художественных текстов А. И. Солженицына вызвана необходимостью самому преподавателю в полном объеме владеть тонкостями стиля писателя. Лингвистический аспект данной статьи позволяет осознать специфику структурного состава индивидуально-авторских единиц А. И. Солженицына. В рамках методического аспекта подобные слова с измененным правописанием или семантической природой расширяют кругозор студента-иностранца, повышая не только уровень его владения русском языком, но и культурный уровень в целом. Активизируются широкие возможности для общения со студенческой аудиторией и преподавателями, а также для наиболее полного понимания всех коннотативных признаков коммуникативной ситуации. Нами выявлено, что при создании индивидуально-авторских единиц прослеживается определенная поэтапность, которая может быть положена в основу разработки ряда приемов обучения, отражающих факт поэтапной концептуализации в сознании студентов-иностранцев значимых особенностей менталитета русскоговорящих людей - носителей языка. The article deals with the linguistic and methodological aspects related to teaching foreign students Russian as a foreign language at an advanced level by the example of working with the texts by A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Literary texts of the writer abound in individual author units created according to an unknown or familiar model. It is emphasized that the complexity of teaching Russian to foreign speakers based on the texts by A. I. Solzhenitsyn is caused by the need for the teacher to fully master the subtleties of the style of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. The linguistic aspect of this article allows us to get into the specifics of the structural composition of the individual author’s constructions of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Within the methodological aspect, such words with a changed spelling or a changed semantic nature expand the horizons of a foreign student, increasing not only the level of Russian language proficiency, but also the cultural level in general, giving a foreign student greater opportunities not only to communicate with the student audience and teachers, but also to better understand all the connotative signs of a communicative situation. We found that when creating individual author units, there is a certain step-by-step approach, which can be used as a basis for developing a number of teaching methods that reflect the fact of step-by-step conceptualization in the minds of foreign students of significant features of the mentality of Russian native speakers.

Elena Nikolaevna Chugunova

This work is devoted to the use of gaming technology in teaching Russian as a foreign language to Chinese undergraduates, at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov at the faculty of teacher education. A typology of educational games is given. The crucial role of overcoming the language barrier in the socialization of Chinese students in Russia is emphasized. The contribution of the sociological “theory of roles” to training using game technologies is considered, and the relationship of the individual with the environment that surrounds her is shown, and how this connection is realized in the performance of various social roles. The games that we use when teaching at various levels of Russian language proficiency for the study and development of lexical and grammatical material are presented. The positive and negative aspects of the use of games in the training of foreign students are analyzed. It is concluded that the use of gaming technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language is also an exercise for a more active form of adaptation to other new cultural life models, to mastering skills in interpersonal communication in the context of another cultural matrix, recorded primarily in the language. During the game, there is an increase in motivation for learning, interest in studying the subject is growing, activity in learning is increasing, and as a result, the level of language proficiency improves.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-62
Daniya Abuzarovna Salimova ◽  
Leysan Atlasovna Akhmetova

The article deals with one of the problems of contemporary didactics and methodology - lack of reading interests of both foreign students and the majority of Russian pupils. The article presents an attempt to explain a number of reasons that led to the decrease of interest in reading in general. Special attention is given to the fact that implementation of EU competences related to the life in a multicultural society is often associated with the process of reading literature in other languages. It is emphasized that the attitude towards reading among foreign students and Russian schoolchildren is significantly different, which is associated with the level of language proficiency. The leading methods in the study were the following: analysis of scientific and bibliographic literature on the topic; direct practical, so-called “field” methods: questioning; monitoring students and teenage pupils who come to the library; data analysis of the library in the institute and at school; mathematical methods of processing the results. The article presents the conclusions made on the acute problem discussed, which are based on the results of the respondents’ interview survey (15 questions in the questionnaire in total) and direct teaching of the Russian language and literature. The article concludes that foreign students often do not distinguish Russian authors from other foreign writers and poets. A number of specific measures are suggested to draw students’ interest to language, literature and reading. It is pointed out that children’s short moralizing stories should be recommended to foreign students for reading, they can arouse interest in the art of using words, provide linguistic and cultural knowledge and skills

Alla A. Zhukovska

The article deals with the issue of the language adaptation of foreign students who have left the preparatory faculty and begun their studies in Russian in the first year of the main faculty of the Russian University. The main problem is the lack of knowledge of Russian by foreign students to understand and take notes at lectures, to actively participate in seminars. The article identifies and discusses the main difficulties faced by foreigners while studying in Russia and the reasons of their appearance, analyzes the conditions of training of foreign students at the preparatory faculty and the real results of this training, the main of which is the discrepancy between what foreign students know and are capable of and what they need to know and be able to, becoming the first-year students of a Russian University. Most first-year foreign students find it difficult to study at the same level with Russian students, so they need the support and understanding of not only teachers of Russian as a foreign language, but also teachers of other subjects. It is noted that teachers who don’t specialize in teaching Russian as a foreign language can’t and don’t want to adequately assess the level of knowledge of a foreign student and help them if needed. The article proposes a possible solution to this problem.

О.Н. Маслова ◽  
О.В. Алексеева

Скорость и качество овладения русским языком иностранными студентами, обучающимися в медицинских вузах России, во многом зависят от того, имеется ли у этих студентов возможность пройти предварительную языковую подготовку на подготовительном факультете. В условиях ее отсутствия студенты получают образование на языке-посреднике, а русский язык становится факультативной дисциплиной, в результате чего погружение в русскую культуру, понимание правил невербальной коммуникации в русскоязычной среде, равно как и просто уверенное владение русским языком становятся уделом избранных лиц. Вместе с тем каждый иностранный студент должен проходить практику в русских медицинских учреждениях. В связи с этим перед преподавателем русского языка как иностранного встает несколько задач, к числу которых относится не только общеязыковая подготовка иностранных обучающихся к прохождению медицинской практики, но и речевая, культурологическая и психологическая. Успешной реализации поставленных задач может способствовать создание и использование на занятиях специального словаря-разговорника, который позволит студентам заблаговременно познакомиться с правилами поведения в больнице, освоить необходимый для практики лексический минимум, ввести в активный речевой оборот ряд фраз, актуальных в повседневном общении медперсонала с больными. В статье раскрывается и объясняется структура словаря, обозначены его задачи и целевая аудитория. The speed and the quality of mastering the Russian language by foreign students studying at medical universities in Russia largely depend on whether these students have the opportunity to take a preliminary year-long Russian language course at the preparatory division. If the students receive education in the English language, the Russian language program is reduced to an optional course, not sufficient to ensure understanding of Russian culture and rules of non-verbal communication in a Russian-speaking environment. However, every foreign student must undergo practical training in Russian medical institutions. In this case the Russian language teacher faces an almost insurmountable task of equipping students with the skills of communicating with Russian patients and colleagues and with sufficient cultural and psychological awareness for adequate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a hospital environment. The successful implementation of these tasks can be facilitated by developing and using a special vocabulary-phrase book at the lessons of the Russian language. This manual will allow students to get acquainted with the rules of behavior in the hospital in advance, master the lexical minimum necessary for practice and introduce a number of phrases that are relevant in everyday communication of medical staff with patients. The article reveals and explains the structure of the manual, identifies its objectives and target audience.

2020 ◽  
pp. 129-139
Людмила Ивановна Ярица

Рассматривается вопрос преподавания русского языка как иностранного в техническом вузе России. Актуальность темы обусловлена ростом числа иностранных студентов в российских вузах и необходимостью скорейшего овладения ими русским языком. Описаны особенности изучения русской научной лексики, терминологического аппарата технических дисциплин, в частности языка математики, иностранными студентами, обучающимися на подготовительном отделении Томского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета. Проведен лингвистический эксперимент, в ходе которого студентам был предложен диктант, изобилующий научной лексикой; описаны результаты, а также нарушения произношения и написания терминов, так как главную трудность представляет именно изучение лексики научного стиля речи. Выявлены и описаны, структурированы особенности отступлений от нормы, предложены варианты работы по реализации программы отработки навыков нормативного письма иностранными студентами. Достаточно трудным является определение границы слова, написание букв в конце слова, восприятие шипящих согласных, парных согласных по глухости/звонкости, мягкости/твердости; определение рода имен существительных (в большинстве языков народов бывшего Советского Союза нет категории рода). В связи с этим возникает необходимость тщательно продумывать типы упражнений в соответствии с потребностью учащихся и их последовательность. The issue of teaching Russian as a foreign language in a technical university in Russia is considered. The relevance is due both to the increase in the number of foreign students in Russian universities and the need for them to master the Russian language as soon as possible in order to continue their studies in Russian. The aim of the work is to describe the features of mastering Russian scientific vocabulary, the terminology of technical disciplines, in particular, the language of mathematics by foreign students studying at the preparatory department of the Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Building). A linguistic experiment was carried out, when students were offered to write a dictation, replete with scientific vocabulary. The results, as well as violations of pronunciation and spelling of terms have been described, since the main difficulty is precisely the study of the vocabulary of the scientific style of speech. The peculiarities of deviations from the standard were also identified, structured, and described. Options for the implementation of the program for the development of normative writing skills by foreign students were proposed. Rather difficult is the definition of the word boundary, writing letters at the end of a word, the perception of hissing consonants, paired consonants (unvoiced – voiced), soft – hard; determination of the gender of a noun (in most languages of the former Soviet Union there is no category of gender). This requires the necessity of elaborate thinking over the exercise types and their sequence in accordance with students’ needs. This work continues a series of methodical publications, the main aim of which is improving the quality of foreign student education in technical universities of Russia.

Yana V. Datiyeva ◽  
Tatiana Yu. Tameryan

The paper covers a range of issues related to the specifics of Russian language mastering by Indian students studying in English and Russian. The research is based on an integrative methodological platform that combines approaches to multilingualism formation from the standpoint of psychological linguistics, cognitive linguistics, the theory of language contacts, discourse and communication science. The research involves the techniques of psychological and semantic analyses and verbal associations, the methods of contextual analysis and comparison. The material of the paper is the data obtained from online surveys of Indian students who have been studying at universities in North Ossetia-Alania for six years (elementary and pre-intermediate levels of Russian language proficiency). The study is aimed at identifying perception channels that represent the features of foreign students cognitive style in the Russian natural environment, descripting level-by-level interfering influence of native languages and weak interference of English. Based on text fragments and lexical units, vectors and methods of interlingual interference were demonstrated, its leading types were determined, that are phonetic, phonemic, graphemic, phonemic-graphemic, morphological and lexical. The role of English as a communicative mediator is defined. The analysis done confirmed complex application of auditory, visual and kinesthetic channels at the information input, and revealed the dominance of the auditory perception channel at the information output while learning the Russian language by Indian students. The Indian students cognitive style tends to be simplified through contamination of written and oral speech, compression, abbreviations usage, intensification of associative and semantic links. Strategies for using Internet translation, imitation of mastering the Russian language, literal translation from English into Russian, strategies for the implementation of graphic, phonetic-graphic principles of writing, phonemic and grammatical reduction were identified as the basic communication strategies of Indian students learning Russian.

2021 ◽  
pp. 87-93
Larissa F. BELYAKOVA ◽  
Tatiana L. SIDOROVA ◽  

This paper considers trends in the highly competitive sphere of international education in a historical dynamics and the importance of Russian language proficiency in professional education for foreign students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Elena Firpo

The public Italian School is a multicultural school: 51% of foreign students were born in Italy or arrived before starting primary school and their academic performance is lower than average, as verified by the Ministry of Education (MIUR 2015) and confirmed by a research group of Genoa University that assessed pupils’ prior knowledge in an elementary school. Consequently two research questions have been formulated:;1. A second generation foreign student has the same CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency, Cummins 1979) as an Italian student? 2. Can the development of CALP both in Italian and Spanish give significant results? If so, which ones? The project LI.LO (acronym of Lingua Italiana, Lingua di Origine) aims to study relations between heritage language and second language acquisition in CALP. It also has the purpose to build bilingualism programs in the public middle school by using ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in order to improve academic proficiency and study skills in both languages. This paper wants to show the two basic phases of the project: in the first phase the researchers collected data about students’ linguistic prior knowledges and skills, showing a better competence in the section of the pre-test related to the lexicon. The analysis of the first phase was used to consider aims and guidelines for the bilingual course LI.LO. The method has been the Lexical Approach (Lewis, 1993, 1997) . Secondly the researchers opened the course on a platform CLAT/Clire, in which they put materials in both languages. ICT were used in many activities. In the contribute it will be shown analysis, results and further perspectives of the project.

Dian Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Dwi Kurniasih ◽  
Tiya Agustina

Abstract: This study aims to explain the application of reading skills teaching materials to BIPA students at IAIN Surakarta. In addition, this study will also explain the analysis of the needs of teaching materials for foreign student reading skills at IAIN Surakarta. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, which is a method that tries to describe the object in a real and real way. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and distributing questionnaires to parties involved in learning reading skills at the BIPA IAIN Surakarta institute. The results of this study indicate that learning Indonesian for foreign speakers at IAIN Surakarta applies teaching material from the Center for Strategic and Diplomacy Development (PPSDK) namely Indonesian Friends, and still retains its Islamic characteristics by providing Islamic values to foreign students. Analysis of teaching material requirements on reading skills at BIPA IAIN Basic level Surakata are classified as follows, age, national origin, final education, prospective profession, language mastered, ability to speak Indonesian. In addition, the analysis of teaching material needs on reading skills includes several aspects, namely, aspects of material content, presentation aspects, and language aspects.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplanasikan penerapan bahan ajar keterampilan membaca pada mahasiswa BIPA di IAIN Surakarta. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga akan menjelaskan analisis kebutuhan bahan ajar keterampilan membaca mahasiswa Asing di IAIN Surakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, yakni metode yang mencoba menjelaskan objek secara nyata dan apa adanya. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan menyebarkan angket kepada pihak yang terlibat dalam pembelajaran keterampilan membaca di lembaga BIPA IAIN Surakarta. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia bagi penutur Asing di IAIN Surakarta menerapkan bahan ajar dari Pusat Pengembangan Strategi dan Diplomasi Kebahasaan (PPSDK) yakni Sahabatku Indonesia, dan tetap mempertahankan ciri khas keislamannya dengan memberikan nilai-nilai keislaman kepada mahasiswa Asing. Analisis kebutuhan bahan ajar pada keterampilan membaca di BIPA IAIN Surakata tingkat dasar diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut, usia, asal negara, pendidikan terakhir, calon profesi, bahasa yang dikuasai, kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia. Selain itu analisis kebutuhan bahan ajar pada keterampilan membaca meliputi beberapa aspek yaitu, aspek isi materi, aspek penyajian, dan aspek bahasa. 

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