scholarly journals Character Education and Development of Students' Intellectual Capital in Boarding School Student Al Furqon, Ponorogo

Katni Katni ◽  
Anip Saputro
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Putri Amilosa ◽  
Sumedi Sumedi

The background of this research is the education and development which show and develop about religious attitude as the bridge to internalize Islamic knowledge in the daily life. The character development is needed to every teacher for creating how Islamic education can be the base of life in daily activity.A boarding school with it's background and culture to be place which researcher try to know about their model of religious character for studen and implementation. This research is a qualitative field research by taking background of Muhamamdiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. This research is a character education approach. Subject of this research such as Directors, teachers, students of Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. The data collecting has done by conducting a sociological dan psychological approach.  Methods of thinking in the analysis of data research is inductive by collecting and combing special words into a unified information. The results show that the character building model used by Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta is by using pesantren system and the teaching of Islamic sciences which directly regulate the dynamics of santri to have good religious character such as being kind people, polite, responsible, and diligent to worship.

Aulia Wahyunisa

Islamic Education for Early Childhood should be based on the values of manners, characters or moral animated by the Al-Quran and Sunnah. Achieving manners, characters or the perfect moral are the real purpose of education. Additionally, manners, characters or morality is a basic foundation of one's life in society and the state. The purpose of this paper is to know more clearly what is Early Childhood Islamic Education (PIAUD), and how these concepts in disruption era. The conclusion is the Early Childhood Islamic Education will get more from a family environment, education as a preparation for the child to live in the larger environment, the people. The education should be given to early children is 1) Faith Education and Investment 2) Worship Education and Investment 3) Character Education and development. The Islamic concepts of early childhood education in the era of disruption must start from the family as the first education for children. And the things that must be waged to the families in order to instill the concept of Islamic education itself are: 1) Parents should understand their roles and responsibilities; 2) Family as the first education for children; 3) Commitment to being a good educator for children: 4) Modelling the Prophet as an example; 5) Choose a good school for the children; 6). Being a parent does not have to know everything. And all the concepts of Islamic education will be given to the children by doing the method of habituation, modelling, giving good advice, every attitudes should be punished or rewarded, ordering and prohibiting.

Fajar Defitrika ◽  
Fitri Nur Mahmudah

The industrial era 4.0 requires that every individual must have superior competence and wise morals. Life skill education is an effective strategy to face the XXI century competition. However, there has been no development in line with the demands, resulting in much unemployment in Indonesia. Character education is encouraged to maintain and strengthen the culture and character of the nation. However, in reality, character education has not yet integrated into all school-based development programs. This research explores the development of character education based on life skill education at Pondok Pesantren Modern Muhammadiyah Boarding School (PPM MBS) Yogyakarta. This qualitative research uses an ethnographic approach.  Researchers' data is through the interview, observation, and documentation techniques—data analysis process with data reduction stages, data presentation, and conclusion. Triangulation sources and techniques used as a test of data validity. This study's findings show the strengthening of character education through life skills education orienting on self-development and boarding schools' cultural development. This study's findings recommend various life skill education programs that can develop and character education strategies in formal schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Fadlil Yani Ainusyamsi

This study aims to internalize Sufism-based character education through the musicalization of Qasida Burdah. This research uses a social action method, self-reflection research conducted by researchers together with participants in social situations to improve, solve problems, empower, develop, or advocate for certain social communities. This research was conducted at Darussalam Islamic Boarding School in Ciamis-Indonesia for five months, starting from October 2019 to February 2020. The internalization of Sufism-based character education through Qasida Burdah was carried out through three stages of action. The first stage is 'deepening words' as a basic understanding to animate every poem text Qasida Burdah. The second stage is the 'deepening of meaning' as a step to instill substantial value from the poetry of Qasida Burdah. The final stage is to appreciate music as a preliminary reflection-praxis to the depth of the word and meaning of the poetry of Qasida Burdah. Through Qasida Burdah's musicalization, students (santri) become more religious, more disciplined, more respectful of others, more respectful of differences, more tolerant, not rude, arrogant, pretentious, and ignorant of others. This shows that Sufism-based character development can be done using a variety of media, including musical media.

Miftachul Huda ◽  
M.Ikhsan Nawawi ◽  
Liberty Liberty ◽  
Jarkawi Jarkawi ◽  
Azmil Hashim ◽  

This chapter attempts to accurately investigate the conception to take a benefit as an ethical foundation of character education, known as the concept of istifādah. This refers to the insightful value of al-Zarnūjī's Ta'lim al-Muta'allim, containing fundamental principles in the context of education, which has been used by the Islamic boarding school Pesantren in Indonesia. This research is employed through literature study using descriptive analysis. The findings reveal that there four core stages to examine istifādah for personal development in Islamic education context. Those are integrating Hikmah (wisdom) based moral quality for personal development, sustaining continuous discipline, nurturing effective time management, and empowering strategic effort with experiential foundations. Moreover, this study is supposed to give the contribution mainly in supplementing the theoretical basis on personality development in Islamic education context.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-216
Fifi Nofiaturrahmah

This article describes about the method of character education in pesantren. Character education in pesantren proved to be more effective than in schools or madrassas, because pesantren are able to develop students from various aspects, including intellectual ability, emotional and religious character formation, thus was born the output pesantren that have the knowledge and karimah morals or character. Success in shaping the character of boarding students because the student dormitory at boarding school education in guidance and supervision lodge chaplain, chaplain exemplary presence and authority as a religious leader in the school and the learning atmosphere at the school. In addition, the process of boarding school education place more emphasis on aqidah, worship and morals karimah with methods: exemplary, habituation, give advice, motivation, persuasion, story.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Zainun Wafiqatun Niam

Character building is an important step in the process of education, especially Islamic education. The occurrence of various forms of immoral behavior from the community, especially students is an increasingly problematic education today. Character building needs to be done early on to students, both within the family and educational institutions. This paper is intended to look at the process of character building in one of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah institutions in Yogyakarta that applies the Fullday school model with a boarding school education base. The formulation of the problem to be answered is about how the process of implementing the Fullday school system in fostering children's character and how to foster children's character with boarding-based values. The results of the study show that character building through the Fullday school program can run more effectively because the teacher's guidance to students is more intensive. In addition, the planting of the values of the pesantrenan can provide students with supplies, such as serving the parents, living a simple and thrifty life, discipline, and so on. Character education and coaching in MI Nurul Ummah is the parents' choice because education obtained by children outside the home can be guaranteed.

Conciencia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Ahmad Zainuri

Society (society) is a group of people who form a semi-closed (or semi-open) system, where most interactions are between individuals in the group. The variety of education received by students in this community is very much. These include the formation of habits, formation of knowledge, attitudes and interests, as well as moral and religious formation. Education in community education can be said to be indirect education, education carried out unconsciously by the community. And the students themselves consciously or not, they have educated themselves, strengthening their faith and self-confidence in the values ​​of morality and religion in society. That is, the community environment influences the development of students. The influence given by the environment is intentional and accidental. That is, the environment has no specific intentions in influencing the development of students. And the community environment is very influential for children's character development. If the child is in a good community environment, it will also have a good influence on the development of the child's character. Likewise, on the other hand a bad environment can also have a bad influence on children's character development. As parents, they must be smart and smart to choose a good environment for their children, because it will determine the child's character development. Character education as an effort to develop character is an effort made by the world of education to help students understand, care and act in accordance with ethical values. The purpose of character education is to form characters that are implemented in the subject's essential values ​​with the behaviors and attitudes they have. In this case the formation of character, there must be educational networks. Especially in information technology and telecommunications today, one of the factors that have a huge influence on development or vice versa is the destruction of the character of society or the nation is mass media, especially electronic media, with the main actors being television. Actually the magnitude of the role of the media, especially print and radio media, is in the development of national character. The mass media plays a dual role. On the one hand, playing public service advertisements or touching advertisements, on the other hand broadcasts programs/soap operas which actually show negative things, which ultimately are not shunned, instead imitated by the audience. The media must be controlled by the state. The state has an obligation to control all media activities, so that they are in accordance with the goals of the country itself. The legal instruments must be clear and fair. Indonesia itself has a Depkominfo, but only regulates frequency policies, broadcasting rights, and so on. More specifically, there is the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), which was formed more independently, but recognized by the government. KPI is expected to be able to filter media activities (especially television) to suit the country's goals, norms, culture, customs, and of course religion. However, until now, the KPI is considered to be still quite weak in acting (filtering), and so than that, it is very necessary (strength) of the participation of the community in controlling these media.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Misluhah Misluhah

The low quality of Indonesian education was also shown Data Research and Development (2003) in Panjaitan (2014) that of 146 052 elementary schools in Indonesia was only 8 schools who gained worldwide recognition in the category of The Primary Years Program (PYP). Of the 20,918 junior high schools in Indonesia, there are only 8 schools that received world recognition in the category of The Middle Years Program (MYP), and from 8,036 SMA, only 7 schools received world recognition under The Diploma Program (DP). The purpose of this research is to describe the role of Principals in the Integration Development of Culture and Moral character-based Noble Boarding School in Fresh Qulub MTs Miftahul Gondang Mojokerto, Based on the discussion can be summarized as follows: 1) The model of character education in adolescents aims to develop personality traits. Character education is done by acting speech directive (advice, orders, suggestions, etc.). Character education models in adolescents are integrated into various learning activities, school rules, and extracurricular activities or media posters attached to school walls. 2) The implementation of character education in MTs Miftahul Qulub Fresh Gondang Mojokerto maximum run boarding school because the curriculum is integrated with the school curriculum, in which the achievement of values ​​in schools is a prerequisite for the achievement of values ​​in schools. In addition, students in MTs Miftahul Qulub Fresh Gondang Mojokerto are students in boarding Miftahul Qulub Fresh Gondang Mojokerto, so the location is in one place, then facilitate monitoring and evaluation. 3) Implementation of character education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Miftahul Qulub Tawar Gondang Mojokerto can be grouped into three domains namely: (l) affective. character education planting resulted in a change of attitude, through habituation on an ongoing basis both in schools and at schools to make students have certain characters such as steadfastness, good morals, self, and others; (2) cognitive linking character education into subjects give students an understanding of the values ​​of character and the importance of character in everyday life, so as to stimulate awareness of the students to practice the values ​​of characters in everyday life; And (3) psychomotor: through the learning experiences that students receive both in the pesantren and at school, they have the most embodied abilities into behavioral forms in everyday life. This practice is a continuation of the affective and cognitive spheres in the form of behavioral trends. Behavior is influenced by his learning experience through habituation that form the character inherent in him

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-68
Aris Setiawan ◽  
Lailatuz Zahro

Abstrak: Pendidikan di pondok pesantren merupakan pendidikan berbasis agama, Pondok Pesantren Ngalah Purwosari Pasuruan merupakan Pesantren Berbasis Multikultural yang memiliki model pendidikan  yang sangat banyak, diantaranya model pendidikan karakter. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui implementasi pendidikan karakter dengan metode kualitatif,  menggunakan SEM dengan hasil bahwa Keterlibatan orangtua, dukungan teman sebaya, dan dukungan guru, baik secara simultan maupun parsial, berpengaruh positif terhadap religiusitas dalam model pendidikan karakter pada pesantren berbasis multikultural, ponpes Ngalah Purwosari, Kabupaten Pasuruan. Keterlibatan orangtua, dukungan teman sebaya, dukungan  guru, dan religiusitas secara simultan berpengaruh positif terhadap pendidikan karakter dalam model pendidikan karakter pada pesantren berbasis multikultural, ponpes  Ngalah  Purwosari,  Kabupaten  Pasuruan.  Akan  tetapi,  secara  parsial dukungan  guru  terbukti  tidak  berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap  pendidikan karakter.   Kata Kunci: Model Pendidikan Karakter, Pesantren, Multikultural.   Abstract: Education in Islamic boarding schools is a religion-based education, Pondok Pesantren Ngalah Purwosari Pasuruan is a Multicultural-Based Islamic Boarding School which has very many educational models, so is the character education model. The purpose of this study discusses how to create characters using qualitative methods, using SEM with the results of research on how to support, support peers, and support teachers, both simultaneously and partially, positively support religiosity in the character education model of the boarding school based on multiculturalism, Islamic Boarding Schools Ngalah Purwosari, Pasuruan Regency. On the basis of assistance, peer support, teacher support, and simultaneous support support positive character education in the character education model of a multicultural-based boarding school, Ngalah Purwosari Islamic Boarding School, Pasuruan Regency. However, the partial support of teachers proved to be not significant support for character education.   Keywords : Character Education Model, Islamic Boarding School, Multicultural

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