scholarly journals Experiential Communications Curriculum to Improve Resident Preparedness When Responding to Discriminatory Comments in the Workplace

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 306-310 ◽  
Christine March ◽  
Lorne W. Walker ◽  
Regina L. Toto ◽  
Sylvia Choi ◽  
Evelyn C. Reis ◽  

ABSTRACT Background  Patients and families can make discriminatory comments leading to physician distress. Residents receive little training in appropriate responses to such comments and may be ill equipped to respond to intolerance without alienating the individual(s) making the comments. Objective  We assessed whether a simulated curriculum would enhance pediatrics residents' ability to effectively respond to discriminatory comments. Methods  In the 2016–2017 academic year, we modified an existing communication skills curriculum for senior pediatrics residents. Residents engaged a simulated parent who used discriminatory speech in 4 scenarios, followed by a group debriefing. We conducted anonymous surveys to assess residents' preparedness to respond to these comments before and immediately following participation and examined their experience with discriminatory comments in the workplace. Results  The majority of residents reported prior experience with discriminatory comments (32 of 45 [71%] witnessed such comments, and 27 of 48 [56%] were targeted by such comments), most often regarding age, race, and ethnicity. Mean precourse scores ranged from 2.1 to 3.1 (on a 5-point scale) regarding ability to engage in a firm yet respectful dialogue, to reference the hospital code of conduct, to coach a learner to respond, and to facilitate a team debrief. Mean postcourse scores improved significantly for these questions (range 3.8–4.1). The greatest improvement was in referencing the code of conduct (2.1 versus 4.0, P < .001). Conclusions  Immediately after participating in simulation, pediatrics residents reported a significant improvement in self-reported readiness to respond to discriminatory comments made by a parent and reported the simulation experience was beneficial.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 74-85
Sandra M. Grether

Individuals with Rett syndrome (RS) present with a complex profile. They benefit from a multidisciplinary approach for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. In our clinic, the Communication Matrix © (Rowland, 1990/1996/2004) is used to collect data about the communication skills and modalities used by those with RS across the lifespan. Preliminary analysis of this data supports the expected changes in communication behaviors as the individual with RS ages and motor deficits have a greater impact.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-46
Stanislava Varadinova

The attention sustainability and its impact of social status in the class are current issues concerning the field of education are the reasons for delay in assimilating the learning material and early school dropout. Behind both of those problems stand psychological causes such as low attention sustainability, poor communication skills and lack of positive environment. The presented article aims to prove that sustainability of attention directly influences the social status of students in the class, and hence their overall development and the way they feel in the group. Making efforts to increase students’ attention sustainability could lead to an increase in the social status of the student and hence the creation of a favorable and positive environment for the overall development of the individual.

Relay Journal ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 319-322
Gamze Güven-Yalçın ◽  
Stephanie Lea Howard ◽  
Hatice Karaaslan

In the Reflective Practice column of the third issue of the Relay Journal, Yamamoto (2019) remarked on the importance of creating a platform for advisors to voice their views, feelings, and experiences, and suggested a need for more reflective narratives to be posted from different social, historical, and cultural contexts in order to provide an intimate view inside advising sessions, thereby offering a better understanding of said advising practices. The aim was to create a forum where advisors could learn from each other, and ultimately, everyone could mutually benefit from the experiences shared. To further this innovative research into Advising in Language Learning (ALL), the initial experiment by language advsiors at Kanda has been replicated in a different setting with four learning advisors from Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Turkey. The design used by the advisors at Kanda, a narrative style adopted while telling the stories, has been expanded to include a visual message board to which 20 learning advisors have contributed with their short reflective captions on their advisor selves. Additionally, the theme used by the advisors at Kanda, “the most memorable advising experience of this academic year” has been altered in our case to avoid repetition and to allow reflection on different aspects of the advising experiences. Thus, our narratives and the visual message board will examine two different themes: (1) How has advising affected you? (2) How do you define yourself as an advisor? Four narratives have elaborated on the first theme of the influence of advising knowledge and practice on the individual advisors, and the visual message board includes 20 images with reflective captions on the second theme of defining advisor identities.

1986 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 599-616
Malcolm D. Arnoult ◽  
Lynne G. Gillfillan ◽  
James W. Voorhees

College students were exposed by means of headphones to two kinds of aircraft noise (helicopter and jet) at three levels of loudness (60, 70, and 80 dB) while engaging in two tests of intelligibility and 12 cognitive tasks. In addition, the annoyingness of the noise was rated on a seven-point scale for each source/loudness combination in each task. Individual-differences measures (embedded figures, locus-of-control, and test anxiety) were also obtained. No performance difference related to noise was obtained in any of the cognitive tasks, and using the individual-difference measures as co-variates made no difference. In a second experiment a limited set of five modified cognitive tasks was used, again without producing any significant results. Finally, a third experiment utilized four cognitive tasks, a perceptual-motor task (Rotary Tracking) and intermittent rather than continuous noise, and yielded the same results. It was concluded that the failure to find performance differences on the cognitive tasks was probably due to the fact that concern for the welfare of the subjects limited the stimuli to loudness levels that were too low to be effective.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Agnes Siwi Purwaning Tyas ◽  
Ahmad Muam ◽  
Yohana Ika Harnita Sari ◽  
Cisya Dewantara

The research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using blended-learning instruction in improving students’ communication skills at Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada. They were required to take the Test of English for Vocational Students (TEVOCS) and it indicated that there was a gap between listening and speaking ability as presented in the test scores. To support the improvement of both skills, blended-learning instruction was designed and carried out in the forms of online listening activities via Online Listening for Individual Practice (OLIVE) website and offline meeting for speaking activities. The research used experimental research, which referred to the results of pre-test and post-test scores of the group. The participants of the research were 275 students from three departments of Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada; Language, Arts, and Cultural Management department; Engineering department; as well as Economic and Business department academic year 2019/2020. The pre-test and post-test scores show improvement in students’ performance in both skills. The result of the t-test also shows that there is significant improvement after the application of blended-learning instruction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 17
Sangram Keshari Mallik ◽  
Dr. Braja Kishore Sahoo

Wonder that is India. India is wonderful because of its abundant and affluent cultural heritage. The cultural heritage of India is prudential of its spiritual richness and classical creativity. Vedic literature is the most wonderful and unparallel literary creation of Ancient India. Vedic literature has made this country worthy of worship. Vedas are without beginning and without end. Veda is author-less. It is Apauruseya. They are considered to be the direct word of the Divine.  Vedic knowledge appeared in the dawn of the cosmos within the heart of Brahma. Brahma imparted this knowledge in the form of sound (Sabda) to his sons who are great sages. They transmitted the Vedic sound heard from Brahma to their disciples all over universe. There are four Vedas. They are the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda.  Four Vedas contain four types of texts such as The Samhitas, The Arankayas, The Brahmanas and The Upanishads. Veda is accepted as a code of conduct to Sanatan Dharma. The teaching of Veda is the concept that the individual is not an independent entity, but, rather, a part of the Universal Consciousness.  Upanishads is the manifestation of Vedantic thought. Sada Darshan (Six Systems of Vedanta) is a very important part of Vedic philosophy.  Swami Nigamananda a great Master of Vedic Literature achieved Nirbikalpa Sidhi of Vedanta in the year 1904.  The philosophy of Vedanta is reflected in the creation of Swami Nigamananda. In his writings (Yogi Guru, Jnani Guru, Tantrik Guru, Premik Guru, Brahmacharya Sadhana and Vedanta Viveka) he has explained the main scriptures of Vedas such as The Upanishads, The Bramha Sutras and The Bhagavad Gita. His philosophy teaches us to love and live in a state of eternal freedom. The Philosophy of Swami Nigamananda is a synthesis of Sankar and Gouranga i.e. knowledge and love. Knowledge envisages the path of analysis and Love, the path of synthesis. In this way Nigamananda convincingly reconciled the two apparently contradictory creeds of Adi Shankaracharya and Gauranga Mohapravu. “He advised his disciples to combine Shankara’s view and Gournaga’s way and walk on this path of synthesis. In fact attainment of Jnana through Bhakti is the nucleus of his philosophy. Through his teachings and works, he proclaimed to the world the fundamental harmony of all religions that there are many paths which lead to the same goal”.

Ismail Hasanein Ahmed Mohammad

ملخص البحث: يعتبر الاتصال الشفوي (الكلام) الوسيلة الفاعلة في بلورة الفكرة الكامنة لدى الفرد، وإخراجها بصورة صوتية تمثل تلك الفكرة تمثيلاً واضحاً، وإيصالها إلى الطرف الآخر –المستمع-دون لبس أو غموض، ويرى الباحث أن الطلبة غير العرب عند التّحدث باللغة العربية يتعثرون على الرغم من تخصصهم في تعلُّمِها بوصفها لغة ثانية. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة أسباب إحجام الطلبة عن التحدث باللغة العربية، ومن ثَمَّ إبراز بعض الاستراتيجيات التي استخدمها الباحث في تعليم مهارة الاتصال الشفوي لطلبة بكالوريوس التربية، تخصص تعليم لغة عربية بوصفها لغة ثانية على مدى الخمس السنوات الماضية بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا. توصلت الدراسة إلى أن تعليم وتعلم اللغة العربية خارج موطنها يعتريه كثير من العقبات تتمثل في البيئة المحيطة بالدارس، والمناهج والمقررات، والوسائل المعينة اللازمة، وينبغي أن يخصص وقت لممارسة الكلام باللغة العربية داخل الصفوف الدراسية، وإتاحة الفرصة لكل طالب أو طالبة في التعبير الشفوي، مع التشجيع الكامل من المعلم، ويتم تصحيح الخطأ بطريقة محفزة، وترصد لهم مكافآت ولو رمزية، تعزيزاً لدفعهم للكلام، وكسر حاجز الخوف والخجل، وإكسابهم الجسارة والجرأة والثقة. على أن يكون الوقت المخصص للكلام إلزاميا لجميع الطلبة دارسي اللغة العربية، ولكل المقررات المتعلقة باللغة. الكلمات المفتاحية: إحجام الطلبة - التخصص – اللغة الثانية- الاتصال الشفوي - الاستراتيجيات. Abstract: The oral communication (speech) is the effective method in developing the idea of the individual and to present it in clear representation and delivery to the other party — the listener-unambiguously. Since the oral communication is one of major concern of the target language, the teaching and learning requires using a variety of strategies to achieve the goal of language learning. The focus of this paper is the oral communication difficulties faced by non-Arab speaking students despite their specialization in learning Arabic as a second language. Therefore this paper aims to find out reasons why students con not communicate well in Arabic Language, and highlight some of the strategies used by the researcher in the teaching of oral communication skills for the Bachelor of education students, specializing in teaching Arabic as a second Language over the past five years in the International Islamic University-Malaysia, where the strategies used  had great impact in breaking the barrier of shyness of speaking in Arabic, and improved their performance in oral expression in multiple areas. From these strategies; the use of multimedia presentation, questions and answers, the excitement by viewing the strange or fantastic scenes that evoke the students to express them orally, and movements, representation, simulation and other strategies that draw the attention of students and encourages them to speak. As well as the cooperation and interaction between teacher and students and among the students themselves. The descriptive methodology will be applied in this paper to explore the teaching strategies implemented by the researcher in teaching oral communication skill, which shown great impact on students achievements.    Key Words: Motivating student – Major – Second language – Oral communication – strategies.   Abstrak: Pertuturan lisan ialah satu cara berkesan dalam mengembang idea seseorang itu untuk menjelaskan maksud kepada pihak kedua tanpa kesamaran. Memandangkan pertuturan lisan adalah satu aspek fokus bahasa yang dipelajari, pembeljaran dan pengajarannya memerlukan beberapa strategi untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran bahasa. Tumpuan kertas ini ialah terhadap permasalahan komunikasi yang dialami oleh pelajar bukan Arab walaupun mereka adalah pelajar pengkhususan Bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa kedua. Perbincangan tertumpuuntuk mencari sebab kelemahan pertuturan komunikasi lisan para pelajar dalam bahasa Arab dan beberapa strategi yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam mengajar kemahiran pertuturan lisan bahasa Arab untuk pelajar Sarjana Muda Bahasa Arab Pendidikan daripada lebih lima tahun pengalaman beliau di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia. Startegi tersebut dilihat dapat memberi kesan dalam memecah kebuntuan sikap malu para pelajar bertutur dalam bahasa Arab dan meningkatkan penguasaan mereka dalam pelbagai bidang. Di antara strategi ini ialah: penggunaan multi-media, soal jawab, rasa kagum apabila diperlihatkan gambar yang pelik dan menarik menjadikanpelajar ingin menyatakan pendapat mereka secara lisan. Strategi lain juga termasuk: pergerakan, penampilan, simulasi dan pelbagai strategi yang menggalakkan pelajar bertutur serta sikap saling membantu dan interaksi di antara pensyarah dan pelajar. Kertas ini menggunakan metod deskriptif.   Kata kunci: Menggalakkan pelajar – pengkhususan – bahasa kedua – petuturan lisan – strategi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 58-70
Sajlaa Faiq Hashem ◽  
Kalthoom Abd Aon Radam

Lying is considered a dangerous tendency among children if it has become a habit. It results in many social problems, such as child’s loss of confidence, lack of others’ respect to him, and his lack of respect to the desired values ​​of the society, such as honesty and trust. Consequently, he will be led to a deviation when he becomes old; especially if the child’s socially unaccepted behavior has not been directed. The research, thus, aims to examine the causes of lying in the most important stage of children’s life; that is, between (4-6) years. Such an aim helps to know about the individual reasons of lying among males and females from teachers’ perspectives. To meet the objective of the study, a number of (128) children has been randomly selected from the children of the Kindergarten Department during the academic year 2019-2020, together with (28) she-teachers. In addition, a questionnaire has been designed for the purpose of discovering the reasons behind a child’s lying in the Kindergarten. The researchers have used many statistical means, such as: T-test for one sample and T-test for two independent samples, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Kay square to find the difference between home and kindergarten regarding reasons of lying. Results have shown that the fe(male) children in the kindergarten live in a social environment that lacks honesty; especially the case with male children. Moreover, female kindergarten children enjoy a wide imagination; which is characterized by being exaggerating, abundance,, creativity, and lack of adherence to concrete reality. The reasons to lie for kindergarten male children are higher than that of female’. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 248-265
Tarik Uzun ◽  
Gamze Guven-Yalcin

The global pandemic forced educational institutions worldwide to adapt to a new, fully online concept of education and a rapid digitalization to keep providing their services to learners. This paper reports on the digitalization process of the Independent Learning Center (ILC) and the Learning Advisory Program (LAP) unit at Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University (AYBU), Turkey. The interrelated digitalization stories of the two units include the provision of learning resources and activities to learners with digital tools and their responses to the new format. Despite the challenges involved, the ILC has offered a considerably higher number of extracurricular activities than in face-to-face education days and reached a higher number of learners in the 2020-2021 academic year. As for the LAP, the participants’ reflections showed how opportunities for offering engaging activities in the LAP created a cascading impact of affordances for both the individual learners and the members of the larger community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. ii1-ii4
A Pedersen ◽  
M Greenhalgh ◽  
M Tan ◽  
R Terry ◽  
C Royle ◽  

Abstract Introduction In the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was recognised there would be an increased demand on clinicians to provide patients and relatives with bad news. The national ban on hospital visiting rapidly changed the way in which this news would be delivered. In recognition of these new challenges, our team sought to design a teaching course that could be implemented quickly and cost effectively, with the aim of improving clinician’s confidence around these difficult skills. Methods A teaching programme was created using senior geriatric and palliative care clinicians as simulated patients, open to any grade and speciality. Learners were required to break bad news (BBN) without any visual feedback, to simulate skills required when using the telephone. Surveys were collected to determine self–assessed confidence across four domains (Table 1) before, immediately after and 4–20 weeks after the course. Participants were asked to rank their confidence for each skill on a 5 point scale with 1 being very unsure and 5 being very confident. Results Pre-teaching scores showed an average of 3 (neither confident nor unsure) across all domains. After the course all domains improved, most notably around discussing end of life (EoL) care and discussing information over the phone. Conclusion This project has highlighted a lack of confidence across all skill levels when it comes to BBN. This confidence is easily improved by a short, cost-effective teaching course. It remains to be seen if this improved confidence translates to better communication with relatives.

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