scholarly journals Together or Apart? A Historical Snapshot of Personal Internet Usage at Home

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

This paper provides a historical snapshot of personal ICT usage in 2005/2006, specifically shedding light on how Australian and German couples (N= 48) had integrated the internet into their homes with a focus on spatial and social transformations. Using a home ethnographic approach, this qualitative study implemented in-depth interviews across two countries. From a spatial perspective, Australian couples had their laptops or PCs highly integrated into the family life usually in multifunctional rooms or open areas, whereas German couples’ laptops and PCs were most often found in separate study rooms. From a social perspective, internet use can be related to elements that bring couples together, but also to elements of disintegration. A shift in how couples spent their time together was observed from watching TV together in the same room, to going online in the same room at two PCs or one person being online while the other conducted other activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-146
Darman Fauzan Dhahir

The activity of memorizing Quran has been a custom of Muslims since the time of Prophet Muhammad May Peace be upon Him. When the internet developed and became an inseparable part of human life, it was feared to harm the achievement of Quran memorizing. To prove the truth of that concern, this quantitative research was conducted. The research is aimed at measuring the relationship between the duration and variety of internet access with the achievements of hafidz Quran (memorizers). The data are obtained by survey, interviews, and documentation, then analyzed statistically, presented and interpreted descriptively. The results show that internet access’ duration, and its utilization, such as processes, contents, and social forms have significant and positive relationships towards the achievement of the hafidz. On the other hand, the internet use intended for fun or as an escape to release stress does not have a significant relationship with the performance of the hafidz. Keywords: internet access; internet usage; Quran memorization

2020 ◽  
pp. 004912412091494
Annette Lareau ◽  
Aliya Hamid Rao

There is a dearth of methodological guidance on how to conduct participant observation in private spaces such as family homes. Yet, participant observations can provide deep and valuable data about family processes. This article draws on two ethnographic studies of family life in which researchers conduct in-depth interviews, recruit families, and ultimately enter the family as a quasi-stranger for daily observations lasting a fixed period (e.g., three weeks). We term this approach “intensive family observations.” Here, we provide concrete methodological advice for this method, beginning with guidelines for recruitment and gaining consent. We also discuss logistics of conducting family observation (e.g., scheduling, spatial positionality in the home, role in the field, among other issues). We elaborate on the key challenges, specifically issues of intrusion, power, and positionality. Last, we reflect on how this method provides opportunities for accurately capturing deeply intimate moments as well as unexpected insights.

Africa ◽  
1932 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-60 ◽  
H. M. T. Kayamba

The family life of an African is primarily based on polygamy and patriarchy. Each family has its own village and the head of the family is elder of the village. As soon as a youth gets married and has children he thinks of establishing his own village in order to obtain sufficient land for cultivation for himself and his children. This is the start of a native village. He calls the village by some name which comes to his fancy. Probably after a few months few people join him at the newly established village; thus the village grows and the founder is called the elder of the village. The next thought of the African after he has acquired a little wealth is to increase the number of his wives to the number that his wealth can provide him. Very often he keeps them in different huts and at different villages which he calls Mtaa, meaning a quarter. He spends days and nights proportionately at each hut, usually three nights at each hut if they are in close proximity or seven days if they are far. He calls it Kugawa ngono, which means the distribution of conjugal rights. Each wife has her own farm which she cultivates with her children, her husband doing the heavy work. The husband has his own farm over which he has authority. Each wife harvests and keeps her own food in her granary in the hut. She has full control over her own food. She feeds and clothes her children from the proceeds of the sale of her crop; and feeds her husband with the same food when he stays with her. The crop from the husband's farm is stored in the senior wife's hut. The senior wife is the first wife in marriage. She keeps all the money of the husband and distributes food to the other wives from the husband's store when the other wives have run short of food.

Adeptus ◽  
2017 ◽  
Maria Woźniak

The media and other agents of socialization as youths’ sources of knowledge about sexualityThe discourse on sexual education expresses great diversity of norms, beliefs, and attitudes towards sex and is dominated by the voices of adults who belong to the political and symbolic elites (i.e., politicians, teachers, clergy). Thus, the opinions of young people, which often reflect authentic personal and generational needs, are too often ignored. What is more, research shows that parents often seem to avoid discussions regarding sexuality with their children, ceding the responsibility to educate young people on the school. However, evaluations of how "introduction to family life" curriculum is implemented suggest that it is often conducted on an unsatisfactory level. Consequently, young people are forced to acquire and verify information about sexuality on their own. Based on individual in‑depth interviews this analysis refers to chosen sources from which young people obtain knowledge about sexuality. The article focuses on one of such sources: the media (including the Internet). It aims also to discuss young people's ambivalence towards self-acquired knowledge about sexuality. Rola mediów i innych agend socjalizacji jako źródła wiedzy młodzieży o seksualnościDyskusja dotycząca edukacji seksualnej wyraża olbrzymią różnorodność norm, wierzeń oraz postaw wobec seksu i zdominowana jest przez głosy osób dorosłych należących do elit politycznych i symbolicznych (np. polityków, nauczycieli, duchownych). Opinie młodych ludzi, które nierzadko są odzwierciedleniem ich osobistych i pokoleniowych potrzeb, są natomiast nader często ignorowane. Co więcej, badania pokazują, że rodzice raczej unikają rozmów ze swoimi dziećmi na temat szeroko pojętej seksualności, cedując pośrednio obowiązek edukowania młodych ludzi w tym zakresie na szkołę. Ewaluacje realizacji „wychowania do życia w rodzinie” sugerują jednak, że jej poziom jest niesatysfakcjonujący. Wobec powyższego młodzi ludzie nie tylko zmuszeni są sami zdobywać informacje na ten temat, ale także je selekcjonować i weryfikować. Oparta na indywidualnych wywiadach pogłębionych analiza wskazuje wybrane źródła, z jakich młodzi ludzie czerpią wiedzę dotyczącą seksualności. Artykuł skupia się na jednym z tych źródeł: na mediach (w tym na internecie) i omawia ambiwalencję odczuwaną przez młodych ludzi w stosunku do samodzielnie uzyskiwanej wiedzy dotyczącej seksualności.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Rina Sari Kusuma

The usage of internet in higher education is increasing. This system is beingimplemented for efficiency and effectivity of communication and activity monitoring among the academicians. On the other hand, not all academicians have the exact same technology literacy. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta is one of top university in Indonesia that already use many internet based programmes in their academic and administration activities. The purpose of this research see how the role of gender and generation affect the internet usage of academicians in UMS. Internet usage pattern covers items such as knowledge and experience on the internet, purpose of using internet, and frequency of using e-mail. The result shows that generation become the main factor that influence the pattern and optimalization usage of the internet than the gender one. Academicians that belong to Generation Y or milineal is the generation that has the highest potential of maximalize the internet technology, especially for academic activity.

Renata Soares Martins ◽  
Suely Aparecida do Nascimento Mascarenhas ◽  
Gisele Cristina Resende

This article invites us to reflect on oversharenting and family life that, owing to the proliferation of communications technology and the internet, is intersected by digital cyberculture. The research was carried out on the social network, using the method of searching by hashtag. The results showed that during 2018 in two weeks, 20,781 posts were made using the hashtag “minidiva” and 1,679 with the hashtag “miniblogger”, from which three posts were collected each day. Netnography was used to analyze the images and categorize them: (1) oversharenting and family life, (2) social media and child consumption, (3) child adultization. It was concluded that online social networks (Instagram) are spaces where interpersonal relationships; it was seen that the act of consuming gained relevance in the family and that the child’s exposure occurs without awareness, which can cause a high degree of exposure and consequently have adverse effects for everyone.

Panggung ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
Vita Alfanikmah ◽  
Zulkarnain Mistortoify

ABSTRACTThis paper aims to find out the form of the tradition of tinilo pa’ita present at the ceremony commemoratingthe 40th day of someone’s death because currently the tradition of tinilo pa’ita is fairly difficult to find inits community. This study uses qualitative research methods using an ethnographic approach by Spradleyto understand a culture from the point of view of their owners of culture. Tinilo pa’ita is a tradition inthe form of chants. Tinilo Pa’ita is present in the tradition of wopato pulu huyi. This song containsan apology for the person who has died, advice to the family left behind to remain patient and sincere,advice to the other peolple who is left to always remember death and always carry out the religious ordersadopted by the community, namely Islam. In its implementation, tinilo pa’ita attended several stagesof the wopato pulu huyi ceremony. The presence of tinilo pa’ita in Gorontalo society can only be foundduring the wopato pulu huyi because, the community believes this song can only be sung when it is sideby side with the tomb that will be delivered to the tomb. Until now the tradition of tinilo pa’ita is stillbeing carried out even though it is only in certain areas.Keywords: Oral Tradition, Tinilo Pa’ita, Funeral ceremonyABSTRAKTulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk tradisi tinilo pa’ita yang hadir dalam upacaraperingatan hari ke 40 kematian seseorang sebab saat ini tradisi tinilo pa’ita terbilang cukupsulit untuk dijumpai dalam masyarakatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitiankualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnografi oleh Spradley untuk memahami sebuahkebudayaan dari sudut pandang mereka pemilik kebudayaan. Tinilo pa’ita merupakan sebuahtradisi yang berbentuk lantunan nyanyian. Tinilo Pa’ita hadir dalam tradisi wopato pulu huyi.Nyanyian ini berisi permohonan maaf atas orang yang telah meninggal, nasihat kepada keluargayang ditinggalkan agar tetap sabar dan ikhlas, nasehat kepada handaitaulan yang ditinggalkanuntuk selalu mengingat kematian dan senantiasa menjalankan perintah agama yang dianutoleh masyarakat yakni agama Islam. Dalam pelaksanaanya, tinilo pa’ita hadir dalam beberapatahapan pelaksanaan upacara wopato pulu huyi. Kehadiran tinilo pa’ita dalam masyarakatGorontalo hanya dapat dijumpai saat wopato pulu huyi sebab, masyarakat percaya nyanyianini hanya bisa dilantunkan pada saat berdampingan dengan nisan yang akan diantarkan kemakam. Hingga saat ini tradisi tinilo pa’ita masih terus dilaksanakan meskipun hanya padadaerah-daerah tertentu saja.Kata Kunci: Tradisi Lisan, Tinilo Pa’ita, Upacara Pemakaman


ABSTRACT Purpose: The study aimed to investigate the meanings attributed to work by people with acquired disabilities. Originality/value: The study unveils a new understanding of the meaning of work for people with acquired disabilities. Design/methodology/approach: There were conducted in-depth interviews with ten people with acquired disabilities and inserted in the labor market. Findings: The results of this analysis suggest that, for the interviewed group, the work shares its importance with other spheres of life, like the affective one and the family circle. Among the meanings discussed in the scholarly literature, such as pleasure in working and the work as a form of social interaction, there were also new specific meanings attributed by the group, related to the identity of the person with disability, like barriers overcoming, the combat against the stigma of incapacity and the positive impact generation. On the other hand, remuneration and career progression appear as a consequence of work, rather than a factor that brought meaning to their work activities. The findings of this study contributed to a better understanding of the different meanings attributed to work by people with an acquired disability. Among that, the results pointed to the existence of other meanings than the usually addressed in the scholarly literature of the theme, what reinforces the contribution of this article to the study of the meaning of work.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 131 ◽  
Reem Abuiyada ◽  
Salithamby Rauff ◽  
Adnan Eteiwi

<p>Oman has a society which is highly driven by religious and cultural values. Religion and culture have both been apparent sustenance to shape every area of Omanis’ daily life at individual, familial and societal levels. The instituting of modern technology, particularly the Internet, has a decisive impact on the traditional and structural nature of Omani’s family life. This study has examined such impact on families. This is an exploratory study employing quantitative data. Around 200 families from different parts of Dhofar, Oman (such as Salalah, Mirbath, Thamreet and Taqa) have been recruited by a purposive sampling, and their views and experiences on how their use of modern technology influences their life were collected. The findings suggested that the Internet use has produced a low husband-wife relationship in family life. Findings also suggest that there was a low relationship between siblings in a family. The Internet use had also effects on Omani families’ traditional culture and beliefs.</p>

2006 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-16
Vincentas Lamanauskas ◽  
Rytis Vilkonis

In the developing knowledge-based society information technologies play a particularly significant role. However, even the most advanced technologies will not give a necessary effect, if their usage (application) in the educational system is not adequate to the current development of technologies and increased educational needs. In the author’s opinion, our epoch is marked with global environmental crisis and the advent of information age. Extensive implementation of a range of information technologies into high and higher school curricula and the emphasis on environmental issues in education are two leading trends in contemporary education. We maintain that it would be optimal if the computer (especially using the Internet) is a natural teaching / learning aids like books and other sources of information. On the other hand, it is necessary to create conditions for teachers to raise qualification. This is emphasized by numerous researchers. It has to be stated that the Internet possibilities in the teaching process are insufficiently used. On the other hand, in principal there are no reliable studies, which would reveal the actual situation in this field. Therefore, the object of our study is the usage of the Internet for teaching physics. The main aim of the study is to analyse the situation of the usage of the Internet for teaching physics and highlight the hindering/encouraging factors of its usage in the teaching process. The most important study tasks have been formulated: • To analyse the situation of the usage of the Internet for teaching physics; • To identify the hindering/stimulating factors of Internet usage for teaching physics; • To highlight the experts’ opinion about the expected development perspectives of Internet usage for teaching physics in the nearest five years period. The study employed expert inquiry. The type of expert inquiry – “Delphi study”, containing several experts’ inquiries (stages). The data of every round are generalised and repeatedly submitted to the experts. Such procedure is repeated several times, most often 3-4 times. The study was carried out in September – December 2005. In the first stage of the study the experts replied to 5 essential questions. In the opinion of the majority of experts (62%) the usage of the Internet during the nearest five years will increase only insignificantly. 31% of experts maintain that the usage of the Internet will increase significantly and 7% think that it will not change at all. Having studied and generalised the first stage results, the new questionnaire for the second stage of the study was prepared. It was identified that the most important factors, hindering the Internet usage were as follows: poor computerisation of physics rooms and the shortage of the Internet access, poor school technical possibilities and poor funding, shortage of specialized Internet websites and of websites applied for teaching physics, poor knowledge of foreign languages, etc. The most important stimulating factors: the wish to interest pupils and search for more diverse teaching forms, the possibility to present the phenomena to the pupils that they find difficult to imagine, the diversification of the demonstration and laboratory teaching aids, etc. In the third stage of the study the experts had to assess the generalised second stage results. In many cases the experts approved the generalised assessment of the current situation; however, they noted that the situation in town schools and village schools differed. The experts clearly expressed their concern regarding the immoderate ICT usage in the teaching process and emphasized that the computer will never replace the teacher’s explanation and natural experiments with real physical bodies in the real environment. Some conclusions were indicated: • The Internet possibilities for teaching physics are not being fully used both for objective and subjective reasons. • It is expected that during the nearest five years the Internet usage will increase only insignificantly. • Higher effectiveness of ICT application for teaching physics can be achieved in the presence of continuous monitoring (how the situation changes, what influences it, etc.), on the other hand, the physics teachers need continuous methodical assistance, independent of their formal qualification. Effective ICT application for teaching physics is one of the composite parts of the competence of physics teachers. • Continuous studies and in-service training institutions should allocate more attention raising the qualification of physics teachers in this field. Key words: teaching physics, Internet usage, expert inquiry

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