2014 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 624-647 ◽  
Zhenshan Yang ◽  
Jianming Cai ◽  
Michael Dunford ◽  
Douglas Webster

Despite the irresistible drive of urban growth, the questions as to whether and how agriculture is restructured and repositioned in relation to urban development have received little attention. Based on the method of hypothetical extraction from input-output tables, and on the Beijing case, this paper puts forward an approach to assess the dependence of the agro-economy on urban sectors. The research shows that in Beijing in the period from 1982 to 2007 the relationship between agriculture and the urban economy has gone through three phases. At the start of the economic reform, the relationship was weak, characterised by intensive inputs of agricultural productive materials and policy orders. What followed was a phase of disconnection characterised by fast urban growth and low competitive status of agriculture. The third was a period of increasingly integrated development with technological inputs and upgrading of the management of agriculture. The current strong relationship indicates that agriculture can be tuned to meet the preferences of urban consumers. Key associated urban sectors are screened out to verify this relationship. The approach is valuable for quantifying the structural relationship between agriculture and urban sectors, for further analysing rural-urban economic relationships to support development policy design and programming.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-49
Laely Purnamasari

The development of operating revenue in Syariah Mandiri Bank is quiet excellent along with the increasing awareness of Muslims in using Islamic banking services. However, the development of this revenue is not accompanied by proportional increase in net operating income. This article focuses on the discussion of the relationship of operating revenue, operating expense and profit sharing of third parties and their effects on net operating income at Syariah Mandiri Bank. The purposes of this research are to describe and analyze the relationship of operating revenue, operating expense and profit sharing of third parties and their effects on net operating income both partially and simultaneously. The research method used descriptive and verification. The results showed that the operating revenue and the operating expenses had a strong relationship with the third party profit sharing. For the results of the third parties, the operating revenue and the operating expenses partially were not proven to significantly affect the net operating income but the operating revenue and the operating expenses were proven to affect the net operating income significantly. From this research, it was also known that the operating revenue component that most influenced net operating income was the mudharabah income and the operating expenses that most influenced net operating income was the loss expense for the elimination of productive assets.Perkembangan pendapatan usaha pada Bank Syariah Mandiri sangat baik seiring dengan semakin tingginya kesadaran umat islam dalam menggunakan layanan perbankan syariah. Namun perkembangan pendapatan ini ternyata tidak disertai dengan kenaikan laba usaha secara proporsional. Artikel ini akan memfokuskan pada pembahasan mengenai hubungan pendapatan usaha, beban usaha dan bagi hasil pihak ketiga serta pengaruhnya terhadap laba usaha pada Bank Syariah Mandiri. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis hubungan pendapatan usaha, beban usaha dan bagi hasil pihak ketiga serta pengaruhnya terhadap laba usaha baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Dalam penelitian ini akan menguji hubungan  pendapatan usaha, beban usaha dan bagi hasil pihak ketiga, serta pengaruhnya terhadap laba usaha. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, dapat ditemukan bahwa pendapatan usaha dan beban usaha memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan bagi hasil pihak ketiga. Bagi hasil pihak ketiga, pendapatan usaha dan beban usaha secara parsial tidak terbukti mempengaruhi laba usaha secara signifikan namun pendapatan usaha dan beban usaha secara simultan terbukti mempengaruhi laba usaha secara signifikan. Dari penelitian ini juga diketahui komponen pendapatan usaha yang paling mempengaruhi laba usaha adalah pendapatan mudharabah dan beban usaha yang paling mempengaruhi laba usaha adalah beban kerugian penghapusan aset produktif.

Daniel Martin Feige

Der Beitrag widmet sich der Frage historischer Folgeverhältnisse in der Kunst. Gegenüber dem Gedanken, dass es ein ursprüngliches Werk in der Reihe von Werken gibt, das späteren Werken seinen Sinn gibt, schlägt der Text vor, das Verhältnis umgekehrt zu denken: Im Lichte späterer Werke wird der Sinn früherer Werke neu ausgehandelt. Dazu geht der Text in drei Schritten vor. Im ersten Teil formuliert er unter der Überschrift ›Form‹ in kritischer Abgrenzung zu Danto und Eco mit Adorno den Gedanken, dass Kunstwerke eigensinnig konstituierte Gegenstände sind. Die im Gedanken der Neuverhandlung früherer Werke im Lichte späterer Werke vorausgesetzte Unbestimmtheit des Sinns von Kunstwerken wird im zweiten Teil unter dem Schlagwort ›Zeitlichkeit‹ anhand des Paradigmas der Improvisation erörtert. Der dritte und letzte Teil wendet diese improvisatorische Logik unter dem Label ›Neuaushandlung‹ dann dezidiert auf das Verhältnis von Vorbild und Nachbild an. The article proposes a new understanding of historical succession in the realm of art. In contrast to the idea that there is an original work in the series of works that gives meaning to the works that come later, the text proposes to think it exactly the other way round: in the light of later works, the meanings of earlier works are renegotiated. The text proceeds in three steps to develop this idea. Under the heading ›Form‹ it develops in the first part a critical reading of Danto’s and Eco’s notion of the constitution of the artworks and argues with Adorno that each powerful work develops its own language. In the second part, the vagueness of the meaning of works of art presupposed in the idea of renegotiating earlier works in the light of later works is discussed under the term ›Temporality‹ in terms of the logic of improvisation. The third and final part uses this improvisational logic under the label ›Renegotiation‹ to understand the relationship between model and afterimage in the realm of art.

1968 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 606-617
Mohammad Anisur Rahman

The purpose of this paper is to re-examine the relationship between the degree of aggregate labour-intensity and the aggregate volume of saving in an economy where a Cobb-6ouglas production function in its traditional form can be assumed to give a good approximation to reality. The relationship in ques¬tion has an obviously important bearing on economic development policy in the area of choice of labour intensity. To the extent that and in the range where an increase in labour intensity would adversely affect the volume of savings, a con¬flict arises between two important social objectives, i.e., higher rate of capital formation on the one hand and greater employment and distributive equity on the other. If relative resource endowments in the economy are such that such a "competitive" range of labour-intensity falls within the nation's attainable range of choice, development planners will have to arrive at a compromise between these two social goals.

2020 ◽  
endang naryono

This study examines the influence of receivables on liquidity at PT. Graha Tumarima. Sukabumi City for 5 years, with a sampling technique using a purposive sample in the form of financial statement data from 2010 to 2014 using a table of trade receivables and company liquidity. In this study, researchers refer to the theory of Bambang Riyanto (2008: 94) as the connecting theory of the title. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship and influence between receivables and liquidity at PT. Graha Tumarima. The research design uses the method of exposing the facto, the method of data collection aims to test the hypothesis by using correlation analysis, determination, regression and hypothesis testing with t-test. The results of this study show the influence of receivables on liquidity is shown by the value of r = 0.888, meaning that receivables have a very strong relationship to liquidity. The nature of the relationship is positive, meaning that if the value of cooperative credit is higher the liquidity will be higher. Conversely, if the value of receivables decreases, liquidity will decrease. The magnitude of the influence of receivables on liquidity is shown by the value of R Square / Determination Coefficient of 0.789 or 78.9% thus the receivables have an effect of 78.9% on cooperative liquidity. Hypothesis testing uses the t test, that t arithmetic = 3.347 while t table = 3.182 means t arithmetic> t table. Means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. There is an influence between the receivables on liquidity at PT. Graha Tumarima, Sukabumi City

2019 ◽  
Chem Int

Mathematical model was developed and evaluated to monitor and predict the groundwater characteristics of Trans-amadi region in Port Harcourt City. In this research three major components were considered such as chloride, total iron and nitrate concentration as well as the polynomial expression on the behavious on the concentration of each component was determined in terms of the equation of the best fit as well as the square root of the curve. The relationship between nitrate and distance traveled by Nitrate concentration by the model is given as Pc = 0.003x2 - 0.451x + 14.91with coefficient of determination, R² = 0.947, Chloride given as Pc = 0.000x2 - 0.071x + 2.343, R² = 0.951while that of Total Iron is given as Pc = 2E-05x2 - 0.003x + 0.110, R² = 0.930. All these show a strong relationship as established by Polynomial Regression Model. The finite element techniques are found useful in monitoring, predicting and simulating groundwater characteristics of Trans-amadi as well as the prediction on the variation on the parameters of groundwater with variation in time.

Isao Okayasu ◽  
Chi-Ok Oh ◽  
Duarte B Morais

Running is one of the most popular activities in the world. Runners’ attitudes and behaviors vary depending on their running style. This study aims to construct different measures of running specialization based on the theory of specialization. This study also tests a runner’s stage of specialization segmentation based on recreation specialization and examines the predictive relationship between a runner’s specialization and event attachment. Three groups of sampling data assess the performance of diverse specialization measures for running in three marathon events. First, two surveys were conducted with marathon participants to assess the performance of diverse specialization measures for runners. Second, the third dataset was used to examine the relationship between a runner’s recreation specialization and event attachment.The study results showed that the 15 measures of specialization showed a good fit to the data. Our research showed how runners’ recreation specialization is connected to their event attachment. In addition, this study suggested event management for subdivisions of runners. Its practical implication is that recreation specialization for running can help us understand event attachment.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (14) ◽  
pp. 4046
Mateusz Bronis ◽  
Edward Miko ◽  
Lukasz Nowakowski

This article discusses the relationship between the kinematic system used in drilling and the quality of through-holes. The drilling was done on a CTX Alpha 500 universal turning center using a TiAlN-coated 6.0 mm drill bit with internal cooling, mounted in a driven tool holder. The holes were cut in cylindrical 42CrMo4 + QT steel samples measuring 30 mm in diameter and 30 mm in length. Three types of hole-drilling kinematic systems were considered. The first consisted of a fixed workpiece and a tool performing rotary (primary) and linear motions. In the second system, the workpiece rotated (primary motion) while the tool moved linearly. In the third system, the workpiece and the tool rotated in opposite directions; the tool also moved linearly. The analysis was carried out for four output parameters characterizing the hole quality (i.e., cylindricity, straightness, roundness, and diameter errors). The experiment was designed using the Taguchi approach (orthogonal array). ANOVA multi-factor statistical analysis was used to determine the influence of the input parameters (cutting speed, feed per revolution and type of kinematic system) on the geometrical and dimensional errors of the hole. From the analysis, it is evident that the kinematic system had a significant effect on the hole roundness error.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 215145932199861
Yun-fa Yang ◽  
Jian-wen Huang ◽  
Xiao-sheng Gao ◽  
Zai-li Liu ◽  
Jian-wei Wang ◽  

Objective: To identify whether the timing of surgery affects red blood cell (RBC) transfusion requirements in the elderly with intertrochanteric fractures. Methods: We retrospectively studied all patients undergoing surgical fixation of their intertrochanteric fractures in our hospital between January 2009 and December 2018 and analyzed the relationship between the timing of surgery and RBC transfusion. Results: A total of 679 patients were included in this study. The need for RBC transfusion was lower in the patients who underwent surgery within 12 h after admission (timing of surgery <12 h, <12 h group) than those who underwent surgery over 12 h after admission (timing of surgery >12 h, >12 h group) (P = 0.046); lower in the the patients who underwent surgery within 24 h after admission (timing of surgery <24 h, <24 h group) than in those who underwent surgery over 24 h after admission (timing of surgery >24 h, >24 h group) (P = 0.008), and lower in the <24 h group compared to the patients who underwent surgery within 48 h after admission (timing of surgery <48 h, <48 h group) (P = 0.035). Moreover, the need for RBC transfusion was lower in the <24 h group (in the first 24 h from admission to surgery) than in the 24-48 h group (in the second 24 h from admission to surgery) (P = 0.016), and also lower in the <24 h group compared to the 48-72 h group (in the third 24 h from admission to surgery) (P = 0.047). However, there were no differences between the <12 h group and 12-24 h group, between the <12 h group and <24 h group, and between the 12-24 h group and <24 h group, respectively. Conclusion: Timing of surgery within 24 h contributes to the reduction of RBC transfusion in the elderly with intertrochanteric fractures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-40
Archana Prasad

This article explores some questions arising from recent debates on patriarchy and capitalism. The focus is on the role of women in communist-led peasant movements in India and the implications of such struggles on the project of women’s emancipation. The first section lays out a framework for discussing the interface between class consciousness and the anti-patriarchal project, whereby patriarchy is located within the structural contradictions arising out of the contestations within the process of accumulation. The second section documents the historical context, focusing on the relationship between land reforms and social transformation in semi-feudal and early capitalist contexts, and analyzes the extent to which communist-led struggles are anti-patriarchal in character. The third section turns to the participation of women in the contemporary struggles of both agricultural workers and peasant movements and underlines the new emerging dialectics between women’s and peasant organizations under a neoliberal state and with deepening agrarian distress.

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